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Why must Doc be almost mandatory?


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It is depressing the crap out of me that as a Sentinel there's really only one correct choice of companion - it's far easier to get through quests with Doc than any other companion. Using Kira I'm more or less forced to use every ability I've got and engage in a life or death race against a single elite, whereas if I'm getting healz I can just merrily use a rotation of 3 or 4 buttons and be just fine by the end.


This wouldn't be so bad if Doc weren't so insufferable towards a female character - he will hit on you, poorly, non-stop no matter what dialogue options you pick. No matter how many times you threaten to throw him out of an airlock or feed him feet first to Lord Scourge, he still insists on throwing out constant cheesy pickup lines. I gave the most cruel answers available the entire way through Balmorra, and STILL he wanted to join my crew and my only response choices were three variations on "yes". I do not want someone on my ship who would make me double check my door is locked every night.


Either let me use another companion to equal effect, or let me beat his face with the hilt of my lightsaber until he learns some respect

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It is depressing the crap out of me that as a Sentinel there's really only one correct choice of companion - it's far easier to get through quests with Doc than any other companion. Using Kira I'm more or less forced to use every ability I've got and engage in a life or death race against a single elite, whereas if I'm getting healz I can just merrily use a rotation of 3 or 4 buttons and be just fine by the end.


This wouldn't be so bad if Doc weren't so insufferable towards a female character - he will hit on you, poorly, non-stop no matter what dialogue options you pick. No matter how many times you threaten to throw him out of an airlock or feed him feet first to Lord Scourge, he still insists on throwing out constant cheesy pickup lines. I gave the most cruel answers available the entire way through Balmorra, and STILL he wanted to join my crew and my only response choices were three variations on "yes". I do not want someone on my ship who would make me double check my door is locked every night.


Either let me use another companion to equal effect, or let me beat his face with the hilt of my lightsaber until he learns some respect


you could always report doc for stalking with an ticket lol jk,I know what you mean he is soo cheesy and he just wants to marry you.well he is good at healing but kira is a snobby know it all :(

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It is depressing the crap out of me that as a Sentinel there's really only one correct choice of companion - it's far easier to get through quests with Doc than any other companion. Using Kira I'm more or less forced to use every ability I've got and engage in a life or death race against a single elite, whereas if I'm getting healz I can just merrily use a rotation of 3 or 4 buttons and be just fine by the end.


This wouldn't be so bad if Doc weren't so insufferable towards a female character - he will hit on you, poorly, non-stop no matter what dialogue options you pick. No matter how many times you threaten to throw him out of an airlock or feed him feet first to Lord Scourge, he still insists on throwing out constant cheesy pickup lines. I gave the most cruel answers available the entire way through Balmorra, and STILL he wanted to join my crew and my only response choices were three variations on "yes". I do not want someone on my ship who would make me double check my door is locked every night.


Either let me use another companion to equal effect, or let me beat his face with the hilt of my lightsaber until he learns some respect


C2-N2 is a healer.

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Doc isn't mandatory, it's quite possible to use any companion, though i agree it's a lot easier with Doc.


My problem with him is that killing stuff just took so much longer, and overall it was kind of dull, since I never really felt at risk. So I ditched him, bought a snazzy purple helm for Kira and never looked back. The fights were a lot more interesting, since I was actually concerned about dying, and I was forced to use all of my abilities, including interrupts and all my defensive cooldowns and medpacks.

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Doc isn't mandatory, it's quite possible to use any companion, though i agree it's a lot easier with Doc.


My problem with him is that killing stuff just took so much longer, and overall it was kind of dull, since I never really felt at risk. So I ditched him, bought a snazzy purple helm for Kira and never looked back. The fights were a lot more interesting, since I was actually concerned about dying, and I was forced to use all of my abilities, including interrupts and all my defensive cooldowns and medpacks.


in bold


What are medpacks?

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I went through the entire JK story line with T7 as a sentinel. What I notice that a lot of noob sentinels do is jump in before their companion. No wonder you die. But seriously don't do that and come here and complain that Doc is the only viable companion for JK when he isn't. DPS need either a tank or a healer as a companion. That gives T7 and the sith you get later. Granted, spec might play into it as well, but as Watchman- those burn heals don't really do much 40+.

Learn to play with all your abilities- if you want a 3 or 4 button rotation I hear WoW is offering some free game time. To be viable in a group you need to be able to utilize all your abilities, other wise you are gimping yourself and others.

Use your interrupts often- force leap, force kick, stasis, and awe. If you miss an interrupt, use your many defense cds. If stuff is still a bit tough (ie boss fight) use a medpack and your Heroic Moment. Also, pay attention to whats actually going on. Some monster abilities are instant cast channeled aoe. Attack the healers first- these are all ways just to play better and make life easier.

If you don't want to try, play a warlock on WoW or super Mario Bros(not a burn but it is a really easy game to get).

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Isn't that what women do anyway? You get a guy wrapped around your finger, friend zone him, then use and abuse him so long as he's stupid enough to do everything you ask. That's what ***** were invented for, mind control. You almost SOUND like a girl, not just a girl toon. I could be mistaken :p
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OPs problem is that he wants to use Kira while playing as a DPS against enemies that hurt. If not using a healer like Doc, you'll want a tank companion. T7 or Scourge make great choices. The simple fact is, in any situation where you're fighting tough enemies, it is ALWAYS better for your companion to get KO'd before you. Kira of course will never outmatch your damage and has no threat bonus, and just like any companion, she will not fight on the behalf of your corpse like you can for theirs.


In conclusion, DPS companions suck at everything except farming enemies that were never really a threat to begin with. DPS companions arn't as bad when paired with a tank player but still inferior to the companions that intend to keep you alive the longest.

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I guess im part of the minority that enjoy's doc's flirting. Specially since after leveling my consular (with no viable romance options since its boring for her). I like that Doc is up front about what he wants and not just going for a booty call like another certain healer. I have been working on his gear and think hes going to be fun to run around planets with. Though I did enjoy running with Kira to and plan on rotating between all my companions because I find them all far less annoying then the refugees who took over my space ship as a Jedi sage :)
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I'm actually looking forward to picking up Doc. I just hit Balmora and I'll admit, Act II is harder than Act I (as obvious as that sounds). Angral?...no problem. Sith guarding a downed ship on Tatooine?...hey ouch! T7 just can't hang anymore it seems.


How far into Balmora until I get Doc?

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It didnt seem to long especially if you do his quest right off the bat. I think there are two minor and a major quest you have to complete before he joins you as a guest then after that he becomes your permanent companion once the whole class quest is done on Balmora even if your still doing the extra liberation stuff. I just finished that stuff and now onto another planet with Doc in tow.
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I used Doc for a while. He made fights easy and I just kept dying every time I used another companion. Now that I've picked up better gear for Kira, Doc basically stays on the ship except for harder fights.
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