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Free transfers in the future?


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It has to be soon:




The AU servers are about to drop, they said paid transfers would follow.


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Paid transfers would be an outrage. I have paid for pre order, I have paid for my monthly sub and so far all I have got is an incomplete single player RPG (and not even a good one).


The server population issue is 100% down to Bioware/EA. I don't see why I should now have to pay MORE money just to get what I should have got from the very beginning...some damn multiplayer. This has nothing to do with feeling like I'm entitled to anything but everything to do with the fact Bioware/EA broke it and none of us should have to pay to fix it.

Edited by RTCBrad
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Imo , free transfers are useless and not a solution to the population problem , for starters it will probally just turn out like wow which is from High population to low population servers and not from low to high because that would obviously kill the allready low pop server unless they plan to turn off that server and make the transfers mandatory for all on the server (which would be the only way transfers would work to fix low population issues imo)

Asking for it is kinda useless since no one in their right mind will transfer from a decent server to a dead server.

The only decent solution bioware can do for the population problem is merging servers or do a mandatory transfer for all characters on said low pop server and just wipe that server.

But what i hate is that it just seems that bioware is totally ignoring us on this massive problem , i haven't seen any decent reply from them on the bigest problem this game has at this moment and that is what is driving more and more players away from servers allready in trouble either thru quiting the game totally or rerolling to a half decent server.

Edited by Bubalous
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But what i hate is that it just seems that bioware is totally ignoring us on this massive problem , i haven't seen any decent reply from them on the bigest problem this game has at this moment and that is what is driving more and more players away from servers allready in trouble either thru quiting the game totally or rerolling to a half decent server.


Agreed it does seem like Bioware is trying to ignore this problem. I haven't see anything that convinces me they actually give a crap or are actively trying to fix this as their top priority.


Like I said before having to pay a monthly sub for a single player isn't cool, and it's even worse when the developer seems to be paying the problem no attention what so ever.

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1. Open up free transfer for a limited time (may > july)

- returning players will get a pop-up window asking them for a free transfer.


2. Merge dead and abandon servers due to free transfer (august)


3. Pay to transfer (september >)

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I really hate to say this because i think bW is doing a great job to create alot of exiting content , but as it feels for me now its all wasted assets because there are just not enough ppl online to experience this content.


Yesterday we tried for 2 hours to get enough ppl for the worldboss on the rakghoul event but in the end we realised that there are just not enough ppl playing to get this done. so why bother creating content if you don't have the population to play it


I try to hang on because i really love the content they made and are making, but empty GTN and the lack of ppl to group with are driving me to the border of throwing the towel and accepting the game is dying due to population spread.


only way to save it imho is to allow character transefer (for your whole legacy, since i invested almost 4 months of it and don't care for my legacy name) or do a server merge

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I really hate to say this because i think bW is doing a great job to create alot of exiting content , but as it feels for me now its all wasted assets because there are just not enough ppl online to experience this content.


Yesterday we tried for 2 hours to get enough ppl for the worldboss on the rakghoul event but in the end we realised that there are just not enough ppl playing to get this done. so why bother creating content if you don't have the population to play it


I try to hang on because i really love the content they made and are making, but empty GTN and the lack of ppl to group with are driving me to the border of throwing the towel and accepting the game is dying due to population spread.


only way to save it imho is to allow character transefer (for your whole legacy, since i invested almost 4 months of it and don't care for my legacy name) or do a server merge

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Ok the whole Rakghoul theme is totally pathetic, 2 FPs and a World Event for a total sideshow of KotOR is a bad joke, but this is not the thread for that. But being on bad jokes.......why are there no (even paid) character transfers available? Does not seem BioWare gets a lot right these days, dont get me started on patch 1.2a implementation........what a nightmare and showcase of complete and utter amateurism. Either way. Character transfers need to happen FOR ALL PLAYERS. Not in 3 months. NOW!

Also I demand serious explaination why you hate SW lore so much dear developers? I remember how absolutely cool KotOR felt. It had a slightly antique touch but was totally SW from beginning to end. And here with SWTOR you fail 10000%. How? Why? You guys do not use the same story writers anymore do you? Because otherwise you would know that Zombies and SW don't mix THAT much and that your armor designs are an insult to Lucas and the fans, right?


So 1. Character transfers for ALL 2. A return of SW in SWTOR please on ALL levels.



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Ok the whole Rakghoul theme is totally pathetic, 2 FPs and a World Event for a total sideshow of KotOR is a bad joke, but this is not the thread for that. But being on bad jokes.......why are there no (even paid) character transfers available? Does not seem BioWare gets a lot right these days, dont get me started on patch 1.2a implementation........what a nightmare and showcase of complete and utter amateurism. Either way. Character transfers need to happen FOR ALL PLAYERS. Not in 3 months. NOW!

Also I demand serious explaination why you hate SW lore so much dear developers? I remember how absolutely cool KotOR felt. It had a slightly antique touch but was totally SW from beginning to end. And here with SWTOR you fail 10000%. How? Why? You guys do not use the same story writers anymore do you? Because otherwise you would know that Zombies and SW don't mix THAT much and that your armor designs are an insult to Lucas and the fans, right?


So 1. Character transfers for ALL 2. A return of SW in SWTOR please on ALL levels.






Give us what we NEED, not some stupid bs that no one could care about.

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Give us what we NEED, not some stupid bs that no one could care about.


Should have used mad face in your sig.


Free server transfers SOON please! I've had exactly three random republic encounters in all of Tattooine, Alderaan and half of Hoth during my class questing (all three on Tattooine). That was the whole reason I picked a PVP server: to add to the Sith/Jedi experience through random encounters.





