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The fight between PvE and PvP


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So I've been going through the forums out of boredom and reading posts deciding my next character. But I've noticed a lot of heat been PvE/PvP. Now, I know this has always been here, I remember being kicked out of a hardcore PvE guild because I stated I was going to start PvPing more.


I always see people say they wish the other community would go to another game or that this game doesn't need both, etc etc. Now from a completely personal point of view, I don't think I'd enjoy this game if there wasn't both, there's times I want to WZs and times I want to do Ops. And coming from WoW, where Blizz fed PvP to the dogs and no longer cared anymore (Though it is fair to say it seems they don't care much about WoW at all), it sucks when I see people telling the PvPers to go away.


I leveled up, did the same crap as you, I think I also deserve to enjoy the game, yes some "balancing fixes" nerf a class in PvP, sometimes it nerfs them in PvE. I'm sorry that's the nature of a MMO, it'll never be PERFECT. Bioware and everyone else realizes that they can't just cater to one group or the other( or one of three if you count RPers). I understand some people don't like PvE or PvP, but why so much hate? And how do you think the developers could fix it?


TL;DR: Concerning the negativity towards either PvP/PvE how do you feel and why? Really, I don't understand and I'm curious to why people feel these ways.

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Sadly it makes no difference in this game as there is no pvp outside the warzones anyway, it's a dying game with lifeless planets and I give you a 100% guarentee you won't find any world pvp on any planet unless you actually camp outside the enemy factions base, that's if you can find it.
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I see much less of it on these forums than i have on those for other games. I also see much more disgruntlement on the subject of the disparity of the gear from each parts of the game than i do between the players themselves.


Perhaps i should start cherry picking which posts i commit to memory.

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A few weeks ago I discovered PvP was actually fun and thus dedicated a character to it. I like to keep them seperate since doing too many warzones makes me level up too fast :rolleyes:


Anyway, Im still a PvE player but I think the PvP is a great addition to the game and I cant wait for additional warzones.

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I have fun in both but I primary PvE. In fact this is the first MMO I have played that I really could get into PvP too. I encourage all PvErs to try some warzones even if you are a PvP newb. It's a great way to gain a level and cash if you run into a hard PvE area. Edited by Rygel
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I'm also a mostly PVE player that for the first time has found PVP that's been enjoyable in a MMO. The biggest problem I have with BOTH pve and pvp is server related. On the slower servers it's hard to find a PVE group todo hard modes with. let alone ops or pvp warzones. On the server i'm on it's nearly impossible todo any HM FPs the numbers of players is just too small. I am seriously hoping they will allow server moves or merges soon because if they don't i'll quit the game just from lack of anything todo.
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The fight between PVP and PVE is that they shouldn't exist in the same game. In PVP, everyone should start out on an even footing each game, so that the object can be to beat the enemy team in a fair match. If you're not going to ignore gear in PVP, you may as well just compare item level and declare the winner based on who's got the best outfit, because that's very, very likely to be the outcome.


Any other approach to PVP isn't PVP, it's a hazing, where people sulkily AFK in matches just to collect gear, against the eventual day when they've earned enough reward to compete, whereupon they get dragged down by the next set of AFKers who are doing what they did.


If you want good PVP, play a FPS. Play an RTS. Just don't play a progresion game and then pat yourself on the back for beating up people who are weaker than you.

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Sadly it makes no difference in this game as there is no pvp outside the warzones anyway, it's a dying game with lifeless planets and I give you a 100% guarentee you won't find any world pvp on any planet unless you actually camp outside the enemy factions base, that's if you can find it.


Ajunta Pall = RP/PVP = world PVP = you're wrong, at least on one server. That is all. ;)

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The fight between PVP and PVE is that they shouldn't exist in the same game. In PVP, everyone should start out on an even footing each game, so that the object can be to beat the enemy team in a fair match. If you're not going to ignore gear in PVP, you may as well just compare item level and declare the winner based on who's got the best outfit, because that's very, very likely to be the outcome.


Any other approach to PVP isn't PVP, it's a hazing, where people sulkily AFK in matches just to collect gear, against the eventual day when they've earned enough reward to compete, whereupon they get dragged down by the next set of AFKers who are doing what they did.


If you want good PVP, play a FPS. Play an RTS. Just don't play a progresion game and then pat yourself on the back for beating up people who are weaker than you.


I can agree but disagree, I hate FPS games. I only like a few RTS games, I've always been an MMO, WoW was just my huge jump. And which is why ( I know people hate it, BUT) we need rated WZs or arenas, just no 2v2 please. PvErs have an Operations, they then have three tiers of it.


