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Age should not matter!


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You're right, age shouldn't matter, but it's going to. I'm 35, and 9999 times out of 10000 I do not want to game with someone i've got more than 2 decades of life on, but there are exceptions. I've met a few people who were 12-15 years old that I've kept in touch with over the years, and i'm lucky to have as friends. Most of the time though, teenagers are "omg I am so smart" or "look at my OCD mix with my Asperger's" and I'd rather bleach my eyes than read what they have to say ;)


My suggestion would be, when you're interested in a guild, approach them with something along the lines of "I know i'm young, but if you give me a chance to show you what I can bring to your guild, I'd be really grateful".


Good luck out there

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OP, hope you find a good guild that accepts you as you are, likeminded folks who fit your style.


That said, here are a few reasons why I as a player would tend to avoid playing with minors:


1. Past experiences. I've spent unpleasant amounts of time listening to a former guild leader's son whining about loot that dropped in a world boss kill he wasn't there for. And whining about loot in general, so incessantly that I may have even talked over him in vent because I eventually muted him in my own vent. It was tedious hinting to him repeatedly to cool it and hearing the whoosh as all hints went straight over his head.


2. Personality. I am not a minor, and I don't live a life that's ESRB rated for kids or teens. My language is salty, even raunchy at times. I don't care to deal with whining parents or with Chris Hansen. Also, I am childless by choice and conviction. I don't pay BW to be a babysitter in any way, shape, or form.


3. I have learned to spell "should not" D-O-E-S. Maybe age "should not" matter... but it does. In ways that won't be clear to you until you're on the other end. I thought as you did when I was on your end of the equation. Now that I'm on my end, I can see how annoying I was.


Again, best of luck finding a good guild and good people to game with.




I have seen a couple of these threads from adolescents complaining about their troubles finding a guild or being excepted by older players. I sympathize with the OP to the extent that in a game that has a significant social aspect, being turned away by people can be frustrating. I also hope that he find a guild or at least other players that will accept him.


But every time I see one of these threads, they are always about how capable the person is as a player. They never acknowledge the other aspects of their age. Its not just whether your capable of playing a character. Some of us that are older just want to socialize with other people in our peer group. Not only that, but for most of us, we have to censor our selves at work and by the time we get home to get some TOR time in we may want to let off some steam which isn't always age appropriate. Not to belabor the point, but by that time, most of us aren't interested in worrying about the affect that may have on the younger members that may be listening.


I'm sure there are guilds out there that skew younger where you would ultimately be more comfortable. Good luck.

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Age certainly does matter. I'm 27 and as a personal rule of thumb, I try not to associate with anyone under 18. Last thing I need is to cop a charge. Not saying anything illigal would go down, but It's like, why put myself in that kind of situation from the start?


I had joined a guild where there were a few talking about high school. I immediately got out. Not only did it feel wrong, but also made me feel old. I'd rather play with people my age who I can joke around with without having to watch every word I say. Sucks for you, but its the fact of the matter.


My question to the OP is why are you giving your personal information out to people you don't know over the internet? Especially at 13...

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I don't run a guild in SWTOR, staying away from the headaches this time around... but I have been a GuildMaster/CEO/Clan Leader/Officer/Director/whatever you want to call it in more guilds/clans/corporations/organizations/outfits than I care to think of over the past 20+ years I've been playing online games (yes, 20+).


This is just my opinion but:

1) When looking at a potential member I honestly don't care about their age. I care about:


- how they behave.

- Whether they are drama queens or not (not tolerated)

- If they behave in a mature manner

- If they can hold a conversation without swearing like a drunken sailor

- If they can hold a conversation on vent/ts/mumble without resorting to shouting matches

- If they know how to play their character

- If they can hold their own and not be a burden on the other members


Basically anyone who can pass the above litmus test I will generally let into most organizations that I have ever run/officered for. And I think you'll find that's true in most guilds in any game. Anyone who dissalows members because, omg, they might have to go to bed during a super-long op.... well... no offense... you need to take the game a little less seriously... in all honesty if you're running into that mindset you're probably looking at the wrong guild/organization anyway because, at the end of the day, RL > Game


To the OP:

Keep looking, there are plenty of casual friendly guilds out there that will take you in and you'll get just as much, if not more, fun out of them than you would one of those 'power guilds'. In my experience most of the 'power guilds' in most MMO's are just flat out not worth being part of.


The key is: Act mature and people will treat you with respect. Act like a whiney kid and you wont' last long. Period... regardless of your age.


At the end of the day choosing a guild is an important process but you need to make sure you choose a guild that's the right fit for you (and they have to choose players that are the right fit for them). Some use age as a criteria....in my experience, however, the best guilds do not care about age. I've been knocking about the internet since the mid 1980's and I've never seen an 'elite' guild that was really all that better than a quality 'casual' guild.

