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Why do so many in mmo's now hate grouping?


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East common tunnels was the most fun ever! Plus I do miss the zone spam of... TRAIN TO ZONE! or WTB SoW :D


Remember being in east commons and the zone chat would scroll so fast that if you blinked you missed 2 or 3 conversions LoL


I agree, even when solo... I miss all the cool & funny zone chatting.


Yes. :)


Toward the end of my time in EQ, I remember when my habit of giving out SoW without expecting payment or playing taxi (again, no payment) got called into question. I'd been doing this since, well, I could. It was just the nice thing to do and for quite some time no one thought it was odd.


Then came the sorts who wanted to charge and charge big time for SoW and "taxi rides" and they were pretty uncivil about my refusal to jump on the "pay me" bandwagon. I so clearly recall thinking: Something just shifted here and I'm not liking it. From "sure, glad to help" to "what's in it for me". :rolleyes:


This was also when some classes started charging for their services. I hated seeing that as it turned out to be the beginning of the end of a certain mentality that I have not seen since.


But I digress. Sorry!


The poster that brought up the "interview process" is spot on. My attitude remains that if I am effective in whatever content I am doing (and don't look like a clown on acid or sporting the "newbie wood elf" look) then I'm good. This is why I'm not a fan of the "inspect" option. Nothing like having a total stranger, unsolicited, start raving about how your gear is not up to "standard". Heh.

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I despise "Number-Cruncher" groups with a passion. Back in the day before all that twaddle it was good enough for me if people formed the group, got rolling with a minimum of delay and just did the best they could. If they failed, well, no biggie. Time to learn from mistakes and go round again.


I'm playing Heroic Fantasy, not an XCel Spreadsheet! :)


That sums it up for me. It's a game, if we wipe or something goes wrong, the world does not end! That's how we learned and became better at what we did.


I'm not sure why, for some people, it is so horrible to screw up or be wrong or make a mistake. It's all part of life. How you react to these things it more important.

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That sums it up for me. It's a game, if we wipe or something goes wrong, the world does not end! That's how we learned and became better at what we did.


I'm not sure why, for some people, it is so horrible to screw up or be wrong or make a mistake. It's all part of life. How you react to these things it more important.


It's not that bad (yet) in SWTOR as it seems people are more forgiving; but being a 3 month old game that's kinda expected...sadly I'm expecting that as SWTOR grows older, there will be the corresponding decrease in tolerance. It's also likely we're gonna start seeing more people leaving on the first wipe. Then eventually....we're gonna get gearscore!

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Here is a serious question or questions for this thread since the majority of you do not want to group .



If you don't want to play with anyone and want to experience all of this content solo , then why are the soloer's the first ones and very adiment against



A cross server LFG tool , or a same server LFG tool .


A dps meter






I have been thinking about it alot and the same people that are hardcore against grouping are also the ones that are hardcore against group features that are implemented by other mmos .


If your gonna play solo then why does it matter and even more so why are you so against it ?


I wasn't aware it was solers. In fact, from being here on the forums (and yes, this is anecdotal, not scientific data) the people I see wanting these things (reasonably enough) are the PvPers and raiders.


The only thing in that list that I care at all about having for my own use is, maybe, the macros. Even those are a "I'd use 'em if they were in the game but I'm not freaking out because they aren't" category.


Oh, and I'm not against any of them, I'm just not interested in 'em. If others need/want them and BW feels like adding them, fine by me.

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It's not that bad (yet) in SWTOR as it seems people are more forgiving; but being a 3 month old game that's kinda expected...sadly I'm expecting that as SWTOR grows older, there will be the corresponding decrease in tolerance. It's also likely we're gonna start seeing more people leaving on the first wipe. Then eventually....we're gonna get gearscore!


Well, it is...or has been. Husband and I grouped up back in December with a pair of folk for a Heroic. I'd been playing, literally, hours and was still coming to grips with the UI and what skills did what. I sucked. :D I also hadn't done the heroics on the newbie planet and didn't have anything save the chest piece from commendations.


