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1.2 = best pvp gear for free, and no reason to play rated. people are quitting


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When I first dinged 50, there was someone raging at me for having no expertise rating. I'm currently a BM with over 670 expertise, and I regularly make short work of them whenever we come across each other in Huttball, so I guess the joke is on him. It's a game. I play it to have fun. Nerd-ragers can either cope with that on their own terms, or rage-quit if someone's presence really bothers them. The rest of us will have fun together, win or lose.


In every MMO you always get these really hardcore players, who care about gear and stats more than vitamins and sunshine. It's best to just ignore them. They contribute literally nothing of value to the game whatsoever. When they take a break to help a lowbie level up, with a polite and courteous tone, offering genuinely well-mannered advice with patience and care, I'll give a shovel's worth of bantha fodder what they have say about this or that.


The real problem is when games start catering to these hardcore end-gamers and completely ignoring the other players. I won't say the name of the game, but I left one game last year because that's exactly what they did, with an expansion pack called... uh... let's just call it "Shmatashmlysm." Hardcore gamers shouldn't be ignored, but they most certainly should not be focused on. Ever.

LOL you thought WoW was hard? And left as a result, and are now here loving it?


That right there goes to show this games easy mode is in full effect for any who doubt.

Edited by Dego_Locc
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Better to quit now, once rated is out, your guild will probably disband after being 6-0d by the rank 1 team on the game.


Take a Seat.


as we previously took rank 1 from reckful in wow.




You can check into him quitting within the same week we farmed his team 210 rating and sodahs reckful and pookz all go mia




Edited by crazyambo
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@Sugarray: Yes the difference is minimal between champ and BM gear, I'm not agruing that at all. Thats just like it should be. It gives us three tiers of gear currently.


What I'm saying is rating should be the base for what kind of gear you can get. As you say, keep the formula as it is now. Which IMO works perfectly.


All they need to do for fresh 50s is to add armoring mods with expertise on which they can put in their gear, one type for each stat, will, str, cunn and aim. That would mean a fresh 50 could get a full PvP worthy gear before hitting the 50 BG.


For me the purpose is there, its to PvP. Only thing I really want is open world pvp with objectives and perks for controling areas, much like DaoC had. Along with fun and well designed WZs.


@Incendergel: Well regarding classes. Thats not something BW will be able to change, its all based on player distribution, they cant force people to play the side they dont want. If they do, people quit. We pay money to play, so we pick where we want to play. People just like Empire more I guess. It has nothing to do with the classes.


PvE and PvP are still very different so there is no need for the same type of reward. I dont care what gear PvErs get, because I dont enjoy PvE. The gear serves different purposes, so why care if a guy has some shiny gear for doing PvE?


And no I dont expect to enter a warzone and be on the same footing as someone that has played for ages. I'm also not sure what top tier gear you are talking about. Or was it some remark about me being a PvEr which I'm not?


IMO gear progression for PvP should stay as it is now or be reduced to 2 tiers of sets for each "season" to keep our stats on par with PvE gear, so superior gear cant be gained through PvE.


Other than that I dont care if my stats increase aslong as its fun to pvp for the sake of pvp.


In PvE gear progression is a MUST in order to tackle the next encounter, in PvP its trivial, because the opponents wont have more HP or hit harder unless more gear with higher stats is introduced.


So IMO comparing PvE gear progression to PvP is still pointless and invalid.

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LOL you thought WoW was hard? And left as a result, and are now here loving it?


That right there goes to show this games easy mode is in full effect for any who doubt.


Would hate to see him/her play Aion. Upon release, and even now, that game is brutally hard in regards to crafting, raiding, and gaining skills. Go ask those spiritmasters about their books...


Heck - I ran the lvl 30 instance so many times with each final boss kill yielding nothing but coin or a blue level crafting mat. Never once anything useful let alone gold quality. When I went back to wow for a bit I swear loot fell out of the skies like skittles.


