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16 bags in 5 days...


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I totally agree with this.


I have been lucky however my friend has been playing for about a month getting BM bags and in that same time i have received 12 tokens and he has been given 4.


Clearly this is broken and you can understand why people would be over it. It kills the game for them since people work hard and get ZERO but beyond ZERO like really really bad drop rate it pretty pathetic.


Would be nice if they fixed this since EVENTUALLY people will get over it and just not want to play as the rewards are just not happening.

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Has anyone noticed an increase in BM tokens dropping this week I have had one in every bag so far. Could be a run of good luck (though pointless since have 2 sets of gear so Blizz got an upgrade). Wouldn't surprise me if the upped the drop-rate before 1.2.



Damn this gets my goat! I'm 2-23 for BM bags. 8%. I'm valor 66.5 and have only one BM piece (aside from the implants and earpiece that you can buy). It's kind of unfair LOL!

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I opened 26 champion bags before I got my first Champion token, for an implant. The champion bag /token ratio is bad but it doesn't matter to me. At 7 champion tokens per bag, with the increased valor I'll probably just be completing my champion set by the time I can open the BM bags.

The hardest part is trying to compete against the full battlemaster geared players. It's too bad gear matters more in this game than skill, but that's a different thread.

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you need to understand that the battlemaster token is the only way right now of getting the battlemaster gear


the chance of that token is 25%



but in your champion bags you get champion commendations and only rarely you get champion token (for a specific piece).


that champion token is only a bonus, your main way of getting champion gear is via the champion commendations


and yes, the champion tokens dropped like rain some time ago, but it was not on purpose


Yeah I opened 51 champ bags before I got a token last night since the updated. On my other toon before the update I got 7 tokens in about the same amount of bags.


Doesn't really bother me asI have been able to buy almost a full champ set so far minus the lightsaber. Now if this is the battlemaster goes, I might snap.

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8 days so 8*2 + 3 * 2 (and let's be optimistic so you got the other week's weekly too and add another 3*2) = 28


71.5 - 28 = 43.5


in 8 days you got 8600 mercenary commendations and 8600 warzone commendations (or to make it simplier: 25800 warzone commendations)




doable? seems so; reasonable? hell no.



The problem with your math is it assumes you can finish your daily every day. I'm going on 3 days now (Rep side, The Harbinger) with only 1 wz win. Yea, I don't PvP 10 hours a day, but I do at least 8-10 wzs a day when I'm on, so the win/loss ratio is horrible. Full cent, a couple of champ pieces (implants, maybe earpiece and belt -- can't remember off the top of my head) and I've been 50 for close to a month now, 45 valor, and PvP pretty much every day. I see a lot of other folks in the wzs in the same boat on the Rep side. So yea, it's a long slough even to full champ gear on some servers.

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My god are they serious ? I work so hard for getting things legit way and all I ever get is punnishment of some sort.


Now 16 bags of champ bag in 5 day and nothing even one token. Its kinda piss me off to read other people get like 3 battlemaster com in a row and I want to cry. I sure can buy pvp gear like i used to do on centurian but stupid stupid stupid Champion gear is so blatant expensivt all i brought so far was a pistol, some centurian stuff some champ implants and earpiece(bracer, belt) mind you i'm lvl 40 valor.


Why Bioware why ?


dude... you're actually complaining about how long it takes to gear up to full champion gear??!?!?! why does it have to be so fast? 2 weeks a is pretty reasonable amount of time to get tier 2 PvP gear.


everyone wants to complain about how the gear grind is so bad, when in fact it is super easy and just takes time and some skill.

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I'm dont mean getting Tokens for every bag, but 16 and not single one ?


if I got one i wouldnt be here and whine


You are opening CHAMPION bags, not BATTLEMASTER bags. The drop rate for CHAMPION tokens in CHAMPION bags is very very very very very very very very low. If you opened 100 CHAMPION bags and got 5 CHAMPION tokens you would have something to brag about. The maximum number of BATTLEMASTER tokes you will get before you reach valor level 60 is 0. As you stated in your original post, you are valor level 40. You have nothing to complain about at this point because CHAMPION bags almost never drop item tokens.


When you reach valor 60 and open 16 BATTLEMASTER bags and get no tokens, then you have a legitimate complaint. Although around 1% of players will still end up with exactly that, so even then it is not proof that something is wrong with the RNG, only that you have bad luck.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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really? main+off weapons and 5 pieces of gear is around 500 champion commendations


500/7 = 71.5 bags


8 days so 8*2 + 3 * 2 (and let's be optimistic so you got the other week's weekly too and add another 3*2) = 28


71.5 - 28 = 43.5


in 8 days you got 8600 mercenary commendations and 8600 warzone commendations (or to make it simplier: 25800 warzone commendations)


let's be very generous and assume that you got 150 wc every wz, that makes 25800/150 = 172 played warzones in that 8 days.


172*15/60/8 = 5.3


so, you spent at least 5.3 hours every day in warzones (and remember i was very generous with the commendations that you got from those warzones) - that's with insta queues popping for you.


doable? seems so; reasonable? hell no.


(and yes, i know you did get a chest piece, but you did not get implants nor earpiece, and no belt/waist either)


Your math doesn't seem to factor in the 15 centurion commedations you get in each bag, meaning your post is inaccurate. Understand what progression is? Understand that you start at the lower tier of gear and work your way to the next? In very little time you'll have a good amount of centurion pieces, with a couple champion pieces as well, as it should be. You don't skip to hardmode ops without gearing yourself in tionese and then columi gear, same thing with PvP gear.

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