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Help Needed with Darth Zash Dark Temple thing, please (Spolier)


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Hello, All...


I'm a lvl 31 SI Assassin who's never done any group missions...always me and a companion against the world! :o


I'm having trouble levelling up before the Darth Zash Temple mission...trying to be at least at her level or higher. UNtil I do so, I keep getting killed.


My question is...can this mission be won with just myself and Khem, or do I absolutlely need friends in a group in order to get this done?


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



Raj :rolleyes:

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I just beat Zash yesterday on my assassin at lvl 30, just use a willpower stim, have medpacks, and my build is 21 madness with the defense points to make sure you dont die very easily, i was at half health when she died. Thats my advice unless your gear isnt very good.
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I concur...I roflstomped it at a level or 2 below where I was supposed to be.


Granted, it took 2 deaths to figure out what to interrupt when and when to burn her to the ground vs. healing Khem (I'm very much a hybrid of all 3 trees).


That said, I'm not a particularly gifted player at all, so the 2 deaths probably have a lot of people snickering (and justifiably so). :D

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I did this as a level 28 Sorceror, what I did was take off ALL aggro generating abilities by khem, and attack her from behind the pillars to LOS kite her. It is more difficult as an Assassin since you don't have a plethora of ranged nukes like I did, but what makes this fight a ton easier is:


-use of the pillars to LOS her casts. Burn her down near the pillars so you can easily switch from ****** Zash to LOSing her casts.

-turning off aggro generating abilities on Khem Val so that he becomes essentially just a DPS pet with you ranged tanking (because if you LOS her spells behind the pillars, she wont do a significant amount of damage to you)

-keep khem alive


I did this as a squishy 28 Sorceror, which means that this fight is more about finesse and execution rather than brute force gear/levels.

Edited by naom
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Interrupt her damage spells. When she casts 'Revivification', LoS her so she stops standing in it and she won't get healed. If she manages to get a Force Storm off where you and Khem are, set Khem to passive and move out of it and LoS her so you can attack her again without fear of getting struck by the storm.
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I couldn't do it at 31 either. She was the one boss i had to over-level for. I tried all the above suggestions, but she just wouldn't fall.

Instead, I went to Taris and grabbed as many levels as I could, then smoked her.

Just something to be aware of.


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Hey, I have been wondernig if anyone knows what happens if you choose to take Andronikos instead of Khem Val with you?


Thanks :)


You cant, I took him everywhere so I was going to take him despite what she wanted. But as soon as you get in the temple he vanishes and you have to other option but Khem.

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Somehow I got here at level 33 but roflstomped her without really looking at what she was channeling (though I probably interrupted stuff out of habit). I don't remember healing Khem but might have moved away from an aoe. I was nearly full madness tree with traited deathmark and traited 15% extra affliction damage. Also am cybertech with good mods and full orange gear though. I wish I had come at 30 since the fight was a pretty big letdown for the build up.


Anyone know "why" Andronkus vanishes when you try to take him?

Edited by KangasCollective
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Why you can't bring Andy:



Zash says that you cannot bring anyone else with you besides Khem. She claims it's because the ritual is so secret that she doesn't want you to bring anyone, but she'll allow Khem because of the bond the two of you share. The real reason is she wants to steal your body and doesn't want Andronikos to know it isn't you anymore. I'm assuming that Khem would know regardless of whether he was there or not, because the magic (for lack of a better word) that keeps him bound to the SI would break if you were dead and he'd be free. I guess Zash wants him to see her conquer your SI so that Khem will know she is more powerful than the sith who defeated him so he should follow her (you find out later that she has another method to make Khem follow her if he didn't choose to do so willingly).



I will forever think it is stupid that your SI wasn't able to take as many people with him/her as he/she wanted seeing as how if someone I knew was trying to kill me said come alone, I'd do just the opposite.

