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4 Questions for the casual gamers!


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I am casual i have 4 character none of which is lvl 50 the highest is lvl 37 almost 38


i play since january


and the lvl 37 char is lvl 37 valor as well i try to play everything both PVE/social/PVP and i am not even close to start playing endgame content


but i can say lvling is too fast i have to slow myself at time like avoiding to get optional objective to grow with the right peace and i tend to skip flashpoint i done a couple but never repeated them ever... (and skipped some)

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I only play maybe 5 hours per week on average (well until Mass Effect 3 came out). I'm at level 45 (Jedi Knight Guardian Tank) now and have been playing since launch. I would say that I like the currently difficulty, and find many of the boss fights from operations and flashpoints to be pretty fun.


I personally do not find the leveling too fast for my play style


I have an additional question for the casuals. Would a more difficult lvling process have put you off from continuing to play?


As I said before, I am happy with the current difficulty, but if they made it a little harder, i wouldn't mind. However I play with another casual player and he has difficulty staying alive (Jedi Knight Sentinel). Not sure how someone like that would react to increased difficulty as he already gets quite frustrated. I often have to go help him out with story missions.

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.... and yet, all you "casuals", who might as well be playing a single player game, make global statements regarding addons, macros, damage meters, content and balance... when none of these things would have any effect on your play-style or game experience. :rolleyes:


To the OP... this game is SIMs in space. Much much to easy.


Interesting, just to level the thread out I have four questions for all "hardcore" gamers with "unlimited game time"


1) Can you run 3 miles in under 20 minutes?


2) Are you able to perform 15-20 dead hang pull-ups(not hard if you casually exercise)


3) Do you find it difficult to perform high endurance activities such as burpee's for at least 5 un interrupted minutes while still being able to bench/deadlift/squat more then your body weight?


4) Can you see your toes in the shower?

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Just some background.


I have a level 50 JK that is about to take on the Emperor but I got sidetracked with alts and haven't attempted it yet.


I have a JC, Smuggler, and Trooper in the 15-30 range.


I have done very few flashpoints, very few world bosses, no PVP, very little crafting (though I am close to a point where I can really begin), no space combat (by choice as I am pretty disappointed in it), and have not begun doing my daily missions.


That should give you a general idea of where I am at in the game. Some weeks I don't get online at all, some weeks I get 15-20 hours maybe. I am a married, full-time graduate student that works 40-70 hours a week.


Did you think the leveling was to quick?

I wanted to answer this first as I think it has something to do with the next question.


I definitely think you level too quickly. We are coming up on 3 months, despite the few hours I get in game, I could easily have 2 maybe 3 characters at level cap if I didn't wander around so much. This is partially due to the "resting XP" but I think you get too much XP in general.


Do you currently find that end game is to easy?

This is hard for me to say to be honest. I think the normal missions (so no heroics or flashpoints) are EXTREMELY easy mostly because of the question above. By the time I get off the starter planet, I am already 2-3 levels above the recommended level for the second planet. By the time I get to the fourth planet, some missions don't even net XP.


However, the heroics/flashpoints are difficult mostly due to the lack of people available for groups, primarily because of (1) the low server populations and/or (2) the sheer number of people that rushed through the content. I am not complaining, just explaining that 80% of the server population out leveled me within a week's time, 95% within a month's time. I understand I am in the minority (again, not complaining), but you asked. Depending on the time of day, I've seen some of the low-mid planet populations below 5 which makes it pretty hard to do heroics.


Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?

No. I haven't even begun to work on end game content.


I have an additional question for the casuals. Would a more difficult lvling process have put you off from continuing to play?

Definitely not. If the basic quests were more difficult (or they decreased the amount of XP you receive) and the server populations where higher, I think the difficulty would be just about right.

Edited by HazarOrzoJerad
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Do you currently find that end game is to easy?


No. I get my butt handed to me consistantly. I also don't even know much about end game, where do I go, what do I do, sometimes I have no clue.


Did you think the leveling was to quick?


Not at all.


Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?


There is an easy mode?


Question from Evironrage I thought needed to be added

I have an additional question for the casuals. Would a more difficult lvling process have put you off from continuing to play?


No, actually I come back to play more if I start getting PO'd because it is too difficult.


Just curious as i'm not a casual player of mmos but a hardcore player that has unlimited game time. Since causals are taking over the mmo market i'm just curious if you guys think this mmo is way to easy, or if your happy with the current difficulty?


