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Is there an actual reason for Republic numbers being so low?


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Why do people play empire?


Which would you rather be?

A smuggler or a secret agent.


A guy who runs around saving people from their own stupidity or the guy who punches annoying people in the face




Let's face it: the republic is at a disadvantage because no matter what you do it's hard to feel good while playing a republic player. If you are a Jedi you are constantly saddled with helping these pathetic irritating backstabbing idiots and you rarely feel good about it. Even if you do help these people someone is always yelling at you for some reason or another. The republic seems to be made up largely of self righteous whiners (quest giver wise) and it grinds on your nerves pretty quickly. The Sith on the other hand you get ENORMOUS satisfaction from finding those pathetic irritating people and introducing them to the shiny end of your lightsaber.


Here's a hypothetical encounter to point out what I mean:


townsman: Jedi go solve our problems for us!

*Jedi solves problems*

townsman: Why didn't you solve all of our problems! Now we have to do stuff and it's all your fault!

*Jedi apologizes for any inconveniences*



townsman: Sith go solve our problems for us!

*Sith reluctantly decides to help the man out as his cause coincides with the empire's*

townsman: Why didn't you solve all our problems! Now we have to do stuff and it's all your fault!

*Sith cuts the man in half for being irritating*

Edited by Xenedus
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There is an imbalance because some people are idiots and enjoy being bad. Who would you rather be a crazed wriggled old man with no friends (Palpatine) or one of the heroes who saved thousands of people (Luke).


I do not believe the sith or empire has better story lines. I do not want to play a crazed mind controlled slave. There is more freedom in the republic than in the empire because you are not under the control of one person and basically a slave to that one person.


I find the JK story epic and basically the story of KOTOR 3. The sith story is twisted and evil. I love exposing and turning in rotten senators and corrupt officials because it what I would love to do to most members of congress.


This is Star Wars where the good guys win and evil is defeated for a time.

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There is an imbalance because some people are idiots and enjoy being bad. Who would you rather be a crazed wriggled old man with no friends (Palpatine) or one of the heroes who saved thousands of people (Luke).


I do not believe the sith or empire has better story lines. I do not want to play a crazed mind controlled slave. There is more freedom in the republic than in the empire because you are not under the control of one person and basically a slave to that one person.


I find the JK story epic and basically the story of KOTOR 3. The sith story is twisted and evil. I love exposing and turning in rotten senators and corrupt officials because it what I would love to do to most members of congress.


This is Star Wars where the good guys win and evil is defeated for a time.


It sort of funny how many people see the empire storyline as "crazed" or "evil" or "whatever". those are pretty ignorant statements. I've leveled multiple empire toons, and have never had to make those choices personally. with the exception of a few quests (that I've bugged for that reason).


All my toons on empire side are light toons that have chosen to help those people in the situations where the empire wanted evil to be done. IMO I'm actually doing more for good then I would be on repub side. I even have one of my toons set up as a repub plant (as far as the RP goes).


the only thing i got from your ignorant rant is you haven't even really tried to play empire side. Which is fine. but don't lump me into some whacked category of kids who get off on dark fantasies. The fact that you can't build your own story in a universe ripe with options isn't my fault.

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57% vs 43%% and even worse upon PvP servers. Now add in upcoming same faction for all WZs and it will get worse.


That's the common scenario for... WoW, where there's a whole lot of more players on the Horde side.


You can't deal with it, sadly. Some people don't want a big butt, or to throw rocks, or follow lame orders.

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Why? New Legacy info:


Imps give you force choke and orbital strike, pubs give force sweep and dirty kick...!!!


Imps give Flamethrower and Lightning storm, pubs give Sticky grenade and project..!!!


Hahahaha. Now I want to hear those that say that Bio doesn't favor Empire side!

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People like playing antagonizing themes.


That and the fact that Empire having this super-polished clean look promoting an architecture based on linear cuts and geometrical perfection in detail has a certain enticing aspect and feel to it.


I am on Mass Effect break atm but I have been playing my Trooper for a while (my main is a Juggernaut, my first char was an Operative).

I do like the looks of the Trooper gears (for the most part) and the dreaded Grav Round sound is actually one of my favourite ones hehe. But Republic quests and storylines are way more buggy, not quite well tuned and assets like companions are feeling unfinished in parts (like why has Elara Dorne +Aim as main stat but a lot rewards feature +Cunning).


