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What's your pvp gear setup ??


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2 columi/rakata eliminator pieces for 15% tracer crit, then the other 3 BM eliminator pieces. Combat medic implants/guns etc, matrix cube and power BM relic. All accuracy mods swapped out for crit/surge ofcourse. Edited by Sinsavz
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It depends on whether you are tanking, dps, or healer.


But from what I have experienced many BMs don't go for full BM equipment. They mix and match it with PVE gear. As with most stats you get demishing returns as the amounts increase and you can often get better numbers by increasing secondary stats more than just over kill on one or two.

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I only go for about 5% expertise as heals and same for pyro. For me Rakata>Champ>Columni>Cent. I use 4 piece Rakata however. I'm usually #1 or #2 in damage while still focusing on objectives. Once I get BM gear ill probably go for a little more expertise but keep mostly Rakata.
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Full rakata gear for healing


Oof, the opposing team must love you big time. Nothing is easier to bring down than 'that guy without expertise'. Combine it with healing debuff and smart opponents who focus healers, and yeah.... one can maybe pull it off if your team constantly protects you, but from personal experience full pve set up in pvp is one giant liability for the team.

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