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This is an awesome game


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Just posting to counter the hundreds of doom n' gloom posters.


I consider myself a very jaded MMO gamer, yet SWTOR has brought the magic back to me. I was very hardcore WoW at one point, until switching over to the philosophy of "hardcore casual" - raiding only once or twice a week for a shorter time, but with highly skilled, drama-free people and competing for server firsts. I like WoW, but frankly there's no immersion factor (you just teleport everywhere, no travel time, half the people you play with are from different servers), the story has been terrible since Cataclysm, and the only thing the game has left for it is an endless reward cycle, which has come to an end since we've beaten Heroic Deathwing a few times.


People need to slow down and appreciate the "MM" and "RP" parts of an MMORPG. Make a character you love, get attached to their story. Look around and meet other players, and group with them. The game isn't just all about getting the next token, reward, or loot drop and cussing out all the people you play with for "stealing your loot".


Character attachment and community is what keeps people coming back to MMOs in a way that endless reward cycles never could. And SWTOR has done that far better than any game. My character isn't just a stat sheet, he has a personality and I don't even remember the last time I skipped any dialogue aside from droids/aliens talking. And I've already made dozens of friends on the server to play with without even trying too hard. In WoW, there's almost zero community beyond your guild.

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1. Group finding feature people actually use. Leveling alts sucks if you want to do grp quests and FPs.


2. Pointless content you do when you're bored. ie gambling in nar shadaa. The game needs extras like this.


3. Proper space combat, would love to see PVP and group content.


4. Faster content.


5. Less buggy content.


6. High res textures.


7. Engine better optimised.


8. Server merges. I would usually be against this, but they made a huge mistake at the start by capping servers. More or less every server is dead. Even when my server was marked as 'Heavy' it felt empty.


9. In general just more to do in the game, currently I just log in to raid as I have nothing to do. I am bored of PVP and I only got to rank 40. I would do FPs more, but it takes hours to find a group on a server marked 'Standard' and I am a healer. Dailies are boring and should be deleted. I make money through crafting and my comps do that for me.


10. Level 50 companion quests. I felt really attached to them while levelling, now I'm surprised if they even like me, I only send them out on crafting missions.


11. Harder raids.


12. Delete the Fleets, I would rather hang around in a city.


13. More world pvp, it was rare to get any on the way to 50.

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I want everyone to pay attention to what I'm about to say..



When you write to someone, or conduct an interview with an individual you always start with something positive.


The reason for this is human psychology.


People hate criticism. They can't stand it.


All these threads are negative, if you start with something positive and something you enjoy it gets more attention.


After you get peoples attention you can expand on things you would like to see or things you want improved or more of.. etc


If you were a famous and you got all hate mail eg. justin Bieber


Would you read mostly the positive or the negative email?



Think about it, maybe for some of you it will sink in.

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I want everyone to pay attention to what I'm about to say..



When you write to someone, or conduct an interview with an individual you always start with something positive.


The reason for this is human psychology.


People hate criticism. They can't stand it.


All these threads are negative, if you start with something positive and something you enjoy it gets more attention.


After you get peoples attention you can expand on things you would like to see or things you want improved or more of.. etc


If you were a famous and you got all hate mail eg. justin Bieber


Would you read mostly the positive or the negative email?



Think about it, maybe for some of you it will sink in.

This ain't job interview, we have paid, and are paying them. They have no choice but to listen.


They aren't totally incompetent, or naive they see the writing on the wall too. And I'm sure they are nervous about the future then they are letting on. But like I said, I don't think they can turn things around at this point. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Edited by Dego_Locc
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Let me start a thread on what i like about this game, and focus away from the negative!


1.)This game saves me money.

hard to believe right? but it does, it costs me 15 bucks a month. Normally i buy a new game for 60 dollars.


2.) This game is fully voice acted, WOW was all text which i hated for doing quests.

Nobody would pay any attention to what was going on


3.) Game is one of the best looking MMO's i have ever played.


4.)Game has been released for less than 3 months, and the support team is working hard to release content.


5.) good player base



Things i like and i want more of...


1.) more warzones i enjoy pvp


2.) faction reputations


3.) More lightsaber and weapon diversity.


What other positives can you think of?


And what would you like more of?


Philosophical speaking? It's our nature.

