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Is there an actual reason for Republic numbers being so low?


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I think it comes down to 'aesthetics' for many people. The Empire look 'cooler'. People like the way the Empire's gear looks more imo, and not to mention a lotta people have stated the Empire has cooler animations (which I agree). Throwing pebbles seems pretty weak compared to someone who unleashes giant bolts of lightning from their hands now doesnt it?
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I personally enjoy playing light side Empire, because the gear, interesting companions, and story line is more dramatic and interesting. I never read the books so I don't have much knowledge about the Sith back history.


My Jedi Consular gear could use some serious love. I like brown earth tones and black but many of the patterns are so bad and no gleam at all. At level 40 just some garbs with browns/black colors with some engraved nickle plated shoulder guards, same accented wrists guards, gloves and belt would do a wonder of good. It would still be light armor. I had to go with a female, because the gear looks so feminine looking. I do hope we get some better looking gear and better force affects. I will say it's the gear that kills it for me, but I still play my Jedi Shadow the most. Now if I only knew there was going to be a companion love interest I would have chosen a male character. :mad:

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Throwing rocks <<<<< Shooting lightning.


There, I solved your problem.


I call B.S on this..


lets go outside i will hit you with a taser and after a few minuets you will be fine.. then lets go out and i hit you in the head with a 40 pound rock.. if you wake up from your coma i think you will change your mind about the whole "Pebbles" ideal :p

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To answer the OP's question, ultimately the reason that the republic numbers are so low is because people don't want to play republic. There isn't a whole lot that Bioware can ultimately do about that. They could do an XP increase, but it's already easy to get to fifty so that doesn't matter. They could also explore more powerful gear, but that actually imbalances the game so it isn't a good solution. I'm not terribly familiar with the combat animation issues, etc..., but the best Bioware can do is remove the animations that make the classes imbalanced and allow a pvp warzone situation where Empire and Republic play together (which is in the works if I'm not mistaken). People can't be forced to play something they don't want to play.


There's also a lore reason for it: we've seen two games already where we play as the republic, but we've never actually had a working Sith/Imperial Empire that we can play in. That's actually a pretty big draw for the game in my opinion (even though Ironically, I play republic right now).

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Because everyone is a Hipster these days and wants to do the cool and popular thing. Always saying The Empire has cookies or Death Star. Really? Okay, if you really want to be that way....the only thing that will kill this game is the server imbalance. Pretty soon we will be playing: Empire Wars, The Old Empire. Would be nice if people just played something for fun, not for looks or afraid of being judged by other imperials for not being "cool" enough or "evil" enough. Try making Light Side choices in an Imperial group. They will nag you for a good 10 mins on how stupid you are and a nub, ect. Make a Dark Side choice with a Rep group and they just laugh. Edited by Frostythefett
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The Empire classes are just cooler than Republic classes, plain and simple.


Boba Fett > some random clonetrooper

Knives, rifles and poison as a secret agent > punching, kicking and silly clothes

Force Choke > stasis

Lightning > pebbles


Being aristocracy > serving the Republic


Roleplaying an evil character doesn't mean that person actually wants to murder and kill people in real life. By that logic, actors of any villain would want to commit genocide.

No kidding. It's just a game, for crying out loud.

Edited by Caelrie
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It's simple. Many, if not most, players enjoy being "bad". Being a light side goodie two shoes is very boring to a lot of people.


This. Being a happy go lucky goody two shoes is SO BORING. Being evil is different and fun!


Every movie, every series, A LOT of games, they have you playing/seeing the good guy and good ALWAYS WINS! It's too boring! There's no fun in that! It's like you already know the story, you will prevail and keep peace bla blah blah my hero! :rolleyes:


So it's pretty obvious how the Dark Side appeals to most people.


I especially love insulting that poor Sentry in Korriban, "OUT OF MY WAY,WORM."

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The Empire classes are just cooler than Republic classes, plain and simple.


Boba Fett > some random clonetrooper

Knives, rifles and poison as a secret agent > punching, kicking and silly clothes

Force Choke > stasis

Lightning > pebbles



No kidding. It's just a game, for crying out loud.


Lol read my comment. I hit the nail on the head. Playing for looks, not fun or playstyle.

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I call B.S on this..


lets go outside i will hit you with a taser and after a few minuets you will be fine.. then lets go out and i hit you in the head with a 40 pound rock.. if you wake up from your coma i think you will change your mind about the whole "Pebbles" ideal :p


You equate force Lightning to a taser?


I would call it more like being struck by LIGHTNING!


Its called force lightning, not force taser.


Nope, NM, I take that back.


Lightning strike is the ability that would be like getting instantly struck by lightning, force lightning would be like continuesly being stuck by lightning for 3 seconds straight.

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Lol read my comment. I hit the nail on the head. Playing for looks, not fun or playstyle.