Edited by ColonelM
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I am having a hard time doing any flashpoints at peak hours on my servers. I know this is nothing new but I really miss not being able to do this content. I think flashpoints are fun, and having nice gear is fun too.


I bet BW read all the post about how people wanted to preserve community no matter what before this game came out. And now they are trying to "keep communities together" when they really are just keeping ghost towns alive. If that makes any sense.

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If by some miracle BW decides to read the forums and chime in on this, I would like to know IF WE EVER ACTUALLY THE ABILITY TO TRANSFER CHARACTERS FROM ONE SERVER TO ANOTHER.


Should I reserve my character names on the destination server?


Will that cause problems? How long does it take for the servers running Windows 3.1 or Mac OS take update a character has been deleted?

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Server consolidation needs to happen. They opened more servers for all the people at launch, but now they need to consolidate to make up for all the people who left.


I'd say this.... but everyone wants to join the same few servers. I just join the game and obviously I joined the highest nearby server (fatman). I have 500-800 queue usually at night.... not fun when you want to play, gotta think an HOUR AHEAD to login!


That is not fun, so I'd say a FREE SERVER TRANSFER should be done only once for this week in April.. after that, you should have to pay $10-25 (fair price I'd say), to transfer.


Now that would be fair, and everyone would be happy.

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I don't know of any MMO that releases this kind of Data.


With all due respect this is because your clearly a wow + years player, once upon a time this was standard practice.


I'm sure your feeling insulted and want to come up with some whitty ..."I'm not a WoW fan boy" reply so let me save your ego, your not a fan boy your simply new, yes you are new regardless of how many games you have played since WoW.


This was and still should be standard practice.

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I'm on the verge of even forgetting I had this game.. So buggy , poor execution and implementation, dead servers, no knowledgeable forum moderator replies, CS over the phones a joke but yet this game hangs on like a wart that won't die and fall off..


Joined Nadds Sarcophagus due to co workers..12 of us..I'm the only one left who unfortunately still plays. I have a few friends on some ordo server *shows how much I care to play anymore*. Pvp server, almost 90% feeling is imp..a few reps actually try and fight back, but most of the time they don't care. Hell I even went rep side cause I originally didnt care for imp cause I don't like to flow with the trolls ya know? See a even lvl imp. start a pvp fight..7 50's come out swarm and camp and when I manage a kill or just to get to a quest..I get jumped I wait for them to kill me come back in 10 minutes due to timer and try again to kill one mob. There's just not enough people to balance it all out and to warrant any drive to continue playing.


..I don't do FP's, cause not enough on to care to. World bosses no one cares less your 50 and imps are distracted.


if I need to sac all my legacy to xfer my toons from pvp to pve server just so I can play with friends and more then 19 people who just sit around fleet all day..I'm for it..otherwise this games heading for the circle bin

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I left my first main server where I had 3 level 50s but a ghost town environment and created a new toon in THE FATMAN! Yes the queues maybe horrendous during peak but once I'm in I am in MMO paradise! Seeing 100-250+ in Fleet hub 24/7 and the activities that goes with it really levels up my SWTOR experience!


I hope BW doesn't drop the ball and wait til the low pop server players cancel out before giving them a taste of what a full populated server has to offer. Hopefully they'll get up to speed on this issue and do something sooner rather than later.

Edited by Dakuronz
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I have 2 well geared level 50s a level 43, 26, 19, 13, and 14. My legacy is at 25 and I am on a server during which the republic fleet pop is in the single digits when i play. I can never get my dailys or weeklys done (or when i do it takes days and days). Queing for WZs is almost pointless and trying to lfg for FPs, especially HMs, is completely pointless.


When I started out the server was "heavy". Now its almost always "light".


I really dont want to have to reroll everything on a new server and give up my legacy. My unlocked buffs are awesome, I just wish they would actually be useful.


I am thinking of unsubbing until I can do a toons transfer because the game is unplayable for me right now. If I wanted to play signle player Id go play something else.


Is there any kind of ETA on charatcer transfer?

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I'm on Trayus Academy server with three characters and i've been waiting 1 hour and i still have no warzones , i want to know if we could not lose our characters and play in another server with more people. Now we are 6 on the imperial fleet and in the P.M. hour at maximum 20. I would like to know if i had to erase my characters or you can move on another server that has much more people to play with. I don't ask for not waiting for a warzone but most than an hour seems to me impossible to wait for a game that i subscribe every month. I think me if we can transfer all the active subscribed players and maybe leave a message for the one that not have an active subscription for maxium 6 months than you can erase the server from the list so the company pays less money for the servers and we can play better than this.
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I'm on Trayus Academy server with three characters and i've been waiting 1 hour and i still have no warzones , i want to know if we could not lose our characters and play in another server with more people. Now we are 6 on the imperial fleet and in the P.M. hour at maximum 20. I would like to know if i had to erase my characters or you can move on another server that has much more people to play with. I don't ask for not waiting for a warzone but most than an hour seems to me impossible to wait for a game that i subscribe every month. I think me if we can transfer all the active subscribed players and maybe leave a message for the one that not have an active subscription for maxium 6 months than you can erase the server from the list so the company pays less money for the servers and we can play better than this.


Do not delete your characters, just reroll on the highest populated server, annoy BW and enjoy the game. Transfers prolly in 6 months or so lolz

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lets not focus on transfers and server merge

let us start focusing on the great new mmo's comming soon.


from biowares side they do not care, there is some server with enough players and happy players.

but screw the guys who has to re roll, and do ALL the **** over, we do not need there money.

ag you know what, as i am writing this I am just getting more frustrated, and you know what, instead of boring another person here,

F.... you bioware, you are not worth it

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