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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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Absolutely not. I'm waiting for my sub to run out.


The game has no challenge. Pvp is mind numbingly boring. Open world pvp is broken.


Theres no longer even a carrot to keep people playing. Too many whiney ******es want everything handed to them. When you call them out on it the little miserable ******es throw out the "Well I want a level pvp playing field" card.


Seriously? If you want a level playing field, earn your damn gear. If you need to have it handed to you, and have your diaper changed, you're not a pvper to begin with. I already had my up hill battle (Level 50s in wzs with everyone else? Sure, no problem. Out geared by level 50s in wzs? Sure, again, no big issue. Done and done.), then when I hit the top...it gets reset so that people that can't actually pvp can have the gear? Yeah...no.


All the easy moders. All the whiners. All the entitled pvers. All those who just can't play, but want all the end game items. You haven't quite ruined the game, yet. But you're getting damn close. I can't sub to a game and watch it get slowly ***** and beated by a bunch of half assed gamers who can't actually play the game, and earn their way.


Then the final stab for pvp. Attempting to make it an e-sport? Are you *********** kidding me?

Everything is handed to everyone, so why *********** bother?


I'm discusted that I wasted my money on this huge dairy queen dog **** swirl of a game. This game has effectively lowered my expectations of pretty much all new releases.


lol, u mad bro ?

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This statement prob just made more people unsub.


People unsub. It's normal. The net gain is more than the loss. Just like WoW. I was one who unsubbed from WoW after only two months. Never looked back, never regretted it.


Did that make the game fail?


No. Same story here.

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I thought I was going to stay, but it seems as though I will change that and leave. With the current state of the game, as well as the upcoming changes in 1.2 to PvP and certain characters, I feel BioWare doesn't have direction. We will soon have several other options available to us that are already more polished then what SWTOR is and is becoming.


I might let my subscription keep going for awhile and check back in a few months to see if things have turned back around, but even that is still in the air at this point.

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People unsub. It's normal. The net gain is more than the loss. Just like WoW. I was one who unsubbed from WoW after only two months. Never looked back, never regretted it.


Did that make the game fail?


No. Same story here.


The point I was trying to make was, if Guild Capital ships are the best thing to happen to this game, then that is a disgrace.


I can't tell you for certain what will happen ultimately with this game, but I can guarentee based off of player feedback, (which is undenyable) that its early stages are failing.

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Yes I am.


Why: because I am enjoying the game. There is room for improvement, but it's fun all the same. If, a year down the road, after I've leveled a few alts the game still lacks that essential MMO feel (rather than its current form of a single player with MMO aspects) I'll probably move on.


But for now, there's plenty to do and having fun in this version of a galaxy far, far away. Gotta get my Star Wars fix somehow. Jar Jar in 3D just doesn't do it for me.

Edited by Lunazen
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I'm having tons of fun with the almost endless PvE content. i've got 2 level 50s and i've never even been in a warzone. don't have the time. all you spoiled game-hopping people can just go move to the next game that you won't be satisified with, i'll be here for years.
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I'm having tons of fun with the almost endless PvE content. i've got 2 level 50s and i've never even been in a warzone. don't have the time. all you spoiled game-hopping people can just go move to the next game that you won't be satisified with, i'll be here for years.


This is a serous question: What are you doing? No really, I want to give this game a good go but I've only been 50 for about 2 weeks and the game seems very limited from here.


Long PVP ques, small population from which to find a FP group. I can waste loads of time trying to put a full group together sometimes it works, a lot of the time it doesn't. Operations again are a thing I'd try to hope for but really I think I'll reroll on more populated server and hope its better cause where I'm sitting now at level 50 if things don't change or the server reroll doesn't work out my sub is gone. I don't care if it is just me or a million of me that's really how I looks from here. People are saying all the negative posts are from unhappy trolls, well in some cases maybe, but from here its from a gamer who has bought the game and wants to like the game but is having a hard time doing so.

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Yes. My family and I, 4 subs total, will stay subbed. I have a 50 Jugg, 50 merc, and 34 Powertech. I find leveling fun because I never expect too much from and MMO that has only been out a few months.


We are very happy with what BW does add. I have no lag on either pc, we love the pvp, leveling together, and helping our friends. We look forward to what BW will add in the future. :cool:

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I'm having tons of fun with the almost endless PvE content. i've got 2 level 50s and i've never even been in a warzone. don't have the time. all you spoiled game-hopping people can just go move to the next game that you won't be satisified with, i'll be here for years.