The playstyles are pretty identical so that's a wash. And since the playstyles are the same, that means the fun is the same. All that's left is the looks, so why does it seem like big revelation that that becomes important?


But you did miss one important factor. The Empire's storylines are better too.

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The playstyles are pretty identical so that's a wash. And since the playstyles are the same, that means the fun is the same. All that's left is the looks, so why does it seem like big revelation that that becomes important?


But you did miss one important factor. The Empire's storylines are better too.


Empire Wars, The Old Empire.



The game will be this soon. :)

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Meh, I think it will balance out in the end. You'll notice in the future the Imperial gear will not look as cool; that there will be PvP bonuses for rolling a rep character; that the future stories will be better ((Hopefully!)); that those playing Imp characters will reach the end of their stories and reroll Rep.


By the way, Consular animations > Inquisitor Animations. At least it has some variety, not just lightning, lightning, lightning....

Though the pebble throw needs a look at. All I do is look, and laugh, and think, "We win at the end!" and it keeps me playing on my Rep characters

Edited by Shardie
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You equate force Lightning to a taser?


I would call it more like being struck by LIGHTNING!


Its called force lightning, not force taser.


Nope, NM, I take that back.


Lightning strike is the ability that would be like getting instantly struck by lightning, force lightning would be like continuesly being stuck by lightning for 3 seconds straight.


True true.. but for example if Palpatine would of just smashed luke's head in with a rock instead of trying to take forever to fry him with lightning he might not of got tossed into a reactor :p

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He wanted him to suffer.


Lol Palp should of just squished luke then turned to Vader and said

"well that one was a dud.. lets go find you a nice slave girl to knock up and we can try this again in 18 years or so.. oh.. wait your dingle got fried off.. hmm.. guess we could just clone you.. worked fine for the troopers.. tho the last few batches have been cross eyed .. have you seen them try and shoot anything"

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Lol Palp should of just squished luke then turned to Vader and said

"well that one was a dud.. lets go find you a nice slave girl to knock up and we can try this again in 18 years or so.. oh.. wait your dingle got fried off.. hmm.. guess we could just clone you.. worked fine for the troopers.. tho the last few batches have been cross eyed .. have you seen them try and shoot anything"



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Because more people are concerned with looking good and having numbers on their side than they are with playing what they truly want to.


I'm a 50 Sentinel, and a basically good person in real life. I made a BH and got to level 10 or so, at which point some Hutt wanted me to hunt down and cut off some dudes head. This dude wasn't evil, he wasn't a criminal (he might have cooked some books, don't recall), he was just trying to provide for his family and make it in the universe. Then I shot him in cold blood, and sawed his head off. I was actually sickened enough by this I deleted the character and started a fresh BH.


But, sadly, this actually appeals to a lot of people. I understand to many, it's just a story, no different than watching a gory movie. Except that these people are rooting for the villain, hoping his plan of mass genocide goes off without a hitch, killing the hero in the process.


Part of my enjoyment of this game was diving into the Jedi Knight role, being good and basically choosing the light-side options that I would naturally pick (although this game is very black and white, there were a few times I would have picked dark-side if not for the impact on my light-side orientation). So I have a hard time understanding a persons desire to shock, torture, kill and play a character without a shred of compassion or humanity. I honestly believe people who ENJOY this are at least slightly twisted themselves. But, I also realize I'm 'projecting' my own view of the matter onto other people, which isn't wholly rational.


The overwhelming server imbalance that occurs on most servers just goes to show that the Empire appeals to more people. Everybody wants to role-play their sick fantasy about being evil, hurting people and getting away with it. It's actually quite a disturbing look at society, imo. The only reason my neighbors haven't killed me in my sleep is because...they fear the consequences? And if those social restrictions were suddenly gone...it's scary to think what barbarians people would become without the law to keep them in check.


no on forces you to kill the guy. that was your choice.. according to your rant...it was your sick/twisted choice. My BH and IA are both light side because they respond to choices as a business, not some emotional and unbalanced sith.. My smuggler on the on the otherhand hasn't killed anyone in the way you did, but he is still dark side.. My point is that this is a game, not real life...something you seem to be having trouble finding the difference between.

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no on forces you to kill the guy. that was your choice.. according to your rant...it was your sick/twisted choice. My BH and IA are both light side because they respond to choices as a business, not some emotional and unbalanced sith.. My smuggler on the on the otherhand hasn't killed anyone in the way you did, but he is still dark side.. My point is that this is a game, not real life...something you seem to be having trouble finding the difference between.


Despite quoting me you apparently have a hard time with reading comprehension so I won't argue with you. Note the part where I said I deleted and re-rolled a fresh BH. I took him light, and never looked back, so...yeah. l2read.

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Despite quoting me you apparently have a hard time with reading comprehension so I won't argue with you. Note the part where I said I deleted and re-rolled a fresh BH. I took him light, and never looked back, so...yeah. l2read.


That doesn't change that you're still the one who chose it.

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