I was ripped and so was he for not being "serious" enough. Hell, I was VERY serious. Seriously confused. LOL! This was first planet after newbie planet. I remember thinking: Yikes. Tough crowd!


Has happened twice since then too although not quite so rudely...more of a "you poor dear, you really should run more heroics to get better gear". Or "if you don't spec this way, you aren't effective".


Well, since I was doing my job and wasn't falling over and taking dirt naps, I thought I was doing my job but apparently not with the right...er...stuff and, uhm...way.


I don't need that. I really don't. It's an annoyance. I would TOTALLY understand if I was a burden to a group by falling over dead every 2 steps or if I just totally sucked at playing my class but I don't. I just don't fit some non-published guideline that may only exist in one person's mind and that is, apparently, grounds for being taken to task.




Conversely I have met a couple of very nice folk and we duo whenever our schedules permit. So it isn't all bad. :)

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Here is a serious question or questions for this thread since the majority of you do not want to group .



If you don't want to play with anyone and want to experience all of this content solo , then why are the soloer's the first ones and very adiment against



A cross server LFG tool , or a same server LFG tool .


A dps meter






I have been thinking about it alot and the same people that are hardcore against grouping are also the ones that are hardcore against group features that are implemented by other mmos .


If your gonna play solo then why does it matter and even more so why are you so against it ?


How did you reach the conclusion that "soloers are the first and most adamant"?


I'm not convinced the two must go together. However, I suspect a number of people looking to solo stuff have done the group stuff and found it so unbearable they simply don't want to do it any more. In those cases it would make sense that they oppose the stuff that made grouping unbearable for them.


I also think the "soloers" would completely care less what happened in group content if they were actually give solo end game content. BTW - Macros and add ons aren't group only.

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I see so many posts now how ppl hate being in guilds and being forced to group to do some of the things in game.


Why in the heck are these ppl playing an mmo? If these ppl had their way we would be playing a single player game ( which at this point we are not far from ) but they are only making it worse.


What has happened to the mmo gaming world? It used to be great ppl wanted to group and all that stuff now it seems ppl have become very antisocial.


Back in the days, finding a guild to raid with that wasnt lead by some ego maniac and his little core group of flunkies was all but impossible. That being said, public opinion swung from grouping to I hate grouping.


It will eventually find middle ground, when people grow up.

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I've grouped with a lot of people during my time playing. A few of these people have become pretty close in that we will do all of what we can to help one another, check if one or the other may need help, or just to chat.


The other day I was on one of my low level alts, a healing Sorceress, and joined a group for Hammer Station.


The Tank was good and did his job, as did the Sniper we had, but although the Marauder may have been good he was bad in what he caused.


The Tank and Sniper I would gladly run anything with again.


The Marauder was afflicted with a curse called "RUSH". This caused him to go ahead of the Tank, even in a different direction. This caused him to create aggro and stop me from Seething to replenish my Force which left me slowly killing myself to heal them.


I will never heal or group with that Marauder again.


He would, sadly, be one of those people clamoring for Meters to show how good he was even though he created problems that could have cause a full wipe.

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The Marauder was afflicted with a curse called "RUSH". This caused him to go ahead of the Tank, even in a different direction. This caused him to create aggro and stop me from Seething to replenish my Force which left me slowly killing myself to heal them.



He would, sadly, be one of those people clamoring for Meters to show how good he was even though he created problems that could have cause a full wipe.


I first noticed this type of player in WoW. Hadn't encountered them before, perhaps they were there but I never ran into them. They drive me nuts. I don't know whether it's the expectation that everyone will follow their "lead" or whether they are oblivious to what others can or can't do with their classes but they are so annoying.


It is especially frustrating when it's your first time through an instance and you haven't gotten the lay of the land and this weasel on amphetamines is charging ahead willy nilly paying no mind to anyone else and, worse, expecting HEAL ME HEAL ME, BUFF ME, SHIELD ME etc.


Yup, they might do a great deal of DPS but I'm not a fan of the twitch that develops over my left eye after grouping with these types.

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Back in the days, finding a guild to raid with that wasnt lead by some ego maniac and his little core group of flunkies was all but impossible. That being said, public opinion swung from grouping to I hate grouping.


