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Free transfers in the future?


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I think it's clear at this point, as I was looking at the populations of other RP/PVE servers, that Bioware could essentially merge all of them, and not have a problem with population. Or, merge them into two servers. I'm stuck on an RP server that doesn't RP. I find it tedious to level yet another character to 50, and gear them in full columi and some rather decent PvP gear just because the server populations are low. I understand this is laziness, but so what? They are offering server transfers in Asia, why not in US, or EU servers? If you can do it on one set of servers, you can do it on them all. Step it up Bioware, please. I love Star Wars, and I love this game, but if things don't improve, I'll wind up going back to WoW, or onto something new, but I don't want to do that.
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They need to start by allowing people from the the 50+ dieing servers to transfer for free to medium pop servers. I highly doubt people from The Harbringer and The Fatman are going to want to leave one of the few places in game that have a thriving population due to people rerolling from servers with nothing to do.


Obviously an option should be made for people on these servers to go to medium pop ones, but few will take it.


So basically, the dieing servers need to be scrapped and shut down. Consolidate the population and then if the game performs well, with time, they will be able to reopen servers for growing numbers.


As it stands now though, the majority of people in this game are stuck in servers that are on the precipice of death.



I'm no too sure if harbring or swiftsure will still be heavy servers after most of the aussies leave for an oceanic server. Thus, bw should allow some servers to xfer into those servers to offset the aussies leaving the server. BW then should focus on making another heavy server and just pick a medium server for that purpose. Keep repeating merges until you have mostly heavy servers with a few medium servers and add servers as needed. The way I see it either BW starts merging servers or people will start to quit cause very few people who would like to re-level especially if they have many high level characters.

Edited by Knockerz
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Yup I have been a staunch supporter of the game since the beginning. I love the game, I have two 50s, three buffs unlocked, legacy level 26, and I am leveling up some crafters now. However I get getting absolutely tired of 2 hour ques during peak times, having the same worthless teamates in pvp over and over again, and generally having most of what I want from end game (pvp) be dead. We need to be able to transfer, and for me even a cross server que doesnt bother me at all. Something needs to be done asap.


I wish we could get some dev feedback on an ETA.

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That has been my greatest annoyance at how this, and other issues I have had, have been handled. I usually don't rock the boat, and cause a scene, but the complete lack of information, and what looks like blatant disregard to their customers in the US has gotten under my skin just a tad.


I have been a huge Bioware fan ever since Baulder's Gate, I have enjoyed nearly every title they have put out (with the exception of one or two), and had great respect for their business practices pre-EA. (but that is another rant all together). Sadly I have seen nothing but inconsistency in the way they act towards their customers.


I just feel like I am dealing with a computer instead of a human being, or worse yet, Blizzard Customer Service. Anyway,, we are not asking for a lot, just communication. Even if its a "Nope not today" every day until it happens. Nothing at all though? really?

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That has been my greatest annoyance at how this, and other issues I have had, have been handled. I usually don't rock the boat, and cause a scene, but the complete lack of information, and what looks like blatant disregard to their customers in the US has gotten under my skin just a tad.


I have been a huge Bioware fan ever since Baulder's Gate, I have enjoyed nearly every title they have put out (with the exception of one or two), and had great respect for their business practices pre-EA. (but that is another rant all together). Sadly I have seen nothing but inconsistency in the way they act towards their customers.


I just feel like I am dealing with a computer instead of a human being, or worse yet, Blizzard Customer Service. Anyway,, we are not asking for a lot, just communication. Even if its a "Nope not today" every day until it happens. Nothing at all though? really?


Today my sub is up, This is the MAIN reason why i will not resub. We have no ETA on transfers/merges and all we getting is soon for the past two months. Bioware messed up big time and now people are leaving the game cause they are sick and tired of playing on ghost servers and not wanting to invest more time into re rolling.

