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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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I just canceled.


low server population!!!!! ~ 5 people per planet is not massively multiplayer


no server transfers to more populated servers!!!11


imbalance of rebel/imperial populations


8 vs 8 warzones is not massively multiplayer and thats the only viable pvp


no open world pvp


no reward for pvp on planet other than ilum


no "public quest" where we could fight the other faction on planets


nothing unique about items, everyone has the same stuff and looks the same


the pve game is way to easy, no reason to go back to old planets once you have leveled past


reverse engineering bugs frustrating


you should of just made kotor 3, this game is gonna fail unless something drastic occurs. no idea why you put so much $$$$ into cutscenes that people <spacebar> through

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I just canceled.


low server population!!!!! ~ 5 people per planet is not massively multiplayer


no server transfers to more populated servers!!!11


imbalance of rebel/imperial populations


8 vs 8 warzones is not massively multiplayer and thats the only viable pvp


no open world pvp


no reward for pvp on planet other than ilum


no "public quest" where we could fight the other faction on planets


nothing unique about items, everyone has the same stuff and looks the same


the pve game is way to easy, no reason to go back to old planets once you have leveled past


reverse engineering bugs frustrating


you should of just made kotor 3, this game is gonna fail unless something drastic occurs. no idea why you put so much $$$$ into cutscenes that people <spacebar> through



same here.


I will stick around for 1.2. Because i'm not the kind of person that unsubs and then subs again, i'm going to cancel im going to cancel for good.


So, if 1.2 comes and has nothing interesting to add, exept from legacy that i have a feeling im not going to enjoy it as much as devs think, then im going to cancel because the above reasones, Im sure they are not going to merge or give free transfer until late may or june and im not sticking around that long just for loging in twice a week for 1 to 3 hs top

Edited by Kennkra
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There's still a lot of end-game content I havent been able to explore and I already have a new game-time card sitting on a shelf so I will most definitely continue the saga.


I've never been negative about anything, well maybe the community, but I was a bit turned off by the tweaks to Inq when I read the threads in the PVP forum. Turns out that it was just the community being its' usual self again because when I finally got around to read the patch notes it didnt sound half as bad.

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I unsubbed a few days ago with around 40 days left in my current subscription (I did three months).


There are way too many reasons and I've already posted most of them in other threads. I even took the time to politely and neatly explain everything in my survey so BW knows exactly what it will take to get me to come back.

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Wont be resubscribing.


The 1.2 update is coming too late to renew my interest. I'm all warzoned out, and the endgame additions just sounds like more of the same gameplay we've been doing for 3 months now.


The only thing that interests me there is the Legacy system and the storyline continuing, but neither of those things hold enough sway to justify subscribing further.


I had serious concerns about the game when the developers were only talking about story, story, story for the past few years. Story is all fine and good, but eventually stories end. When that happens the game falls flat on it's face because there's no purpose behind any of the other activities.

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It was evident at the guild summit that this is where this development team stands right now. And, I might add, I think they've been in that spot for a good 12 months (at least).


The game lacks direction. What is the point of a 'great galactic war' when the only time we see the opposing faction is a couple of tiny WZs (one of which is just some sport played for the enjoyment of a Hutt)? What is the point of introducing interesting characters like Malgus and Moff Kilran when they're going to be eliminated spectacularly early-on in the tale, without ever having been given a chance to build the story arcs they were deserving of?


The problem with TOR isn't just that the endgame is composed largely of camping out on a tiny space station, waiting for a queue to pop; the problem is that we've received absolutely no indication that this status quo is going to change any time soon. Where are the big plans for RvR, world PvP, or -- God help us -- real space combat? Aside from the occasional 'oh, we're definitely thinking about that' from Bioware's end, the future of this game holds absolutely no promise, largely because the design team doesn't seem to have a clue where to go from here.


This isn't just a bad game, its an ongoing and evolving failure, fed singularly by the mismanagement of those in charge at Bioware and EA. I don't care if this game was released too early; too late; still in beta -- the problem, right now, is that there is no plan to get it out of the quagmire that it is bogged down in.


That is why I am unwilling to stick around.


That is why I have cancelled.


Poignant post. I particularly like the bit about Malgus and Kilran--two of my favorite NPCs in the game, and perhaps on my list of favorite SW characters. But what happened to them? So much missed potential...

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It was evident at the guild summit that this is where this development team stands right now. And, I might add, I think they've been in that spot for a good 12 months (at least).


The game lacks direction. What is the point of a 'great galactic war' when the only time we see the opposing faction is a couple of tiny WZs (one of which is just some sport played for the enjoyment of a Hutt)? What is the point of introducing interesting characters like Malgus and Moff Kilran when they're going to be eliminated spectacularly early-on in the tale, without ever having been given a chance to build the story arcs they were deserving of?


