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Degrading quality of the IP


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If only GL would be more restrictive with his Star Wars IP, the IP wouldn´t degrade in quality like a beggar struck with leprosy. This thing with EU Palpatine transfering his essence, The Old Republic "Undying 1000 years old Emperor" powerful in a outright ridiculous way and the list goes on.


The urge EU-makers have to outdo the original films great threats does not make the universe grow or make it more exciting, it dumbs it down, makes it laughable, which is a shame. Upon recently the "Lord of the Rings" ip was pretty well protected and have almost managed to keep its integrity so has George Remis (HERGE)´s Tintin except for the animated movie by Peter Jackson and Steven Spielberg.


Star Wars lost its integrity and quality long before Jar Jar Binks entered the scene, i believe it started with Dark Horses comics and went on with Timothy Zahns books (Luuke clone and C´baooth etc.)


To appreciate the EU as it is one must have absolutely no appreciation of quality and fall for easy gullible ridiculous "even more powerful / dangerous than" tricks.

Edited by jiggsy
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Zahn isn't really to blame here. C'baoth wasn't really more dangerous than the emperor, he just got more screen time and liked to trash talk Palps. He did manage to create a credible threat in Thrawn, but people trying to match/exceed Thrawn just went for "Bigger is Better" rather than trying a different tack. Also, Lucas actually liked Dark Empire. Considers it (at least, he did at one point) the closest thing the Original Trilogy has to a sequel. Make of that what you will.



Really, though, Any Expanded Universe, no matter how tight you keep control of it, is subject to Sturgeon's law. You can avoid it for a little while if you don't actually have one, but once you create an Expanded Universe, you have to accept that there is going to be a fair bit of crap alongside the good stuff.

Edited by KorinHyvek
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What I got from your post is you hate all of the EU based off a few books or comics you read that may or may not have included Mary Sue/Gary Stu type characters in them or hard to believe concepts. You must hate a majority of any movies,video games and books as well.


I'd agree that some characters and concepts in the EU are outrageous and unbelievable at times(I wish a lot of the authors would get away from the clone plot device),which is why they are of lower canon than GL's stuff and others.


But, there have been very good reads out there in the EU; I loved Crimson Empire.As a kid watching Star Wars I was always fascinated by the Imperial Guard, sure they got owned by Luke and some others, but those mute,disciplined soldiers had to be BAMFS if the Emperor picked them as bodyguards.


Crimson Empire confirmed my thoughts and tossed in a decent story. The fight between Kir Kanos and Carnor Jax was epic and for everything Kanos did, he was still a loyal Imperial which made it a story about a "bad guy".

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The Force is pretty remarkable isnt it. it's kinda pointless to make a thread about how absurd a sci fi is lol do you realise how much absurdity exists in Star wars on a good day? But living a 1000 years with the dark side HOLD THE PHONE now they've gone too far Edited by supafreak
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Honestly, I find the KOTOR story much better written than any of Lucas's movies, and considering the prequels I'm pretty sure that the only positive thing Lucas contributed to Star Wars was the basic idea of Jedi/Sith/the force. For some odd reason something about the SW world just captures my imagination, and I think it's pretty likely that the same thing has happened with many authors and artists, good or bad.


Essentially, I don't think that Lucas had much to do with the success of his franchise; it must have been other people, if only because while he can obviously direct (he well-directed IV/V/VI), he can't write at *all*.


For one, he wanted to name Luke Skywalker 'Luke Starkiller' and his original title for Star Wars was this uber long thing which ended with '...the first chapter of the Star Wars saga' or something, shortened sort of like we shortened the title of Darwin's origin of species.


Also he can't pick a cast at all - I mean, Mark Hammil? Really? He is supposed to look like a confident and powerful Jedi? In ROTJ, he stands up Jaba the Hutt and defeats the rancor, sure, but he manages to look like a skinny nerd or something almost the whole time. There was no air of power or confidence. (Don't tell me this is because that's how Lucas wanted it, because Leia, Han, etc obviously had a plan in mind that they had complete confidence in, and Luke also obviously had no intention to lose.).


