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Let A Little Hoods In Your Life. PYROTECH GUIDE


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What's up Nerds and Nerdettes?


Your Number 1 Bounty Hunter USA here to help some of you out on a more advanced look at the Pyrotech skill tree. In this thread I will be talking mostly about the PvP aspect of the spec, but if anyone has any questions about PvE I would be more than happy to help.


A brief summary of what I will cover in this thread:

-Builds with explanations





Before some of you ask, I will give a little background on myself so that you don't think you're taking advice from one of the other individuals in this forum who cry about everything. (Skip this paragraph if you don't care) I am currently a War Hero in full Battlemaster gear. I have been playing Pyrotech since I hit level 50 and have developed different specs of my own that deviate much from what you see other Pyrotech's running. My only passion in this game is the Bounty Hunter and Trooper classes, with extensive knowledge in both advanced classes for the BH and the Trooper. I have been playing MMOs for 15 years and PvP has always been my niche. I have achieved Gladiator in wow multiple times as well as Rank 1 in Season 3+4. I had 3 RR9, ML3/4 characters on DAoC as well as a (pre rank nerf/pre rank 8) rank 6 Rogue in Rift.


That's enough about me, now for what you are all here for.




Offensive Pyrotech Builds:




This is my current spec. I am personally in love with this spec. I run with HVGC for massive Rail Shot's, Power Shot's, Unload and even hearty Rapid Shot's. I have a more offensive spec with a few minor defensive talents mainly because I am easily the most focused player on the Empire side when it comes to warzones and Ilum. The stealth detection is great, especially if you're solo defending a point or helping defend the middle of the Huttball field. I don't take Sweltering Heat because I do not use CGC. There is a lot of arguments over HVGC and CGC for Pyrotech's, but for my personal play style I love the huge burst I get from HVGC as well as some dots for those nasty tanks. The other great thing about this spec is Rail Shot hit's like a truck, and it's a heat dump. Once you get 5/5 BM you have over 100% Accuracy on your weapon damage abilities which in turn makes your Rail Shot, Power Shot, Unload and Rapid Shot hit even harder with less chance of being dodged or missing.




This is a much more offensive spec and it was the first Pyrotech spec I played. The main difference between this spec and my spec is you will be using CGC. You also have Automated Defenses which will make your Thermal Sensor Override cool down significantly faster. You also have Improved Vents which gives you more of a heat dump when you use Vent Heat. In this spec you will also have Sweltering Heat. With this spec it's basically "When in doubt, Rapid Shot." You will constantly be snaring melee or even ranged if you are trying to LOS, and your Rail Shot's will refresh the DOT put on the target from CGC. This spec is great, especially for beginner Pyrotech's. As I said this was the first Pyrotech spec I played and it made me fall in love with it. From this spec you can get a basic understanding and then tweak the spec to your liking.


Defensive Pyrotech Builds:




In this spec you will have 2 points into Degauss, 2 points into Infrared Sensors, and 2 points into Energy Rebounder. Basically this spec will make your Energy Shield remove all snares and roots whenever used as well as whenever you take damage, reduce the cool down on Energy Shield. I unfortunately had to use this spec for about 2 weeks after I became Pyrotech due to the fact that I get focused so often when I enter Warzones. After I had gotten more comfortable with Pyrotech I started playing around with defensive talents with more offensive talents until I found the spec I like. This is great for Bounty Hunters that run with premade groups a lot and really push objective hard in Huttball. You will be able to carry the ball much longer than other Mercenaries.



Those are the 3 basic builds I played around with the most. No two players are the same so your preferences or needs may be much different than mine. My guild and our premades are much more offensive. We can push VS doors, CW turrets and ball carriers. All of these specs are very capable of breaking 300k damage in any warzone, as well as much 1v1 capability. The DOTs and Rail Shots cause tons of pressure on healers which is always a plus!




First and foremost everyone. If you are PVPing you are not slaying dargonz. You do not have rotations. You have priority lists. I would love to see a video of a Bounty Hunter trying to unleash a full PVE rotation derping around in one spot on another player that has half a brain. So here is your Hoods Pyrotech Priority list that has proven to be extremely effective for me in order of importance.