It will eventually find middle ground, when people grow up.


Soon would be good. :)

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I first noticed this type of player in WoW. Hadn't encountered them before, perhaps they were there but I never ran into them. They drive me nuts. I don't know whether it's the expectation that everyone will follow their "lead" or whether they are oblivious to what others can or can't do with their classes but they are so annoying.


It is especially frustrating when it's your first time through an instance and you haven't gotten the lay of the land and this weasel on amphetamines is charging ahead willy nilly paying no mind to anyone else and, worse, expecting HEAL ME HEAL ME, BUFF ME, SHIELD ME etc.


Yup, they might do a great deal of DPS but I'm not a fan of the twitch that develops over my left eye after grouping with these types.


These are the type of players that had people clamoring for a vote-kick system in WoW after the LFG tool was implemented which in turn caused the "social" part of the game to die.

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These are the type of players that had people clamoring for a vote-kick system in WoW after the LFG tool was implemented which in turn caused the "social" part of the game to die.


Oh aye?


Not sure what you mean? Do y'mean that because of the LFG tool people stopped talking to one and other trying to get groups or ?


The vote kick deal...never have seen that work out particularly well. Could just be my limited experience but more often than not, the vote would pop up and I'd be "huh? who? why?".

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Here is a serious question or questions for this thread since the majority of you do not want to group .



If you don't want to play with anyone and want to experience all of this content solo , then why are the soloer's the first ones and very adiment against



A cross server LFG tool , or a same server LFG tool .


A dps meter






I have been thinking about it alot and the same people that are hardcore against grouping are also the ones that are hardcore against group features that are implemented by other mmos .


If your gonna play solo then why does it matter and even more so why are you so against it ?


I'll be honest here, I've never seen a soloer adamantly stand against a single one of those things.


Those arguments are almost entirely exclusive to various types of groupers.

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I've seen a lot of anti-social behavior with kids under 20 years of age. They hate talking on the phone, they love texting, and after school, they go straight home and play on their consoles, pc's, or text. There's very little interaction compared to previous generations.


I fear this is one of the causes of MMO's lacking the social environment. Kids also tend to be selfish players compared to adults so they are here today, gone tomorrow.


Of course, this is a generalization and not all young players are like this but it seems from my experience, the majority are.


I've played MMO's since the mid 90's and the best and most memorable times in each game were with people that I made friends with online. We logged on most of the time just talking and making fun of each other for the stupid crap they we've done on our epic quests together. Those are the times that are the most fun and memorable.

Edited by Ziljin
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I first noticed this type of player in WoW. Hadn't encountered them before, perhaps they were there but I never ran into them. They drive me nuts. I don't know whether it's the expectation that everyone will follow their "lead" or whether they are oblivious to what others can or can't do with their classes but they are so annoying.


It is especially frustrating when it's your first time through an instance and you haven't gotten the lay of the land and this weasel on amphetamines is charging ahead willy nilly paying no mind to anyone else and, worse, expecting HEAL ME HEAL ME, BUFF ME, SHIELD ME etc.


Yup, they might do a great deal of DPS but I'm not a fan of the twitch that develops over my left eye after grouping with these types.


ah you met the "gogogogo" crowd, a curse that I was not familar with until our return to WoW. You know, the type that when you port into an instance and start to buff, you hear the cursed one say, "dude, gogogogo." Even worse if you play a tank'healer combo like my spouse and I. First, you had better know the dungeon like the back of your hand, even if you've never been there before. And be quick on the pulls otherwise people will start pulling for you. Never mind that they may cause a wipe. It is always the "fail" tank or healer to blame. The first wipe usually causes a 'u suk, L2P noob," with the twitchy one leaving the group in a rage quit.


WoW was horrid in that respect and really made me hesitant to group with people I didn't know. The unkindness went pretty deep---I remember a rather fragile guildie (who admittendly sucked as a healer) being told to kill herself and a number of other very unkind insults. People seemed to go beyond just mere frustration in a game all the way to some really antisocial behavior. I'm still rather hesitant to group after my WoW experience and it has been almost 9 months or so since I left that game.