Edited by TaramCaldar
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Hey as you can see the title says it all. I do not think that age should matter when it comes to hardcore ops or WZ when that comes, and of course not when you want to join a guild. Im aged 13 so im qualified to play this game but i got serious issues with joining a guild. Almost every time i say my age i get kicked or no invite. I think that is wrong. Some ppl says that you gotta be mature and understand and write good english. But maybye i can and im only 13 but i still get no invite. I want YOUR thoughts on this.




PS: I play on the EU server Scepter of Ragnos currently lvl 41 Sorcerer named Wantzer.


You sound like a nice respectable kid, so I'll be nice. As a raid leader I would not take you in my raid on a week night, especially during the school year, as raids tend to go late into the evening. It has nothing to do with your skill in the game, but rather you would be a liability because you would most likely have to log off during the mid raid due to having a bed time before waking up to goto school.


In addition, most guilds only recruit 18 year olds and above due to them not usually having curfews and can engage in adult related talk. As a responsible adult, it can become a bit of a hassle to monitor a guild OOC channel when adults want to be adults and talk how they wish to talk.


Your best bet is to start your own guild with players your age. It will garuntee peer player enjoyment with those who play during your hours.

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  • 2 months later...
You don't really need to tell your Guild Leader your age, you have the rights to say "NO". If they try to force you or black mail in my book that is considered an invasion of privacy. It is your life, your age, and your responsibility to do the right thing. Don't talk to that Guild again and find a Guild that has no age restriction.
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Hey as you can see the title says it all. I do not think that age should matter when it comes to hardcore ops or WZ when that comes, and of course not when you want to join a guild. Im aged 13 so im qualified to play this game but i got serious issues with joining a guild. Almost every time i say my age i get kicked or no invite. I think that is wrong. Some ppl says that you gotta be mature and understand and write good english. But maybye i can and im only 13 but i still get no invite. I want YOUR thoughts on this.




PS: I play on the EU server Scepter of Ragnos currently lvl 41 Sorcerer named Wantzer.

I think you got WoW (rating 12+) confused with SWTOR (rating 16+) here. So, you are definitely NOT qualified for this game.

Edited by Sauska
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Age doesn't matter to me. Not one bit. Some of the younger gamers are the best skilled gamers by far. We, the ancient gamers, have slow reflexes and don't do much change our ways from game to game. :)


But the problem is that some of us are nasty old farts. We are crude, we make obscene comments and generally insult just about everyone at some point or another. But if a guild is made up of nasty old farts, its ok. No need to worry about corrupting young minds if they are not in the guild to begin with. lol.


However, not all guilds are like that. There are family oriented guilds out there and there are guilds with strict rules of conduct too. Check those out. If they seem too lame, start your own. There are other younger players out there facing the same problem. And seriously, if enough of you get together, the nasty old farts won't stand a chance.


Edit: A few weeks ago I met some one while grouping that had just that, a guild made up of his family and family friends. Great idea if you ask me.

Edited by Rafaman
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sigh you're actually too young and innocent to understand the legal/ moral issues of you're problem. the best advice i can give you instead of LYING AND/OR DECEIVING as some have suggested is to actaully be honest when approaching a guild/grp ......BESIDES WHY AREN"T YOU OUTSIDE!???:D
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First thing’s first and the first rule of any relationships: Always be honest and straightforward.


Not only are you advised to avoid lying, but this also means you can say what you feel and show who you are. Honesty is always a turn on. If you let people know upfront what you want, what you are, then they will respect you. Next, do not commit the sin of coming across as too serious. No one likes a sourpuss or a “Negative Nelly.” Use your humor as an asset. Show people that you are not boring and that you like to laugh. Keep your humor somewhat innocent and natural. Do not force anything or make it sound over-rehearsed.


Be honest about your interests, and for goodness’ sakes, don’t paint yourself as a dull - aged person.



It doesn't matters a lot for me. Not about the age itself since its just a number and doesnt really prove anything about maturity. But since we are a rather social and hard-core guild, we tend to keep it around our own age just because someone around 12-13 and someone around 35-40 is in completely different stages in life and we have different things to talk about.


Younger players are generally less mature than older players (well that is logical) but there are also older players that are acting even worse than the kiddies.


The main reason why my guild is 18+ is because younger players are often interrupted by their parents during raids, and since we don't want that to happen for sake of our progress, we are searching for older players who are much less likely to be interrupted.

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But you see I am currently 16 - not exactly an immature age but not as mature as 18 +.


Just because I am not 18 doesn't make me immature infact I happen to run a small guild. If I told you then that the guild has managed most of the hardmode operations (not ec yet) and yet only 3 of us are above 18 would you still think less of us.


Don't say that you're worried mid raid of parents grabbing kids away that is pretty poor, because I know adults have to leave some times as well....


Maturity is not determined by age but by the person.