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I think a lot of people are selling this battle short, at least for relative noobs like me. At level 30 or lower, it's almost IMPOSSIBLE to do without perfect play. At 32 probably less so, and at 33 I'd say it's probably not too bad - I don't know exactly cuz I did it at level 31 (and died at least 6-7x at lvl 30). I would think with a group, this would be pretty easy, especially with a healer. But if you (like me) want to do it alone, here's what you ABSOLUTELY MUST DO (I spoilered this out of caution, but I didn't reveal any story):



1. Make sure Khem is fully geared or else you're toast. This should go without saying, but I was lacking here early one (Obviously, your main should be fully-geared too). I put Khem in nearly all orange Alderaan commendation gear with Might 11/12 armor, mods and Power enhancements. Basically stacked strength and END, with power where I could. For my main, I used PVP gear with resolve mods and stacked crit armor, mods, enhancement.

2. Buy the best medpacs you can buy at your level.

3. Buy the best willpower stim you can use at the level (I think it's like 2K credits) - VITAL. Get these BEFORE you head over to DK.

4. Interrupts - you have to interrupt her lightning cast and heals. Even one or two good interrupts can do the trick. Don't let her heal. I had her once, but didn't interrupt a heal and I barely died!

5. Use channel the force (should be obvious)

6. Make sure to put Khem in combat stance and make sure he's drawing aggro - in other words, he must tank (hence the need for proper gear). You can then electrocute her and get in a few mauls (hence crit stacking).

7. Keep your shields/barriers up at all opportunities


The key here is that Khem needs to be able to do major work on Zash. When I died, it was cuz Khem died too early. When I beat her, Khem actually was still standing too. With the good WP stim, you should be able to do good damage at 31/32. G/L - ending is a real gem!


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Interrupt her damage spells. When she casts 'Revivification', LoS her so she stops standing in it and she won't get healed. If she manages to get a Force Storm off where you and Khem are, set Khem to passive and move out of it and LoS her so you can attack her again without fear of getting struck by the storm.


This ^^

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I really struggled with this before realizing that I had to use Jolt whenever she started to cast her lightning power. It takes a couple seconds to cast, and you can tell she's doing it because a target circle appears on the ground. Once I figured this out, it was easy.
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I particularly liked the one about Taris and levelling there. I didn't realize that the SI would go there at all! Is that the next stop after this Boss fight?



Raj :)



yes. You can go there anytime, though. and do the side missions




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As a full madness Sorcerer at 32 I found it quite easy and definitely a let down.


I know I am not geared out the best and either is Khem but I just sent Khem on her with bubble up and kept him healed when it dropped. Once timer was up cast on him again and just went to town DPSing on her from far back as possible.


I did it in one shot and didn't even burn a medpac. She kind of went down quick, very anticlimactic. :(

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I really struggled with this before realizing that I had to use Jolt whenever she started to cast her lightning power. It takes a couple seconds to cast, and you can tell she's doing it because a target circle appears on the ground. Once I figured this out, it was easy.


This. Her AOE is by far the most damaging attack she does. It absolutely tears you apart. This is your interrupt priority, unless you're LoSing (Playing a sin, this was less of an option for me). Her Heal was actually my lowest priority to interrupt, given that you can pretty much out-dps it's healing.


You can easily pull of 5-7 interrupts as well, without talents, if you use your abilities in the correct order;


Jolt -> Electrocute -> Jolt -> Overload -> Jolt -> (Channel the Force) Electrocute -> Jolt etc.


Also, try and wait until the very end of the cast to interrupt, it buys you a couple of extra seconds for CD's to reset.

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I am now an SI Assassin Lvl 33 (and 1/2), and still can't waste her. I get so close...she's maybe 5-10%, and then she still smokes me! :(


What do I have to do to kill my Master? I'm 0/0/23 (Madness) build, and I've tried so hard to take all of your advice about the pillars and interrupting Zash before she casts spells. Nothing seems to work...Khem dies, and then I do.


What am I doing wrong...is it the full madness build?


Please help!



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