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Why are Mercs the only Class in the game without an interrupt


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If Mercs/Commandos got a ranged interrupt, they might as well delete Operative/Scoundrel healers from the game.


We already get screwed over by competent Sorc/Sage and Sniper/Gunslinger. :(


It sucks for you guys, but them's the breaks. Though I could see an argument for a shorter range (~10-15m) interrupt, so that you'd have to choose between trading some survivability for better target harassment/pressure.

Edited by Xaearth
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I've interrupted with Electrodart, jet blast and Arsenal knock-back uppercut just fine. "technically" I suppose its not a "classic interrupt" mechanic but like a good bounty hunter.. it gets the job done. Gear up and do your job right.. and they'll never have a chance to hit you.


Bounty Hunters dont cry.


Re-setting the target's cast bar to 0 is not the same as interrupting them and them locking them out of that skill for a duration.

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My personal opinion:


1.) Bump bodyguard healing and leave them as the only healer without a revive, this seems like a good trade to me. Or here's an idea, introduce a self sacrifice ability that allows the healer to sacrifice himself to revive two party members.


2.) Leave us without an interrupt and add an escape/mobility ability (vertical preferably) to the pyrotech tree. (it would be nice to use the jetpack)


This gives the class uniqueness and brings better balance. As i said though, it's just my opinion.

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Your opinion, not fact and PLEASE LET THE INTERRUPT THREADS DIE!!!


awwww look at you, again.


like i said before farmville is that way-------->


you should go there and "do just fine". the rest of us will work on getting Mercs something they deserve, a REAL interrupt.

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awwww look at you, again.


like i said before farmville is that way-------->


you should go there and "do just fine". the rest of us will work on getting Mercs something they deserve, a REAL interrupt.


Didn't you get enough of everyone else telling you how bad of a merc you must be in your other thread to "need" an interrupt?


Your carebear pve is that way <-------.

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and now that they are nerfin TM and making it more fun ( rotation), it will be nice to have a little more cc.


Lets say it, it wasn't fun to go all ape on ppl faces with TM (that doesnt meen that it actualy works that one, but you all know it was a borin rotation). So know that TM will be more in the line and, para-phrasin here "we will make it more fun"(rotation wise), that means it will be more... ejem... "complicated" so asuming that they arent giving us a interrump because we are heavy armor, it will be nice if they do the MATH behind the sorc bubble. That bubble(only 1 is enough) is gratin more survibality than heavy armor and sorcs have and excess of CC

Edited by Kennkra
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The fact that PT gets Quell at L18 shows that they purposefully left the ability off of a merc. It's not an oversight. It might be because mercs can spec to not be interruptable. Who knows


Before there's too much whine about the sorc bubble, try playing one at L50. From L22 to L49, Sorc healers are incredibly OP. But that all changes at 50, where people are playing better, everyone has better DR from armor, and are hitting harder because of L56-58 gear and full skill specs.


At L50, Merc healers are one of the hardest classes in the game to kill in any situation. And it's partly because heavy armor is so good when being healed. Sorcs fold relatively fast, even when they can 2x bubble and are being healed.


But don't worry. You all outperform my Operative

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everyone ITT: mercs are overpowered, no mercs are underpowered.


cut the ****. this isn't about any class being stronger than the other. its about having an ability that should be global across all classes, they might as well only give certain classes the 2 minute stun breaker, or a knockback. the which class is stronger is a petty conversation, only filled by rage filled kids that don't know how to play at a high level.

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I don't recall the guy saying it was the same, in fact I distinctly recall him basically saying that "yeah they aren't the same but I'm going to make do with what Ive got". And the twit you quoted went all preaching on the soapbox condescending and ignorant.


Life ain't fair, maybe the Devs honestly screwed the pooch and maybe they didn't but its part of what currently comes with playing a Merc. You can either stay on here whinging about it or go play and use what you (this is a general you , and not you specifically) do have to suck it up and drive on. Operatives don't have a gap closer of any sort and everyone else does. Most of the good ones said screw it I'm just gonna go play and find something to make it work to the best of my advantage, so there really is no need to come on here and act like your (again generic you not you specifically) class is the only one that has disparities that make your life difficult.



you wanna talk about not having a gap closer, try playing a ret paladin for *********** 8 years. operatives have slows, lots, and lots of slows.

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you wanna talk about not having a gap closer, try playing a ret paladin for *********** 8 years. operatives have slows, lots, and lots of slows.


