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questions about bounty hunters in pvp matches


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first of all, i am fairly new to pvp'ing. so if you feel the need to l2p-flame me, just go ahead...


i learned a lot in the last weeks and would say i got pretty ok at it. there is just one thing that bothers me, that i cant seem to overcome.


it has to do with certain bounty hunters. not every BH, just a few. i identified 3 that use to play when i'm online regularly. for informtion, i am a fully champion-geared vanguard tank. i might die a couple of times in every match, but not even 3 battlemaster can kill me in less than 10 seconds. with those specific bounty hunters it's less than that in 1on1.


now the problem with those BH's i mentioned. they come round the corner, approach me, they do something with their flame thingies and i'm instadead. EVERY time. and it's only those 3 guys. i fought plenty of bounty hunters, i win or die, depending on gear and skill of the toher player. as with every other class. but with those guys i mentioned, i just die. and not only me everyone else as well.


looks funny in the ops frame when you know exactly who this guy is attacking because even the best geared tanks go down in seconds.


i joined a seasoned pvp guild. and those guys have the same problem. they specifically named the same players i did. they are puzzled as well.


first thing i learned in pvp now was that whenever someone can't win they cry nerf or cheat. i really don't want to do that. i am still not convinced that it's not me. so i thought i might ask publicly for help.


if you know what i'm talking about and know that it's just my own fault for not understanding something, feel free to say so.

Edited by mighty_joe
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i will try to make a video about these fights. or ahve one from my guild make one as my pc isn't really up to it.


short version: there seems to be a skill (or as mentioned above: an exploit to some BH skill) that allows bounty hunters of a certain spec to just instakill everyone in seconds.


since i am new to pvp'ing i am unsure if i'm justn ot getting something or if there's a really, really bad exploit. iread in the last patch notes that there was a fix for something that if used in a specific way could ignore global cooldown when not intended


IF and i say IF there is an exploit i could imagine it to be something like that. but still i wouldn't rule out that it's just me.

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He's obviously talking about a Pyro specced powertech with modified gear for power crit and surge since acc rating is a total joke. Anyway these 3 players he is talking about are using the flameburst rocketpunch and then rail shot. If you know what you are doing with you gear and stats then this is a 4 button auto kill. Railshot ignores 90% of the opponents armor when specced into it. This means with enough power and surge plus using all your CDs such as power relic and power adrenal rail shot should easily hit for well over 5k. There isn't much you can do at that point. These guys just really have learned how to mod their gear correctly. CRIT POWA SURGE!!!!! lol this goes for any dps in pvp.
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I'm writing this on my iPhone so sorry if there are any typos..



I highly doubt that this is an exploit. What you are describing is a pyrotech power tech..... These guys hit like a Mac truck. It seems like the ones you are referring to are highy geard an probably pop surge adrenals whenever they get near you or other high value target.... They have clickys on short cool downs and can lay mad damage....



I believe you are just facing a character that is well geare and highly skilled.

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So no, its not you, its them. They are sort of like the operatives and scoundrels. They rely on certain procs and if they don't proc.. they aren't too great. If you catch them with their CDs on cooldown they aren't much of a threat just like a operative out of stealth. There is one specific vanguard Pyro specced or whatever vanguards rightmost tree is the shared tree that luckily I am great friends with even though I am on the imp side. But he just completely tears me up with his CDs going, but when they are down... for a heavy armor he is squishy lol. But for you since you are a tank you don't have enough CC or dps to kill him while he's while he's cc'd
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To give a damage comparison, in top tier gear re-modded with full Power+Surge


Lets say the Pyro PT/Assault VG pops their Adrenals(3 min cool-down), Explosive Fuel (2min cool-down), Relic. (2 min cool-down) and you want to get the maximum "burst" possible). Obviously these are with perfect 100% Crit RNG.


0 Seconds: Thermal Detonator The target: (5 secs till explosion

1.5 Seconds: Flame Burst The Target (2Kish+600ish CGC Dot)

3 Seconds: Flame Burst The Target (2Kish+600ish CGC Dot)

4.5 Seconds: Rail Shot (5k+ Crit + 600 CGC Dot)

5 Seconds: Thermal Detonator Crit Explodes for 4.5k+.

6 Seconds: Rocket Punch for 3k+ and hope for Rail Shot reset


So in 6 Seconds Time, you just did around 18K Damage to the target.


Note: For Pyros / Assault reading this I like to double Flame Burst so the Rail Shot hits with the Explosion. You can add in an early railshot in the second FB if you want.


Now then, this can occur on two types of targets


A) Sages

B) Under-geared Players


So 100% best case (improbable in actual pratice) this can be done 6-7 times a warzone (if you supplement the warzone expertise buff for the adrenal that's on cool-down). As well as compensating for run time here and there.


In regards to sages, it won't kill them if they have a bubble up. (Unless it's Option B and they are undergeared).


However, the modding and gear required to do this i'll go out on a limb and say it's very rare to find PTs "truly" capable of that potential.


If you are getting insta-gibbed from Flame Burst then it's an exploit. If it's a buildup then no, it's just them playing their class correctly.


(Again, purpose of this is to get legitimate numbers to crit damage a geared PT/VG can do. You'll see some say they can't do such damage and it's super rare to break 4K even. They are just geared incorrectly or are still in centurion gear)

Edited by exphryl
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As a sage against these Pyro guys , as I know who they are on my server too, I just stun and run away. If they chase fine, I snare and run. It seems they need to be close to you to be able to pull off this combo so the trick is make sure you have space to run if they are in a scenario with you.


If they chase you whatever... at least both sides are down a man. try to live as long as you can.

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thanks everyone for the replies. i have taken a good look at the video links posted. i gotta say it looks a bit like what's happening to me.


just not quite. since the guy who posted the video said this can happen maybe 6-7 times a warzone and preferably to sages and under-geared players. happens to battlemasters as well and far more often and i'd say even faster than the 6 second rotation described in this thread (though i will check this next time i play pvp).


what i'll do is make screenshots of the result board and as i said before, make a video somehow for comparison.

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