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Remove Healing Boost from expertise.


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Damage boost and damage reduction together with healing boost and Heavy Armor/defense Buffs makes most smart well geared Comm/BH healers impossible to kill one on one. The healing boost on expertise stat is not needed and only contributes to making heavy armor healers OP. I know that healing classes are getting some love 1.2 and that makes me even more concerned that they are going to be OP in rated play. Edited by Dozer
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Damage boost and damage reduction together with healing boost and Heavy Armor/defense Buffs makes most smart well geared Comm/BH healers impossible to kill one on one. The healing boost on expertise stat is not needed and only contributes to making heavy armor healers OP. I know that healing classes are getting some love 1.2 and that makes me even more concerned that there are going to be OP in rated play.


1v1 blah blah blah. It's an 8 player game and the game will NEVER be balanced around 1v1.

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There is a certain BH healer on Rwookrrorro that can't die with three or four people pounding on him until he has blown all his CD's. This ussually gives him a good 30-45 seconds of "god" time to run with the ball in huttball or keep the runner alive. Its complete crap.
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If changes are made so healers can be occupied and killed by 1v1 in warzones that would be a bad move. The idea and frustration of players that cant kill a healer in 15 seconds in 1 v1 situation in the middle of an 8 v 8 objective game is just silly.


Damage classes need to understand , occupy the healer, make 50% of his heals go to himself instead of someone on the team, you are doing your job.

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If changes are made so healers can be occupied and killed by 1v1 in warzones that would be a bad move. The idea and frustration of players that cant kill a healer in 15 seconds in 1 v1 situation in the middle of an 8 v 8 objective game is just silly.


Damage classes need to understand , occupy the healer, make 50% of his heals go to himself instead of someone on the team, you are doing your job.


This ^


As a commando healer if I have a Mara on me I'm as good as useless to the rest of my team. I have keep myself alive (unless the Mara is Biochem + exp buff) but the only heal my 7 team-mates get is garbage heals from Kolto.


The counter to a BH/COmmando is to spread damage around to as many people as you can. We only have single target heals and keeping more than yourself + 1 other alive is next to impossible against a coordinated attack.

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1v1 blah blah blah. It's an 8 player game and the game will NEVER be balanced around 1v1.


this. balancing for 1v1 while balancing for group pvp is IMPOSSIBLE.


If changes are made so healers can be occupied and killed by 1v1 in warzones that would be a bad move. The idea and frustration of players that cant kill a healer in 15 seconds in 1 v1 situation in the middle of an 8 v 8 objective game is just silly.


Damage classes need to understand , occupy the healer, make 50% of his heals go to himself instead of someone on the team, you are doing your job.


and this. As a sorc healer (squishier then a merc) most of the time I don't even bother fighting back against a good DPSer in melee range. It's not worth the time and effort to survive (much less risk losing) when it'c COMPLETELY counterproductive to winning the warzone.

Edited by islander
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Damage boost and damage reduction together with healing boost and Heavy Armor/defense Buffs makes most smart well geared Comm/BH healers impossible to kill one on one. The healing boost on expertise stat is not needed and only contributes to making heavy armor healers OP. I know that healing classes are getting some love 1.2 and that makes me even more concerned that they are going to be OP in rated play.



Sure, I'm ok with that...just as soon as my bonus healing scales the same as your bonus DPS from our primary stat.

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There is a certain BH healer on Rwookrrorro that can't die with three or four people pounding on him until he has blown all his CD's. This ussually gives him a good 30-45 seconds of "god" time to run with the ball in huttball or keep the runner alive. Its complete crap.


Just because 3-4 bads cannot kill a healer, does not mean the change you want will happen. And yes, bads.

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Damage boost and damage reduction together with healing boost and Heavy Armor/defense Buffs makes most smart well geared Comm/BH healers impossible to kill one on one. The healing boost on expertise stat is not needed and only contributes to making heavy armor healers OP. I know that healing classes are getting some love 1.2 and that makes me even more concerned that they are going to be OP in rated play.


Tell that to the Operative who ganked me in 5 seconds flat each time, 5 times in a row last night. I didnt even bring him below 90%

Commando healer, 520 expertise.

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Just because 3-4 bads cannot kill a healer, does not mean the change you want will happen. And yes, bads.


Yes, definitely bad if they don't know their 2-3 interrupts PER player that should allow them to cut down ANY healer within 15 seconds.

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Tell that to the Operative who ganked me in 5 seconds flat each time, 5 times in a row last night. I didnt even bring him below 90%

Commando healer, 520 expertise.


That's someone who's very good though. I occasionally run into those. If I tried I could make him work harder at it, but per my previous post/view, it's just not worth it in the macro scheme - unless you have others healing or assisting you.

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So you have a 'problem' with one type of Healer so your solution is a across the boad nerf to all healing?


Tell you what, YOU go roll up a Healer, get to 50 and then start pvp'ing. Once you've hit Valor Rank 50, come back and tell us all how Frustrating and utterly hair-pulling, curse-yelling, want to break the keyboard over the cat frustrating Healing is.

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Tell that to the Operative who ganked me in 5 seconds flat each time, 5 times in a row last night. I didnt even bring him below 90%

Commando healer, 520 expertise.


inorite? LOL buff operatives!


An operative with half a brain and semi decent gear, owns any healer ... problem is, 90% of operatives don't fit that bill.


Soooo... buff operatives more please!

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Most healers cant 1v1 someone and win, unless winning means we bore someone to death and they move on. I do understand the overpowered Commando healing is crazy. I am a sage btw, not commando. I group with a Commando regularly who just cant die with many beating on him. Watched him go halfway across a huttball map with 5 on him. Problem with them is there arent so many heals that can be interrupted. It wouldnt be good to nerf all healers because the pro commandos become godlike. Healers already get a 30% pvp nerf for healing done. Our heals dont scale like damage does with stats. Finally, as for other non commando healers, focus them and lock them up at the right times and killing healers isnt that hard. Dont forget this isnt 1v1 arena, its 8v8 pvp.
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If everyone could kill a healer 1v1 there would be no point to playing a healer. It is pretty frustrating for dps though. If a player is following me around a WZ sometimes I'll just stop moving and heal myself until they realize they just aren't going to kill me. Ever. If they're really bad I'll jump around in front of them. At that point they usually move on for the rest of the match. I WIN! Edited by Mrip
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If everyone could kill a healer 1v1 there would be no point to playing a healer. It is pretty frustrating for dps though. If a player is following me around a WZ sometimes I'll just stop moving and heal myself until they realize they just aren't going to kill me. Ever. If they're really bad I'll jump around in front of them. At that point they usually move on. I WIN!


But that's what skills like guard are for, what your static bubble is for, and the reason why hopefully your team is sticking near you to get heals and to keep people off of you. Think about what it does to team balance to have the most useful member of the team, the healer, NOT be one of the squishiest on the field.

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I can tell u as a full bm, rank 72, Assault spec'd merc that I cannot kill a good Centurion level or better healing merc unless I get lucky with CC timing.


Well, there ya have it folks. I declare this thread solved as in favor of the OP, and hereby claim its contents in the name of the Sith. Long live the Empire!

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