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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

It finally happened


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Tell these people off. The longer the community accepts these kinds of people, the longer they will influence.


Wear what you want, especially as a Consular/Inquisitor. All the social gear is light armour, so it works just fine for you anyways.

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For those utterly concerned with the daily missions for pvp, can I suggest either forming groups with your guild, or forming a guild for this purpose?

I'd hazard a guess that 90% of us are there because it's fun and aren't too worried about our gear.

Someone once stopped mid huttball game to complain I was 'wearing noob armour' and as a result, I, the carrier of the huttball die metres from the scoring zone leaving the match a fiercely fought draw. Good job, only nearby healer. Good job.

On that topic, the main issue I find with PvP, certainly at under 50's at least, is healers.


A) Speaking as a healer, we're hugely underappreciated and underprotected. I'm keeping a whole group alive with Kolto missiles and get targeted by an opponent with sense? No problem, don't help, just complain I stopped healing you to try and fight them off/keep myself alive.

This has actually led to me re-specing purely because I feel utterly useless in PvP.


B) In most PvP, I see plenty of people who can heal, and may even be healing spec (some are certainly lacking power otherwise) who don't even attempt to heal, they just run around ineffectively trying to kill things.


There have been some PvP matches with healers who make me look absolutely useless, they keep 7+ players alive without using area heals, half the time while racking up one or two kills of their own. So I'm by no means saying everyone. I'm certainly not saying I'm the great goddess of healing or strategy.

But instead of focusing on armour I think that by far the biggest factor in losing is the lack of teamwork, people not going for objectives, people not stopping those who are, everyone running to different areas of the map to try and up their kills.


I've fought in very few PvP matches where I saw true teamwork, and only 2 where the other side showed the same. PvP matched where one side works as a team usually leads to an incredible win for them, and PvP matches where both sides do were easily the most intense and fun gaming experience I've had. We lost one of them, but it was worth it. Had it been in person I would have shook everyone by the hand and thanked them for 5 minutes where I learnt new combo's, tricks and moves at an alarming rate just to try and keep up.

To me, THAT is what PvP is about, not your kill count and certainly not your armour.



^ I couldn't have said this better myself. Well done.

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If they are so lame that they have to have check others gear to make sure they have specific stuff so the folks they are checking can carry them, they aren’t worth playing with.


You don't have to inspect someone to know they have bad gear if they have 10.2k HP at 50. That said, you should expect it when you pug. People have to start somewhere.

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blah blah blah i will gimp myself to achieve the look I want over the epeen I could care less about.


It really is "couldnt care less" if you "could care less" you care some amount.


On topic, the only reason you wouldnt wear full pvp gear for pvp is if you dont have it yet or are getting the 2 piece set bonus from pve gear.

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Gear police in a pug wz. I admit I could have better gear but atm I do not want to look like all the other asssassins so I have a mix of social Orange modded as best I can buy off gtn and the champ peices that I like. Guy starts calling me out and saying its my fault we lost, although it wasn't the door that I and 1 other were protecting that got capped lol.


Anyway I msg him after match and ask for his suggestions on making my gear better and he says go buy purples off gtn, so I go look and not a single purple would be an upgrade in my opinion as adding 25 armor and a lil endurance to lose 34 surge seems not to be an upgrade for me so... meh whatever Mr. Elitist guy have fun I know I am.


Maybe with new armor sets I will not mind looking like everyone else but atm PVP gear to me is appalling and I would rather gimp myself out of a lil expertise than look so lame. Oh well my choice I guess, I am not even really mad just thought it was funny and bored having coffee thought I would post about it hehe.


Heh, it doesn't only happen in PvP, soon after reaching 50, I was in a guild and said I'd like to do a few HM's with them on my Shadow, I was asked "how are you dpsing?" which meant they wanted to know my "Damage (Pri)" stat, which at the time was 600something to 700something. All of a sudden some Smuggler in the guild says that his same stat was 5ksomething to 7ksomething, guildleader freaks out (he was a Jedi Guardian who hadn't previously checked HIS own primary dmg) and says that I needed to gear up until I reached at least 5k primary dmg then we could talk about doing HM's with them.


Elitism is sad, but elitism based on plain ignorance about a game bug is really really sad.

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Because of the drama king and queens that stupidly think that just because you don't have the best gear doesn't mean you can't play better.


Having the best is far from being the best, and all the elitist that think like this only gimp themselves.

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