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But you see I am currently 16 - not exactly an immature age but not as mature as 18 +.


Just because I am not 18 doesn't make me immature infact I happen to run a small guild. If I told you then that the guild has managed most of the hardmode operations (not ec yet) and yet only 3 of us are above 18 would you still think less of us.


Don't say that you're worried mid raid of parents grabbing kids away that is pretty poor, because I know adults have to leave some times as well....


Maturity is not determined by age but by the person.


This. I met a guy that said that I was pretty good to english for my age. And my native tongue isn't even english. But I am not allowed to use Vent / Mumble etc. So I might not be the best raid member, but I tend to know more of the fights because I always "research" it. I am quite good to PvP (as good as a Commando can be...) it's just too bad that none of the PvP guilds are recruiting right now...

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Someone from Scepter. What the. Didn't you hear, server's dead - PvE daily grinding only.


On a topic related note. I used to share your opinion, then I grew up. Not actually trying to flame but lets face it - you're not going to be who you are now in a couple of years. While some younger people can be socially adequate there's still no comparing.

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Hey as you can see the title says it all. I do not think that age should matter when it comes to hardcore ops or WZ when that comes, and of course not when you want to join a guild. Im aged 13 so im qualified to play this game but i got serious issues with joining a guild. Almost every time i say my age i get kicked or no invite. I think that is wrong. Some ppl says that you gotta be mature and understand and write good english. But maybye i can and im only 13 but i still get no invite. I want YOUR thoughts on this.




PS: I play on the EU server Scepter of Ragnos currently lvl 41 Sorcerer named Wantzer.


Ofc age should matter - it matters in everything else.

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There is really no "age limit" in SWTOR although if your young you shouldn't start adding strangers. Yes, you can do "LFG for what ever FP or HEROIC" and just do it with them. But I don't approve of young kids going on vent or teamspeak and talking to complete strangers. Also if they gotta take a bath in the middle of the day it is the kids fault he doesn't take it in the morning -facepalm-

I think I just cleared out the whole entire point.

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I think you got WoW (rating 12+) confused with SWTOR (rating 16+) here. So, you are definitely NOT qualified for this game.

Sauska, BioWare won't say you must be 13+ to sign up and then say you must be 16+ to game.

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Age matters.

It's not just 'can play the game' - it's can relate to other people of similar age more easily and not understanding this - or complaining about it - shows why it matters.


I have no problem with kids in computer games, it's not a maturity aspect - but when relating to people - it's just more fun, it's less hassle and provides a better sense of inherent understanding - to do it with somebody your own age bracket. I play games for fun; not to validate somebody else.

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Sauska, BioWare won't say you must be 13+ to sign up and then say you must be 16+ to game.

Odd, the PEGI rating clearly states 16+



Anyway, I agree with the previous poster. Age matters from a perpective of common interest and like minds.

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Most people who raid together are not trying to truly get to know the other people. I have been playing MMOs for awhile now and I have a hard time recalling any personal details about anyone that I played with. I can remember a handful of real names and maybe what one guy did and that is cause its hard to forget Air Force pilot. People are playing this game to clear content not share personal stories about what their dumb boss made them do yesterday. So, just don't volunteer your age and don't act immature. Since most people are not trying to build a personal profile on you, nobody will know unless you act-up.
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SW:TOR is ESRB rated T for Teen, which is 13+. The closest PEGI ratings are either 12+ or 16+. Game companies with a US market are often extremely wary of the potential legal issues when hosting players under the age of 13 (in order to remain in compliance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act). Whether the powers that be were trying to avoid legal hassles, or they simply felt that the nature of the storylines in TOR warranted a higher rating than 12+, the game has a higher age bracket in Europe than in the US.

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SW:TOR is ESRB rated T for Teen, which is 13+. The closest PEGI ratings are either 12+ or 16+. Game companies with a US market are often extremely wary of the potential legal issues when hosting players under the age of 13 (in order to remain in compliance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act). Whether the powers that be were trying to avoid legal hassles, or they simply felt that the nature of the storylines in TOR warranted a higher rating than 12+, the game has a higher age bracket in Europe than in the US.

As I'm Dutch, you can see why for me the game is 16+ ;)


As I'm also twice (and a bit :p ) as old as the OP, I'm not terribly sympathetic to his issue.

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Guilds with an 18+ age requirement is doing it to protect the guild and it's players as it gives a layer of assurance that the player has a big chance of being more mature and have more experience. I would never let a 13 year old into my main raid group, maybe for alt runs or something like that, simply because I know what an immature idiot I was when I was 13 and how inexperienced I was.
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Can anyone actually reference a couple of these "legal problems" they are so afraid of? I've never once been in or seen anyone else get in any type of legal trouble, and I'm not at all convinced that there even is much of anything that could be considered illegal, at least in the United States. I've never held back the way I speak in any situation because it's up to the parents to parent their kids.
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