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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New patch and server maintenance at peak time?


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They are fixing a problem with the upcoming Weekend Trial Free Pass, BW stated it in the german forum.





So, they had to fix this EXACTLY IN EUROPEAN PRIME TIME?!? I mean, was this SO urgent to hit (always the same) prime time?


Well, of course yes. They JUST-DON'T-CARE it's always us wich have to pay (MONEY PEOPLE, I'M TALKING ABOUT THE MONEY WE ALREADY SPENT) for their lack of judgement.



Really cool.


Cool ENOUGH, for someone trying to make money out of a good idea, not caring about costumers.

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Utterly ****é management, got home from work spent the obligatory time with the girl friend, ate dinner say down expecting to play game for a few hours to find some tít has decided to run a patch now. Roll on GW 2 is all I can say! Edited by Azwrayth
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You folks whine when they add patches that bring horrible ammounts of lag for some people. You whine when they do not come out with patches as fast as you think they should. They bring down the servers to prolly try and fix the lag issues SOME people are having right now. AND YOU STILL WHINE!!!!!


Dude shoosh and jus wait like the rest of us. Stop whining the game is still in the brand new phase and many things will be fixed and broken while trying to fix other things its the way of the world for MMO's. IF youre not used to it by now i think its time to go back to playing Runescape for you because this and all MMO's of this stature are going to have downtimes out of no where. I pay to play the game just as you do and actuallyim paying for 2 different accounts because my Wife also plays on her own account. SO guess what i'm not whining about down times. Just be patient and wait like the rest of the players. Sheesh

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You are kidding right? This is one of the only companies that gives you euro servers, Instead of just calling them euro servers and setting the clock to your time.


You have got to be kidding me... one of the only games? What do you think Europe is, the third world? I've never played an MMO yet that didn't have Euro servers, they're just now always listed where US players can see them.


As to the guy with the 'you play a US game so suck it up', actually, no, I play an international game, with at least as many non-US subscribers as US ones, and servers in different parts of the world (which, incidentally, also automatically implies that they have to abide by the laws of the countries they provide their service to, including the ones about reasonable levels of customer service).


It's bad customer service to act like BW is currently acting: a sudden server shutdown during European prime time, with no warning OR information about the why. And this not just once, but several times a week. People have a right to be upset, especially those for whom these hours are the only hours they can play due to e.g. work.

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Perhaps Bioware should consult their watches and time zones before having an emergency :rolleyes:. Kinda ashamed at some of my fellow European whines in this thread.




I think this is the most disgusting thread I've seen since April 09 when I first started posting here (on a different account). All this venomous ****-slinging between Americans and Europeans is inexcusable.


It's repulsive.

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"I am from Europe and you are messing with my playtime waaaa waaaaa waaaa:mad:!"

*sigh* Seriously people, if there was no patch and stuff needed fixing, you would cry. Now there's stuff that needs fixing so they're patching, and you cry. How can you afford your MMO lifestyle?

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sooo...as much as Bio DOES NOT care about you and your personal play time and how little of it you may have. Im sure they are atleast smart(or informed) enough to know how this affects general clientel play times and I am also sure they are aware what time it is where...so um, dont you think they had a good reason for taking the servers down? probably to avoid some of the ************ that would take place had they not(probably from the same people?) And on a side note...i live in north america, it is not the north american peak time, but its MY usual play time and believe me my first thought wasnt "omg bioware hates canadians" or "omg bioware has a secret grudge against me and have brought ALL the servers world wide down to get at me!"

sad...just sad...

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This is good stuff right here. Everything is in this thread, from complaining to nationalism, it's freaking fantastic.



Wonder if BW are following this thread...


if so i guess their faces would be (to represent shown via keyboard)



O.O o****


and now there are probably another 30 pages after this :D

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Dear Everyone-who-is-spouting-hate,


Every time you gripe and insult "Americans" here. All you are doing is making we Americans (Canadian and US) care that much less that this affected you. I doubt that matters to the people doing the worst of the name calling ... so ...


To restate the point in a way that DOES matter to you ... the people who built the game (and SW in general) and run it daily are also in this same lumped together geography that you hate so much. Do you really think hearing you get so petulant is really making them care MORE about you?


There are so many ways to say something that don't make you sound like a hateful pest, try it, you'll get so much more from it.

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Wait... what? If that's the case, why didn't you do the preparations during the scheduled maintenace time?


Seriously, I come with a bittersweet taste from another BioWare game pretending to distract myself a bit, to find that the servers are down during our prime time. "Ok", I think, "they might have found something that needs to be fixed ASAP, no worries". And then I find this statement. Oh, well...


Well, I'll find something else to do. Not that I will forget about this, anyways.




Did the thought ever occur to you that they just found a major problem that would affect it that they hadn't found before?


I suppose not.


Screw this. My nihilism is beginning in the face of all this rampant idiocy. I am going to start replying to post with "meh".


Meh. -Shrug-

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Everyone - we apologize for the inconvenience. We do everything we can to avoid taking the servers down for maintenance outside of our regular weekly maintenance, but in some cases (like this one, unfortunately) we can't avoid it. This patch is necesary to ensure a good experience for all players during our Weekend Pass Trial weekend. We never take interrupting your playtime lightly, and this is no exception. Emergencies do happen occasionally, and we are working as quickly as we can to bring the servers back up so you can continue enjoying the game. In the meantime, we'll keep you updated with any new information that becomes available. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work to ensure everything goes smoothly this weekend.


I wasn't annoyed until i read your post. Good job.


Next time perhaps you can run the patch during US peakhours, so we can confirm that free-trial players are more important to your then your entire customerbase?

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Everyone - we apologize for the inconvenience. We do everything we can to avoid taking the servers down for maintenance outside of our regular weekly maintenance, but in some cases (like this one, unfortunately) we can't avoid it. This patch is necesary to ensure a good experience for all players during our Weekend Pass Trial weekend. We never take interrupting your playtime lightly, and this is no exception. Emergencies do happen occasionally, and we are working as quickly as we can to bring the servers back up so you can continue enjoying the game. In the meantime, we'll keep you updated with any new information that becomes available. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work to ensure everything goes smoothly this weekend.


And you couldnt do that while normal maintenance?! No this must be down right in the middel of the evening.


Give us at least an extra day playtime if you screw your maintenance up and need to steal an additional day from your european customers! ..again...

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Right now there are almost 600 posts in this thread, and probably a couple thousand that aren't happy but don't bother to complain, yet here swtor is again shutting down for 2 hours during maybe not "peak" time but the middle of the day once again. I don't know what was so important that they forgot to fix it two days ago during the "scheduled" maintainance, or that couldn't wait for next Tuesday. It's apparent that swtor would rather inconvenience the thousands of paying players that were online at the time than they would a few emplyees by performing this patch in the middle of the night for most subscribers (I know it will never be midnight everywhere).


Complain away, but I doubt that swtor will ever change this. It will be the reason I cancel my subscription. I've played wow for years, and every now and then they have to employ a fix on non maintainance days, but somehow they manage to do in with rolling restarts that only take down groups of servers at a time for about 15 minutes. That I could live with. Random 2 hour shut downs with only 15 minutes of warning I can't. It shows a total disregard for their customers. No post in the forum about the shutdown until just before it happened, no note on the log in screen like is done on maintainance days, just a 15 minute warning in the chat ingame.


So I had 15 minutes of warning that I was going to lose 2 hours of the time I had scheduled to play today, two hours that I pay for. I don't feel like I'm getting my money's worth, and I won't keep paying for something that I don't feel that I'm receiving.

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