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All I know is in the years that I've played mmo's, from ultima online to Swtor, and pretty much everything in between, I've never been compelled to roll alt's, and this is the most I've played an mmo since vanilla wow. What excites me is where the game can go, does it use mmo conventions at end game? Sure, but the fact that they talked about world events, and stuff like that at the summet is great news.


Star wars is the strongest IP in the world, this game isn't going anywhere. I think some ppl just need to deal with that, and move on. I know one thing for sure, as an old guild wars player, the people waiting for a content revolution with that game are gonna be sorely dissapointed.

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you guys do know that BioWare is a Canadian video game developer


So they will correct any issues.


just give them time, and positive reinforcement ;)


heh, reminds me of a Winston Churchill quote:


"The Americans will always do the right thing... After they've exhausted all the alternatives"



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Dont care about people whining.. They are just WoW fanboys... Grow up...

The game is awesome!

And bioware... Come on! Give them time :cool: They will fix the bugs and put the game EVEN BETTER. heheheheeh

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As with many mmos, there's a balance of good and bad.


-saving money is the same with any mmo really- you tend to spend a great deal of time on an mmo and thus ignore most other new releases, though, that also makes you burn out faster.


-the voice acting and story definitely got me into the game- I have yet to hit max level in a game beyond WoW (which was my first) because of the dullness of levelling- in this game, at the very least a run of a Republic and Imperial make for two fun playthroughs of levelling, which is more than the zero that any other game offers. Even replay isn't so bad, though I definitely find myself doing more side things like pvp/space/flashpoints and just doing story quests


-content being released is coming at a good rate- they are likely shooting themselves in the foot by taking out most of the grind and gear checks for pve in particular- I think we'll see if pvp is a keeper based on how much of a progressive earning of rewards is in it. Sadly, earning things is the expectation nowadays- in everything from F2P, Korean, to WoW, EVE, to even CoD and BF3. Taking away gear benefits for pvpers may be a poor decision BECAUSE it levels the playing field, and because bad players can no longer feel special just by spending a great deal of time playing for rewards that can win pvp for them.


-graphically, it doesn't look any better or worse than any new mmos, however- there is a great deal of variety and detail in environments, and animations including small things like how capes move look so much better than the traditional 'stiffness' that has been in so many mmos. Looking at a screenshot, this game won't look special, but in this case the game does look much nicer in action.



-bugwise- so many of the 'bugs that will never get fixed' or 'must be intentional cuz BW hates us' get fixed in a few days and are never heard from again (like the multiple Fleet instances that showed up this patch, and in the first hour there were dozens of threads with people claiming 'durr, this is BW's intention to split us all up', yet it was fixed in a few hours)- people don't seem to realize that bugs will always happen in an mmo, and either have never played one or are looking at older mmos with very rose tinted glasses.


-class balance is actually very good for pvp IN GROUP PLAY- there's currently no class that when I play them in pvp I feel like I hate playing it (except maybe the guardian but I imagine I'm just bad at playing it, can't be top at everything after all).



-the design in VS makes it prone to ties, which are arbitrarily broken- furthermore the jump ignoring the bridge can make for a free cap, if made when nobody has spawned there yet- which can make a match an easy win just based on luck

-Alderaan's side speeders are still too fast- though it has been improved, it's still near impossible to dislodge a team once they have 2 turrets. The game should also end once one team can no longer win unless they get all 3 turrets, cuz at that point 99% of the time people just sit at the turret they have and wait.


-the game's biggest flaw is how it doesn't feel like you're a big part of something- the only place you can look for FP groups is the one place you can't be fighting enemies, all the loading screens make getting places annoying after a while, and the lack of quick travel doesn't help.

-this can be fixed in many ways- dungeon finder would help with finding FPs outside of Fleet

-quick travel to planets would help, make it a legacy thing imo- 2.5 million credits per planet OR legacy 10 + having completed that planet's bonus series or 80% of that planet's quests or something

-put in an LFG channel which is galactic in scope

-cut out some of those stations which are just an extra couple loading screens- also, cut out the elevators to ships

-some sort of 'summoning' ability would be amazing for people trying to help a friend do a heroic on another planet

-instant travel to Ilum would've done wonders for making that planet more successful


-Right now, everything's just not joined smoothly, it feels like a whole bunch of hubs, and yeah, we understand unlike most fantasy games, we're going planet to planet rather than just exploring a huge continent- but the inability to be mobile makes it pretty painful at times.

