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Warzone Tips!


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Dear Fellow Republic PVPers,


No doubt that some of you find yourself in typically horribad teams as I do - so here are some tips to improve your teamwork in the WZs!


FYI I am a Vanguard ‘Parakeet’ spec –




I will stick to general openings in the WZs rather than detailed run throughs of how to play it from start to finish. This is due to the fact that as the WZ goes on, the variables stack up and the best way can only be determined with experience.




On this map, go 3 left & 5 mid. Do it. I don’t care that the Imperials may send 5 left. That is not a good reason to hit right (seriously?) Actually I would prefer the Imperials send 5 left. Here is what you do:




1 sprinter left will hit their sprint after they drop down from the spawn platform and go for the console. They WILL position themselves so the console will los any force leaps. 2 others going left WILL NOT go for the console. They will run an intercept course for the Imperial spawn. Preferably they will have a leap/storm that immobilises the first Imperial they see. They will then blow as many CCs, snares, pulls, stuns as necessary (aoe stuns are great here) to delay the 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 Imperials heading for the left turret. Done correctly, the Imperials CANNOT interrupt the console cap.


In the situation they devote say 5 to left, the mid should be capped quite quickly (you would hope in a 5v2 or 3 @ mid) and the mid can reinforce the left once capped (leaving 2 defenders of course).


If the Imperials don’t commit to left at all, those 2 intercepters can now swing behind the Imperial assault on mid and flank their backline healers and dps.




You should really designate at least 1 healer to mid. Generally mid is a brawl and there is no easy way to tell you how to win an even numbered mid fight. Usual tactics like focus down their healer, focus fire will be up to the individual to execute (I assume you are not in a premade on vent).


However, I would add that using the pillars if you are about to lose mid to los will keep you alive longer – thus forcing the Imperials to commit troops to mid longer which increases your respawning teams chance to cap left or right.




No much to say as attack when necessary if you lose mid and hold left. Although I will add, it is extremely important if you aren’t going to win either LEFT/MID/RIGHT to stall for as long as possible popping defensive CDs and los as much as possible.


The timing of when you need to switch from that lost cause in mid to one of the side turrets is largely based on experience and so listen to the ops leader if they call a switch.






Again los is your best friend here. Don’t let yourself out into the open near the doors unless its absolutely necessary as you will get focus fired and die. You want to use the 2 pillars near the spawn and look towards the door but keep the pillar between you and Imperial backliners.


Keep an eye on your minimap – is there 1 or 2 purple icons on the other door? If yes great! If not, scoot over and save that cap that is surely happening. Generally if you are having an ‘easy’ time on defence on your side, that is almost a surefire sign that you need to check the other door.


If you are alone on the un-zerged door, keep an eye on your map. If you suddenly see a whole bunch of your teammates have been defeated messages appear on the centre of your screen, its time to abandon your door and sprint over (if you have) to save the door cap. If there are 2 defenders on the unattacked door, this is even more necessary.




Don’t bunch up. Stay near your healers. You should be on the outside concave attacking inwards on the doors. (Note there is a heal powerup on the outside you can use) AOE is a great pressure tool and great AOEs will swing the tide in evenly matched teams as the defence is usually confined to a small area.


It is tricky to tell when to start capping and when you need to kill all the defenders in the area. If you are same gear as the other team, you usually have to start capping a bit before the last defender dies. Then it is vital to use all forms of CC to prevent the respawn from getting to the bomb planter. I’m not sure if its just me or knockbacks don’t seemed to be used a lot – use them – they do slow down the Imperials from reaching the bomb planter. Other than that, just try to save your CC’s if it looks like you are about to win a side and use them when the respawn comes.




Always pass. Teams that pass force the other team to constantly switch targets and thus spread the damage out over the team. It is much faster to pass a distance than to run the same distance, especially given the 3D nature of the map and the obstacles and hazards.


Now to facilitate the always pass philosophy, you need to receivers. Yes that means you don’t need to kill those 3 guys on the ball carrier. You run past the brawl ahead of the carrier and wait for them to pass you the ball. This forces the other team to switch targets as mentioned earlier and is a lot more efficient than killing the 3 guys on the ball carrier.


Furthermore, you actually don’t want to kill the enemy if you have the ball (most of the time) as it respawns them so easily knock off/cc your carrier.


The other thing you have to be aware of is that a lot of classes have leaps. That means if you are the ball carrier on the ramps, don’t walk on the edge close to the enemy screaming for them to leap to you. If you are defending, don’t position yourself to be leapt at by the ball carrier gaining an easy 10m or even worse, allowing them to leap from the pit to the endzone area.


Also knockbacks are ridiculous in huttball and its something you need to learn to live with. Expect to be knocked back if you’re anywhere near a sorcerer, merc or juggernaut (and their mirrors). Try to position yourself to mitigate this but as I said, its more a reality you need to live with.


If you are the ball carrier, it is something that you REALLY need to keep in mind as knockbacks set you further back then stuns and roots.




Anyway sorry for the huge wall of text. Some of these seem real basic but I’ve seen so many losses from basic errors I thought it was worth the time to write something up. Also I realise this is the internets but lets keep this from the Sith for as long as possible aye? ;)


Also any feedback on my build would be appreciated!

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The problem with posting tactics for warzones is that on every server its played differently and you have to adjust your tactics accordingly. Take alderaan for example, your 3 left, 5 middle simply wouldn't work on my server. Why? because the imp's send 1 right and 7 middle. So using your tactics the middle gets crushed and you have three people on the left jumping around and dancing and trying out all the emotes because they have nothing to do.