Dont get me wrong I still love the game, i'm just hoping that operations start getting more challenging for people like myself.



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Did you think the leveling was to quick?


Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?


Would a more difficult lvling process have put you off from continuing to play?

I have a level 47 and a level 31 character. I think the levelling process is just about right. On most planets, there are enough quests to keep the progression going and I am usually ready to leave and move on to the next one by the time I run out of quests.


With respect to a potentially "more difficult" process, it would depend on how it was made more difficult. More complicated quests that involve more than just killing things would be ok. Not having enough quests to provide sufficient xp to move to the next level would not be ok -- I don't want to go back to the days where you need to spend 4-6 hours endlessly killing one type of mob because all the others are too low or high level.


As a casual player, I don't really have a lot of complaints about the progression in this game.

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Have 1 level 50 Sentinel. Started day of release and hit 50 on Jan 16th. The majority of the time was spent solo. I think I ended up doing a total of 4 flashpoints and probably a total of 3 heroic 4+ and a few more heroic 2+ with players. This was INCREDIBLY fast from what I was used to and totally unexpected.


Do you currently find that end game is to easy?


I had only started doing daily's for 2 days before I ended up having to leave for the boat in which i come back in 8 days. I guess ill find out then once I get geared a bit more.


Did you think the leveling was to quick?


Yes. Coming from playing Anarchy Online for 6 years and WoW for 7 years and having multiple max level characters within both games, I had to find teams to either run endless amount of dungeons or find a group which is farming a set of monsters for 4-5 hours (AO heckler & inferno mortig runs) to even come close to a reasonable amount of xp to hit max level. To make things beter, if the group that was doing the farming was full, you would end up on a "waiting list" for one of the other players to leave.


SWTOR has made it completely opposite where you can level a character to the max level just threw quests very easily.


Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?


nope, still waiting to get back to endure all things that are to offer.


Would a more difficult lvling process have put you off from continuing to play?


Absolutely not. I was really expecting to have to find teams and run major amounts of flashpoints to even come close to max level. I just wish they had slowed down the process to put more pressure for teaming in order to get to those last couple levels. I Remember so many times when you get to those last 5 levels in other games where you just keep looking at the xp bar saying to yourself only x amount more runs... And then heaven forbid you die and end up loosing all that xp :eek:

Edited by haliy
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I'm taking my time leveling and enjoying it. When I played WoW, I never looked forward to questing like I do in this game. I actually feel immersed in it!


I don't know what end game is like, but I don't care. I'll judge for myself if there's a lack of things to do.

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Leveling is core to any MMORPG but the majority of your time with said character is going to be at max level.
For many people, this is not necessarily true. I've played a number of MMOs for extended periods and, for the most part, never reached max level on any of my characters (except for a level 80 in EQ2, and that took me several years).
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Do you currently find that end game is to easy?



Did you think the leveling was to quick?



Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?


Question from Evironrage I thought needed to be added

I have an additional question for the casuals. Would a more difficult lvling process have put you off from continuing to play?



Just curious as i'm not a casual player of mmos but a hardcore player that has unlimited game time. Since causals are taking over the mmo market i'm just curious if you guys think this mmo is way to easy, or if your happy with the current difficulty?


Dont get me wrong I still love the game, i'm just hoping that operations start getting more challenging for people like myself.


I'll admit I"m a casual gamer now, though I was on the Hard Core side of the spectrum when I played that OTHER MMO back in the day.


I would prefer a much harder solo game, but let's face it, it would take a lot of development resources to actually build a hard solo game experience inside an MMO and it's really not where they should pout their resources. For example, I would have loved to see a new interpretation of area encounters, patrols that were not linear, mobs that wandered and helped. Encounters where mobs called for reinforcements, etc, bringing a more cinematic feel to encounters within the game. Playing a sniper I long for an encounter where i pick off wave after wave of grunts trying to overrun my position, but alas, I just get to stick with rotating through my skills on groups of three mobs at a time... ooo sometimes four mobs!!!


Leveling too quick? So I switched my main at level 30 from an assassin to a sniper and am now 40 and already I'm about one planet ahead of where I'm supposed to be. And I don't normally run heroic quests, flashpoints or PVP and haven't done space battles in forever as they are sooo tedious.