Sure you get geared and then do harder levels, each level takes a higher skill cap, most players need top gear to do it, but I can think of some people ( PvE and PvP) where they were top whatever (Dps/tank/healer or best PvPer) because they're skill cap was so much higher and their gear wasn't even great.


I've seen plenty of PvPers do good in less then BIS gear, yes you're right progression games and PvP don't quite mesh right, but at the same time, WZs are like Flashpoints, do you use flashpoints or Operations to judge how well a class does? If you use Flashpoints then of course PvP sucks when you use WZs as a judge for how well a class does. You use the highest tier of "Skill required" for that aspect of a game; least that's how I view it.


Personally I think that while there is still some balance issues, but I think overall as a game that's so new, it's doing just as good or better then some in terms of balance issues. Is there room for improvement? Of course. Is it possible to make PvE/PvP more balanced to their own rooms with out affecting the other? Probably. Is it something we'll get this right these week or next month? Probably not.

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If you want good PVP, play a FPS.


I prefer FPSs for pvp, but they certainly don't provide even footing, at least not anymore. Most online FPS games have player tracking with unlocks from the cosmetic to the omgwtfpwn ridiculously powerful.

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Sadly it makes no difference in this game as there is no pvp outside the warzones anyway, it's a dying game with lifeless planets and I give you a 100% guarentee you won't find any world pvp on any planet unless you actually camp outside the enemy factions base, that's if you can find it.


Except the other day when I waited for the balloon on Tattooine(PVP server). I was on my Sith Warrior, a Trooper came by and waited too. I went along with it for a while, but as the balloon appeared and it came time to jump on it, shortly after we both got seated and the balloon left the sand crawler to jump onto it, I used Force Push and off he went and I floated my way to the datacrons. We waited around 20 minutes for the balloon on the crawler.

Edited by monkgryphon
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I'm sure this was mentioned but they gimp classes because of PvP and it effects PvE. Because of the shoot first nerf I have to run through the mob at the right time to ensure a backblast (too early and it spins around back the other way amuzingly), and that was a PvP influenced change.
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So I've been going through the forums out of boredom and reading posts deciding my next character. But I've noticed a lot of heat been PvE/PvP. Now, I know this has always been here, I remember being kicked out of a hardcore PvE guild because I stated I was going to start PvPing more.


I always see people say they wish the other community would go to another game or that this game doesn't need both, etc etc. Now from a completely personal point of view, I don't think I'd enjoy this game if there wasn't both, there's times I want to WZs and times I want to do Ops. And coming from WoW, where Blizz fed PvP to the dogs and no longer cared anymore (Though it is fair to say it seems they don't care much about WoW at all), it sucks when I see people telling the PvPers to go away.


I leveled up, did the same crap as you, I think I also deserve to enjoy the game, yes some "balancing fixes" nerf a class in PvP, sometimes it nerfs them in PvE. I'm sorry that's the nature of a MMO, it'll never be PERFECT. Bioware and everyone else realizes that they can't just cater to one group or the other( or one of three if you count RPers). I understand some people don't like PvE or PvP, but why so much hate? And how do you think the developers could fix it?


TL;DR: Concerning the negativity towards either PvP/PvE how do you feel and why? Really, I don't understand and I'm curious to why people feel these ways.



My 2 cents:


1. a pve player will see his class nerfed/changed several times due exclusively to pvp "balancing", and that on top of the usual nerfs/changes that come during an mmos lifetime.

So yeah as a pve player that doesnt care about pvp, im not happyy about my gaming experience being ruined to address pvp issues, hence negativity towards pvp.


2. its impossible to balance classes for both pvp and pve, thats why pvp and pve should be separated (namely have different rulesets and class balancing).

Having a decent separation between pvp and pve (at least on the pve servers) with different rules and class balancing for each, is the only way to fix the eternal pvp/pve issue.

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My 2 cents:


1. a pve player will see his class nerfed/changed several times due exclusively to pvp "balancing", and that on top of the usual nerfs/changes that come during an mmos lifetime.

So yeah as a pve player that doesnt care about pvp, im not happyy about my gaming experience being ruined to address pvp issues, hence negativity towards pvp.


Yup. That's the part that irritates me. Has happened in several MMOs in the past. I have no problem if PvP is in a game, so long as I don't have to participate unless I specifically choose to. It bugged me to have my class buggered with because of, usually, FOTM shenanigans in PvP.


2. its impossible to balance classes for both pvp and pve, thats why pvp and pve should be separated (namely have different rulesets and class balancing).

Having a decent separation between pvp and pve (at least on the pve servers) with different rules and class balancing for each, is the only way to fix the eternal pvp/pve issue.


Makes sense to me. I suppose the reason they aren't is time-saving on the part of coding. That's just speculation on my part. If my class(es) wasn't being mucked with, I would be quite cheerful about PvP in an MMO.

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