10 bosses is "endless PvE content"? God, even WoW's aweful first tier in WotLK had 15 bosses, 2 of which were somewhat of a challenege on hardmode, and that wasn't "endless".


Also, if you plan to "be here for years", you wouldn't be encouraging people to leave. Like it or not, people leaving causes Biowares budget for this game to decrease, which could ruin your time if they can't cater to your needs because they don't have the funds to pay employees do too subscription decrease.

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The point I was trying to make was, if Guild Capital ships are the best thing to happen to this game, then that is a disgrace.


I can't tell you for certain what will happen ultimately with this game, but I can guarentee based off of player feedback, (which is undenyable) that its early stages are failing.


You cannot possibly even REMOTELY gauge this "player feedback", much less "guarantee" it. What, off these forums, where only the pessimistic post? Where most of the happy players (like every single person in my guild) actually actively REFUSE to come here and post because of all the QQers and pessimists? Give me a break! :rolleyes:


Seriously, I'm the only one who comes here out of my entire guild of perfectly happy customers because I'm tired of all the negativity. Everyone knows that only the pessimistic and negative ones are the most vocal, and this forum is no exception.


I'm here posting so that the devs know that there are a LOT of perfectly happy players. Although, I really don't need to, the fact that out of 2 million box sales, 1.7 subscribed (and growing), that's a better ratio than even WoW had 2 months from launch, which, if you remember, was a dismal failure.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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This is a serous question: What are you doing? No really, I want to give this game a good go but I've only been 50 for about 2 weeks and the game seems very limited from here.


I know you didn't ask me, but I can tell you. I have 2 level 50's, a few 40's, and the rest of my characters are done with Chapter One. My Legacy level is 30.


So, it's quite apparent what I've done. After I was done with my first character (a Gunslinger), I rolled an Imperial character (Bounty Hunter) and experienced a whole new game with not one single shred of repeated content. And the story was AWESOME.


Then, I rolled another Republic character and began experiencing the other class stories, which I am still going through. Rinse repeat for all 8, completely unique, class stories.

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Im on the bubble. Im extremely close to giving up.


Im on a very low pop server, with no desire to reroll on a higher pop server and no ability to transfer. None of the guilds on my server that are doing end game content have open slots (especially for tanks). My guild is nowhere near geared (or good enough) for operations either. getting groups to do hard modes, even outside the guild, is impossible.


All i have been doing for weeks is PvP and that gets old with only 3 maps and 90% of that is rep on rep huttball with the same exact people over and over.


Why roll an alt? To do the same quests (mostly) that i already did and still not be able to do end game content?

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You cannot possibly even REMOTELY gauge this "player feedback", much less "guarantee" it. What, off these forums, where only the pessimistic post? Where most of the happy players (like every single person in my guild) actually actively REFUSE to come here and post because of all the QQers and pessimists? Give me a break! :rolleyes:


Seriously, I'm the only one who comes here out of my entire guild of perfectly happy customers because I'm tired of all the negativity. Everyone knows that only the pessimistic and negative ones are the most vocal, and this forum is no exception.


I'm here posting so that the devs know that there are a LOT of perfectly happy players. Although, I really don't need to, the fact that out of 2 million box sales, 1.7 subscribed, that's a better ratio than even WoW had 2 months from launch, which, if you remember, was a dismal failure.


Have you bothered to read other threads? There are plenty of people happy with the game on these forums. If you're tired of the negativity then you picked a bad game to be apart of (at this point in time).


1.7 subscribed was the number estimated before the release of 1.2 patch notes, which have caused fairly decent amounts (though I, nor anyone has a number) of players to unsub. This game was thriving and full of life on almost EVERY single server (350+ people on fleet at peak hours, 200+ people in Eternity Vault). You cannot, literally cannot, say that subs have gone up when almost EVERY server is light or standard at best during peak hours. Tuesday (raid reset day) my server had 56 players on Imp Fleet. Tuesday back in January we had 350. Same day, Eternity Vault had 16 players, during peak hours, on a raid reset day, as opposed to 200-250 in January.


Honestly, I'm tired of people saying the subscriptions are going up, when there are hard facts that prove they aren't. I'd like to see a number based off of how many players logged in on a weekly basis.


As for WoW launch, everyone knows it was a failure, not to mention it was back in 2004 when they didn't have the gaming technology we do now. But I'll give you that arguement. WoW was the first big MMO plan since EQ (unless you count EVE online or Lineage 2). They have obviously gone leaps and bounds since the basically unplayable launch. But when it was playable it was enjoyable.


