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Please don't trivialize PVP gear in 1.2


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Let's call this new tier of gear what it really is. It's a valor reset, which is what they should have done alot sooner, as in right after that fiasco that is Illum was implemented. Instead of stepping up and saying we really messed up, Bioware is still trying to play it off as "valor was only a temporary measure, this new system is what we wanted all along". Edited by Northwynde
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Let's call this new tier of gear what it really is. It's a valor reset, which is what they should have done alot sooner, as in right after that fiasco that is Illum was implemented. Instead of stepping up and saying we really messed up, Bioware is still trying to play it off as "valor was only a temporary measure" this new system is what we wanted all along.

Sucks the major ballsack for all those players who spent *cough* "invested" so much time in ranking up valor.

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I'm so SICK of posting about this but I feel that I must.



Grinding out tons of hours in front of your computer does not entitle you to "better" gear than everyone else.


PvP is an equal footing game. Yes, a winner can get gear faster but everyone, win or lose has to eventually get to the same gear everyone else has.



A true PvP player wants to be the best on equal footing. A true player doesn't care if they have equal gear.


Better colors, options, designs, titles, credits can be available for the winners but everyone must have access to the gear.


QFT. PvPers that whine about people getting gear easily are simply bad players. PvP is about skill v skill, not gear v gear. You shouldn't need better gear to win.


But, I still think dedicated and successful PvPers should be rewarded, like above. They should have access to different colors, designs, titles, etc - but all purely cosmetic and for prestige. Like a glowing gold aura for WZ rating > x, that has no effect on gameplay, for example.

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Welcome to MMOs? I will say it again, if you are looking for a game type where time played does not give an advantage, there are plenty of fps' out there for you.


I've got a full set of both Rakata and Battlemaster, and quite a few pieces of each on every companion except T7. I do PvE for progression. In PvP, when I beat someone, I don't want them to even remotely say it was because of gear. This issue is the only thing that GW2 is doing that I full-heartedly agree with. PvP should be about the player's ability with their class, not the ability of the character.

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Sucks the major ballsack for all those players who spent *cough* "invested" so much time in ranking up valor.


Yeah, it does, but by not taking immediate action to correct the problem they boxed themselves into a corner, and had to take more drastic action later down the line.

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Yeah, it does, but by not taking immediate action to correct the problem they boxed themselves into a corner, and had to take more drastic action later down the line.


So what will be the point of valor ranks? .. just a silly title?

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..... PvPers that whine about people getting gear easily are simply bad players.


PVE'ers who whined in the first place about PVP gear being too hard to get and making BM out to be some huge stat gap from champion are simply bad players, blaming gear for the reason they die so much.

Edited by Dego_Locc
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Pvp'er = one who loves Pvp. (these folks look forward to more targets)

Loothorde = one who loves gear. (these folks will be upset)


Not sure I understand the confusion.


Pvp'ers just wanna pvp...


p.s. Your gear is already trivial, in comparison to the force...


hey get yer qq outta my pew pew


i would disagree.


pvp'er = person that 'does' pvp, nothing more nothing less.


to say that pvp'ers love to pvp and just want to pvp, is like saying that someone driving a car is necessarily loving it and does only want to do that.


being a pvper tells nothing about the person's motivation to pvp.

and i am pretty sure that for a lot of people this 'motivation' is gear improvement and not the 'awesome' feeling of beeing again qued up for huttball...

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War Hero gear is available to fresh 50's?


making the rank 70 title of War Hero totally pointless... ?



lol.. gg bw


yup, it was said at the Guild Summit that Valor lvl will not longer be required to equip higher tiers of PVP gear, it will be effect accessto 'title', 'prestige' and 'appearance' and a few PVP 'perks' (like being leader of a WZ? they were very vague on how this would work)


This is what i am asking to not happen. I agree that a 'fresh 50' should have some access to entry lvl PVP gear so they dont get stomped in rated WZ's, but at the same time going them access to BIS PVP gear by just doing rated WZ's and not puting forth the effort like a majority of the dedicated PVP players will do just dilutes and devalues PVP gear as a whole.


