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Everything posted by Stoopkiid

  1. Stoopkiid

    Well done.

    You've managed to royally bone any hope of this games PvP future. Oh, and you've managed to lose mass amounts of your subscriber base because of it. Supported your company hoping you would listen to the community. The extremely shady way the whole "delay" of Rateds was the writing on the wall for me. Rateds were the only thing that kept me, and many, many friends, paying $15 a month for. Not even going to go into detail about this; those who know what I'm saying...well, you know what I'm saying. Nothing special here; just another disappointed player disappointed by another disappointing game. How disappointing.
  2. Ahhh, okay. That's a totally different concept that I had in mind. I was thinking that the DR's were applied during combat AFTER a crit, further reducing the impact that Surge had on a character for a certain amount of time. Thank you very much for all the good information.
  3. Ahhh, okay. That's a totally different concept that I had in mind. I was thinking that the DR's were applied during combat AFTER a crit, further reducing the impact that Surge had on a character for a certain amount of time. Thank you very much for all the good information.
  4. I've heard that 200 Surge Rating (roughly 70%) is the Surge cap before Diminishing Returns kicks in. 1) Is this true? 2) How does that mechanic work? When I hear Diminishing Returns I think of CCs, which reduces the duration of CC effects that are applied to your character within a certain number of seconds. Do I get a Diminishing Return applied to my character, reducing the impact Surge has on my crits on any enemy for a certain amount of time? Or does each individual player affected by my Surge receive reduced amounts of damage? Hopefully that makes sense. Knowing whether individual enemies have their own "DR" value for my Surge, or whether I myself get a DR that applies to EVERY enemy that I attack, is pretty important. Hopefully I've been able to explain what I'm trying to ask. Cheers.
  5. I don't have a problem with separate instances in cities. Guild Wars used the same feature, except they were called Districts. I don't remember the exact number of players that had to be in (example) District 1 for District 2 to open up, but it was quite a few. I'm all for this feature so long as the amount of people per "instance" is an acceptable amount instead of 4 or 10.
  6. "There are arguments about how going over 550 Expertise isn't smart because of the reduced increase in stat gain at higher amounts of Expertise. This is bull. If you would rather have a small amount of Power/Aim over straight up damage by percentage increase against players, you're silly." Good point. To validate this: http://www.jedilace.com/2012/02/02/expertise-breakfast-of-champions/
  7. Did I miss the dev post? I see people across threads talking about how the Rated PvP is going to be "4v4 deathmatch." Any truth to this? I'm interested to see how the Rated PvP will work out in this game. If anybody can clarify this, I would appreciate it. Better yet, if it has been confirmed, does anybody have a link confirming this?
  8. While there are obviously many color crystals in the game, they are directly linked to a mod, and therefore a stat. While this is fine and dandy, what would be neat is that you remove the current color crystal slot, and in it's place, just add in another augment slot. Then, add a color crystal slot that has no effect on the stats. This would allow us to not lose any stats by wanting our lightsaber to be a certain color and allow further customization of our weapons. Of course, you could also do this to other weapon types as well.
  9. The fact that we didn't get dual spec to start out with is bad enough. With how popular and elementary it's become in other MMOs, I fail to see how it was overlooked from Day 1. The price to respec is absurd as it is. Sure, once a week we get a free respec. But the price increase from every respec before carries over. I haven't respec'd all that much, and I had to dish out 100k this morning just to respec to DPS for PvP. I heal for our raids in PvE. I don't farm a lot of money, but I shouldn't have to just to respec. One full repair from 0% is about 65-75k. Between repairs from raiding, and not having any reason to do dailies anymore, my money supply is never very high. It shouldn't need to be. Let's assume I have 1 million credits. Respec for me is 100k. I have never played an MMO where a respec costs 10% of my money supply. If we don't get dual spec in 1.2, I really hope the cost for respecs is lowered drastically.
  10. Fix it. This is ridiculous. There are some things that are elementary at this point in the MMO genre development. This is one of them. If it's not one of my class quests, why can I not abandon it?
  11. The camera features you mentioned would be very nice.
  12. For starters, I'm a huge fan of the game. Been playing MMO's for years and I've been having a blast on SWTOR. However, like the title suggests, there are a few things I would like to see added. 1.) Introduce more "housing" features into the ships. Along with the current ship upgrades, add in the option to purchase more interactive features on your ship. Even if it is something as small as a mailbox, or an Imperial Medical Service droid so that you can repair/sell your junk on your ship. Something else I think would potentially be neat would be to dedicate one room on your ship to your personal Codex "achievements." Maybe have plaques or something. 2.) Diminishing Returns. Please. 3.) Move the mission/quest items next to their corresponding quest in your quest tracker. Having them placed there is extremely convenient. Although this may seem cliche, I've never seen posts on other MMO's forums complaining about having it. 4.) Introduce the option to skip dialogue scenes in flashpoints *IF* every member of your group has previously completed said flashpoint at least once. This would allow more convenient grinding of certain instances for those of us who are into that sort of thing. Hence this would be an option, so anybody who would like to participate in the cutscenes again would have the opportunity to do so. 5.) Some small and various UI tweaks. I'd like to be able to right click somebody from my guild roster and be able to invite them, whisper them, etc. -A target of target icon. If you don't want to move the interface around, just put a little portrait cornering your target's. 6.) The *OPTION* to use a Dungeon Finder. If you're afraid of ruining the servers' communities, don't make it cross-server! Do it exactly like the Warzone Queue. This is very helpful to certain people. I like to come home on my lunch break. ****, if I could eat my sandwich and throw myself into Queue instead of having to form a group I'd be happy as hell. Again, these are just things that I personally would like to see introduced into the game. I believe that if you don't at least try to put your ideas and suggestions out there, then you have no reason to ***** about developers not changing anything. Take it easy guys. That's my list of things that I personally would like to see introduced into the game.
  13. I'm a dargon slayer. Always have been, more than likely always will be. I've always been into the "HM raiding scene." I'm not yet at end game content, however I was hoping to get some feedback from those who are as to what their first impressions of it are. Thus far, I'm thoroughly enjoying the game. I'm still leveling, but I'm enjoying all of the content along the way. I haven't wanted to "rush" to max level in this game; not nearly as bad as I did for Rift or a new WoW expansion. However, I know that at max level my subscription will solely rely on the quality of end game content, especially the Operations. Let's be honest; we've all been playing MMO's long enough to know when a game's raiding system will uphold and be well-put together down the road. Here are couple questions I have, as stated earlier, for those who've gotten to experience max level content thus far: 1.) Design of the operations. Bugs aside, does it seem like the developers are putting in quite a bit of time and focusing on raiding as the primary end game aspect, or does it seem like they'll focus more on the roleplaying nature of the game? 2.) Difficulty. From what I've read on the forums, the difficulty of the bosses (the first few at least) does not seem to be that high. I've heard that casual raiding guilds were downing the first 1-3 bosses in their first night of raiding. Does the difficulty of the Operations seem to be a problem? Thanks for taking the time to read through my excessively dull and close-minded thread. May the Force be with you.
  14. Thank you for your service and protecting our freedoms; it doesn't go unnoticed. On another note, nobody paid extra to get into the "early access." I would have paid the same price for the game if I purchased it on on December 20th as I did when I pre-ordered on the 12th. Any minute I get to play the game before December 20th is an added bonus to me, and should be to everyone else. Greedy, greedy people. Just goes to show that when you give certain people an inch, and try to do something nice, they'll try to take a mile.
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