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Bioware,how are you going to make sure people dont spam pvp and get war hero in aweek


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I have paid my money so I want all the titles, colours, mounts, pets and any other rewards that you give anyone else who ever plays this game and I want them yesterday; else I will tell my mommy to not pay you anymore.


Yours sincerely


Backpeddling, clicker and keyboard-turner.

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I have paid my money so I want all the titles, colours, mounts, pets and any other rewards that you give anyone else who ever plays this game and I want them yesterday; else I will tell my mommy to not pay you anymore.


Yours sincerely


Backpeddling, clicker and keyboard-turner.



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The one thing that is missing from PVP, for all of the elitists out there who trumpet PVP as being the end all be all of MMO gameplay, is a penalty for losing. How about a scaled loss of valor upon death? i.e. the higher the valor rank the greater the penalty. Just seems a little odd that the "hardest" thing there is to do in an MMO has zero repercussions for failure.


When failure = success no one actually wins.

Losers just win less than winners.


If you lose at PVE you get:

item durability loss and a repair bill


If you lose at PVP you get:

valor, money, commendations, and experience; just not as much as those who "won".


People throw the term "competitive PVP" around like it means something but the comparative ease at which losing earns rewards is more than slightly contradictory to someone who thinks that "massively multiplayer" shouldn't mean the same eight people against random pugs for hours on end.

Would love that, but this is too carebear for all that.


That would never be "equal" though claim the have nots.

Edited by Dego_Locc
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I have paid my money so I want all the titles, colours, mounts, pets and any other rewards that you give anyone else who ever plays this game and I want them yesterday; else I will tell my mommy to not pay you anymore.


Yours sincerely


Backpeddling, clicker and keyboard-turner.


Haha, spot on my friend, spot on.

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The one thing that is missing from PVP, for all of the elitists out there who trumpet PVP as being the end all be all of MMO gameplay, is a penalty for losing. How about a scaled loss of valor upon death? i.e. the higher the valor rank the greater the penalty. Just seems a little odd that the "hardest" thing there is to do in an MMO has zero repercussions for failure.


When failure = success no one actually wins.

Losers just win less than winners.


If you lose at PVE you get:

item durability loss and a repair bill


If you lose at PVP you get:

valor, money, commendations, and experience; just not as much as those who "won".


People throw the term "competitive PVP" around like it means something but the comparative ease at which losing earns rewards is more than slightly contradictory to someone who thinks that "massively multiplayer" shouldn't mean the same eight people against random pugs for hours on end.


I agree with you, the point of pvping in the first place is to win.


However people these days just pvp to get ranks, and they don't even have to win? There is no noticable difference in winning or loosing, just farm my 4 medals aand I am guaranteed 2000 valor points, win or loose, how about a small change to that, let's say 100 valor per medal for the loosing team, rather than 500? it should make it more interesting to actually try to win, rather than just farm.


Also, how about actually making an MVP system that works, I know that will require some work, as there is absolutely no sense in how you gain your score towards trying to win the match as it stands now.


And finally, why do I get 3 points towards my daily 'collect armaments' quest, regardless of win/loose? Maybe that could be altered too, 1 pt if you loose, 5 if you win, or even 2/4 It just seems totally out of place that there is no point what so ever to actually play to win.


Luckily I am the type of person who does play to win, and I am in a guild with a similar attitude, for us it means more to win, than to loose, even if there is no difference in the rewards, but it would be nice to see something done about the above issues.


As it stands now, there is no real telling who was the most valuable player, to me it seems people just vote the healer, or the one with most damage, most kills, or even the one with most medals, what's the point of scoring 5 tds in huttball, you get no medals, no objective points, no mvp votes, and you gain no more valor than if you loose the game.


As a final note this giving healers a kill every time some one they healed gets a kill, comeon get real, healers now kill twice as many people in the WZs as people who were actually in on 30 kills.

Edited by Jeskelech
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IMO, give new 50's a full set of at the very least Champ gear in the mail when they hit 50. I say bring it on.


Well all those guys who whine about being at a disadvantage can have BM gear and I equip Champion gear, cause I will still beat them.