As i said in my original post


First of all let me say, NO ONE but Bio ware knows, at this point exactly the cost/amount of effort required to get War Hero gear in 1.2


Until we really know how the system will work, this is all just speculation, i really do hope there is a system in place that rewards those who try do their best in rated WZ's quicker access to the War Hero gear. Many of us are afraid (points that have been brought up across many post) anyone who 1/2 *****'es a rated WZ will have equal access to this Tier off PVP gear, Which my self and many other dedicated PVPer's do not feel is fair to us.

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yup, it was said at the Guild Summit that Valor lvl will not longer be required to equip higher tiers of PVP gear, it will be effect accessto 'title', 'prestige' and 'appearance' and a few PVP 'perks' (like being leader of a WZ? they were very vague on how this would work)


This is what i am asking to not happen. I agree that a 'fresh 50' should have some access to entry lvl PVP gear so they dont get stomped in rated WZ's, but at the same time going them access to BIS PVP gear by just doing rated WZ's and not puting forth the effort like a majority of the dedicated PVP players will do just dilutes and devalues PVP gear as a whole.


As i said in my original post




Until we really know how the system will work, this is all just speculation, i really do hope there is a system in place that rewards those who try do their best in rated WZ's quicker access to the War Hero gear. Many of us are afraid (points that have been brought up across many post) anyone who 1/2 *****'es a rated WZ will have equal access to this Tier off PVP gear, Which my self and many other dedicated PVPer's do not feel is fair to us.

Friend of mine just got Rank 80 Conqueror title. He doesnt have any alts, just full on pvp guy.


Seems slightly unfair to me if a fresh lvl 50 at rank 10 can get the same armor as him.


that's my opinion anyway.

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Generally speaking the problem with gear is that those who have it, are allowed to PVP with those that do not. You want the better gear, you want the better rank, you want something to show for your efforts... and yet, you still want to be allowed to pop into any old PVP skirmish you'd like at will. Fundamentally that is what is wrong with the gearing system as a whole. You can establish a separate arena for those that are more skilled/geared, but so long as you allow them to PVP with those that have none of this gear, you will always have an outcry about gear imbalance. Plain and simple, you can't have your cake and eat it too. You either give everyone the same gear, or your separate those with the better gear from those with the lesser gear. In the end, they refuse to do that, so the problem persists forever, and will persist forever.


Being at the top with only 2 people to PVP against is no fun. Being at the bottom with thousands of players that out gear you is no fun either. It's a game. It's supposed to be fun. But they go out of their way to design it in such a way as to guarantee that it is unfun. Dump arenas and battlegrounds and let PVP happen out in the real world. No special gear to be earned... it's just plain old, kill or be killed. But players that don't get anything for killing another player just won't bother to do it. It's always about gear... nothing but the gear.

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Friend of mine just got Rank 80 Conqueror title. He doesnt have any alts, just full on pvp guy.


Seems slightly unfair to me if a fresh lvl 50 at rank 10 can get the same armor as him.


that's my opinion anyway.


"But what about the casuals who have life's and can't play as much as us losers!?"






Being how easily you can obtain champ gear in a week and contend with BM, that's just not carebear enough. We have to all eat our biggest carrot now out the gate in 1.2.

Edited by Dego_Locc
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"But what about the casuals who have life's and can't play as much as us losers!?"






Being how easily you can obtain champ gear in a week and contend with BM, that's just not carebear enough. We have to all eat our biggest carrot now out the gate in 1.2.




they ruin everything.

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I understand that people who pvp want something for there skill in pvp (not time and effort), as a someone who only pvp's so do I. But it should be purely cosmetic; ranking, titles, cosmetic gear and so on.


Lets say im in a guild and all we do is pvp, we have the best pvp gear. We enter a wz and we go up against a guild that we know primarily pve's, they also have the best pvp gear. They win the wz, now should they have lost because they dont pvp as much as we do? No, they were better so they deserved to win.


What im trying to say and probably doing a poor job of it is, that pvp should be about who is better not who has the better gear.

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Was there some HUGE outcry from casuals after they implemented the new bag system / 120 pts for a champion coin give away extraveganza?


Im casual, but lol, Im loving the new system. If they make it less grindy... Im ok with that but, it's already really over the top easy.