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I just think games need to be careful when making things shorter or quicker to achieve.


If you've ever played a game called Dark souls or demon souls you need to work hard for every skillpoint and gear item you get, it makes the fact you've progressed that much sweeter.

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Quite the contrary. We need more threads like this. And less threads like yours, trying to convince us why, like you, we should hate this game and how it should be cast into the fiery pits of Hell.


It's an MMO. If you expect it to be different from WoW and Rift, you came in with the wrong expectations. Oh, and most future MMOs, if they want any measure of success, will follow their formula as well. If they are happy with niche, then they can, by all means, try and debunk the current MMO formula.

Edited by Trineda
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On the OP’s point about saving money:


He is correct that paying a $15 monthly subscription “saves” him money over the other options. It doesn’t save money in an absolute sense. But it is a savings in a relative sense. It’s a budgeting thing. If you plan to spend $60 and instead you spend $15 then you’ve saved $45 against the planned expense.


This is how politicians can propose ten year budgets that increase the debt by $6 Trillion and claim that they’ve saved $4 Trillion. In an absolute sense of course they haven’t. But compared to baseline projections they have.


Essentially, if you purchase anything, you are not saving money. The spending of money, no matter how small, is the antithesis of saving it.

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Essentially, if you purchase anything, you are not saving money. The spending of money, no matter how small, is the antithesis of saving it.


I feel like you quoted me without reading what I wrote.


Here, I'll re-write it for you


"On the OP’s point about saving money:


He is correct that paying a $15 monthly subscription “saves” him money over the other options. It doesn’t save money in an absolute sense. But it is a savings in a relative sense. It’s a budgeting thing. If you plan to spend $60 and instead you spend $15 then you’ve saved $45 against the planned expense.


This is how politicians can propose ten year budgets that increase the debt by $6 Trillion and claim that they’ve saved $4 Trillion. In an absolute sense of course they haven’t. But compared to baseline projections they have."


So um, yeah, that.

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I love the game i just wish they could merge servers together to increase the playerbase on each realm left or a character migration service, wouldn't solve low populated servers i am on a Standard one and it's really hard get a group going for some random FP. I really disagree with faction reputation it's so freaking boring done it in WoW, done it in Rift don't wanna do it again.


PvP is fun - Leave it as it is.

Flashpoints - Wouldnt mind a bit more challange but overall they are all good.

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I feel like you quoted me without reading what I wrote.


Here, I'll re-write it for you


"On the OP’s point about saving money:


He is correct that paying a $15 monthly subscription “saves” him money over the other options. It doesn’t save money in an absolute sense. But it is a savings in a relative sense. It’s a budgeting thing. If you plan to spend $60 and instead you spend $15 then you’ve saved $45 against the planned expense.


This is how politicians can propose ten year budgets that increase the debt by $6 Trillion and claim that they’ve saved $4 Trillion. In an absolute sense of course they haven’t. But compared to baseline projections they have."


So um, yeah, that.






i laughed.



I have a gaming budget, if i don't go over the budget i save money.


I know this because my savings account has more dollars than before.

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Glad my thread title was changed, it invited 2 much trolling.


but alas i want to continue the topic.


I enjoy the idea of having the Cantina with Jukeboxes I think it adds an interesting atmosphere


Additional Games in the Cantina could also be added, that's where i think they should put pazzak

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And what would you like more of?


Ohh man!


More hair, much more hair.


More races, but I don't mind if they come in an expansion.I'm gonna buy them all! ^_^


More armor styles, and robes.


More Jawas.


More romance options for the PC, and more companions.


...and finally...


Just more of what makes this game pure 100% awesome!

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The game is magnificant. WoW had me for 3-4 good years, this will have me for just as long if the content and expansions keep growing. i am enjoying it more than any other MMO I have played. i am a BIG fan.


I would like to see more group based questing at low, mid and high levels.


Of course I want to merge to an Oceanic server as I am in Australia and currently on Darth Sion, so late April can't come quick enough. My prime gaming time has about 5 people on if I'm lucky.


Look all in all, this is a brilliant MMO and 1.2 and beyond will cement it as a real contender for the first real Blizzard competitor.


Epic game.

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