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ah you met the "gogogogo" crowd, a curse that I was not familar with until our return to WoW. You know, the type that when you port into an instance and start to buff, you hear the cursed one say, "dude, gogogogo." Even worse if you play a tank'healer combo like my spouse and I. First, you had better know the dungeon like the back of your hand, even if you've never been there before. And be quick on the pulls otherwise people will start pulling for you. Never mind that they may cause a wipe. It is always the "fail" tank or healer to blame. The first wipe usually causes a 'u suk, L2P noob," with the twitchy one leaving the group in a rage quit.


WoW was horrid in that respect and really made me hesitant to group with people I didn't know. The unkindness went pretty deep---I remember a rather fragile guildie (who admittendly sucked as a healer) being told to kill herself and a number of other very unkind insults. People seemed to go beyond just mere frustration in a game all the way to some really antisocial behavior. I'm still rather hesitant to group after my WoW experience and it has been almost 9 months or so since I left that game.


my wife and i play tank and healer.


We also have a permenant dps who is part of our group.


We always ask first in guild for a dps and then in general.


Had a dodgy marauder in the guild who insist on force leaping in ahead of my tank assassin. I have to catch myself and let him die rather then struggling to maintain agro off of him. Someone else pulling immediately takes me out of control of the fight and instead into fire fighting mode trying to save everyone which I can do but is not fun to do permenantly.


it also isn't fun for the healer either who suddenly also goes into panic mode trying to keep the mara up.. which then pulls agro onto the healer which I as tank have to catch. This whole problem is caused purely because I didn't have initial agro.


before have a chance to speak and say about the problem.. mara has leapt into the next pack and I am forced into firefighting mode


he finishes the instance thinking he is leet... I think I will never group with him again and stick him on ignore.. forever I will think of that player as bad.

Edited by corbanite
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ah you met the "gogogogo" crowd, a curse that I was not familar with until our return to WoW. You know, the type that when you port into an instance and start to buff, you hear the cursed one say, "dude, gogogogo." Even worse if you play a tank'healer combo like my spouse and I. First, you had better know the dungeon like the back of your hand, even if you've never been there before. And be quick on the pulls otherwise people will start pulling for you. Never mind that they may cause a wipe. It is always the "fail" tank or healer to blame. The first wipe usually causes a 'u suk, L2P noob," with the twitchy one leaving the group in a rage quit.


WoW was horrid in that respect and really made me hesitant to group with people I didn't know. The unkindness went pretty deep---I remember a rather fragile guildie (who admittendly sucked as a healer) being told to kill herself and a number of other very unkind insults. People seemed to go beyond just mere frustration in a game all the way to some really antisocial behavior. I'm still rather hesitant to group after my WoW experience and it has been almost 9 months or so since I left that game.


Yup. Numerous times. To the point where I was beyond "hesitant" and straight into "not a flippin' chance".


That's sad about your guildie...sometimes I loathe the anonymity of the 'Net. It has gone a long way toward allowing people to behave in ways that would NOT work offline. And that's a shame. Manners cost nothing and are the lubrication of society. But no, now it's kinda "cool" to be rude and surly and not give a royal you-know-what about the next guy. Or, worse, to take delight in intentionally hurting or inciting someone.


Games will always remain a pastime to me, something I do along with other hobbies (altho gaming is a major one :) ) and if the day comes that I catch myself behaving like a boor, I'll walk away. It really is ONLY a game.

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I rarely group. I have been boxing since EQ1, and done it in nearly every MMO made.


I work full time, go to school in the evenings full time, own a house, have a girldfriend. I just dont have that much time. So in the hour or so a day I get to play I want to log in and not have to look for a group or wait around for people.

The times I do group is when someone asks for help finishing something, and damned if half the time they dont turn out to be poor people to group with do to attitude or being loot hogs. I have yet to group in this game, though I have helped a couple people burn down quest mobs in noninstanced areas.

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I'm going to answer from my own perspective and this is probably going to be a long post.


