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I'm not a fan of her personality but she does what I need better than any other companion I currently have, so I use her for the tough fights. Maybe when i get Scorpio I can use her instead but right now Kaliyo's taunts and threat generation are what lets me do my best dps.
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Anyone else think this companion is terrible? I think it's her voice that gets on my nerves! Anyone else think the same thing about her?


She is the best tanking companion I've had so far in the game, by a huuuuuuge amount. She can be a melee tank or a ranged tank while having the mobility and the abilities to make either work extremely well. I have played Smuggler, Jedi Knight, Operative, Sith Inq, Sith Warrior and Trooper.


T7 is really close but unfortunately it's beeps are really freaking annoying and high end gear for droids is currently impossible.

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She's very atypical a character for the Star Wars universe, I doubt George Lucas knew women like this even existed. :) But they do.


Kaliyos character seems strongly influenced by some of William Gibsons creations, the female lead Molly in Neuromancer most of all.


There is a cyberpunk element in SWTOR which is notable around Kaliyo and Nar Shadaar in particular, and for those reasons I like her.

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Shes a great tank and does fine damage, so, as a companion, is a fine choice.


As a primarily lightsided IA, she kinda -1`s a lot more than companions on my other chars... but well, feed her with gifts... and all is fine.

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Actually, he does. Certainly atypical, but not unheard of.


Um yeah, interesting read. Guess she's kind of a Kaliyo prototype. It says she even worked as an IA at one point, so this fits the profile nicely. She appears for a few seconds in The Phantom Menace, which satisfies the criteria of even the most narrow definitions of SW "canon".


I do believe a definite cyberpunk influence entered the SW space between the first trilogy and the second, and it's good to see it represened in SWTOR... at least in the IA storyline.

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