As a final thought, I always tell everyone, I wish them the best for this game.I want them to have fun and enjoy what they are doing. I wanted it to succeed and it just hasn't hit my taste in an MMORPG (mostly the MMO part).


P.S. Yes I'm one of few friendly trolls on the forums.

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This is a serous question: What are you doing? No really, I want to give this game a good go but I've only been 50 for about 2 weeks and the game seems very limited from here.


Long PVP ques, small population from which to find a FP group. I can waste loads of time trying to put a full group together sometimes it works, a lot of the time it doesn't. Operations again are a thing I'd try to hope for but really I think I'll reroll on more populated server and hope its better cause where I'm sitting now at level 50 if things don't change or the server reroll doesn't work out my sub is gone. I don't care if it is just me or a million of me that's really how I looks from here. People are saying all the negative posts are from unhappy trolls, well in some cases maybe, but from here its from a gamer who has bought the game and wants to like the game but is having a hard time doing so.


I've redeemed my 60-day game card a few days ago because I am happy with what they've done. As long as they show that they are continually improving the game in the form of timely updates, I'll keep remaining subbed.


I played since the start of this month, been 22 days now and I am still on Balmorra. There is still a lot of content left for me to do, but I understand that for people who played since December last year, there would be nothing to do.


The reason why we think negative posts are just from trolls, is because they complain about the most trivial of things.

1. Mobs being lifeless? They are just as lifeless as the mobs in WoW dungeons. And in Balmorra I do see some shootouts in war zones between your ally npcs and enemies.

2. Too many loading screens? End game people who only run hard modes will more or less have the same number of loading screens as people in WoW waiting for a LFD port to their heroic.

3. Missions being nothing but kill 15 boars with cutscenes? Wow, this is probably the dumbest complaint I've ever read. Many games nowadays have cutscenes and voiceovers. Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Batman, Deus Ex. It's part of the game. It's supposed to tell the story better.


Why do they complain about this? Because WoW has brainwashed them into thinking that quests are nothing more than xp bags, and anything more to enhance it like cutscenes, conversations, choices, better story are just a waste of time. People who complain about this is the strongest indication that they are WoW fanboys.


4. PvP being boring? And you think doing the SAME WSG, AB and AV in WoW for 7 years is more interesting?


Some of the things that they complain about already exist in WoW, but for some reason they don't complain about it in WoW, but do so in SW:TOR. That is why we call them trolls.


A reasonable gamer will understand that this game is still new, and you cannot expect it to have as much content as an 8-year old MMO. What you do is, see what potential it has, and if you like it, you support them as much as you can. If they are too slow to update, then you are free to unsub. I know I will if they don't keep their promises and are too slow in updating.


Sure there are problems. I have some stutters in graphics. The engine is not optimized and uses up your resources heavily despite it looking simple. The gear looks too simple. There are some bugs. Low population in US servers.


I won't deny that there are problems and that there are things that need improving. But I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and give them the chance to improve and fix their problems. They have the most successful launch of all MMOs. They have given aussies REAL oceanic servers after 3 months when WoW still won't do it after 8 years. They are trying.


Demanding that the game must be free of bugs, must have as much content as WoW after 3 months, must have zero problems before they will remain subbed, are impossible expectations, and they should just go away and quit.

Edited by ConradLionhart
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Have you bothered to read other threads? There are plenty of people happy with the game on these forums. If you're tired of the negativity then you picked a bad game to be apart of (at this point in time).


1.7 subscribed was the number estimated before the release of 1.2 patch notes, which have caused fairly decent amounts (though I, nor anyone has a number) of players to unsub. This game was thriving and full of life on almost EVERY single server (350+ people on fleet at peak hours, 200+ people in Eternity Vault). You cannot, literally cannot, say that subs have gone up when almost EVERY server is light or standard at best during peak hours. Tuesday (raid reset day) my server had 56 players on Imp Fleet. Tuesday back in January we had 350. Same day, Eternity Vault had 16 players, during peak hours, on a raid reset day, as opposed to 200-250 in January.


Honestly, I'm tired of people saying the subscriptions are going up, when there are hard facts that prove they aren't. I'd like to see a number based off of how many players logged in on a weekly basis.


As for WoW launch, everyone knows it was a failure, not to mention it was back in 2004 when they didn't have the gaming technology we do now. But I'll give you that arguement. WoW was the first big MMO plan since EQ (unless you count EVE online or Lineage 2). They have obviously gone leaps and bounds since the basically unplayable launch. But when it was playable it was enjoyable.