First and foremost, I can't care less about other people, I'm not the type to rush to some voice program and chat with guildies/internet friends as soon as I get into game (hell, I don't even have a mic), I don't like people, I'm not interested in people. However, playing with people makes the game more interesting due to many reasons:

- it's harder and more interesting to play versus ppl than ai, since they're just (duh) smarter. Ok... well... USUALLY.

- I have more reason to work for something like actual gear and cosmetic items to show off later on. You might not admit it, but when I ride past you on that super rare mount you do want to have it and you DO notice me, unlike npc's who truly don't care. Having a reason keeps me busy longer, I'm more interested in a game and I have more fun. Despite Skyrim (as an example) being (imo) a far better game than any wow or swtor together, I couldn't even finish it, simply because I saw no reason in it and didn't want to go on.

- Game just feels more alive with ppl running around.


I've spend a real long time in wow back in the days, I've been a both pvp (for short time) and pve player (for most time, a really serious raider) and I've had so much trouble with grouping that I just don't want to do it anymore the old style way. I just want automatic additions like LFD tools to pick a party for me.

Guild forces you to be good or they kick you/won't take you to raid/laugh at you (not my case, but still can't relax for a second without falling out of favor). Need to be somewhat nice to ppl in your guild, need to care about your reputation on server or you risk it not getting into a good guild when they might remember you for being *****hole (happened to me once, they actually lost more than they gained and I simply transferred to another server and got into even better guild).

Guild usually (well, serious guild) forces you to attend most of raids, and I personally just. Want. My. Frakin'. GEAR. As soon as I feel like I've got most important items from this raid, I don't wanna EVER see it again. But then they'll just replace me, so I have to log in and do this damn raid over and over again if I want to still get new top gear in next patch.


Pvp wise: I don't know much about rated wz's yet, but for the BW's own sake I hope they make it so we can queue and play solo in ranked matches and that premades can NOT go versus pugs. Ever. Not even more than 2 ppl from same guild to avoid exploiting.

So speaking from WoW experience here, I wanted top gear. Duh. I had to play with a partner in arena, I had to rely on him to be online. I couldn't just go alone. Thing is I hate arena. I hate group duels when every mistake matters. I felt a huge pressure (Gods, I sound like some bad here, this is not true, I was over 2k ranked in wow's arena s2/3, this is the only time when I was doing it and it was hella impressive back then). This is not what I want from the game. I want to relax and have fun, not to be even more stressed.

Later on they introduce rated BGs. Yay, I think. I can finally get top pvp gear by simply playing alone! Surely they'll do it so pugs will go against pugs and premades vs premades, so me, being a pro bg player, don't have too much to worry about. Yeah right. Premade versus premade only. And if you don't know what that means like to get into a decent rated bg premade then I'll tell you: "lf <class here> needs to have minimum <some crazy number here> resilience and high arena or rated bg rating!". You know it's true. If you're a new player, or was doing only pve before and don't have pvp gear/ratings you're totally f***d. Well it's not much better in a pve part either, but at least you can somewhat gear up and learn tactics with LFD and LFR tools before applying to a decent guild.


Of course I perfectly understand that those few of you who's friendly AND good AND can lead groups/whole guilds want games to be like in old times. You were at the top then, and now you're just one of many. Nothing special. Well too bad, we all paying our money and we all want to have our top gear, titles and mounts without the game feeling like a second work.

So, there you go my explanation why I hate grouping and why I want as much solo content as possible.


I'm not a game designer, but from my modest point of view, a perfect mmo for me would be: no real top end gear stat-wise -- everyone has/can get this gear easily and mostly solo/through lfd tool.

Hard modes for those who wants it. Who wants to group up and have fun with a nice challenge. NOT forcing ppl to do it if they want top gear in game.

Premades should always go only versus other premades. Pug versus pug. No special "ranked pvp gear". Speaking of which, in a case some developer will read this which I doubt, be careful with rated wz's, you might lose much more ppl than you'll gain. Keep top pvp gear easy grindable, don't go wow's way. Seriously I could never understand this, why would you reward a better player with a better gear? To create even bigger disadvantage?! It makes no sense!

Ranked pvp should reward maybe only different colors, nothing more. Ok you're a special fruitcake, we get it. Here's your purple robe to show it, off you go now.