Single Target

1. Incendiary Missile

2. Rail Shot

3. Unload

4. Power Shot

5. Rapid Shot



1. Explosive Dart

2. Death From Above

3. Fusion Missle


Now you ask, where is your Fusion Missile, Thermal Sensor Override, Power Surge, Thermal Detonator? Personally they do not fit into a priority list, compared to a situational list. I save my Thermal Detonator for Healers, Tanks and support Sorcs pulling ball carriers because they need to be bursted down the fastest. The only time I really use Fusion Missile is when TSO+PS are off of cool down, or when I am at 0 heat and there is a cluster of nerds waiting to feel my sweet burning sensation all over their body. Fusion Missile is great for Tanks because elemental damage is not mitigated by armor value. It is also great against healers because it is just another 1-1.6k hit with a massive dot following. That on top of Incendiary Missile can create lots of pressure for most healers.




To be perfectly honest, Bioware did a very good job of balancing essential stats for Arsenal and Pyrotech when it comes to the Eliminator Gear. I have yet to change any of my mods and I can do anywhere between 300k-600k in any given full duration warzone. As far as secondary stats go with all of my number crunching, graphs on other sites and personal preference, you do not need to stack or mod for surge. Once you get above ~130 surge (~65%) with the Crit/Surge Relic, you will start hitting a Surge ceiling and be receiving diminishing returns from Surge much faster. 75-80% Surge is where you want to be sitting at max with cool downs rolling. Pyrotech gets huge a very nice damage increase from raw Power. You are running a DOT spec, not a burst based spec, you don't need the Crit/Surge as much as you need the Power. As far as PVP is concerned, Expertise is king and always will be.


There are arguments about how going over 550 Expertise isn't smart because of the reduced increase in stat gain at higher amounts of Expertise. This is bull. If you would rather have a small amount of Power/Aim over straight up damage by percentage increase against players, you're silly.

And the last thing I really want to touch on.

All of you babies crying all over the forums. If you don't like your class, re roll. If you don't want to re roll, go play a different game. This game is pretty balanced and Bioware made a point of it that everyone in end game will be within 5% of each other damage wise. Just because you have some Inquis' and Sage's destroying every WZ on your server doesn't mean there aren't Warriors, Agents and Bounty Hunters on other servers doing the same if not more damage than them. It is as simple as you need to learn the insides and outs of your class. Crying gets you no where. SWTOR is a video game just like any other. Practice makes perfect. Having a negative outlook going into every warzone will in turn make you play worst. It's a game, cheer up and have fun. If you really need more help, come to my server (Davik's Estate) and send me a whisper. I'd be more than happy to get on Skype or TS with you to help you out as much as I can.


Hopefully this helped anyone who had any questions about Pyrotech where other guides left you wondering.


Leave some positive feedback and let me know what you think so I have more incentive to actually upload my PVP videos and post more Bounty Hunter related threads.

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"There are arguments about how going over 550 Expertise isn't smart because of the reduced increase in stat gain at higher amounts of Expertise. This is bull. If you would rather have a small amount of Power/Aim over straight up damage by percentage increase against players, you're silly."


Good point. To validate this:



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On one hand it's nice to see someone take the time and energy to try to help other players, but on the other there is a lot of information in this "guide" that I think could be improved upon...


A couple quick examples:


- Not using a build with sweltering heat which is essential for us to kite someone is a BIG miss!

- You spend 31 pts into Pyro for Thermal Detonator, USE it! It hits for a ton and should be the 1st thing you throw in a 1 on 1 fight (it will pop right after or with your 1st rail shot)

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On one hand it's nice to see someone take the time and energy to try to help other players, but on the other there is a lot of information in this "guide" that I think could be improved upon...


A couple quick examples:


- Not using a build with sweltering heat which is essential for us to kite someone is a BIG miss!

- You spend 31 pts into Pyro for Thermal Detonator, USE it! It hits for a ton and should be the 1st thing you throw in a 1 on 1 fight (it will pop right after or with your 1st rail shot)


True. But as I said, once you get a good feel for your spec, you know your limits. I don't have Sweltering Heat... but I can 1v1 melee like it's nobodies business. And yes you are right about Thermal Detonators damage, but the short duration of it's cool down could also ultimately be the difference between killing a healer or the healer getting one last heal off on that Vanguard and then his team wipes you.


