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Talent tree for watchman


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I went Jedi Crusader, Defensive Forms and one point into DW Mastery so I can could get Focused Leap.


Since my main opening rotation almost always has Leg Slash in it and if you want your rotation to end with a Merciless Slash then you need Focused Leap so you can generating 4focus with Force Leap, unless you want to to do 2 Strikes before Merciless Slash.


I use Rebuke alot so I might as well get Crusader, I may drop it to 1 point since it has a internal cooldown of 3 seconds and put it into DW Mastery.


I put 2 points into Stagger, just so I can control my target a bit better. I was finding some of my targets were getting out of range before I could get Leg Slash applied.

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Thank you Mr. Easymode. I forgot what its called...but its on the bottom tier of the focus tree. It reduces 5 seconds off the CD for force stasis. How powerful is stasis? I use it pretty much whenever its not on CD, right after a DoT rotation. Should I be looking to put that extra point somewhere else besides the -5 seconds on stasis CD thingy?
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I don't find the talent useful. For Watchman, Stasis is a once-per-fight ability to lock a kill and cause a cascade failure on the enemy team. A 5s or 10s longer cd on it isn't impacting.


Master Strike is not central to Watchman, and the 1.5/3s delay is negligible.

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Sooo... I am lvl 40 now, and have been VERY anxious to get merciless slash.... So last night I respecced and put ALL my points into watchman, and on my last point I was able to select merc slash. I logged off before testing it out, so I have to wait until tonight to try it in action. Am I seriously gimping myself, or is this ok? No pts are in the combat or focus tree... My offhand saber damage looks pretty weak since I have no pts in DW mastery. Should I wait another level or 2 to spec all the way to the top to get merc slash, or should I be good?
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Sooo... I am lvl 40 now, and have been VERY anxious to get merciless slash.... So last night I respecced and put ALL my points into watchman, and on my last point I was able to select merc slash. I logged off before testing it out, so I have to wait until tonight to try it in action. Am I seriously gimping myself, or is this ok? No pts are in the combat or focus tree... My offhand saber damage looks pretty weak since I have no pts in DW mastery. Should I wait another level or 2 to spec all the way to the top to get merc slash, or should I be good?


I did the same as you. Got that skill as early as i possibly could and never regretted it. It's awesome :).

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But did you have any problems as a result of not having pts spent in DW Mastery or defensive forms when you first got merc slash?


Nope, next on my list was the defensive forms. The skill which increases the offhand damage does not impress me much, I will probably get rid of it and try osmething else.

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Nope, next on my list was the defensive forms. The skill which increases the offhand damage does not impress me much, I will probably get rid of it and try osmething else.


Dual Wield Master increases your Strike, Zealous Strike, Slash, Merc Slash, Cyclone Slash, Leg Slash and Master Strike, off the top of my head. So, virtually every single ability you use on a regular basis in PvE and PvP, other than Cauterize and Dispatch. My inner elitist is screaming, but I'll smother it. Please don't drop it, in fact you should maximize it 3/3 if at all possible. It is indispensable.

Edited by Mal-Sharran
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Dual Wield Master increases your Strike, Zealous Strike, Slash, Merc Slash, Cyclone Slash, Leg Slash and Master Strike, off the top of my head. So, virtually every single ability you use on a regular basis in PvE and PvP, other than Cauterize and Dispatch. My inner elitist is screaming, but I'll smother it. Please don't drop it, in fact you should maximize it 3/3 if at all possible. It is indispensable.


What do you actually base this on?


I did do some testing and my results lead me to believe that Dual Wield Mastery is not worth the points. By that i mean that Merc slash does not seem to be affected by it nor does leg slash. Also the dmg gain to the other abilities was so small that it was hardly noticeable.

So i am curious what are you basing your information on.


Having said that, you do have to spend 2 points in it seeing as there isn't really anything else to spend them on. But I am partial to the 1-2-2 model of points spent on the first tier of the combat tree.

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What do you actually base this on?


I did do some testing and my results lead me to believe that Dual Wield Mastery is not worth the points. By that i mean that Merc slash does not seem to be affected by it nor does leg slash. Also the dmg gain to the other abilities was so small that it was hardly noticeable.

So i am curious what are you basing your information on.


Having said that, you do have to spend 2 points in it seeing as there isn't really anything else to spend them on. But I am partial to the 1-2-2 model of points spent on the first tier of the combat tree.


It's very easy, actually. Go respec. Go drop all talent points, then jot down the top end damage of all the abilities I listed. Then put three (or two, if you prefer) points into DWM, apply those points, and read the tooltips again. They will all increase. They all attack with both weapons, meaning your offhand damage affects the overall damage of any attack that states, 'attacks with both weapons' in the tooltip. Try it, the top end of Merc Slash goes up over 300, that's friggin HUGE.

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fair enough.


i assume that means that you just get a flat dmg increase without having the chance for your offhand to miss then.


THAT I can't answer, since it does increase your off-hand damage, I'd imagine on hits where your off-hand misses, it may not boost the damage. But most of us aim for 100%+ accuracy anyway. I'm aware our off-hand suffers from a severe chance to miss, but at 100% or more this is minimized quite a bit.

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THAT I can't answer, since it does increase your off-hand damage, I'd imagine on hits where your off-hand misses, it may not boost the damage. But most of us aim for 100%+ accuracy anyway. I'm aware our off-hand suffers from a severe chance to miss, but at 100% or more this is minimized quite a bit.


^^^^^ Clueless sentinel

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