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To be honest, I am going to stop playing this game soon if the fanbase doesn't start to get a little love. I love everything Bioware has done, up until recent stuff. Dragon Age 2 was good, but not fantastic, I dunno who came up with the end of Mass Effect 3, but I don't even want to think about it now. Now we can't even transfer off of dead-end servers? I mean, if I am lucky, on my home server, Prophecy of the Five, I am lucky if there are 50-75 people on either fleet at peak time on the weekend. You want to try and do an Ops or a Flashpoint? Ha! Doesn't heppen. Galactic Trade Network? Negligible! I mean, even if it will be a little while, at least have the decency to give us SOME SORT OF INFORMATION other than "We're thinking about it." Even if it won't be for a month or so, tell us and those of us who want to transfer can come back then!
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They really need to take a step back, assess what is really going on and get back to basics with the community. Being removed from your fans is one thing, but your customers? At any rate, I did end up re-rolling, and now I just find myself rather sickened about having to play through the same story line all over again. It is a little more then tedious, borders on just plain obnoxious. I am quickly loosing interest, and I honestly couldn't care less about what they do anymore. *shrugs*
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I'm leaving as soon as my sub is up. I enjoy the game however I can't enjoy all aspects of the game due to a smaller server pop. Aion is free now maybe I'll try that.


What's that tell you about Aion? :rolleyes:


Why not simply reroll on a high pop server while you wait for transfers?

You must not really enjoy the game as you said.

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I am all for server mergers/free transfer. I've invested a lot in my main and alts and all in all in my legacy, I would hate just thanks to the state of the servers to do it all again, to build it all up again from scratch. I would rather move to a new home.

But I disgress, I agree that something needs to be done fast or else my sub will run up as well.

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Has BW commented on paid transfers yet? I heard it may be a few weeks after free but I haven't had much luck finding an actual statement from BW. I'm not eligible for the free transfer(US player) but want to join my guild mates that are transferring. I don't care about paying, I just want to go.
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The main thing with it is there were too many servers in the beginning and with the APAC players on these servers that are already becoming underpopulated it is going to further kill our population. I would hope for the games sake that server transfers across the board are coming soon.
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i made the mistake of creating toons on an empty server, but instead of quitting the game or making claims that the game is unplayable, you know what i did....i created a toon on a higher population server. Guess what i will do when they introduce server transfer, i will move my 2 50's to the new server and continue to play with all of my toons.


i did not pay an extra fee for creating a toon on a new server, they didnt delete my original toons when i created on a new server. I guess if you dont get what i am saying, you are not starting all over...you are not losing everything you worked for, you are simply creating a toon on a new server.


if you really wanted to play you would, whether it be on the empty server or creating a toon on a higher population server, and being patient while they get server transfer completed.

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i re-rolled on Europe Fredon nadd server and im finally happy :D left my lvl 50 guardian on a ghost town server and i hope they will enable server transfer so i can transfer him to... i feel sad for ppl that have a more than one character on empty servers. First i thought re roll is a dumb and bad thing ,but TRUST ME i needed a half less time to grind this chara to lvl 50 ,cuz its way more faster when u can lvl up and to hc on a high pop server. So i suggest :

DONT QUIT,RE ROLL! and hope that u can bring your other chara to that same server in future,cuz trust me,once everyone start re rolling,they will have to merge or enable server transfers,cuz of empy servers...:wea_01:

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i made the mistake of creating toons on an empty server, but instead of quitting the game or making claims that the game is unplayable, you know what i did....i created a toon on a higher population server. Guess what i will do when they introduce server transfer, i will move my 2 50's to the new server and continue to play with all of my toons.


i did not pay an extra fee for creating a toon on a new server, they didnt delete my original toons when i created on a new server. I guess if you dont get what i am saying, you are not starting all over...you are not losing everything you worked for, you are simply creating a toon on a new server.


if you really wanted to play you would, whether it be on the empty server or creating a toon on a higher population server, and being patient while they get server transfer completed.


Starting over from scratch, with no money etc when I have millions on my home world = not interested enough to keep paying for.

That's really what it comes down to. I could actually 'leave' my 50's if they'd transfer over my bank balances.


It's up tot Bioware to repair their situation, not its paying users to suck it up and do it all over. Really, they should be shutting down half their servers so the remaining 50 or so would be full. They won't do this, though.

Edited by islander
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This game is well on its way to being F2P, they have plenty of great ideas/systems, but unless they work on their terrible customer service attitude of "sorry that happened to you, we really don't care" then I highly doubt they will retain to many customers.
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