Non-class storylines are not actually worse or better than Empire part I feel, but some quests take you deep through Empire territory to the point of forcing you to directly travel through fortified camps (also flagging you) whereas on Empire side you are not forced to do so at all.


So far I think most things are visuals-based, things like animations feel a lot more complete, aesthetics in detail are worse for some classes but not all of them.


I'd say if it weren't for the lack of polish and the disjointed and unappealing visuals Republic and Empire would be pretty much equal in numbers. I certainly had a fun time so far and discovered things which I found missing on Empire side.

I doubt people don't play it because they fear playing the losers or because Republic "are weaklings" (which they aren't, as demonstrated in stories on both sides).

Edited by ArmchairMagpie
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Exactly, a BH is constantly having "I'm not with the Empire." dialogue options. If you decide to go the Dark path, it is completely your choice. You do not even have a story reason to go Dark, it's not like you hypothetically become more powerful as a blaster wielding BH.


- Signed, a Dark V Bounty Hunter (PT)


too bad you can't actually be 'Not with the Empire"


I'd love to have a BH that worked for the highest bidder. And a smuggler too for that matter.

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Why do people play empire?

Here's a hypothetical encounter to point out what I mean:



townsman: Sith go solve our problems for us!

*Sith reluctantly decides to help the man out as his cause coincides with the empire's*

townsman: Why didn't you solve all our problems! Now we have to do stuff and it's all your fault!

*Sith cuts the man in half for being irritating*


More like Sith reluctantly decides to help becuase you can't continue your story (or Level up) until you do.


I pretty much dislike 90% of the planet missions. Give me more of the personal story and less of this running errands crap please.


I play all 8 classes, at least once for the storyline. Some of them I'll do both ACs if the story is good enough to replay through it.


  • Rep side Planet/Quest layouts seem to involve ALOT more running back and forth.
  • For the most part their stories are pretty bland, and the voice acting isn't as good
  • In general, their armor isn't very detailed. Although to be honest all the textures (both sides) are pretty pathetic and shouldn't even be labeled HIGH in the settings.
  • They have alot of issues with animations and timing. Nothing kills the fun like a disconnect in your gameplay.

Overall, it just seems like the Empire side has ALOT more polish.

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Why do people play empire?


Which would you rather be?

A smuggler or a secret agent.


A guy who runs around saving people from their own stupidity or the guy who punches annoying people in the face




Let's face it: the republic is at a disadvantage because no matter what you do it's hard to feel good while playing a republic player. If you are a Jedi you are constantly saddled with helping these pathetic irritating backstabbing idiots and you rarely feel good about it. Even if you do help these people someone is always yelling at you for some reason or another. The republic seems to be made up largely of self righteous whiners (quest giver wise) and it grinds on your nerves pretty quickly. The Sith on the other hand you get ENORMOUS satisfaction from finding those pathetic irritating people and introducing them to the shiny end of your lightsaber.


Here's a hypothetical encounter to point out what I mean:


townsman: Jedi go solve our problems for us!

*Jedi solves problems*

townsman: Why didn't you solve all of our problems! Now we have to do stuff and it's all your fault!

*Jedi apologizes for any inconveniences*



townsman: Sith go solve our problems for us!

*Sith reluctantly decides to help the man out as his cause coincides with the empire's*

townsman: Why didn't you solve all our problems! Now we have to do stuff and it's all your fault!

*Sith cuts the man in half for being irritating*


I've played both sides to high 30s and I don't find that my Jedi has to put up with that stuff...

Yes, some people you help appear ungrateful and angry sometimes, but you always get at least 1 convo choice that explains your motives and will put them in their place... and they'll understand and be thankful


I'm an art lead, I run a team... people are just like that, you can tell them and ask them to do thing one way and they'll argue and stomp their feet sometimes... but once they see the results vs. having done things their way, they're thankful for the help and having learned something.


Clearly, people who's first thought is to emo-rage out when somebody disagrees or argues with them, are better off as sith.


Just to add to the speculation of why people join what side, aside from the sith going light-side, I'd say the others who go force wielding sith because they can solve everything with emo-rage and like the dark clothes with pale skin look... which is emo.


I think dark side absolves people from having to show any kind of maturity, patience and understanding, and while a lot of people playing sith might have all that, they maybe secretely picture themselves lightsabering theier bosses to pieces too.


Then there's the true RPers which I can understand, playing extreme roles is fun.



hmm would I prefer to be a smuggler or a secret agent ?


