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Yeah man, Troopers LOL


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I've read the posts where people say "OMG, if you don't understand the issues with knights, you haven't played another class". lolz - this is mine, adding to that.



I'm making a trooper to make grenades to my biochem Jedi Knight. But in order to get enough companions to craft, I have to level...




So lol at how outlandishly overpowered this class is. Everything the class has:


- does way too much damage

- has excessive range


You use two abilities TOPS to clear any pack of mobs. For elites, you may have to press grav round three times or something.



Here man, stupid vid.



I just hit fraps on and went after three packs of mobs


- 1st pack, used 1 ability

- 2nd pack, used 2 abilities

- 3rd pack, used 2 abilities, should have only used one.




This class man, is like playing a Jedi Knight, but starting fights with 12 focus instead of 0, having 30ft range, nothing hurts you because of armor, you get stun and oh yeah healing.


Grav round is good and all, but if you were to play the class using all of your abilities with the keyboard mastery it takes to play a Jedi Knight - lolz

Edited by Asphen
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I will say that once i hit 50 on my JK i got a little bored so i rerolled as a vanguard and i was very much liking the class all the way into the 30s, the story was nice and i didnt feel like i was forced to choose one decision, but once i hit 40 i decked out in pvp gear and it was rediculously easy to kill people. It got so bad that i didnt even feel like pvping, so i jumped back on my JK and felt so much better dieing a lot but having such an array of abilities. Moral of the story: JK is a very fun class and killing everything in sight is not as much fun as it seems.
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I will say that once i hit 50 on my JK i got a little bored so i rerolled as a vanguard and i was very much liking the class all the way into the 30s, the story was nice and i didnt feel like i was forced to choose one decision, but once i hit 40 i decked out in pvp gear and it was rediculously easy to kill people. It got so bad that i didnt even feel like pvping, so i jumped back on my JK and felt so much better dieing a lot but having such an array of abilities. Moral of the story: JK is a very fun class and killing everything in sight is not as much fun as it seems.



Truth. Good post.



My Knight is about 1000% more fun to play. It is just kinda insulting how much more the other classes are given.

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Truth. Good post.



My Knight is about 1000% more fun to play. It is just kinda insulting how much more the other classes are given.


Ya, it gets boring playing 2 button classes, but man are they powerful.

Edited by VoidJustice
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Hmm i have the opposite feeling, I have a trooper vanguard as my main. And im leveling a sentinell. And that sentinel pushes out damage my vanguard not even heard of at similar level. Mobs just get toasted a few sec after the fight starts. I just use 3-4 skills for most mobs .


Many of the spawn of 3 small mobs i just rebuke and run past and let kira sort em out. She hits like a truck. In PvP the sith sentinells kills our commandos easely. Thought tables seem to turn if 3 commandos get togheater and focus down the siths. But i guess its balanced as 2 sith mages seem to be doing almost as good job as 3 commandos.

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Hmm i have the opposite feeling, I have a trooper vanguard as my main. And im leveling a sentinell. And that sentinel pushes out damage my vanguard not even heard of at similar level. Mobs just get toasted a few sec after the fight starts. I just use 3-4 skills for most mobs .


Many of the spawn of 3 small mobs i just rebuke and run past and let kira sort em out. She hits like a truck. In PvP the sith sentinells kills our commandos easely. Thought tables seem to turn if 3 commandos get togheater and focus down the siths. But i guess its balanced as 2 sith mages seem to be doing almost as good job as 3 commandos.




Just wait until you get to the upper levels. The sentinel aoe ability is a flat out joke. The commando is a faceroll your keyboard class period.

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Hmm i have the opposite feeling, I have a trooper vanguard as my main. And im leveling a sentinell. And that sentinel pushes out damage my vanguard not even heard of at similar level. Mobs just get toasted a few sec after the fight starts. I just use 3-4 skills for most mobs .


Many of the spawn of 3 small mobs i just rebuke and run past and let kira sort em out. She hits like a truck. In PvP the sith sentinells kills our commandos easely. Thought tables seem to turn if 3 commandos get togheater and focus down the siths. But i guess its balanced as 2 sith mages seem to be doing almost as good job as 3 commandos.


This post smells of damage control, trying to take the developer eye off the inevitable nerfs coming to the Trooper. Granted, I don't like nerfs either, but you'll not see Jedi Knights getting a nerf any time soon, lol. In fact, we're getting buffs and improvements.

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I leveled a Commando DPS Trooper to 50. Frankly, I was bored. Sure, Mortal Volley is AWESOME, but it's a 1m cooldown and has no applicable single target or pvp purpose other than spamming Ilum.


I rolled a Watchman Sentinel and hit 50 last night. Let me tell you, the Sentinel does much, much more damage. Assuming that MV is on cooldown and I have to fight a group of 3 non-elites, my Watchman kills them faster. My Watchman kills Strong/Elites faster. I take less dmg because of interrupts.


The more tools in your toolbox, the better equipped you are to handle problems. The same goes for Sentinel vs Trooper. Yeah, Commandos are powerful in their own right, but at the end of the day they just don't have the same damage or utility potential as the Sentinel.



Plus, JK is much more fun to play.

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Is your video in Coruscant? If so, you know those mobs aren't supposed to be hard, right?


Mortar volley is a really good AoE that's on a 1 minute cool-down. At that level I was killing things as quickly on a gunslinger and a shadow, although I have to admit mortar volley is very useful against weak or average mobs.


Around level 25 you stop out-right killing groups of mobs with mortar volley. At 30-35 it starts doing a little more than half damage and stays like that up till mid 40's from what I've seen.

Edited by Tatermitts
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