Alot of cosmetic items/gear/titles/mounts for players who play at high lvl. Preferably also accessible to the rest through heavy grind or a lucky drops.



TLDR: don't give a crap about actual ppl I play with, can't be arsed to work my arse off, can't be arsed to have/wait for special team/guild, just want to log in any time and have maximum fun, but with people, because they add higher "difficulty" and more alive atmosphere to the game. And well, revelation of the day, games are made for fun!


And if you afraid we won't be subbing after we get all gear fast, well then, add cosmetic items truly worthy of working for for weeks and add new content every 2 months worth coming back to and everything's gonna be fine. But stop making us grind our top gear for months, so we had barely any time to actually enjoy it and then have to replace it in a week or a month when new content coming out.

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I group a bit with my guild mates, and I group perhaps more with other people with my list of alts. I have met a couple of people that I keep in touch with, see how one another is doing, see if one or another needs help, just chat.


I did Hammer Station two days ago and it was a pretty good group. Had a good tank, a good sniper, but I can't say the marauder was good, it was too chaotic to tell.


The marauder had the curse of "RUSH!!!" and would jump ahead of everyone else. This caused aggro, aggro cancelled my seethe and that stopped me from gaining Force, Force I use for healing. So I had to use Consume a lot, lowering my health (heals still pulled aggro too) to gain Force.


We did survive. I would gladly group with the tank and sniper again, but I will never heal that marauder again.


That marauder thought he was uber dps (and wished he'd had a meter), but, well, never again.

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Lol. This discussion is pointless. If you hate grouping then don´t group. If you like grouping then group. It´s that simple. The game provide possibilities to cater to both groups ;). I go solo for solo content. I always group for heroics and flashpoints because those are meant for that purpose. And I am always able to find a group, and I don´t use microphone, just chat, and I am in no guild. SWTOR is one of the most grouping friendly games.

Right now, a major part of people are coming to this thread to rejoice about their antisocial behavior. No big deal. And no big lost. Always there will be people happy to group.

Edited by Ivanblood
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Grouping up is what mmos should be about but when theres no incentive people wont do that.


Its one of the reasons i miss FF 11. Now there was a game where you used to have to group and it was fun.


I think one of the main problems is the way quests are. Thing is if you have a certain list of quests and your friend doesnt its a pain to group cause your on different sections. Also leveling is so quick its quite easy to fall behind.


FF 11 was a slow leveling process and the ability to switch jobs and start from level 1 on the same character was a unique idea that works really well. In FF 11 the most efficient way to level was in a group as solo meant facing weak enemies yielding little experiance. While as a group you could chain link your fights giving xp boost.

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Lol. This discussion is pointless. If you hate grouping then don´t group. If you like grouping then group. It´s that simple.


It's not that simple, because endgame character advancement is directly tied into grouping.


So, for those who don't/can't raid, their endgame options are:


1. Be forever in sub-optimal gear. This isn't just a question of stats, it's a limitation on character advancement. In other words, the character can only go so far without being required into a style of play they don't enjoy, or can't participate in.


2. Play in a style that's not preferable. Many people dislike grouping (some can't due to RL commitments). So, solely because of Bioware's game design choices, these players must now play a style of gaming they'd rather not if they want to continue to progress their character.


3. Quit. Simply put, this game is raid or die. I can state with assurance that there are many players who would sooner quit then jump onto the raiding treadmill.


So, no, it's not simple. It could be, if Bioware offered a soloable alternative to endgame progression. If they did, then grouping or not grouping would simply be a matter of choice, which is exactly what it should be.

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Lol. This discussion is pointless. If you hate grouping then don´t group. If you like grouping then group. It´s that simple. The game provide possibilities to cater to both groups ;). I go solo for solo content. I always group for heroics and flashpoints because those are meant for that purpose. And I am always able to find a group, and I don´t use microphone, just chat, and I am in no guild. SWTOR is one of the most grouping friendly games.

Right now, a major part of people are coming to this thread to rejoice about their antisocial behavior. No big deal. And no big lost. Always there will be people happy to group.



Someone gets it :)

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