Smuggler = *Indepence*, you run your own show, your ship, your rules.


Secret Agent = Your life belongs to the empire you serve, you have a longer leash making you think you have some sort of indepence you don't really have. Fail, and you're discarted.

You're a SS serving a racist, torturing empire, Nazi empire in space.



I think I'd rather be a smuggler... but then again, I'd always go for the least 'army type' character. I love some of the trooper armors, but I'd rather play a light BH and enjoy freedom of thought.

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Sorry, I wasn't clear, I just meant dark-side Imps. You're basically the same as me. I have a Sorc and a Merc, just below 20. Both are good people, get the job done, without the unnecessary cruelty. I can actually get into that, while being evil for evil's sake turns me off. But I'm willing to go out on a limb and bet that at least...perhaps 75% of Imps go dark-side, for various reasons. They think it's expected of them, or they just want the evil look, or my theory, they like to role play (even if they aren't actual RP) the whole 'I'll kill you while chuckling evilly and not give it a second thought, because I'd never get away with this in real life'.


I could be completely wrong, on the number of evil Imps and their reasons for doing it. I can't wrap my head around anything else though.


I my most recent table-top RPG game, as well as this game itself, I have role-played a Sith character. In another long running RP I have roleplayed a character that has become the Dark Lord of the Sith. I don't play a light side Sith.


I am not an evil or twisted person, I am just absorbed by the tragic story that is the Sith. They are a society who honestly believes in service to the people they are expected to lead. Disaster after disaster forced them into the concept of leaders being strong. When the Dark Jedi stumbled across them, things just got worse, because strength was redefined.


If you look at the Sith code however, and you take it for its entirety, it is not as cut throat evil as it seems.


Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

Through passion, I gain strength.

Through strength, I gain power.

Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken.

The Force shall set me free.




Peace is a lie, there is only passion.


Conflict is always present. If you set back and do nothing, the world WILL kill you. Inner peace while contenting, leads to stagnation and defeat. Passions, or emotions, fuel progress, fuel betterment. Remember, hate is just as powerful as love, and a 'true Sith' is ruled by all emotions.


Through passion, I gain strength.


Through the control of passion, you gain strength. You need to be strong to control your own passions, less they defeat you. You will always be battling yourself, the impulse to strike someone down because they annoyed you. True strength is keeping your passions in check, and using them when it is needed.


Through strength, I gain power.


As you gain control of yourself, you gain power, the ability to control and direct others. You become a leader. All Sith are leaders who become paragon's of survival. Strength, and control.


Through power, I gain victory.


Mastery of passions, strength, and power leads to victory. People follow you because you have succeeded. You are the example they should strive to become. A Sith is a leader, and you are a leader of leaders.


Through victory, my chains are broken.


You have achieved victory over yourself, you have become free. Your weaknesses, your passions, they have held you back. Once you have gained control of them, you are truly free. (Notice we are starting to hit Jedi territory here...)


The Force shall free me.


Through the Force, all things are possible, but in the end only through mastery of the Force shall we ever be free.



Following the Sith code exactly leads to grey Jedi. Where the Sith go wrong is not in philosophy, but in Culture. The culture of betrayal and self-advancement. The funny thing is, the Sith know that they are not perfect Sith, and even have entire stories talking about the Sith'Ari... Perfect Sith who will one day return to the galaxy to purge the galaxy of the many weak willed and flawed Sith. A perfect Sith is neither light side, or dark side, they are Sith. They've mastered their emotions, balanced their lives around leading, and demonstrating the path to freedom. They are Machiavellian to the extreme, but lets remember, the techniques described by Machiavelli are inherently neutral, but are more easily abused by the power hungry and the evil.


I play a Sith because quite frankly, their stories can be more interesting. I role play Sith because they have a culture and belief system that is imperfect, but eloquent and real. A Sith believes they are saving the Galaxy. The Jedi can only lead the galaxy to destruction.

Edited by NemoSD
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But isn't that the whole problem with belief systems ?


-They all think their path is the right one and the others will lead to destruction or other negative results... what they don't realize in their Zealotry is that believing and knowing are 2 very different things.


You make the empire sound like the christian crusaders of old, warmongering, murdering and torturing to bring peace and save everybody by bringing them god (or the sith creed in this case).

They were just hypocrites... to some extent it's hard to blame them for joining up, as alternatives and education were almost nonexistent.