That is not a gap closer, and we aren't playing WoW so trying to flaunt your "mad skillz" by referencing it means absolutely nothing.


Now mind you I have a 50 PT I'm just short of 50 on my Sin and I have a Merc and an Op that I'm working on so I feel the pain that a lot of the classes here have. Thy each have their good and bad points. If you don't like the Merc because it lacks something then don't play it, but don't act like your class here is the only one with disparities. It's not!

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To paraphrase some posters:

"If you don't like it you should leave. Stop expressing opinions that could possibly lead to constructive discussion. We don't want that here."




I really wish people would stop telling others to shut up and take it or go home, these forums provide dynamic feedback on the game. The sampling size is selective, the audience is subjective, and the actors have vested interests. The developers know that.


People are entitled to their opinions and Bioware wants to hear them, otherwise they would close threads like these and make this a cheerleader forum.

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To paraphrase some posters:

"If you don't like it you should leave. Stop expressing opinions that could possibly lead to constructive discussion. We don't want that here."




I really wish people would stop telling others to shut up and take it or go home, these forums provide dynamic feedback on the game. The sampling size is selective, the audience is subjective, and the actors have vested interests. The developers know that.


People are entitled to their opinions and Bioware wants to hear them, otherwise they would close threads like these and make this a cheerleader forum.


Constructive criticism and. Rain storming is one thing. Coming in here flailing your arms sobbing and crying that yours is the only class that has disparities like a 5 year old is another.


- Hey Bioware I noticed Mercs don't have any interrupts, is that WAI and if not here's something I think would work in its place xxxxx! <--- ok


- Hey *** is going on here, we're the only ones without an interrupt, who's the jack hole that decided to program this kinda crap in the game? It's not fair that we don't have interrupts, we are the only ones that have anything wrong with us, we should have everything everyone else has plus I want to use force lightning too! (ok so I added the last part for emphasis there but you get the point) <---- not ok


There is a difference.

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That is not a gap closer, and we aren't playing WoW so trying to flaunt your "mad skillz" by referencing it means absolutely nothing.


Now mind you I have a 50 PT I'm just short of 50 on my Sin and I have a Merc and an Op that I'm working on so I feel the pain that a lot of the classes here have. Thy each have their good and bad points. If you don't like the Merc because it lacks something then don't play it, but don't act like your class here is the only one with disparities. It's not!


im not flaunting anything about mad skills. I'm merely stating that you don't know what it's like playing a melee without any form of a gap closer or slows for 8 years, or not having an interrupt for 6. years There are plenty of things that merc's lack that I dont mind at all because I dont need it, but an interrupt is an ability that should be global across all classes. its really dumb to wipe in a raid for a flashpoint because a class doesn't have an ability, and it's almost as dumb as to be exposed to freecasts all day because a sage/sorc can ranged itnerrupt and cast what ever they want while interrupting you. they might as well take the pvp stun breaker ability away from a random class. now mind you I have level 50's I'm better than you and I know what I'm talking about, and you don't.

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im not flaunting anything about mad skills. I'm merely stating that you don't know what it's like playing a melee without any form of a gap closer or slows for 8 years, or not having an interrupt for 6. years There are plenty of things that merc's lack that I dont mind at all because I dont need it, but an interrupt is an ability that should be global across all classes. its really dumb to wipe in a raid for a flashpoint because a class doesn't have an ability, and it's almost as dumb as to be exposed to freecasts all day because a sage/sorc can ranged itnerrupt and cast what ever they want while interrupting you. they might as well take the pvp stun breaker ability away from a random class. now mind you I have level 50's I'm better than you and I know what I'm talking about, and you don't.


Dude you laughable and you whine more then my 5 yr old. And you still are trying to make the argument that your class is the only one without things that others have. Either learn to deal with what you got now or don't play the class I don't rightly care but the whining is pathetic.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Dude you laughable and you whine more then my 5 yr old. And you still are trying to make the argument that your class is the only one without things that others have. Either learn to deal with what you got now or don't play the class I don't rightly care but the whining is pathetic.


You sir are very good at reading the inflection of some one typing if you believe you can hear a whine in typed words. If someone argues a point don't mean it's a whine maybe they are yelling. But seeing your sig I would bet you had an ASVAB score of about 45, so I wouldn't worry to much about your thoughts.

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EDIT: Actually, you know what - not interested.


Anyway, I bet mercs will get an interrupt soon enough. There is a pve requirement arising. You all think of it in terms of pvp balance, but if a group with 2 mercs can't clear content then there's an issue.

Edited by Diddley
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