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1.2's splitting PvP / PvE gear will irreversibly DAMAGE the game.


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my 2 cents are simply put.


they should not differ PVP / PVE gear, except cosmetically.


and it should be so that both have close or similar stats.


and both pvp / pve should be cosmetic, 3 tiers almost mirrored, minus set bonuses which pvp gear may provide decreased Cd on break cc abils and stuff used more so in PVP.


both sets should be Equally as painstaking to get tier 1/2/3 pvp takes almost just as long as 1/2/3 PVE


so people place the same amount of time in, and there would be more of a player base for both types of game. if you feel like PVP'n you dont have to grind out a whole different set of armor just to stand a chance.


ultimately it should boil down to skill. that is what makes both PVP and PVE the same damn thing. skill.

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I don't want to do pve content. It is the same in this game as every game like it before it. I want to pvp. I like pvp because the players I face are more dynamic (most of the time) than some scripted encounter that follows the same rules every time you do it.


Allowing pve gear to outshine pvp gear (or even have a place in pvp) forces me to do pve to compete in pvp. I really do not want this. I can't imagine slugging through the ops and HMs over and over doing the exact same thing just to have the gear I need to be viable in pvp.


Sure, I play huttball over and over, but it is always different. Ops bossses are always the same. Always. It is fun a few times, then its stale, to me, anyway. I know that is a fun aspect for many, and that is great! I am glad the game has an outlet for those people's passions.


Mine, however, is pvp. I want to log in for a bit, pvp with all 4 of my pvp characters, do the dailies, see who is playing, and crush some skulls (or get crushed, depending on who I am facing).


The day I have to trudge through Ops every week to be able to compete in pvp is the day I hang it up.


This, the main reason for the change is not FORCING people to play content they don't wish to partake in. I don't want to pve, I just want to pvp. I don't want to do ops just to get the best pve gear in order to pvp. At the same time I know many pve players don't want to be strong armed into doing warzones in order to gear for raiding.

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This, the main reason for the change is not FORCING people to play content they don't wish to partake in. I don't want to pve, I just want to pvp. I don't want to do ops just to get the best pve gear in order to pvp. At the same time I know many pve players don't want to be strong armed into doing warzones in order to gear for raiding.


That assumes that PvP & PvE gear have to be different. If expertise did not exist, they could be the same.


Why can't it just be 2 different ways of getting the same gear? As an example, a weekly mission could reward columi tokens for EITHER completing an op OR winning X number of warzones.


Both PvE and PvP reward systems can be designed to follow the pattern of gradual currency/token accumulation with the occasional lucky drop. This would level the playing field, allowing all players to gear up according to the time they invest, thier success rate, and luck. Which - let's be honest - are the staple rules of loot aquisition in MMOs.


And bam just like that, everyone progresses their character at an appropriate rate by playing the part of the game they like.

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That assumes that PvP & PvE gear have to be different. If expertise did not exist, they could be the same.


Why can't it just be 2 different ways of getting the same gear? As an example, a weekly mission could reward columi tokens for EITHER completing an op OR winning X number of warzones.


Both PvE and PvP reward systems can be designed to follow the pattern of gradual currency/token accumulation with the occasional lucky drop. This would level the playing field, allowing all players to gear up according to the time they invest, thier success rate, and luck. Which - let's be honest - are the staple rules of loot aquisition in MMOs.


And bam just like that, everyone progresses their character at an appropriate rate by playing the part of the game they like.


+1 I don't understand why people can't grasp the concept.

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This analysis is entirely flawed. The point of separating pvp gear from pve gear is to allow BW to implement balance changes in one area without necessarily affecting the performance in another area.


For example: If a class, say Power-techs, do too much damage in PvP, but their PvE performance is working as intended, then in order to fix the former situation, BW merely needs to lower the stats by X% on the pvp gear and/or alter its set bonuses. This will lower the damage noticed in pvp while leaving their PvE performance unaltered. If a PT want's to go back to the pvp damage they had before the change, then they must substitute pvp gear with pve gear, meaning less survivability (but will attain comparable damage).


Without this system a nerf in pvp, for example, will necessarily alter the performance of that class in pve, yielding all sorts of externalities which need to be further fine-tuned, only exacerbating the problem. This is what happened in wow; certain classes got pve buffs which, in turn, made them op in pvp which, in turn, required further changes (and pvp buffs had the same effect for pve).

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this is why they shouldn't even have expertise



it 'prohibits' people from enjoying both parts of the game. what kind of game company would do taht?



Uhmm you guys always only see this particular game mechanic from your own twisted perspective.


"You" don't want to put forth the effort to get PVP gear but want to still compete at the same level as those that do.


"You" would rather just raid for your gear and not have to earn a seperate set of PVP gear for pvp.


They are two seperate types of content, there is nothing stopping you from progressing in both and having, /GASP TWO sets of gear.


It means there is MORE to do in game, there is MORE to collect, there is MORE content.


"You" being lazy is not an excuse to change a game mechanic to fit what "You" feel should be handed to you on a silver platter.

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I Completely agree with the OP. I like using the Rakata set in PvP, but I had to switch to BM to be more competitive.


You need more than 600 expertise in WZ. 400 just isn't enough when you fight a War Hero.


War Hero, just like battle master, doesn't mean much. It just means they spent more time in warzones and out on Ilum than the average player. Is that correlated to skill? Yes to a degree, but the worst sentinel I've ever seen is also a War Hero on my server. As for gear, yeah they'll have more BM pieces than you, since grind = gear in this game. Grind is somewhat related to skill, but there were many ways around that (Ilum). Bottom line - don't use titles to justify not being able to compete against someone.


As for your PvE vs PvP gear, first of all, no you don't need >600 expertise. In order to get that high, you are throwing away more than you gain in terms of the primary stat vs expertise tradeoff (expertise is non-linear and has DR). Secondly, in some ways, it's easier to get PvP gear in this game. Your Rakata gear required coordinating solid chunks of time on a weekly basis with 8 other geared players. That's harder to do than the easy-mode PvP rewards. You can be full Champ by doing your dailies and weeklies in less than 2 weeks. BM is not significantly better than Champ. You actually have a leg up on the PvPer's because optimal gear mix is not to be full BM (stop between 550 and 600) and swap to T3 PvE gear after that.





1.2 changes things a bit. I'll probably be rolling with ~700 expertise if this is true:



Edited by jayfourc
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