What a lot of pvp'ers are worried about is the ''point'' of pvping if there isnt a resonable reward for it. Im not to sure the majority is sold on Vanity rewards.


Dont get me wrong, im all in for leveling playing field, cause I will still perform well and those who were bad before will remain so, and hopefully notice themselves as they are now out of excuses (hopefully..) How ever gear upgrades have always been a good carrot on a stick for those who spend a lot of time on PvP. Besides the difference between Champion gear and BM gear is so minor that skill will be the determining factor - the upgrade on ''future'' gear could be even less significant and it would still keep pvpers more motivated to keep pvping/ranked wz, compared to vanity rewards.


Btw if you pvp like 1 hour a week, then please stay out of this thread cause your opinion is NOT as important as ones who pvp alot. Say you get it your way, you will be happy 1 hr pr week, where someone who pvps every day might not - MY POINT - if you dont pvp a lot, then leave it to those who do, to decide what is better.

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I have a better question for bioware how do you intend to stop the mass war zone dropping when the new warzone comes out and everyones dropping to get the new warzone? apparently according to gabe having choice is a bad thing....


introducing new warzone that you cant choose= mass warzone droppage mass qq for people trying to do the warzone there "forced" to do due to lack of not bieng able to choose.


Thank god i dont do pos wz's....

Edited by hargrave
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I have a better question for bioware how do you intend to stop the mass war zone dropping when the new warzone comes out and everyones dropping to get the new warzone? apparently according to gabe having choice is a bad thing....


introducing new warzone that you cant choose= mass warzone droppage mass qq for people trying to do the warzone there "forced" to do due to lack of not bieng able to choose.


Thank god i dont do pos wz's....


Im very surprised they havent add some kind of punishment to ''leaving Wzs'' its common sense that people will take advantage of such a design flaw, which it undeniably is.

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There are a lot of players who pvp to compete against the ultimate mmo opponent - other players. We enjoy pvp for its own sake. Gear rewards are not why we do pvp. Titles to mark our progress (and for bragging rights) are all a lot of us need. Keep creating more interesting WZs and fix Ilum ASAP. Please ignore the whining twinks and munchkins who are always chasing the next shiny thing - you can't make them happy anyway.
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There are a lot of players who pvp to compete against the ultimate mmo opponent - other players. We enjoy pvp for its own sake. Gear rewards are not why we do pvp. Titles to mark our progress (and for bragging rights) are all a lot of us need. Keep creating more interesting WZs and fix Ilum ASAP. Please ignore the whining twinks and munchkins who are always chasing the next shiny thing - you can't make them happy anyway.


I am not picking sides, but why should they not have a chance to get what they crave? I like to PvP, but I will only do it with my guild if there is no reward to be grinded, as I feel PvP is not fun for more than 1-2 hours if I solo.

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Im very surprised they havent add some kind of punishment to ''leaving Wzs'' its common sense that people will take advantage of such a design flaw, which it undeniably is.


What are you going to do to prevent people from just closing and reloading SW? The answer is nothing. You can't stop people from leaving if they want to. You can, however, address why people leave. Which is exactly what they're doing.

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this is a joke... I just spent 2 weeks off work "sick" - grinding BM... and now, they are simply taking the achievement/reward away from me. I bought the game on the understanding that this was a proper MMO...


at least with WoW it took 2/3 years before they began to cave in to whiners....


I am a casual gamer, I like having elitists on the server... makes the 4 hours a week I get on the game entertaining and competitive.


"you don't sell cinema tickets to 100 people for $10 and then sell 250 for $5 10 minutes before the screening."


This is like you saying, thanks for your loyalty in our first couple of months... now please move aside for new business...


....RAGEQUIT (just kidding)

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What are you going to do to prevent people from just closing and reloading SW? The answer is nothing. You can't stop people from leaving if they want to. You can, however, address why people leave. Which is exactly what they're doing.


I think deserter buff did a decent job in WoW, and I'd like to see the same in this game.


Or simply remove 100k creds from quitters, unreasonable yes, but those losers will get the message fast..