There is nothing wrong with your tactics, if they work on your server, but I suspect they wont work on quite a few. Hopefully this wont open you up to getting flamed by the uburl33t 3 year olds on here but hey....


Thanks for posting though, its always interesting to see how others are doing it.

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One thing I like to do on Civil War is disrupt an enemy's point even when we have both.


Now the catch obviously is you don't want your entire team to attack that last point, but send your best guy (as in, single person) there. (Recommend a DPS that can kill a person quickly for added effect).


It does wonders for the enemy bulking up that last point as quick as they can and pretty effectively temporarily killing their assault on one of your other two points since they'll thin themselves out for fear of losing their only point.

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One thing I like to do on Civil War is disrupt an enemy's point even when we have both.


Now the catch obviously is you don't want your entire team to attack that last point, but send your best guy (as in, single person) there. (Recommend a DPS that can kill a person quickly for added effect).


I'd send one of your best DPSers, preferably a stealther to minimize the time they can react to a call for help.


Also, the OP's strat seems strangely familiar.



And yes, if the other team doesn't send anyone to left you can just have the interceptors jump the wall to quickly get to mid and hit them from behind where their ranged and healers will likely be positioned.


It's a good strategy. If the other team does send a heavy assault left, they will likely start down two turrets. If they don't, it's going to hinge on who wins the fight in the middle.


The best counter to this counter is using stealth to try to get a quick kill and cap on the left node.

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One thing I like to do on Civil War is disrupt an enemy's point even when we have both.


Now the catch obviously is you don't want your entire team to attack that last point, but send your best guy (as in, single person) there. (Recommend a DPS that can kill a person quickly for added effect).


It does wonders for the enemy bulking up that last point as quick as they can and pretty effectively temporarily killing their assault on one of your other two points since they'll thin themselves out for fear of losing their only point.


I second that notion. I've found the best defense late when you have 2 turrets and the IMps get despertate and inevitably try an ambush is to send 1 or 2 (if you've got a rock on left who can hold up for a bit solo if attacked) to their point, they freak out, run back, and you win.


The OP gives some great advice. Especially in Voidstar.


i do have a Huttball question for everyone out there. As a SS Vangaurd i'm pretty tough to take down with the ball, but i'm slow as a turtle unless there's someone ahead of me to Storm. But on my server it seems the teams who win are using the faster players forward. Those with ridiculous leaps and teleports and such are the ones getting the ball and scoring. Anybody else see this? Cause it used to be i'd get the ball forward and nobody could take me down before I scored, or I could fight off a scoring try. Now it's just one pass and the Jedi is past me quicker than any of my stuns or harpoon will activate.

Edited by Cheeseblaster
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I thought I'd point something out that I've noticed in Void Star and Civil War. If you see all of the Imperial Players immediately move when they see you lay down Mortar Volley, you can use it to your advantage. Keep laying down stealth detects on the melee pile and on top of nodes. A lot of times, people will think a Mortar Volley is coming, and immediately move. Conversely, you can keep laying down Stealth Detects while your Mortar Volley is on CD to get the enemy in the habit of seeing a Republic symbol under them. Then, pop CDs and actually use your Mortar Volley.


Obviously, this won't work on amazing players/teams. However, when the fighting gets hectic, most players will act on instinct (ie FIRE BAD!!!).

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i do have a Huttball question for everyone out there. As a SS Vangaurd i'm pretty tough to take down with the ball, but i'm slow as a turtle unless there's someone ahead of me to Storm. But on my server it seems the teams who win are using the faster players forward. Those with ridiculous leaps and teleports and such are the ones getting the ball and scoring. Anybody else see this? Cause it used to be i'd get the ball forward and nobody could take me down before I scored, or I could fight off a scoring try. Now it's just one pass and the Jedi is past me quicker than any of my stuns or harpoon will activate.


I suspect people are wising up to the fact that they don't need to kill you, just knock you into the pit and unless you find a storm or pass target, you're pretty much not going to score.


I personally don't advocate having a designated carrier because that gives the other team an easy target to focus on/knock off.


I prefer to pass as much as possible as it forces the other team to constantly switch targets and thus kill your team less, as well as making them react to what you are doing rather than planning an organised defence against a single designated carrier.


Passing is also much fast and safer way of going through the zone, especially over fire and acid.


That said, having storm/sprints on the carrier is very useful, though i suspect sprints are better as it is quite difficult to select the right person to storm with the terrible tab targeting.

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I thought I'd point something out that I've noticed in Void Star and Civil War. If you see all of the Imperial Players immediately move when they see you lay down Mortar Volley, you can use it to your advantage. Keep laying down stealth detects on the melee pile and on top of nodes. A lot of times, people will think a Mortar Volley is coming, and immediately move. Conversely, you can keep laying down Stealth Detects while your Mortar Volley is on CD to get the enemy in the habit of seeing a Republic symbol under them. Then, pop CDs and actually use your Mortar Volley.


Obviously, this won't work on amazing players/teams. However, when the fighting gets hectic, most players will act on instinct (ie FIRE BAD!!!).


This is what I've always done. It's sneaky and fun. :p Drop some mortar fire down on my stealth probes....:D

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tbh there is only 1 crucial rule for each wz.


Alderaan: defense > offense. Hold what you own to the last man before trying to take another turret.


Voidstar: do not abandon the door if on defense. A good offense will pull your focus away from the door.


Huttball: pass the GD ball. Even to no one. If you die with the ball in your hands you have failed.


#1 rule applicable to all WZs: COMMUNICATE with your team.


There are obviously more specifics for each wz and unique situations but if everyone followed those 4 rules play would improve immensely

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