As a final thought, I always tell everyone, I wish them the best for this game.I want them to have fun and enjoy what they are doing. I wanted it to succeed and it just hasn't hit my taste in an MMORPG (mostly the MMO part).


P.S. Yes I'm one of few friendly trolls on the forums.


I've been MMOing for over a decade, and what you're describing is the well-documented, normal, surge and drop-off of the launch of an MMO. My server is still always full. You happened to sub on a server where that isn't the case.




It doesn't mean the game is bleeding subs to an alarming degree, though. Just that the normal launch "surge overlap" is no longer happening, which is to be expected (people's play-time has shortened down to statistically normal levels. At the launch of every MMO, people play longer than they normally do, causing an "overlap" across timezones, giving the illusion of more people playing).


It's happened to every single MMO ever released, even WoW.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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1.7 subscribed was the number estimated before the release of 1.2 patch notes, which have caused fairly decent amounts (though I, nor anyone has a number) of players to unsub. This game was thriving and full of life on almost EVERY single server (350+ people on fleet at peak hours, 200+ people in Eternity Vault). You cannot, literally cannot, say that subs have gone up when almost EVERY server is light or standard at best during peak hours. Tuesday (raid reset day) my server had 56 players on Imp Fleet. Tuesday back in January we had 350. Same day, Eternity Vault had 16 players, during peak hours, on a raid reset day, as opposed to 200-250 in January.


Honestly, I'm tired of people saying the subscriptions are going up, when there are hard facts that prove they aren't. I'd like to see a number based off of how many players logged in on a weekly basis.


It is possible for subs to increase and have many servers with low population. They do not contradict each other.


There are people who don't log on, but remain subbed because they signed up for a 60-day game card, 3-month sub or even 6-month sub. But because there is nothing to do, they don't log on. But their sub is still active.


There is an increase in subs because there are new players like me adding a subscription. This is added to the current existing subs and can only increase.


That is why it is possible for subs to increase DESPITE many servers having low population. The people who don't log on, barely log on, or even people who want to quit, are still locked in to their sub.


This explanation however cannot be used against SW:TOR because pretty sure in WoW, the majority of the 10m subs are like SW:TOR's; the people barely log on because there is nothing to do. Or they remain subbed for the free Diablo 3. The reason why the problem is more magnified in SW:TOR than WoW is because SW:TOR has a much lower population, and the people in WoW are more concentrated in Stormwind and Ogrimmar, giving the illusion that there are many of them. The leveling areas in WoW are just as deserted as SW:TOR.

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My concern is that the 2 classes i play are getting their brains splattered out with a nerf bat in patch 1.2


Its ironic that BOTH characters i leveled and geared are going to be virtually worthless in PVP (dps sorc) and PVE (healer merc).


Im wondering if i want to waste the time rolling a melee class and leveling it up, gearing it and grinding valor or should i just call it quits when 1.2 drops.


I cant be the only person considering this.

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I've redeemed my 60-day game card a few days ago because I am happy with what they've done. As long as they show that they are continually improving the game in the form of timely updates, I'll keep remaining subbed.


I played since the start of this month, been 22 days now and I am still on Balmorra. There is still a lot of content left for me to do, but I understand that for people who played since December last year, there would be nothing to do.


The reason why we think negative posts are just from trolls, is because they complain about the most trivial of things.

1. Mobs being lifeless? They are just as lifeless as the mobs in WoW dungeons. And in Balmorra I do see some shootouts in war zones between your ally npcs and enemies.

2. Too many loading screens? End game people who only run hard modes will more or less have the same number of loading screens as people in WoW waiting for a LFD port to their heroic.

3. Missions being nothing but kill 15 boars with cutscenes? Wow, this is probably the dumbest complaint I've ever read. Many games nowadays have cutscenes and voiceovers. Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Batman, Deus Ex. It's part of the game. It's supposed to tell the story better.


Why do they complain about this? Because WoW has brainwashed them into thinking that quests are nothing more than xp bags, and anything more to enhance it like cutscenes, conversations, choices, better story are just a waste of time. People who complain about this is the strongest indication that they are WoW fanboys.


4. PvP being boring? And you think doing the SAME WSG, AB and AV in WoW for 7 years is more interesting?


Some of the things that they complain about already exist in WoW, but for some reason they don't complain about it in WoW, but do so in SW:TOR. That is why we call them trolls.