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"you don't sell cinema tickets to 100 people for $10 and then sell 250 for $5 10 minutes before the screening."

....RAGEQUIT (just kidding)


Actually they do, it's called filling the seats, and there by maximizing profit.


Sorry but you really might want to look into how economy works.

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I think deserter buff did a decent job in WoW, and I'd like to see the same in this game.


Or simply remove 100k creds from quitters, unreasonable yes, but those losers will get the message fast..


They will never remove credits from people who quit because there are legitimate reasons right now to leave games. You seem to think that people should be mandated to be your personal pinata regardless of whether or not they're enjoying the experience. I will say that if I join a solo queue game and find I'm opposing a premade and I have any 11k hp fresh 50's, I quit immediately. I will not waste my time with a match that isn't winnable or at least going to be entertaining if I'm going to lose. I certainly won't stay because the premade gets upset if I do. And I respect similar choices on the other side of the fence. If people aren't enjoying the game it's their prerogative to leave. The fix is adjust how rewards are distributed so that losing isn't a waste of time (when who we're matched with is out of our hands in solo queue) and to adjust their matchmaking to minimize premades and to try to balance each side based upon the expertise total of the participants.

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They will never remove credits from people who quit because there are legitimate reasons right now to leave games. You seem to think that people should be mandated to be your personal pinata regardless of whether or not they're enjoying the experience. I will say that if I join a solo queue game and find I'm opposing a premade and I have any 11k hp fresh 50's, I quit immediately. I will not waste my time with a match that isn't winnable or at least going to be entertaining if I'm going to lose. I certainly won't stay because the premade gets upset if I do. And I respect similar choices on the other side of the fence. If people aren't enjoying the game it's their prerogative to leave. The fix is adjust how rewards are distributed so that losing isn't a waste of time (when who we're matched with is out of our hands in solo queue) and to adjust their matchmaking to minimize premades and to try to balance each side based upon the expertise total of the participants.


Then apparently you are the ''kind'' of people I dislike in PvP. You'll have equal gear in 1.2 so no need to discuss that. How ever when you do leave cause you dont feel like you can win it, you abandon and put the rest of your grp at a disadvantage, also its often frustrating for someone els to join a game which is midway etc.


Effectively you screw over everyone els, just because you can't be bothered to lose, in my book thats a soar loser. Why do you play competitive games to start with? you must realize that you wont win all of them, but apparently you cant handle losing.


Honestly I have no respect for you or others who conduct themselves in similar ways.

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This is a game. You paid for it, I paid for it. What makes you think that you should be entitled to some part of the experience that I'm not?


You're one of the people who thinks that sitting at your computer for 7 hours a day and 12 hours on a weekend day grinding through warzones to the point where you're not even thinking anymore means that you should be able to equip more stats and give yourself a distinct advantage over players who may be more skilled than you but can only play 6 hours a week.


And the real pvp'ers are actually looking forward to the implications of this patch. If it goes the way they described, everyone will be able to start rated WZs with war hero gear and then rank up from there based on performance and not time spent drooling on the keyboard.


So, by this (YOUR) Logic, PvE gear should be given away without doing OPs and HMs since they dont have time to do it as well?


Get over this "real PvPers" crap already. People are entitled to want, or desire anything they want. Your rant is as retarded and the ones by everyone else arguing over this subject. It will happen or it wont but either way the "real PvPers" will still play as they are now in the system as it is. Honestly, it seems the more people shout they are the "real" pvper or the "true" "hardcore" whatever are really just gtetting owned and want the easy mode and everything given to them.


BW should just add an "I win" skill for you all or a check box on character creation that lets you declare PvP or PvE intent. PvP intent players log in at lvl 50, Full PvP gear and 100 valor so all this whining and moaning will stop.

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Then apparently you are the ''kind'' of people I dislike in PvP. You'll have equal gear in 1.2 so no need to discuss that. How ever when you do leave cause you dont feel like you can win it, you abandon and put the rest of your grp at a disadvantage, also its often frustrating for someone els to join a game which is midway etc.


Effectively you screw over everyone els, just because you can't be bothered to lose, in my book thats a soar loser. Why do you play competitive games to start with? you must realize that you wont win all of them, but apparently you cant handle losing.