Nothing good will ever come from oppression, mass murder and torture, I think enough have tried.

Edited by Strangefate
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But isn't that the whole problem with belief systems ?


-They all think their path is the right one and the others will lead to destruction or other negative results... what they don't realize in their Zealotry is that believing and knowing are 2 very different things.


You make the empire sound like the christian crusaders of old, warmongering, murdering and torturing to bring peace and save everybody by bringing them god (or the sith creed in this case).

They were just hypocrites... to some extent it's hard to blame them for joining up, as alternatives and education were almost nonexistent.


Nothing good will ever come from oppression, mass murder and torture, I think enough have tried.


The Sith don't believe, philosophy wise in mass murder, torture, or oppression, they just do not have a moral compass aligned in such a way where those features are wrong. A pure or true Sith is very much in the belief that it is sometimes necessary to sacrifice some so that others may survive and prosper. Again culturally a pure Sith or true Sith is an anomaly because the Sith have moved into a Culture of fear, aggression and betrayal, the exact culture the stories of the Sith'Ari warn against.

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Does strike me as odd though. There are so many complaints about the war zones.... if people knew that on the Rep side you only queue for a short period of time and (based on my experience) you only get 1 in 20 huttball games...........


Lies, I've had countless games of faction vs faction huttball as a Republic player recently. It's horrible.

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The Sith don't believe, philosophy wise in mass murder, torture, or oppression, they just do not have a moral compass aligned in such a way where those features are wrong. A pure or true Sith is very much in the belief that it is sometimes necessary to sacrifice some so that others may survive and prosper. Again culturally a pure Sith or true Sith is an anomaly because the Sith have moved into a Culture of fear, aggression and betrayal, the exact culture the stories of the Sith'Ari warn against.


Ive always thought of the Sith as Corporate Facist's,afterall the Empire blew up a planet for a faster,cheaper commerce route.

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Ive always thought of the Sith as Corporate Facist's,afterall the Empire blew up a planet for a faster,cheaper commerce route.


Tarkin blew up a planet... and Palpatine is far far from a true Sith having been brought up in a Sith culture that largely has forgotten anything but revenge against the Jedi...


(The Tarkin Doctrine was supported by Palpatine, but not the full implications. Tarkin was a loose cannon, the Emperor knew it, but Tarkin was also a useful tool. In the EU you do learn Palpatine was far from happy when he learned of Tarkin's choice to make Alderaan go boom. Although after playing this game... I can no longer see Alderaan's destruction as a bad thing...)

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I've had really bad experiences on the Empire side. People being downright rude in flashpoints, ignoring me when I respond to a request for a heroic, and finding that I hate my character after getting her to lvl 20 on multiple occasions. General chat on the Empire side also seems to be more vulgar or immature or even just downright rude/racist/sexist than I can stomach.


I want to get my Sith Warrior up because I love the tattoo options on humans, and the Warrior storyline doesn't seem to punish you for choosing lightside options the way the Inquisitor storyline does. My Inquisitor is surrounded by companions that are constantly throwing out -1, -30, whatever affection every time she opens her mouth unless I have Torhead open and am cheating to get affection up. That's just... not fun to me.


I love my Sage. I think her gear is FAR better than my Inquisitor's current gear. She looks classier and just like a Jedi should, imo. She is lvl 50, but she doesn't have end-game gear yet. And I don't know why people talk about companions being crap...


Qyzen > Khem

Iresso > Andronikos


At least, so far from what I've seen. Don't get me wrong. Choosing some of the dark side options on the Imp side has left me laughing... but typically, I don't want to, and then I get hated by my companions for it... who then do crap jobs on their missions and make my gaming experience just blech.


My Republic guild has an event called "Mutiny Monday" in which we all grab out Imp toons and play together on the other side, and that may end up being the only time I ever touch these characters again.

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The Empire classes are just cooler than Republic classes, plain and simple.


Boba Fett > some random clonetrooper


You do realize Boba Fett was a complete loser in the original trilogy. He was inept at every junction and got finished off by a blind man. It took some really horrible fan fiction (Boba Fett having sexual relations with Spock) to put this jabroni on the map. Jace Malcom would wipe the floor with that scrub.

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...The only reason my neighbors haven't killed me in my sleep is because...they fear the consequences? And if those social restrictions were suddenly gone...it's scary to think what barbarians people would become without the law to keep them in check.


There is no morality, there is only repression.

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