A reasonable gamer will understand that this game is still new, and you cannot expect it to have as much content as an 8-year old MMO. What you do is, see what potential it has, and if you like it, you support them as much as you can. If they are too slow to update, then you are free to unsub. I know I will if they don't keep their promises and are too slow in updating.


Sure there are problems. I have some stutters in graphics. The engine is not optimized and uses up your resources heavily despite it looking simple. The gear looks too simple. There are some bugs. Low population in US servers.


I won't deny that there are problems and that there are things that need improving. But I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and give them the chance to improve and fix their problems. They have the most successful launch of all MMOs. They have given aussies REAL oceanic servers after 3 months when WoW still won't do it after 8 years. They are trying.


Demanding that the game must be free of bugs, must have as much content as WoW after 3 months, must have zero problems before they will remain subbed, are impossible expectations, and they should just go away and quit.


Well, most people are here because they think WoW sucks.. So when we see the same things in this game, this game also sucks.. BUT you are wrong about point number 2.. there are FAR more loading screens in this game, EVEN at end-game.. You have to travel to the flashpoint (atleast 3 loading screens) you have to enter the flashpoint (1 loading screen) - and then the loading screens in this game are just FAR longer than in any other game i've ever played.


Don't even get me started on the FPS issues and crappy game engine.. Just saying.


Anyway, that's why I am not subbed any more..

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ill be staying until my 8 class stories are done.. then we'll see.


if they release more FPs like black talon/esseles, and release a dungeon finder.. ill definitely stay subbed once i get to that point.. if not, ill probably unsub once my class stories are done.

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Unfortunately, I think it's that time for me and TOR to part ways for the time being. It's not that TOR is a bad game, in fact, it's a great MMO. The problem for me is that I think I'm just tired of the same old formula. I've been level 50 for quite some time now and nearly all of my guild mates have quit. We all agree that TOR has been the best MMO to come along since WoW and that the leveling experience was exceptional, but ultimately it stopped there. There just isn't enough here YET to warrant spending $15/month and ultimately, I can't drive myself to play when all of my guild mates have stopped playing.


I'll probably be back when the game adds something new to the genre AT ENDGAME. For as young as the game is, I expect it to do great things and 1.2 is a step in the right direction. 1.2 is adding a number of quality features, particularly with fine-tuning challenging content and the migration to a player-driven economy; however, it’s still not adding anything NEW to the genre. Give me some more story, meaningful world pvp, space combat, mini games, etc. and I assure you that I will re-subscribe.


I've compiled a list of things that I think TOR did well and things that it needs to change before the game can win me back as a customer.


Things that SW:TOR did well:


1.) Obviously, the story. The story is what kept me subscribed for 3 months. I leveled to 50 as an operative, co-oping with my Brother who played a mercenary. There is no other MMO on the market that is as fun and engaging to level in as TOR.


2.) Voice-acting – It was stellar. I listened to every cut scene that I could just because it was that good. It really pulls you into the world and gives you a sense of purpose and reason for doing the mindless quests that MMO’s tend to throw at you. Some of the NPC’s had fantastic personalities, and I look forward to playing through again someday as a different character.


3.) Respond to customer feedback – After watching the Guild Summit live stream, I can honestly say that Bioware truly cares about taking this game to the upper echelon of MMO gaming. I think 1.2 proves that they mean business and they’re going to do everything in their power to not only retain customers, but to also recoup lost subscriptions. I’m almost certain that someday I’ll be back, but until then I’ll just patiently wait.


4.) Feels like Star Wars. I’m not a huge Star Wars fan, but I did enjoy all of the movies. I feel that TOR’s ground game did an exceptional job at making me feel like I was actually in the Star Wars universe. The foundation is strong.


5.) Sound & Music – The sound effects were Star Warsy and the music, when it was actually playing, was pretty epic.


6.) PvP – Performance issues aside, the pvp in TOR is genuinely fun. There are definitely some balancing issues to consider and the resolve system seems like it needs to be fine-tuned, but all-in-all, I enjoyed pvp.



Things that SW:TOR didn’t do so well:


1.) Performance – While I wasn’t particularly affected by performance issues (other than in Ilum, Alderaan, fleet), there is no way that my machine shouldn’t be able to run this game at full everything given the dated visuals at a solid 40 to 60 fps. The game just simply needs to be optimized better which is the key to accessibility. From what I’ve seen with 1.2, performance has improved, but that could be a direct result of population and/or hardware differences. I’m anxious to see how they intend on fixing this.