The problem with TOR isn't just that the endgame is composed largely of camping out on a tiny space station, waiting for a queue to pop; the problem is that we've received absolutely no indication that this status quo is going to change any time soon. Where are the big plans for RvR, world PvP, or -- God help us -- real space combat? Aside from the occasional 'oh, we're definitely thinking about that' from Bioware's end, the future of this game holds absolutely no promise, largely because the design team doesn't seem to have a clue where to go from here.


This isn't just a bad game, its an ongoing and evolving failure, fed singularly by the mismanagement of those in charge at Bioware and EA. I don't care if this game was released too early; too late; still in beta -- the problem, right now, is that there is no plan to get it out of the quagmire that it is bogged down in.


That is why I am unwilling to stick around.


That is why I have cancelled.


Pretty much all this. There are some great ideas in this game, but poorly executed. It feels like the Warhammer Online debacle all over again (without all the fun :/).


I may come back in 6 months or so to see where it is, but chances are I'll be playing some other game to notice and/or care.

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Yes I'm keeping my sub up, if for the fact that its the only Star Wars MMO out there (/glare + /rude SOE), but also because there is still a lot left for me to do, unlike those who blizted up to 50 in the first week and didn't sit down and enjoy it. Aside from the space content (or lack there of) TOR is a great game.
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they should start charging 4.95/month for this game and apologize publicly regarding the disaster is really is.


Look at Final Fantasy 14.... so much anticipation... such teribad delivery...


The fact that so much patching has gone on is evidence of what a pitiful state the game is in. And balance changes at 1.2? 4 months after game release? did you not use the data from beta or was the beta JUST to see how many players you can fit on illum before it lags? Is that why only 200 people are on fleet in peak hours? How are you supposed to MMO properly with 200 people? that's a heavy server too!


4.95$ a month, that's all it's worth, possibly less. Break even BW, and run like the wind!

Edited by Hempboy
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The problem with TOR isn't just that the endgame is composed largely of camping out on a tiny space station, waiting for a queue to pop;


As opposed to sitting around whatever the new 'hub' is in the latest expansion of that other game?



That is why I am unwilling to stick around.


That is why I have cancelled.


So the only question left is why are you still here?

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The game isn't terrible, but then again I don't feel the need to spend the money on it for much longer. I've done the raids, but now they are on farm and now boring because no damage meters to keep it fresh by competing with guild mates. PvP is ok, but I've never been a huge fan of it in the first place. When I heard about 1.2 and the whole, "Get an alt to chapter 3 and you that class buff" I was like, cool I'll do a marauder for the 5% buff along with my 5% crit buff. I got it to level 24 and stopped from shear boredom and the realization that there wasn't much of a point.


My friends were the ones keeping me playing this game, yet they too are fast becoming bored. None of the changes in 1.2 brought about much excitement. We used to log in to play 4-5 times a week, now we are down to just raid night and that's it. I find I enjoy reading forums more than playing the game and that's never a good sign. We'll fart around with 1.2 for a bit, but our subs will most likely be cancelled the month afterwards.


I would just like to say though, I think this game is going too far out of their way to cater to casuals. Yes, casuals are important, but so are hard core players. However it seems like they have a dislike towards hardcore players and are trying to make sure if you want to play hardcore, they'll make it as much of a pain in the *** to do so.

Edited by genesiser
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As opposed to sitting around whatever the new 'hub' is in the latest expansion of that other game?


Not to mention that other game also have imbalanced PvP, failed PvP zones from halaa to wintergrasp, loading screens though not as many, basically the very same reasons why he left this game.


WoW was also built from a much worse launch, emergency server maintenances during prime time, causing people to be unable to raid. And here we have a few clowns complaining about the relatively fewer bugs and crashes of SW:TOR.


They say that leveling an alt in SW:TOR is boring, but leveling an alt in WoW with the same old quests, same old zones, no conversations, no cutscenes, linear outcome, same kill X mobs is somehow more appealing.


A reasonable MMO gamer would give SW:TOR the benefit of the doubt and not give up on it just after 3 months. And they want to go back to WoW which has no update since Firelands in June 2011 last year. That's 8-9 months of no new content, correct me if I'm wrong. So they can't stand 3 months of no new content, but are perfectly content paying US$15 per month with 8-9 months of no new content in WoW.


Yes, it makes perfect sense.

Edited by ConradLionhart
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you are wrong, they released dragonsoul, which is a new raid (including a casual difficulty with looking for raid), 3 new heroics, and transmogrification which lets you skin your gear to look like older gear that you have Edited by hendonrg
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No -


The auction house - really, really bad (and don't you love getting knocked out of a search by your crafting)

Duel spec ?

The ability to have a decent UI


Just to name a few - Way too many to list


Frankly I am tired of waiting on them to get things right. I think the biggest mistake they made was not to realize (or maybe they didn't care) that mainly experienced gamers were coming in to play this game - not beginners.


The sad thing is this could have been THE greatest game.


Just plain tired of waiting - good luck to all.

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I have been playing Swtor for about 2 months now and I will definitely keep the subscription up:


I want to play all 8 classes, experience all the class stories and all the different gaming experiences. Currently I got 4 characters with max level 35. So I still got a long way to go.

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