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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New patch and server maintenance at peak time?


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This patch is necesary to ensure a good experience for all players during our Weekend Pass Trial weekend.

Wait... what? If that's the case, why didn't you do the preparations during the scheduled maintenace time?


Seriously, I come with a bittersweet taste from another BioWare game pretending to distract myself a bit, to find that the servers are down during our prime time. "Ok", I think, "they might have found something that needs to be fixed ASAP, no worries". And then I find this statement. Oh, well...


Well, I'll find something else to do. Not that I will forget about this, anyways.



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All I read on this here forums is doomposts; how the game is dying, loosing subs, the world ending etc.


Yet whenever something like this patch happens, a lot of people whine and complain, and feel entitled, showing 0 patience.


So, everyone is getting all their panties in a knot cause they can't play swtor, guess you all love the game afterall, eh?




Forums... are always filled with meh. I try to avoid them at all costs and only came by here to see if they posted what the emergency was - they havent, so off to do something else.

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I will be the bigger man here and apologize.


You are right, it is America's fault.


We should have annexed Canada a LOOONG time ago.


Then all this hate for America during downtime could be justified.


I'm truely sorry, and will work on making this happen.


Set turbolaser batteries on Toronto!


Fire when ready, Captain Veers =D

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I must say, in defense of our EU brethren, that this an ABSOLUTELY ridiculous reason for needing emergency maintenance. So, you interrupted them right when most guilds/players are online..... JUST FOR THE WEEKEND DEAL?!?


This is absolutely ridiculous and I can't even begin to defend such actions. I'm sorry EU players, I would be PISSED to no end!


Get your **** together BioWare :mad:

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SO WHY can't this be done in US prime time? No patch was that important to bring the servers down during that time. But i guess that us Europeans don't have the same right like the Americans.



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Pls ensure not to forget to post reasons why you're patching in peak time for a subscription service.


If it's really for this weekends free play in order to boost subscriber numbers then that's a double fault against.

Edited by StimCity
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ROFL @ whoever at Bioware thought it would be a great idea to patch the servers so that they are ready for the "free weekend".....


During a major regions prime time......


All under the guise of an "emergency patch"......



Edited by Tarka
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Fifty Things You Can Do While SWtOR Is Offline


1. Draw the Pirate

2. Participate in an EBAY auction

3. Fling the cat

4. Dig a tunnel

5. Buy groceries

6. De-populate a planet

7. Tune in to channel 127

8. Buy one cent stamps

9. Order DSL

10. Recycle your embarrassing Nintendo carts

11. Finish your high school degree

12. Join the reserve

13. Check out the new iMAC

14. Shampoo your hair

15. Expletive deleted

16. Read Shakespeare

17. Paint the fence

18. Travel to London

19. Get a job

20. Call your girlfriend

21. Fingerpaint

22. Read Genesis

23. Draw Puff

24. Fortify the castle with a moat

25. Fix the transmission

26. Google "De Quattro"

27. Eat

28. Download music

29. Take digital photos at the beach

30. Ski

31. Bake a chocolate cake

32. Surf without a wet suit

33. Discover an aboriginal tribe

34. Wonder aloud

35. Rent a sub-titled film

36. Paint your self-portrait

37. Bend iron

38. Wax your back

39. Base jump

40. Tear a phone book in half

41. Learn basic electronics

42. Pilot a plane

43. Fall in love with an older woman

44. Rig a ship

45. Win at poker

46. Laminate a 2D sibling

47. Buy a weighted bowling ball

48. Watch the clouds

49. Play YAHTZEE!

50. Buy an Ant Farm

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I'm another European (UK) player who has just come home from work and found to my surprise that I couldn't play!


I accept that hotfixes are sometimes needed for MMOs, but - and maybe I just have a faulty memory - I can't remember in my four years of WoW that the servers went down for a patch at peak (European) time.



Yeah... you didn't play in the first 2 years then, obviously, heh.

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