2.) Static, boring world – Beyond character cutscenes, the worlds themselves were incredibly dull and lifeless. Way too many npc’s just standing around waiting to be killed, and the fact that they are in groups makes it even worse. I don’t think that the whole “heroic feeling”, multiple mob packs was a smart design decision, at least when nearly EVERY pack you fight results in 4 brain dead mobs firing at you until they die. To me, it just makes the areas feel cluttered and unrealistic.


3.) Strong quest delivery, but my God are the quests themselves boring. WAY too many kill and click quests. I realize that this is an MMO, but seriously, there was almost NO variety in the types of quests that you do. If you expect me to roll an alt and partake in the acclaimed legacy system, you HAVE to give me quests that are a little bit more engaging. I kept waiting for a quest on Hoth where I was asked to pilot an AT-AT or something cool like that. NOTHING, all boring kill quests and clicking computers. SO disappointing.


4.) Lack of Music – This was a really big personal immersion breaker for me. The music, when it played, was absolutely phenomenal; however, it seems like it hardly ever plays. I’m so tired of listening to my speeder hum and my footsteps that it’s ridiculous. Implement a loop music feature or something to help immerse the player while they’re traveling in large areas such as Hoth or Taris.


5.) Instancing and traveling – This bugged me to no end. Allowing players to bypass orbital stations in 1.2 is the first major step in making travel not so painful, but on live now, it is so tedious and monotonous to travel that I almost don’t even want to bother with it. Everything is so instanced that it seems to really detract from the ultimate goal of the game—to create a living breathing world that players can immerse themselves in and explore. I have a hard time feeling immersed when there are loading screens upon loading screens, and there is no seamlessness of which to speak of. Elevators are nothing more than cheap loading screens, you can’t fly your ship around the galaxy. Even the WoW devs admitted that partitioning their zones in Cataclysm killed the sense of massiveness and exploration in their game and they are reverting back to seamlessness in Pandaria. I would love for TOR’s universe to be fully explorable, although I feel that it may be a pipe dream at this point…


6.) Lack of challenge – It sounds like this is going to be addressed in 1.2 which is great for the longevity of the game, but until I see concrete evidence that the game will actually pose a challenge, this is staying on the negatives list. Beyond the easy operations, flashpoints are a cake walk too. My guild mates and I pretty much one shot every flashpoint on hard mode in subpar gear. How about adding a nightmare mode for flashpoints as well for those of us that REALLY like a challenge?


I’m sure I’m missing some things, but I’ve already rambled for too long. Hopefully this information is useful to Bioware. I’ll continue to stay updated on the game and I truly do have high hopes for its future. Honestly, it’s the first MMO since WoW’s release that has kept me subscribed for longer than a month, so that alone says that this game has a strong foundation and it’s only going to get better. Thanks for reading and may the force be with you all. I hope to return someday.


TL;DR – TOR is a great MMO for being so young, but I can’t fork out $15/month for something that isn’t quite up to my standards yet. I plan on coming back when the world of TOR feels more alive.

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No because:


1. I don't like questing or PvP.

2. There is no auto LFG / FP finder tool. I can't get a FP group.

3. No macros, no UI customization, no UI addons.


It seems Bioware invested all the money on questing. So this game is for people who like questing. But for me, MMOs shouldn't be about questing.

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im done. ive waited and waited for them to fix the game. everytime they change something it seems to get worse......... clearly they have no idea what direction they want to take the game with. for every step forward they take 10 steps back.


i was just looking at the 1.2 pts and some of its changes and i came out of the experience wondering *** why? why would you do this?


and aside from the lack of direction with their changes.........they insist on ignoring one of the most prevalent problems. server populations. there are ALOT of servers out there where (especially republic) alot of us have very few people to play with. if we don't have people to play with its hard to do group content. if we can't do group content were paying to play a single player game.


sorry my mistake............i thought this was an MMO.

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Yep, staying. This game is great and will only get better. The folks that are leaving now for similar reasons as the OP are unable to be pleased by any game and will continue to 'content locust' their way through games and whine on forums.

The rest of us will be here having a blast! :D


I agree with your comment on people like the OP being "Content locust"..they go from game to game..play it for a bit then get bored and whine about it on the forums.



Anywho..to answer the OP's question..Yes I will be keeping my subscription...why? Because I'm having tons of fun...and as soon as I get my new computer I'm sure the game will be even more awesome. I haven't even reached the level cap with my main character or with any of my alts yet.

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