I can't really see the argument from either way... OMG it takes a week or two... vs.. OMG don't make my week or two of grinding worthless... lol


Once you clear like 300 expertise your pretty competitive with BM's anyway... your no one man wrecking crew, but neither are the BM's.


As long as this doesn't turn into "Grind for a year" to be competitive(RIP Darkfall) I wouldn't care.

Edited by VoidJustice
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They confirmed it was better than BM gear, and that anyone regardless of valor rank could wear it, even someone who just turned 50. They said they would be earned by competing(not winning) in rated warzones.


So from what I would gather from that is ppl can grind to 50, then afk all day for a week or so, maybe less in rated warzones and have a full set of the top teir PVP gear, and have eaten their carrot too early.


Then what?


How many who only PVP will continue paying a subscription to a game where nobody cares about the tiny color carrot, or mount carrot(that you will never use if you all you do is pvp anyway)?


Not many I suspect.


if the only reason you play pvp is to get a gear advantage.... what is the point? do you honestly feel you have more skill than the guy who has a 20-30% dissadvantage in stats? i mean if we go play basketball just you and me would you really feel like you had won if i gave you a 30 pt head start? who is going to think you are more skilled when you tell them you won but had a 30 pt headstart. its not compettition if your gear is carrying you. ya ya "do the grind put in your time". why? so i can finally compete me vs you not gear vs gear? no thanks guildwars 2 is coming.

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I understand that people who pvp want something for there skill in pvp (not time and effort), as a someone who only pvp's so do I. But it should be purely cosmetic; ranking, titles, cosmetic gear and so on.


Lets say im in a guild and all we do is pvp, we have the best pvp gear. We enter a wz and we go up against a guild that we know primarily pve's, they also have the best pvp gear. They win the wz, now should they have lost because they dont pvp as much as we do? No, they were better so they deserved to win.


What im trying to say and probably doing a poor job of it is, that pvp should be about who is better not who has the better gear.


It is still about skill now, and even more of a challenge. When ppl on their alts can wear centurion and still beat a BM.


It works both ways.


Even playing field means eating our biggest carrot too soon, with minimal effort. Colors and mounts are not carrot that ppl will pay a monthly sub to chase sadly. Would be nice if it would be enough, BUT it won't be.

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True PvP'ers want competition against equal skill level competitors.


Please don't post unless you understand this. You really think true PvP'ers care more about grinding gear than defeating a rival guild's team on an equal footing with no excuses?



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Was there some HUGE outcry from casuals after they implemented the new bag system / 120 pts for a champion coin give away extraveganza?


Im casual, but lol, Im loving the new system. If they make it less grindy... Im ok with that but, it's already really over the top easy.


For a casual you have the right out look.


That "over the top easy" leads to boredom, which there already is an abundance of. And that leads to ppl not wanted to pay for this crappy pvp. Which leads to the game dying. Domino effect.

Taking pvp gear progression out of a game that only has a few warzones and nothing else for pvpers to do is a bad idea.

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"But what about the casuals who have life's and can't play as much as us losers!?"






Being how easily you can obtain champ gear in a week and contend with BM, that's just not carebear enough. We have to all eat our biggest carrot now out the gate in 1.2.


ugh i need to get away from this game. you know what it means when no one plays once they have the carrot? IT MEANS THE GAME WAS NO FUN. take a look at LoL or fps'ers. are they my style? not really but they do one thing right. they let the game stand on its own. no BS excuses like "oh ya, you just need to put in more time so you dont start with a disadvantage when the gates open" pvp should be PLAYER vs PLAYER not gear vs gear.

gw 2 is coming (and if that tanks then something else will be coming after that, there is a large player base that is tired of the gear grind and just want to PLAY)

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why? so i can finally compete me vs you not gear vs gear? no thanks guildwars 2 is coming.


This was suppose to be my next MMO, not my next stop over, but like so many others, I too am waiting for GW2, so w/e hand out free gear. Its not likely I am going to commit to a hard grind. And regardless if you PvE or PvP, if you are hardcore or casual, if you aren't enjoying what you do, you are going to stop doing it. It can be said doubly for the people that only do for gear.

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