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Fact is that the Timothy Zahn's "Thrawn Trilogy" was the first officially authorized novels based on Star Wars. Zahn spent YEARS trying to convince Lucas to write it. So "Heir to the Empire" is where the EU begins and where EVERYONE should start (IMHO). After that, I agree with other posters that anything SW and Zahn is a good read.


The entire X-Wing series is great but, as someone else mentions, this series is about Wedge Antilles and his two squadrons of X-Wing pilots (For those unfamiliar with the name - ANH: death star trench run with Luke, has to pull out because his X-Wing is damaged, ESB: he takes out the first AT-AT with the tow-cable, RotJ: he leads the X-Wing squadron in the death star space battle and he and Lando take out the death star; in short the ONLY non-major character to be in and survive all three three OT movies).


I also liked the Jedi Academy Trilogy and I, Jedi (the events of the Academy Trilogy through the eyes of an older trainee).


Going pre-OT - The Han Solo trilogy is a fun read: takes you through his life up until he meets the rebellion.


Root for the "bad guy" - Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy; the protagonist is Boba Fett.


The problem I had with the NJO series...

was the fact that when you thought the situation could not get any worse for the New Republic and you thought they were going to finally turn things around, the next book (usually by a different author) plunged the New Republic even deeper. I could only take so much of that and I stopped reading about half way through the series.


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what really got me into the books, and now have just about every book printed (2 whole bookshelves full of them), and read em all, except maybe 1 or 2, was the x-wing series. my curiousness took over and the rest is history. This was back when the x-wing series just came out.


but thrawn trilogy was good. id start with shadows of the empire though.

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So if I'm wanting read the New Republic Era books then where would be a good place to start, Thrawn Trilogy im guessing? Im really only interested in the main story characters so any other books that people can suggest would be apprectiated.
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Thrawn Trilogy by Zahn > all


After that it's was really hit or miss.


I stopped reading the novels during the terrible vong stuff (New jedi order), i am tempted to try out some of the old republic era novels now however. This game has sparked my interest.

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I've read the Thrawn Trilogy, as well as the 2-part Zahn "Thrawn" set. What next? I'd like to continue the stories of Mara & Luke. Also, that 2-part set mentions things that occur between Zahn's 2 Thrawn sets. Where can I find those stories (ie - the Jedi Academy, Exar Kuhn reborn, Mara with Kataarn, etc)?


Mara is Zahn's baby...




Not that its a bad thing, but he really only does books about her and Luke now...



I bet he was unhappy when Traviss killed her.

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If you want some almost completely NON-cannon SW stories with a bit of cross over with Stargate SG1 and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


try: http://www.tthfanfic.org/Story-7119/scribbler+Jedi+Harris.htm


easy fun reading light hearted . All fan written stories.


For those not informed, Season 2 of Buffy had a ep where the main chars became the costumes they wore.


My Favorites are This one and one where someone went as Iron Man.


And the best part is they are free.

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can anyone point me to a book where a "bad guy" (Sith is prefered) is the lead?

Preferably without any Movie characters, but if there is nothing else, i take it.

I know and read both Bane books.


There are 3 Bane books BTW.


Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter is a decent read. Maul is the only promently featured movie character.



The recently released Darth Plagueis is pretty good as well and fleshes out quite a bit of backstory regarding Darth Sidious and the events precluding TPM.

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Thanks for the suggestions, have to check my book pile if i just didn't remember the third or if it came out after i read all of the available ones.

Also Darth maul could work, since you don't get much background info on him in the movies.

I just don't like "yet another Luke Skywalker/Anakin Skywalker" Book :)


Edit: Ah crap, yeah, read all 3 Bane books

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So if I'm wanting read the New Republic Era books then where would be a good place to start, Thrawn Trilogy im guessing? Im really only interested in the main story characters so any other books that people can suggest would be apprectiated.


Chronologically - The Truce at Bakura (takes place immediately following RotJ; the rebellion is still celebrating on Endor)


However, as I said in a previous post, the EU got jump started with the Zahn "Thrawn Trilogy". As a matter of fact it was speculated (back then) that it would be episodes 7 8 and 9.

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Any of the books deal mostly with a Jedi Consular ?

The whole Jedi Consular/ Shadow/Sentinel/Guardian concept is something contrived for SWTOR (perhaps as far back as KOTOR), so you won't see any of the novels deal with jedi defined in such clear roles. I guess the novels that tie in with the game however do have characters that clearly have such a role, so I would suggest reading those (Fatal Alliance perhaps?).


As for the whole best SW books discussion:

Thrawn Trilogy for all the reasons already mentioned

Darth Plagueis

Darth Bane: Path of Destruction

NJO series

X-Wing Series

Jedi Academy Trilogy

Correlia Trilogy (yes I liked it, I'm surprised nobody else has mentioned it yet)


Haven't read all the books yet, although I am collecting them all (last count was 130). Ever since SWTOR came out I'm completely back into Star Wars again, and next week I'm starting the massive task of (re-)reading through my collection. Hope to finish it in 3 years or so, and I want to read some other stuff in between (Terry Pratchett novels and ASOIAF for the 3rd time :) ).

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Chronologically - The Truce at Bakura (takes place immediately following RotJ; the rebellion is still celebrating on Endor)


However, as I said in a previous post, the EU got jump started with the Zahn "Thrawn Trilogy". As a matter of fact it was speculated (back then) that it would be episodes 7 8 and 9.

Speculated by fans only, because Zahn made the trilogy very much in the mold of the OT; each book opened with a Star Destroyer, the way he structured a lot of the trilogy... the only thing it DIDN'T do was follow the known 'rules' of the Saga. Even back then, it was known that the Prequels would end roughly 20 years before ANH; fan gossip or actual George/Kurtz info had it that IF 7-9 were made, they'd be a minimum of 20 years after ROTJ. The Thrawn Trilogy is a mere 5 years after, and--while fun--it doesn't fit the criteria of a proper sequel trilogy.


Someone either earlier in this thread or in a similar thread went so far as to claim that Zahn wrote the Thrawn Trilogy based on screenplays of Episodes 7-9, but he either misheard or misread something about fans saying "The Thrawn Trilogy should be done as 7-9!" or he got the info from a troll-site like Supershadow's site; any fan worth his salt knows that George abandoned 7-9 back in the early '80s when it was decided that ROTJ would wrap everything up (thus, Leia becoming Luke's sister), and if he had anything written down about 'em, it was notes AT BEST and there's no way he'd let them be handed off to some other author to turn into books...that's how it worked in the '70s when he didn't know if Star Wars would be a hit or not, so Alan Dean Foster was charged with writing a sequel that could be filmed even cheaper than the first film should Star Wars not do so well, giving us Splinter of the Mind's Eye. In the '90s tho? If Lucas wanted to film a sequel trilogy, he'd just film a sequel trilogy... he certainly wouldn't spoil it by having it written up as novels released years in advance.


Anyway. I'd love to see it animated, provided they throw out all the character designs from the Dark Horse adaptation (ie no Mara in sleeveless catsuits, no Biker Gang Talon Karrde, etc) and maybe adapt some of the script(s) to fit some new info we've had since '91 (like, tweak the ysalamiri so they don't 'cancel' the Force, they just block communication of midichlorians between different life forms & objects in a certain radius, giving the illusion that they reside in a bubble void of the Force... it just makes Jedi 'blind' to the Force.

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This thread was such a better read than "Nerf xxx class cuz yyy"


I may go ahead and checkout the thrawn trilogy, I read a few of the x-wing books a long long time ago and have always been meaning to get back into EU books.


good info here.

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