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What planets do you want to see in the old republic?


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Malachor III






Dxun (ohgodohplease)








The random planet with the Rakata near the star forge


Yavin IV


Telos (would be amazing to see where its at now)


Cant think of any others. Revisiting KOTOR one and two worlds would be really cool. Except Dantooine. Its kind of important to Star Wars lore for not being significant in any way, so I'd like the EU to keep it that way. Onderon would be a nice change of pace for a city-planet, and I would LOVE to see Dxun. SOOO much potential there for ALL classes story wise. From what I remember, Malachor III is a mandalorian world, idk. Malachor V was canonically destroyed at the end of KOTOR 2, so no going back there.

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Champala (Chagrian homeworld)

Cinnagar/Empress Teta

Duro (Duros homeworld)

Falleen (Falleen homeworld)

Gamorr (Gamorreans homeworld)

Glee Anselm (Nautolan homeworld)

Iridonia (Zabrak homeworld)

Kalee (Kaleesh homeworld)

Rodia (Rodian homeworld)

Ryloth (Twi'lek homeworld)

Stenos (Stenax homeworld)

Umbara (Umbaran homeworld)

Yag'Dhul (Givin homeworld)

Zeltros (Zeltron homeworld)

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Just wondering what planets people would want to see be added to the old republic if they were planing to add some, personally, I'd love to see Raxus prime, or even Mon calamri.

what's your views??


Honestly, I'd prefer all-new planets, rather than established worlds, since the designers would be more free to create original content, and you have fewer fanboys whining that the color of the leaves on Kashykk are all wrong, or that I spelled Kashykk all wrong. :)


Failing that, I'd like to see worlds that are very different from their established state 3,000 years in the future. Other than Alderaan, which is a lot bigger than it will be by the time of the original trilogy, most of the worlds are just as they were. Let's see some changes.

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Why has no one mentioned Kuat? Fighting on the orbital shipyards...awesome.


Or Zonama Sekot?


I wouldn't want us to visit Zonama Sekot. First, it's first visitors in the galaxy were the Ferroans about 50 years before Obi-wan and Anakin visited it. Sekot said it was then woken up and introduced to the potentium. How long before then had it been in the galaxy? Who knows. But I wouldn't want us to go there and wake it up before it's time...

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Isn't the Ewok "homeworld" actually a moon of Endor? I think Endor is a gas giant, and you wouldn't have much fun adventuring on it since there's no "land mass" and the gravity would kill you instantly...


Anyway, yeh... I'd like that "planet" (snicker), and also Dagobah, Kashyyyk (moar wookies plz), and Lehon , since we already have some rakata in storylines on belsavis and eternity vault, why not the temple of the ancients and the star forge...

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I'd love to see Malachor 5, maybe explore the old Sith academy during a storyline involving Kreia. Also a mandalorian planet might be fun to explore. And also perhaps a new addition to Korriban, I love Korriban it's a shame it's just the start zone. They should add a big piece of if to go back to in an expansion or something.
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I really want Naboo in there. It's a beautiful planet with a solumn atmosphere and breathtaking scenery. I know many people hate Gungans for some reason, but I honestly don't care. They live underwater, which we will never reach. There's your reason for a Naboo.
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Utapau, but I'm not sure what they can do other than turn it into a single platform (meant to be 10 or so levels, if not more) and use it for a WZ.


Just reading through and seeing a load of Kashyyk requests. Probably gonna get some hate for this but Wookies, really? They're just so damn annoying, I'm only glad that Wookies only really make an appearance on Ilum (Republic War Council) and as a Smuggler Comp. I wouldn't mind a Kashyyk WZ based on SW:BF1 but I'd probably end up doing a class quest there and be done with it if it was a full planet.

Edited by ilovethepink
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Dathomir, during the Chu'thor crash, but for that you need yoda, dont think he was even born yet.


Naboo, Mustafar, endor and dantooine would be nice.


How about the storyline for the outbound flight, or early encounters with the Ssi'rruk, or the Yuzhan-vong.

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