So while I feel a level at a good rate as far as time invested, I am clearly ahead of the content and that's frustrating as it directly ties to difficulty. Maybe Taris would have been challenging if I had gotten there on level?


End game content? As I said, I am not there yet, but I am worried about it though... I'm not geared and I don't know fights yet and honestly the last thing I want to deal with is some kid with a epeen chip on his shoulder telling me to spacebar and run through an flashpoint at a breakneck pace. So will I be able to have a positive end game experience? I'm trying to stay positive, but I don't expect it will come to pass.


Speaking of the Other game again, I think when they added cross server LFG is when things really went to hell. One could do whatever you wanted in a group and there was never a consequence. You'd likely never run anything with them again and being a jerk did not hurt your server reputation, so you had a lot of people behaving badly. I'm hopeful that Bioware can solve this issue and keep both camps happy.


So while my take may be different as I do have some history with serious gaming, I do feel that casual gamers as whole really don't want easy mode. In fact, I'd say the bulk of us prefer something that is much more challenging in"single player mode", but what we want and where the conflict comes, if the option to join in when we can/want to.


But how to accomplish that when the majority of FP's and Opps (especially PUG's) are led by the HC community, looking to farm some item? I get that there's no value in you choosing me over someone who knows the run, the fights, and will go quick. How do you know that I'm a 'good' player vs. a 'bad' one? Of course we all know that gear alone never tells you that, but it's about the only thing you can judge me on, right? So here I am in blues and oranges maybe even a green or two still...


So does Bioware go down the route where I can start farming for tokens somehow so I can fill in my holes and at least pass that initial interview? That's when the cried of easy mode and free lootz start rolling in and we're back to square one...



Anyway, I'm way off topic I suppose... Thanks for posting something that actually got me to reply!

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The word casual can mean many things. To me it's someone who plays 10 or so hours a week.


Do you currently find that end game is to easy?


Well by now, there's alot more players experienced in the MMO genre compared to say... 2004 when that next big thing was released. To keep it short, yes.



Did you think the leveling was to quick?


Yes. Playing that other big game in 2004, remember 1-60 taking weeks if not some months and then some. I see it as a positive though in SW:TOR because questing itself can take you to 50 without doing PvP or space missions. Had no choice but to grind mobs back in the day.



Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?


In easy mode yes. The only challenge people might face is the 4th boss in the Kragga's Palace.


Question from Evironrage I thought needed to be added

I have an additional question for the casuals. Would a more difficult lvling process have put you off from continuing to play?


No. If anything this game starts at level 1. Not at max level which is one of my biggest compliments in this game.



Just curious as i'm not a casual player of mmos but a hardcore player that has unlimited game time. Since causals are taking over the mmo market i'm just curious if you guys think this mmo is way to easy, or if your happy with the current difficulty?


Dont get me wrong I still love the game, i'm just hoping that operations start getting more challenging for people like myself.


Like I said from above, there's a whole lot more people playing MMOs now than before and have at least experienced a raid setting. If anything I did expect something easy from Bioware in the first go round to gauge how they do in end game. At least they're putting in some time in nightmare modes. At least the Japanese Sudoku style bosses were quite refreshing. I'll give Bioware +1 on that for creativity.


Overall I think normals are just fine for the casuals who want to see the end game and the storyline. When it gets to the point of forcing people into the higher level difficulties (Hello 30% buff!), then I'd be upset if I was still a hardcore player. Not trying to say casual = bad or anything, but I expect nightmare mode to be a nightmare mode like in Sunwell spending months of wiping in Mu'ru. (Okay you got me). Come to think of it, I don't think a whole lot of people can endure that anymore in an MMO.

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Interesting, just to level the thread out I have four questions for all "hardcore" gamers with "unlimited game time"


1) Can you run 3 miles in under 20 minutes?


2) Are you able to perform 15-20 dead hang pull-ups(not hard if you casually exercise)


3) Do you find it difficult to perform high endurance activities such as burpee's for at least 5 un interrupted minutes while still being able to bench/deadlift/squat more then your body weight?


4) Can you see your toes in the shower?


I'm 41, 6'1 and weigh 180. I'm a veteran who now works for GSA - and although I'm not nearly as fit as I was when I was active duty, I *am* physically fit.... and what the hell does any of this have to do with gaming?