To each their own

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I just tried this spec out, but I didn't put the 2 points in increased stealth detection. I've noticed my burst damage go up and I'm criting more often, but I feel like I'm casting a lot more often which can suck whenever I'm being focused and I need to get mobile again. I've only played about 8 games with it and hitting 300k+ dmg isn't that hard and that is because I am pretty much in full champ gear (valor 55 right now =/). I'll keep trying this spec out man.
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One thing to note about the Pyrotech spec with your Unload having a 60% chance to reset the cool down on Rail Shot is this.


You don't actually have to channel the whole Unload for the reset on Rail Shot to happen. Personally I never fully cast an Unload, in full BM gear it's doing a total of about 4k damage IF it crits every tick, not worth it in my opinion. It's a highly mobile run and gun spec. The only time I see myself using Power Shot is when I'm below 40/50 Heat and have time to free cast. I like staying on the move utilizing rapid shots as much as possible.

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I'll try doing what you said then, so when you pretty much see that your unload takes rail off CD you stop casting it?


Yea I just start spamming the Rail Shot button during the Unload cast and when the GCD is up it will cancel Unload and fire off your Rail Shot. This will still leave you with 2 ticks from Unload so if you happen to be getting beat on by someone, you're probably only gonna get 2 ticks off on Unload anyways, thus wasting your time sitting there with a full channeled Unload.

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Going from level 10-battlemaster as pyro I approve this guide. Lots of good information is given here. One thing that cracks me up is most people see a merc and usually think "turret" and let their guard down since assault is quite easy to counter. Once they realize you aren't a tracer missle hero it's usually too late!


I would suggest adding a preface to why go Merc pyro over PT pyro. Both are extremely amazing specs that are quite entertaining that are played quite differently. Everyone freaks out saying pyro is bad as a merc. Which is just silly. It is just played differently. That way if someone is on the fence between Merc OR PT as a pyrotech. It will give them a POV other than "oh that's a PT tree" (which again....its just as lethal in either AC when played properly)


Having a 50 lethality sniper as well...it's important to know how to kite (when to pre-kite) and when to use or when to save cooldowns and cc's. Same goes with the pyro merc. Properly doing so allows you to keep the upper hand in the fight much longer instead of playing only on the defense if someone's on you.


PT = more of a close to mid range fighter with some long ranged capabilities (focusing more on in your face combat and trying to not allow the enemy to escape)

Merc = more of a long to medium range fighter with some short ranged capabilities. (focusing more on ranged combat,mobility, and kiting)

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Few questions:


1)How will u kite a marauder,juggenaut,operative on a 1v1?Or how will u slow a ball carrier since slow doesnt give full resolve?Jet boosts range and cd are not good while in pyro spec so u either have to rely on the perfect positioning-jet boost each time or ur dead.(About the marauder part however even with CGC a very good one will eventually get u so meh)


2)Whats ur biggest hits with railshot and thermal detonator after using HVC?(Mine with only bm boots missing with CGC cylinder on power relic+stim had max 4.6k thermal for example..)


3)Arent you giving away a part of ur mobility and dot dmg(elemental dmg mitigated by defense,also a second dot incase ur incendiary gets cleansed) by not having the slow AND a second dot?Meaning a cleanse class(fellow bh,agent etc) will have it much easier with u to remove ur incendiary as u wont have the free dot to back it up,meaning u will either spam incendiary causing u to overheat orwalking away from that fight(this is exactly why an arsenal speced bh with a few gear adjustments can take out a healer regardless of cleanse **** and killing the healer matters so much).Is the dmg increase worth the dot and the utility sacrifice?


4)In the end,how can u convince a new bh player than pyro merc is better than the PT pyro or at least as viable?Since with the HVC ur sacrifising ur slow for overall penetration,willst PT pyro has his slow PLUS more pen on railshot plus more dmg on it...And to those who will say "ranged>melee" cos im sure u will,without ur slow good luck kiting therefore,good luck acting like a ranged.Your only escape is jet boost(?),for some ridiculus reason ur stuns give SO MUCH resolve u cant use both+jet boost,1 of them will get removed for sure(either with determination or the WORST scenario,concussion from ur dot :p)leaving u with 2 options:use electro,if he removes power surge conc and heal yourself or RUN or use conc if he removes electro and open all ur attack cds and pray railshot procs twice.



