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Grammar in the forums =


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I'm going crazy. Almost EVERYONE who mentions the Jedi Consular companion Tharan Cedrax types in Theran. ThEran. Its spelt ThAran ffs.

I swear to God, if I hear someone else type in Theran Cedrax without the intention of annoying me, their peaceful, unmolested ride on PVP servers will come to a screeching halt.


omg who cares about grammer!?!?! it is an internet forums(facepalm)

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postin this in com's forum says alot..


omg look at what i said,



the pelling the spelling, who cares about spelling maybe we good with hands,( groeing foood carpenter;s but spelling sucks,



Why Believe = be lie ve, programes my friend, but any way back to the game.



O yes Fix sli. been going on for 8 mounths now, forget us,,, why spelling, and yes losing subs

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"It's" with an apostrophe, not "its."

"Spelled", not "spelt."

"See someone type", not "hear someone type."


If you are going to criticize the English of others, make sure your own is close to perfect.


I cringe to do this, but...



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Actually, in the UK and Canada, it is "spelt." Same goes for "learnt" instead of "learned."


So, I am going to refer you to your own last sentence.


Except, when you get a spelling militant come on here and START A THREAD about the poor spelling and grammar of others and then proceed to make several spelling errors in his rant...


...well, you get the picture. At least I hope you do.

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Greetings everyone!


While we appreciate that others may wish to improve grammar on the forums, we ask that threads revolve around discussion of Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. We are closing this thread for being off-topic. We ask that you please refer to our Community Forum Guidelines for more information on what we are looking for in this forum.


Thank you for your understanding! :)

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