I play 3 hours a day during the week, more on weekends if able... this is my hobby - and I take it as serious as you can take a hobby - from my equipment to my competitiveness. I give maximum effort to everything I do... don't you? ... or are you part of the new entitled generation where half-assed is good enough?

Edited by Rasstavad
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i got to 50 in 8 days play time lol. since release. so


Well if it took you 8 days to reach that means you probably skipped all story content and spacebared through everything. I am by no means a casual gamer have been playing mmos since 03 it has taken me close to month and half to reach 50.


Granted there was a wk I was unable to play at all and a couple days but I am enjoying the game so much I want to take everything bioware worked so long and hard to create. I do not think the leveling experience is to fast at all I thoroughly enjoyed it. I've never been big on end game so haven't done much in that way currently working on my second char.

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Interesting, just to level the thread out I have four questions for all "hardcore" gamers with "unlimited game time"


1) Can you run 3 miles in under 20 minutes?


2) Are you able to perform 15-20 dead hang pull-ups(not hard if you casually exercise)


3) Do you find it difficult to perform high endurance activities such as burpee's for at least 5 un interrupted minutes while still being able to bench/deadlift/squat more then your body weight?


4) Can you see your toes in the shower?


While I get your point, your benchmarks are very high. (I'm guessing your maybe 20 and ran cross country in High School?)


And if you can don't find it difficult to burby's for 5 minutes straight, you're doing them wrong! :D

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as advice if u are ahede of ur content as i am lvl 37 doing lvl 34 quest try to play without using ur companion i do everything solo without companion and i dont say it's"difficult" but i need to plan it a little ahede it keep it intresting
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...or are you part of the new entitled generation where half-assed is good enough?

Thanks for your service but I find it so disappointing there is so much hate and anger in this country. I think the person you quoted was trying to generalize that hardcore gamers are all obese but your response is certainly no better.


as advice if u are ahede of ur content as i am lvl 37 doing lvl 34 quest try to play without using ur companion i do everything solo without companion and i dont say it's"difficult" but i need to plan it a little ahede it keep it intresting

Perhaps I will give that a try.

Edited by HazarOrzoJerad
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Do you currently find that end game is to easy?


I dont know what endgame is. If you mean have i done any operations? No I cant comment on it. However the tedium of the dailey quests has caused me to log out till 1.2 releases. There needs to be a Explained (BIOWARE ENDORSED) Explaination of the whole raid gear reward system. How you get it where to turn in Comms at ect.



Did you think the leveling was to quick?

A little bit but theres not the MOBS or content to lengthen it. On the other hand i dont want to spend 8 hours at a camp spot just to move my xp bar an inch.


Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?


Question from Evironrage I thought needed to be added

I have an additional question for the casuals. Would a more difficult lvling process have put you off from continuing to play?


I want login and playability. I dont want to spend more then 5 mins getting started.



Just curious as i'm not a casual player of mmos but a hardcore player that has unlimited game time. Since causals are taking over the mmo market i'm just curious if you guys think this mmo is way to easy, or if your happy with the current difficulty?


Dont get me wrong I still love the game, i'm just hoping that operations start getting more challenging for people like myself.

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Do you currently find that end game is to easy?


Easier than what I wouldve wanted.


Did you think the leveling was to quick?




Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?


No. Only a few HM and some of EV. Will most likely finish them when LFG tool comes out as it's hard to find a group when you can only play for 1-2 hours.


On average I play for about 3-10 hours a week.

Edited by Idunhavaname
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Do you currently find that end game is to easy?



Did you think the leveling was to quick?



Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?


Question from Evironrage I thought needed to be added

I have an additional question for the casuals. Would a more difficult lvling process have put you off from continuing to play?



Just curious as i'm not a casual player of mmos but a hardcore player that has unlimited game time. Since causals are taking over the mmo market i'm just curious if you guys think this mmo is way to easy, or if your happy with the current difficulty?


Dont get me wrong I still love the game, i'm just hoping that operations start getting more challenging for people like myself.



Somehow I don't think you're sincere. But in case you are...


Endgame too easy?

I don't bother with 'endgame'. It has no meaning to me. People concerned with 'endgame' are invariably concerned with a destination, and not the journey. I'm very much enjoying the journey.


Leveling too quick?

It took me two months to reach 50lvl. It'll likely take me two more months for my next character. I plan on experiencing at least a few more classes...so I believe they've gotten the pacing right. This game is made FOR casuals, after all. Not hardcore players.