Wow has ruined many a MMO because of its ease of use. Every raid level boss drops 1 or more items for everyone to cry over. You can do dailies, events, wait until next content, buy last content gear, etc. It is basically handed out to you with little to no effort.

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Better to quit now, once rated is out, your guild will probably disband after being 6-0d by the rank 1 team on the game.


Bad people will just cry foul. If you can't select a target and focus fire now and kill said target it won't be any easier when 1.2 drops. Stupid is stupid. The only difference is you won't have many people to play with.


So what will your excuse be then?

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Bad people will just cry foul. If you can't select a target and focus fire now and kill said target it won't be any easier when 1.2 drops. Stupid is stupid. The only difference is you won't have many people to play with.


So what will your excuse be then?


Nobody on this game will be able to beat my team. Thinking so is a joke.


I assure you we are the most organized, skillcapped players and you probably won't face us because your random and once were sitting on the rank 1 roster, our alts will take rank 2-5

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Nobody on this game will be able to beat my team. Thinking so is a joke.


I assure you we are the most organized, skillcapped players and you probably won't face us because your random and once were sitting on the rank 1 roster, our alts will take rank 2-5


Will you return an autograph if we mail you a self-addressed envelope and a napkin?

Edited by BDutch
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Just wanted to inform bioware that tons of the members of several pvp guilds on my server are quitting after the news that rated warzones will be the new valor grind, except any requirements at all. One large pvp guild also disbanded yesterday.


Now I wonder, who's idea was it that "rated" pvp, would not mean squat? All they are doing now is seperating normal warzones from rated warzones, even if they will basically be exactly the same, just that rated will give better free gear.


I will cancel sub and prolly play my month out like 80% of my pvp guild already have, but pvp just gets boring when there is nothing worth "working" for by playing organized.


High warzone rating = no rewards worth mentioning, A LOT more effort.

Low warzone rating = the same rewards as high rating, a lot LESS effort.


Endgame pvp gear worth working for = None.

Chance of getting bored from lack of worthwile "goals" pvp wise: High.


You failed with Ilum, and now you fail with this. Both had good potential.


Clickers and backpeddalers that run around playing rambo in pvp with no tactics in their head should NOT be awarded 100% as much as those who put more effort in it and play organized.

Just like hardmodes gives better rewards than story mode in pve.



Not even on test yet, 1.2 that is. Everything here is hearsay...

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All they need to do for fresh 50s is to add armoring mods with expertise on which they can put in their gear, one type for each stat, will, str, cunn and aim. That would mean a fresh 50 could get a full PvP worthy gear before hitting the 50 BG.


But they can already do this. They can do warzones pre 50 and save enough valor for 5 bags. Also before 50 they can buy a bag and save it. That gives them 6 bangs to open which will give them a few pieces of centurion.


@Incendergel: Well regarding classes. Thats not something BW will be able to change, its all based on player distribution, they cant force people to play the side they dont want. If they do, people quit. We pay money to play, so we pick where we want to play. People just like Empire more I guess. It has nothing to do with the classes.


Your right - I agree 100%.



And no I dont expect to enter a warzone and be on the same footing as someone that has played for ages. I'm also not sure what top tier gear you are talking about. Or was it some remark about me being a PvEr which I'm not?


No - not directed at you. Just saying people are ok with PvE having entry requirements but give PvP a pass. Someone who has been playing for a while is going to have more knowledge of the classes they are facing, skill with theirs, quicker reflexes, better keybinds, etc.


So IMO comparing PvE gear progression to PvP is still pointless and invalid.


It isn't comparing gear. It is comparing the entry requirements. You have to learn and prepare to enter the next raid difficulty. Why is it so hard to understand PvP has the same requirements? The difference is that we are not learning a scripted encounter. We are, however, learning how the healers are, how to interrupt the various classes, and gaining knowledge of our own class. Along the way we get minor gear upgrades.


See - people have agreed that the centurion gear, to champion, to battlemaster isn't as wide as people thought. And Bioware made it so you can have centurion pieces, at least two or three pretty much right off the bat. If you did some pvp while leveling. The issue many of us have is that people don't want to put any time into the PvP aspect of the game and expect to be hitting a switch. OK I R READY FOR PVP LEETNESS. It doesn't work like that. You are going to get beat, and beat badly. I'll call it a mollywhoppin.


