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1.2 release date?


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The same people that want them to rush it out the door right now are the same one's that complained that they released and "unfinished" game.


I'll go with, "some people are just never happy".


Er no that was EA wanting everyones money before it was finished, not the customer base. I for 1 would have MUCH preferred it to be held off, cause at the moment I think 150 euros for collectors is the biggest and worst investment I have ever bought, period. Months later they still have not got it fixed, WHILST people keep paying for it, I could quit, but will BW refund me for such an awful game? No, so what other choice do people have in my shoes but to be vocal about it?

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I think as an MMO vet you should be able to know a stinker when you see one. This game will be ready to launch in May at the earliest, but they wanted to get paid so they launched it in December as an incomplete waste of time.


MMO vets know that the most important thing is having a reason to log in everyday. Up until about 1.3 or 1.4 I don't think that will be the case. This was a great single player game. I paid my money to go through the stories and it was worth it. As a game, I enjoyed it. As an MMO, it's at the bottom of the barrel.


A person that writes the truth! I couldn't agree more, although even single player is hell stale after the first round through wouldn't you agree? Unless you PVP through the whole 2nd time and JUST do the storyline (which I did for my 2nd and 3rd character) but now that is even getting boring, I wanted to experience all the characters story's but I just cant be bothered grinding anymore. As an MMO its exactly what you said.

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It was released early and lacking a certain grip on players for endgame at the moment. As that guy said - that will probably be the case for a while, and well thats life unfortunately.


But as far as rushing 1.2 goes, it's a bit of dilemma. People are leaving, maybe not permenantly but they're definitely not logging on as much anymore, my guild for example just feels dead.


i'm certain 1.2 will bring some of them back, as well as bring new players in - get the game busy again. So that's one cause to get it out asap.


But at the same time, it needs to be thoroughly tested so there's no game-breaking bugs. Because if there is, (and theyre not dealt with quickly, since naturally theres always gonna be a few people dont catch till live). then I suspect people will be even more pissed off.


As it stands, I'm happy to wait till end of April, even if that is deadly close to my exams :p Earlier would be nicer, but I'd rather wait and know it's being released with most bugs and tuning being taken care of.

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i think releasing it early with the possibility or knowledge of a few things not working 100% is not a big deal. testing will happen faster on real servers anyways.


Yes. They have proved this since beta.

Not! Lol really man cmon.

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I think as an MMO vet you should be able to know a stinker when you see one. This game will be ready to launch in May at the earliest, but they wanted to get paid so they launched it in December as an incomplete waste of time.


MMO vets know that the most important thing is having a reason to log in everyday. Up until about 1.3 or 1.4 I don't think that will be the case. This was a great single player game. I paid my money to go through the stories and it was worth it. As a game, I enjoyed it. As an MMO, it's at the bottom of the barrel.


+1 couldnt have said it better

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Give it a rest, pushing against an arbitrary date is what causes problems with games/patches and updates


Release it when it is ready, not before



well said. I wish the release date for SWTOR 1.0 was Dec. 20th 2012. at this point and time i feel like i'm paying to play beta.

Edited by Theeht
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Good thread, many of you are showing exactly why they will not give a date until a few days ( at the most ) before hand.


The community is simply not mature enough to handle any information that is not 100% cast in stone, and that wont happen until testing is fully complete and they are ready to roll it a day or so beforehand

Edited by Dayln
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Made you feel like one, didn't it? It's true, he is dead but he was a violent drunk and not a single tear was shed. I just love pulling that card out on people like you who don't consider that people ACTUALLY die. :p


A lesson, you have learned.


I would have asked you if he dropped any purples.

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Not sure why everyone is so impatient about the 1.2 update. You know with absolute certainty that it will require an additional adjustment because it is going to break the game and piss off a lot of people. Sure the patch notes are out and it is on the public test server but until the bulk of the gaming community actually experiences these changes in game, the actual result is a creeping shadow. Mark my words, 1.2 will be followed by future nerfs and imbalances, why? Because the game is actually STILL a beta.


No becuase its an MMO. All MMOs have the same nerf/buff cycles

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1.2 is a joke anyway. They can delay it another year for all I care.


They need to be working on the current problems/bugs that exist. Not rushing new content that will no doubt be every bit as buggy as what we have now.


I personally would rather have warzone queus than a new warzone... Right now we wait anywhere from an hour to three hours for enough people to queu for a single warzone.


What server are you on? 1-3 hour q times??

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So you pay for your car too, go tell the car company the date they are to release a new model


Give it a rest, pushing against an arbitrary date is what causes problems with games/patches and updates


Release it when it is ready, not before


Bad correlation. Can't compare this to cars buddy. We don't have to pay a huge lump sum for this game every patch. Same small sum monthly.


Honestly, they can't release this patch fast enough. Game is definitely stale. So many aspects of this game need to be fixed. I know you have to have a stable base to work off of, but the engine itself is even all messed up.


I have some super beast PCs in my house (i7 extremes) and they still get some fps lag in WZs.. I know going from 90 fps down to 60-55 fps (all high settings, 1920x1080 res) is a much better fps lag in WZs than everyone else but it still happens..


Good game, but no communication to say "Hey, we know we got some problems but don't you worry because everything will be taken care of." Even if you fail BW, at least you communicated the issues and gave a response. Even my best bud who this is his first MMO said he felt kind of slighted by the responses and quality of some parts of the game.

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What server are you on? 1-3 hour q times??


1.2 isn't a joke. You are probably just going along with the status quo once again.


You probably looked through the patch notes, scanned through them, not reading them and just wanted to see if the things were there YOU wanted and probably ONE or TWO were not. Therefore "1.2 SUCKS!" That's just the way it is, and I have grown raw to the sour pusses that are the forum trolls/doomsayers/dissers/haters.

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The most time I spend in q is about 10 min, prime time @ empress Teta.


PVP is mostly fun, till you hit 50 and get outgeared by the enemy.


I run both sides, and those inquisitors are murder. ( i have one too), waiting on the nerf bat to come swinging 1.2.

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The most time I spend in q is about 10 min, prime time @ empress Teta.


PVP is mostly fun, till you hit 50 and get outgeared by the enemy.


I run both sides, and those inquisitors are murder. ( i have one too), waiting on the nerf bat to come swinging 1.2.


Full of all sorts of bad, you can be outgeared in the lower brackets, there making gearing easier for the whiners of this MMO, and low/mid lvl sorcs are a joke, even the higher end ones have a nice hybrid spec that gives them nice aoe dmg from chain thats it...


Dont listen to ppl like this, pvp is fun period, and not attempting to prep yourself for it at 50 bracket is there own fault no one elses...

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