Would a more difficult lvling process have put you off from continuing to play?

Define difficult? If you mean more time sinks, which aren't the same thing as difficulty, then yes, I'd rather not play a time sink game. If by difficult you mean the same thing as placing Skyrim on god-mode, then no it wouldn't have put me off. In fact, many of the fights I've participated in already were quite difficult because I haven't the time to keep all my gear at top-notched level. In these cases, I have to rely on my excellent skill and not gear to win the day.




Also, it must be said that since you have unlimited time, may I suggest you spend some of it improving your writing? For example, it's 'too' not 'to' when you wish to express degree.

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Thanks for your service but I find it so disappointing there is so much hate and anger in this country. I think the person you quoted was trying to generalize that hardcore gamers are all obese but your response is certainly no better.


Thanks for this. I'm frankly getting tired of the casual = entitled argument being thrown on these threads.

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Interesting, just to level the thread out I have four questions for all "hardcore" gamers with "unlimited game time"


1) Can you run 3 miles in under 20 minutes?


2) Are you able to perform 15-20 dead hang pull-ups(not hard if you casually exercise)


3) Do you find it difficult to perform high endurance activities such as burpee's for at least 5 un interrupted minutes while still being able to bench/deadlift/squat more then your body weight?


4) Can you see your toes in the shower?


1) A sub 7min mile, given you are asking about multiple miles, is not easy for the average Joe/Jill. This means you are asking if folks here are in better than average cardio condition and how many people, in general, are that health conscious?


2) This question hopefully is directed strictly at the male portion of this population as 15-20 dead hangs for women would be difficult if they are pretty fit.


3) High impact aerobics, or intense aerobic activity, followed by resistance training directly afterwards (especially the bench press of your own body weight) is ridiculous to ask of anyone that does not engage in consistant resistance training. Aka this question is irrelevant in assessing whether or not this population is "fit/healthy" if we are talking general health.


4) This question is just rude. Need I say more?


To you sir/ms you have little, to no, idea of how this population eats so attempting to under-handly (albeit pretty directly) suggest some/most of us are not healthy is ridiculous and shows a shear lack of tact.

However, if you are trolling I just took the bait and that is on me.

Edited by Evironrage
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.... and yet, all you "casuals", who might as well be playing a single player game, make global statements regarding addons, macros, damage meters, content and balance... when none of these things would have any effect on your play-style or game experience. :rolleyes:


I had to respond to this because its so out of touch with the reality of the situation. The casuals are the least likely to be posting in forums or complaining about the game. The people most upset with the game are the ones sitting at 50 and realizing there is lots of work needed to bring this game to where it probably should have been on release day, not 6 months in.


I think the idea of casuals ************ for addons, macros, and damage meters is simply untrue; even if some might the vast majority of the gripes are coming from those doing end game content and frustrated with not having these things you would have thought they would have planned for well before release.


The only comments I make, well in game, is server mergers as I would like to do more FPs and OPs if given more chances to do so, but its a ghost town on my server and I'd rather enjoy the single player experience than sit around the imperial fleet trying to get into a group.

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Im really curious what this "more difficult leveling experience" might mean?


Does it mean:


a) harder hitting mobs? Well, go to aldaraan at level 28 and fight the level 30 bad guys. If you want more of a challenge then surely you can just turn up at your planets at the very bottom threshold of their level range, or even a little earlier than your prescribed level?


b) hidden quest areas?


c) More traveling around the galaxy?


d) Not enough quests for the zones?


e) More quests that enforce grouping?


What would harder leveling look like exactly? To me none of that looks like an appropriate challenge. In fact a lot of it looks like annoyances for the sake of it.

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Do you currently find that end game is to easy?


I don't do endgame. Like, at all.


Did you think the leveling was to quick?


I do think it was too quick. I got my first character to cap in a little over a month, and as someone who LOVES leveling characters, that's much to quick. Although I do understand that it can't be too long with a fully voiced leveling system, or else the game size is only going to get larger.


Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?


No. I very much dislike raiding. I didn't do it in my two years of WoW, I'm still not going to do it here.


Would a more difficult lvling process have put you off from continuing to play?


Not at all! I would have preferred it, actually. Right now I'm leveling my Jedi Guardian through only questing, so I'm mostly under-leveled for the planets I'm on, and I have to say the challenge is great! It never felt so good to die.

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