Im sorry for the very long post but those thoughts where kept in my head for a long time after playing for months all 3 mercenary specs.

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Hey Afraid, sorry for the late response. I will be sure to post a reply to you shortly. I have been on and off of the computer a lot the past 2 days because of work but if you just hold tight I'll be sure to thoroughly respond!
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come to think of before i see 1.2 notes i was 99% sure arsenal,bodyguard and pt pyro would get nerfed.And they nerfed powershot's dmg by 10%...For those who dont know,its a core skill to proc free railshots...just wow xD.The least op spec of all bounty specs received a nerf.....Also now forget about using high velocity cylinder,the free railshot talent requires u to have the CGC cylinder ^^
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Power Shot nerf won't affect my playstyle too too much. Yes it's a nerf. But PS while needed at times to get railshot isn't going to cripple pyro with a 10% nerf. I am not worried about this at all. And I've always used CGC.


TL;DR version:


The sky isn't falling cuz of a 10% power shot nerf

Edited by Ihazcrayon
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the sky wont fall for arsenals or pt pyros either,im just amazed that the most balanced spec in merc trees(pyrotech) received a nerf in one basic skill....Though we get a buff with more consistent railshot procs for more consistent dmg but still...rly nerfed MERCENARY pyro?rofl.


Btw,downloading the PTS patch myself but to anyone already downloaded it,can you please inform us about the new pvp and pve set bonuses of the new tier gear?Many thanks.

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It's a shame about the rail shot proc but it can be a mixed blessing. Having rolled with it on PvP the past week I love it when it repeatedly procs with PS and unload but sometimes it just won't. Having a more reliable proc in place means steadier dps and when we should kite or LoS. Edited by Diddley
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Few questions:


1)How will u kite a marauder,juggenaut,operative on a 1v1?Or how will u slow a ball carrier since slow doesnt give full resolve?Jet boosts range and cd are not good while in pyro spec so u either have to rely on the perfect positioning-jet boost each time or ur dead.(About the marauder part however even with CGC a very good one will eventually get u so meh)


2)Whats ur biggest hits with railshot and thermal detonator after using HVC?(Mine with only bm boots missing with CGC cylinder on power relic+stim had max 4.6k thermal for example..)


3)Arent you giving away a part of ur mobility and dot dmg(elemental dmg mitigated by defense,also a second dot incase ur incendiary gets cleansed) by not having the slow AND a second dot?Meaning a cleanse class(fellow bh,agent etc) will have it much easier with u to remove ur incendiary as u wont have the free dot to back it up,meaning u will either spam incendiary causing u to overheat orwalking away from that fight(this is exactly why an arsenal speced bh with a few gear adjustments can take out a healer regardless of cleanse **** and killing the healer matters so much).Is the dmg increase worth the dot and the utility sacrifice?


4)In the end,how can u convince a new bh player than pyro merc is better than the PT pyro or at least as viable?Since with the HVC ur sacrifising ur slow for overall penetration,willst PT pyro has his slow PLUS more pen on railshot plus more dmg on it...And to those who will say "ranged>melee" cos im sure u will,without ur slow good luck kiting therefore,good luck acting like a ranged.Your only escape is jet boost(?),for some ridiculus reason ur stuns give SO MUCH resolve u cant use both+jet boost,1 of them will get removed for sure(either with determination or the WORST scenario,concussion from ur dot :p)leaving u with 2 options:use electro,if he removes power surge conc and heal yourself or RUN or use conc if he removes electro and open all ur attack cds and pray railshot procs twice.



Im sorry for the very long post but those thoughts where kept in my head for a long time after playing for months all 3 mercenary specs.



I had ALL of these same questions.

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I finally have time to put together a response for you guys today. As soon as I get some thorough answers typed up I will be sure to post them.


I will also talk about my feelings for 1.2 and how much I love it :D

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