Only game that has that is consoles or FPS. Even FPS is changing now with rewards tied to ranks...look at BF3.

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I hear the worlds going to end. Lets make a 100 page post cring about it cause someone hear it someplace they cant remeber.




I swear you and all your rage quiters are cring and running over something you hear????? What facts do you have about any of this cause frankly your post as more misinfomation about stuff I cant even find out about on this site.



G/L with GW2 cause your rly just rage quiting this to play that and dont wana fess up to it.

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To all you people who think he wants to stomp fresh 50s, I do not think that is the point at all. I believe its more of the fact he wants something thats hard to get that has to be worked for and not handed to him so easily. Bioware is making it way to easy for people to get pvp gear. It should take alot more time than it does to acquire good gear.


Imperial sniper here and no it's not easy at all when you lose 2 out of 10 games because the pubes 3 shot us. For some reason the only time we win is against ourselves. I don't know why the imbalance but it's very very disheartening. The pvp would be fun if there was a bit more balance.

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@nIcendergel: But that is my point with real pvp entry gear. Make a set each season that is bought with credits (preferably) and you have the exact same entry requirement that PvE has really. For each patch more and more BoE gear will be available on the GTN or at vendors that helps you get into PvE.


That way no one can complain that people are undergeared or such. Even WoW had this, they had crafter gear that gave you a decent amount of resilience to start BGs before you got the honor set gear. It was great, I personally used it at a few times. Some of my toons were neglected during some seasons and I bought the entry level gear on the AH.


Its not hard, all they need to do is add a new basic set each season. Can be non modable gear even so people cant exploit modding and just be able to use it as freshman gear.


Example. At 50 as we are now, the newbie gear would be of equal level of a full orage set modded with blue (50) armoring and mods, only difference is that it would provide expertise. Next season it would be whatever level fitting to be 3 tiers below the top tier for the season. No set bonuses or anything, just a basic non AC specific set.

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I hear the worlds going to end. Lets make a 100 page post cring about it cause someone hear it someplace they cant remeber.




I swear you and all your rage quiters are cring and running over something you hear????? What facts do you have about any of this cause frankly your post as more misinfomation about stuff I cant even find out about on this site.



G/L with GW2 cause your rly just rage quiting this to play that and dont wana fess up to it.


Everyone is discussing the implications of the confirmed changes coming in 1.2 with the war hero gear and the removal of rank requriements for pvp gear.


I'll fess up that I've been watching GW2 for a long time. TOR and GW2 are completely different animals. If TOR can get their **** together, I'll play both. GW2 is free to play.

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I never said WoW was hard. I said Cataclysm catered exclusively to hardcore endgamers, and that's why I quit.


In WoW, I was capped at 85, with decent grape gear in both PVE and PVP sets. In the WOTLK days, I was far better geared. In SWTOR, I have a mix of BM and champion gear, and some PVE pieces I toss on for guild hm's and ops. I'm far from being the best, but you'd be pretty silly to say I'm not in the upper 25% of pvpers. You won't find many on my server that would disagree with that statement, either.


But I play the game to have fun, and gear is a biproduct of that entertainment. Ask anyone at level 50 on Darth Bandon... I goof around a lot, I'm chatty, and I try to be super-friendly with people, and that's what makes the game fun for me. I don't freak out when we lose. I don't complain when someone new joins a warzone with 0 expertise. So long as they're having fun, I'm having fun.


Cataclysm was terrible for a myriad of reasons, but for me, it really took a nosedive when they started catering to the 1%; those hardcore elitists that consider gear the most important element of the game. I would rather wipe 100 times with a player that's joking around and enjoying the game than run a boss fight once with a player that nerd-rages at everyone and brings down the whole mood of the operation.