Honestly I have no respect for you or others who conduct themselves in similar ways.


Not to mention, that when loosers start leaving the warzone, it is frustrating for the winning team too, as they are essentially being deprived of their victory, in some cases the zone ends early, and this causes the winning team to loose valor, experience, and commendations.


Fight hard until the end, win or loose, that is the only way to go.


But it is a though one to handle; one thing you could do, this will ofc also hit people whith a valid DC or whom the game randomly throw to the character selection screen, is disallow reentry to the game for 5-10 minutes.

Edited by Jeskelech
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Then apparently you are the ''kind'' of people I dislike in PvP. You'll have equal gear in 1.2 so no need to discuss that. How ever when you do leave cause you dont feel like you can win it, you abandon and put the rest of your grp at a disadvantage, also its often frustrating for someone els to join a game which is midway etc.


Effectively you screw over everyone els, just because you can't be bothered to lose, in my book thats a soar loser. Why do you play competitive games to start with? you must realize that you wont win all of them, but apparently you cant handle losing.


Honestly I have no respect for you or others who conduct themselves in similar ways.


I don't mind losing, I mind when losing isn't worth the time investment and there's no chance of winning from the get go. I'm not really interested in garnering your respect or whether you approve of my opinion. If this happened once in a blue moon it wouldn't be a big deal, but when I play 8 or more games in a row where I'm matched with multiple people who have orange gear with mid 40's mods on and no expertise versus a bm or almost all bm pre-made, I'm not going to waste my time. If you want to stick that out, good for you. I won't. And there's absolutely nothing you (or anyone) can do to stop me from leaving if I make the decision to bail on the game. If you're not in agreement with the way I play, that's nice. I feel it's a legitimate reason to leave games and your approval isn't required.

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Not to mention, that when loosers start leaving the warzone, it is frustrating for the winning team too, as they are essentially being deprived of their victory, in some cases the zone ends early, and this causes the winning team to loose valor, experience, and commendations.


Fight hard until the end, win or loose, that is the only way to go.


But it is a though one to handle; one thing you could do, this will ofc also hit people whith a valid DC or whom the game randomly throw to the character selection screen, is disallow reentry to the game for 5-10 minutes.


I agree.


It is a shame for people with DC problems but I for one feel like its a necessary step.

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I don't mind losing, I mind when losing isn't worth the time investment and there's no chance of winning from the get go. I'm not really interested in garnering your respect or whether you approve of my opinion. If this happened once in a blue moon it wouldn't be a big deal, but when I play 8 or more games in a row where I'm matched with multiple people who have orange gear with mid 40's mods on and no expertise versus a bm or almost all bm pre-made, I'm not going to waste my time. If you want to stick that out, good for you. I won't. And there's absolutely nothing you (or anyone) can do to stop me from leaving if I make the decision to bail on the game. If you're not in agreement with the way I play, that's nice. I feel it's a legitimate reason to leave games and your approval isn't required.


No you dont need my approval, I just hope that eventually devs will make sure people like you suffer the consequences for their actions.


Fyi, your actions are some of the things that can contribute to multiple losses. The game isnt won in the first 2min.

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I agree.


It is a shame for people with DC problems but I for one feel like its a necessary step.


I'm glad you two agree with each other, but unfortunately your agreement is not going to result in a penalty for people. Bioware *might* implement a deserter style debuff. They've already stated they intend to try to resolve the situation by providing incentives to stick a game out, whether or not it's a win or loss and eliminating the incentives for people to farm medals and drag games out at the expense of the other team. They certainly aren't going to go further than that at any point. By that, I mean they're not going to remove valor, credits, or anything else. And anyone who feels as I do is just going to swap toons or just do something else for a few minutes while the debuff wears off.

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It was my understanding that War Hero gear would not be purchasable with comms or tokens, and that gear could only be obtained after gaining a certain rank on the ELO system.


To me, this system works for the hardcore and casuals. THe hardcore get to show of their shiny gear and the casuals have something to strive for.


Maybe an ELO of over 9000?

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