I'd say that the IP has gotten better, not worse, since Lucas let other people write an expanded universe for it - if only because Lucas is one of the worse writers within his own universe.

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The continuity sort of ebbs and flows for when good and bad stuff come out. There were as many horrible plot features in the 80's and 90's (anyone remember Jaxx)? The EU is a business first and they will churn crap out from time to time to keep the license afloat. So, you just gotta wait for the good stuff and ignore the bad stuff.

For instance I completely ignore anything having to do with the Yuuzhan Vong because that story doesn't suit my taste. But I love the Old Republic era and consider it the flagship of expanded universe fiction right now. So I just focus on that. I will admit the OP emperor is kind of lame. I found ROTJ Palapatine more engrossing a character. He was physically weak but posessed greater foresight and knowledge than anyone else you see in the movies (arguably).

So yeah, my advice is focus on what you like and just pretend the other stuff doesn't even exist.

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heh. some stuff I just pretend never happened (like DA 2 for example)


no really. I'm serious. I know it's all 'official' and stuff, but that doesn't mean I can't personally just shrug it off and pretend 'that's not how it ended'


like for years on I pretty much had SW .ending. after The Return of the Jedi. the thought of one of the little Skywalkers going off-track and the Republic/Jedi links being kinda odd... I wanted that to never happen. and then I accepted it and moved on and even started really digging it.


however, when Georgyboy himself can mess up his stories (and it's all his, no matter if we like it or not) I really don't expect him to say 'oh ho ho no sir!' just because I personally might think 'err.. wait a second...'

Edited by amnie
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Honestly, I find the KOTOR story much better written than any of Lucas's movies, and considering the prequels I'm pretty sure that the only positive thing Lucas contributed to Star Wars was the basic idea of Jedi/Sith/the force. For some odd reason something about the SW world just captures my imagination, and I think it's pretty likely that the same thing has happened with many authors and artists, good or bad.


Essentially, I don't think that Lucas had much to do with the success of his franchise; it must have been other people, if only because while he can obviously direct (he well-directed IV/V/VI), he can't write at *all*.


For one, he wanted to name Luke Skywalker 'Luke Starkiller' and his original title for Star Wars was this uber long thing which ended with '...the first chapter of the Star Wars saga' or something, shortened sort of like we shortened the title of Darwin's origin of species.


Also he can't pick a cast at all - I mean, Mark Hammil? Really? He is supposed to look like a confident and powerful Jedi? In ROTJ, he stands up Jaba the Hutt and defeats the rancor, sure, but he manages to look like a skinny nerd or something almost the whole time. There was no air of power or confidence. (Don't tell me this is because that's how Lucas wanted it, because Leia, Han, etc obviously had a plan in mind that they had complete confidence in, and Luke also obviously had no intention to lose.).


I'd say that the IP has gotten better, not worse, since Lucas let other people write an expanded universe for it - if only because Lucas is one of the worse writers within his own universe.


Well, let's be fair to Lucas. No one is perfect at everything, heck, no one's even good any everything. If Lucas had kind of remained Star Wars' visionary and helped write instead of taking total control, it could have been more enjoyable. Yes, he's not good at writing or directing, but to say that all that Lucas contributed was the idea of Force and the Jedi/Sith is almost an insult to him.

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Essentially, I don't think that Lucas had much to do with the success of his franchise; it must have been other people, if only because while he can obviously direct (he well-directed IV/V/VI), he can't write at *all*.


Errr nope

Geroge Lucas directed IV

Irvin Kershner directed V

Richard Marquand directed VI


Funnily enough the second two are far superior :)

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rawr ewoks! With bows and arrows that pierce stormtrooper armor rawr!


OK let me reclarify ..... superior direction ..... GL wrote them all, they did well with what they were given ;)


And if Stormtrooper armour is good against blaster fire (which imo is an energy bolt) who says is doesnt have a weakness againt more physical weapons?

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