Those hardcore gamers shouldn't be ignored, by any means. If that's what makes the game fun for them, great. But as soon as SWTOR starts ignoring everyone else to make those hardcore players happy, the game will be ruined for me. Luckily, I don't think Bioware will ever do that. Or at least, I hope they won't.

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I never said WoW was hard. I said Cataclysm catered exclusively to hardcore endgamers, and that's why I quit.



Hmm...not sure I'd agree here. With cata came raid buffs increasing over time. Even before then Blizzard took a 180 degree turnaround to cater to the 99% crowd. Why do you think they brought back Naxx? Only 1% if that actually set foot in let alone complete it prior to. The entry requirement was to become exalted and it took a very long time AND cost money...


Bringing back content that people didn't see is fine. Nothing wrong with that and you maximize your return on investment. But 1.2 PvP gear isn't really about that. It is the concept behind it with the lack of incentives in/outside of warzones.


They already made the change to offer entry level gear. They already migrated the Ilum dailies to warzones. They already patched in valor gains to make the valor ladder easier. Each warzone now yields a "MINIMUM" of 2k valor. More if you try - go figure.


With the proposed patch they are saying here is a valor rank, here is what you can do, and here are the rewards. The difference for effort is what, armor color? Maybe a title?


Maybe I'm splitting hairs. Dunno. Heck, or peeing in the wind.

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They already made the change to offer entry level gear. They already migrated the Ilum dailies to warzones. They already patched in valor gains to make the valor ladder easier. Each warzone now yields a "MINIMUM" of 2k valor. More if you try - go figure.


Good points, I didn't really think about it like that. I dunno, I just get bothered when people talk about rage-quitting a game because it has a feature they don't like. Complain about it, sure. No one knows what to fix if someone doesn't complain about it, and the more people you have talking about an issue, the more likely it is to actually get fixed.


But rage-quitting a whole game because someone less talented than you might end up with the same gear you have? Bleh, I don't get it. At the end of the day, you still have more talent than they do, right? You can stick me and some new player in identical tanks in BF3, and I'm still going to hose them 10 times out of 10, simply because I have the experience and the know-how.

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First off i have read almost all 100 pages of this thread. As an avid pvper and someone who is excited for 1.2 i really want there to be competitive pvp.


All gear being the same in terms of stats is fine, then it truly becomes a test of skill. I am even alright with higher ranked teams getting more tokens or whatever to get gear faster as long as the pvp matchmaking system works.


What I worry about is Bioware not making specific rewards for the higher rank pvpers that do play a lot or are trying to accomplish being the best/reach highest ranking possible. Changing the colors of a set is a joke....... people do not grind and pvp to lvl 80 valor or top 5 ranked spot to get a yellow version of some armor..... or have their lightsaber go from orange to purple..... that’s a sad joke.


give us different armors or weapons that are completely unique to those that wanna be hardcore. They have the exact same stats but look completely different(one would hope pretty bad *** but whatever). It’s a way to give those players a goal without giving them an advantage.


If someone is gonna put in 40 hours a week of gaming they should get rewarded with stuff that makes them stand out for their accomplishments. It should not be better, but it should look substantially different.....


if gear progression has to be kept then make it similar to champ -> BM since the stat changes i got from going from a full set of one to the other were very minimal and might have helped increase my effectiveness by 2-3%.


just my 2 cents

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I remember back in the good olde days when people used to PvP for the fun of PvP'ing...


Sure, when we played Unreal or anything around that time that didn't have progression or dynamic content other than maps. Map packs in Unreal was great - didn't care about character progression because you played for the new and exciting maps. Although they did have server and character stat portals.


Sure, in games like DaOC whereas you gained abilities as you climbed the realm ranks.


Sure in games like DaOC whereas you had a weekly leader board of various stats.


Sure in other MMO's that had FFA (free for all) rulesets we could pvp and nothing was gained.


Swtor doesn't have either of those. Maps are static and PvP means nothing.


Do you honestly believe gear appearance will solve the issues people have with PvP? I'll ask again. How many people do you think will play farmville if all they got was a different color chicken or egg?

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