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Why does the ship leave the planet when I enter it?


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I'd like to know the reasoning behind making the ship leave whatever place you are at as soon as you enter it. I find it illogical and de-immersive. If I need to go there for any reason I apparently take off, leave the planet, fly into orbit, and then return to the planet, dock, and exit when I leave.


There doesn't seem to be any gameplay reason to force this. Why not hold any leave/enter cutscene until I actually choose it. Block off the front window view with shutters if that is the issue - makes sense when docked anyway.


The space side of this game has a lot of potential and I love the ships. This one illogicality is breaking it for me.

Edited by kmontyw
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I would rather it do it that way than having to go into the ship, then click on some interface to say take off, then chose a new destination. It doesn't hurt to have it take off every time.


You do that already, that's why it's confusing. If you want to go anywhere you choose a location via the galaxy map. Just make the ship "take" off once you've chosen this new location. As it is now, there are two instances of "taking off" - one when you enter the ship (illogically), and another when you choose a new location on the galaxy map.

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You do that already, that's why it's confusing. If you want to go anywhere you choose a location via the galaxy map. Just make the ship "take" off once you've chose this new location. As it is now, there are two instances of "taking off" - one when you enter the ship (illogically), and another when you choose a new location on the galaxy map.



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I would rather it do it that way than having to go into the ship, then click on some interface to say take off, then chose a new destination. It doesn't hurt to have it take off every time.


It actually wouldn't involve that.


Situation A)

Enter Ship. Do Stuff. Leave. No cutscenes needed.


Situation B)

Enter Ship. Select Destination. Ship takes off and flies to destination (cutscene).


The only thing removing auto take off does is remove un-needed cutscenes if you aren't planning on leaving the planet.

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I think as legacy rewards start coming in, this will be more and more of an issue. You will be going to you ship not to travel, but to go to your target dummy or craft/check mail/use gtn. The last thing you want is your ship to be taking off when your not planning to go anywhere. It's annoying and makes you feel like you don't have control of your own ship.
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This is one of my biggest pet peeves in the game. I wish I could choose when my ship takes off.


Yes exactly! As it is now it feels fake, and arcadey. Just this one little change would bring back a lot of immersion. Control in things like this is everything. I believe it's a piece of design worth revisiting, and that the game would get enough "bang for buck" from it to justify any production costs.

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odds are that the load screen of the ship launching is just a cover for a switch of zone load screen . . .


I thought that too, but you can still spacebar out of it, and they have a load screen system that works fine. I honestly can't understand why they have done it (except for the view out the front window which I appreciate is an issue, but is solved by shuttering all ship windows when docked - that is a better option than forcing the ship to leave when you enter it).

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Yes exactly! As it is now it feels fake, and arcadey. Just this one little change would bring back a lot of immersion. Control in things like this is everything. I believe it's a piece of design worth revisiting, and that the game would get enough "bang for buck" from it to justify any production costs.


Especially when it shows you taking off and then it shows you asking for permission to depart like it does when you first get your ship.


Also, when you use your comms after jumping to a planet and you haven't landed yet... "Ahh, I see you have landed on planet X".

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Since the hangars are already instanced, I wish you could walk up the ramp into your open ship rather than loading into your ship and then take off from there.


That would be hawt.


That's the ideal, and I wonder why they didn't do it - unless they have burned their render budget on each as a separate location (which is possible though unlikely considering the size of other locations).

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Ships are instanced separately to planets, which is why unlike most on planet instances you require an actual loading screen to enter. Cutting the animation (which fairly sure is space bar through anyway) isn't going to cut this down any.



If this ever changes it will be with this secret space project.

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Since the hangars are already instanced, I wish you could walk up the ramp into your open ship rather than loading into your ship and then take off from there.


That would be hawt.


Its a different kind of instance. With the exception of flashpoints operations and war zones, true instances are very rare.


Think about it how many times do you get a proper loading screen on a planet if you don't fast travel. I can't remember any really apart from loading the planet. Lifts are just a fade to black, class and group areas not even that.


The ships a different zone entirely, hence the need for a load screen.


The alternitive many here seem to be suggesting seems even less immersive as it appears that my ship never is just in space, its only a cut scene travel or on the ground.

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The alternitive many here seem to be suggesting seems even less immersive as it appears that my ship never is just in space, its only a cut scene travel or on the ground.


No that's not right. It actually doesn't change anything in a bad way, all it means is you can enter and leave your ship normally without taking off.


E.G. Choosing a location from the Galaxy map cycles you through the leave cutscene, and deposits you in orbit at the new location. Choosing to leave the ship at this point triggers the normal "landing" cutscene. If you really want the "enter hyperspace" bit, that can be tacked on at the end of the "leave the planet" cutscenes, of which there are several anyway - or if you choose another location while in orbit instead of entering a planet.


You don't actually lose anything, which is why I'm wondering why they did it at all. It's a very strange decision which I suspect is hiding a technical limitation. However, if that's the case fix the limitation. The compromise is not really acceptable IMO.

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