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1.2 = best pvp gear for free, and no reason to play rated. people are quitting


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And the engine was not programmed for this game with open world pvp in mind, so it will NEVER have it on a large epic scale.


I wouldn't say never. The real problem isn't the engine, it's the really screwy way they have of freezing graphics rendering when large amounts of data is pulled because of the messy way they designed diskcachearena for pvp.


They can fix that but it won't be any time soon.

Edited by Ozzone
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Are you on glue?


Um in 1.2 you can just afk in rated warzones if you want to, you then get the comms(wether you win or lose) to buy the war hero gear which is better than BM gear, and needs no certain valor rank to buy or wear.....


How would merc comms for open world pvp be relevant exactly? Maybe for lowbies not yet 50, but who are you kidding, you're not gonna see any of the opposing faction to kill for the comms anyway leveling up. Lower planets are complete ghost towns on this game now that the first wave of ppl made there way up. Not to mention the game itself is designed so you don't see other player on planets anyway, unless you go looking for them. This was done by bioware on purpose to discourage big pvp battles the hero engine clearly can't handle in this game. Thats why Ilum was a lag fest with an Empire ops group and half a repub ops group in the same zone. No matter how beasty our rigs it ran like ***.

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I wouldn't say never. The real problem isn't the engine, it's the really screwy way they have of freezing graphics rendering when large amounts of data is pulled because of the messy way they designed diskcachearena for pvp.


They can fix that but it won't be any time soon.

Exactly they would have to redesign it from the ground up with even lower textures on players than currently used. It would take years, the game will be dead by then anyhow, and EA would never allow the time to be invested in that.


This game just came out and already feels like it is dated, like three years old dated.


PvP will always primarily be a mini game for the casual PVEer's in this game. The majority of the PVPer base has already started to abandon this game and it will just get worse from here on out for those of us that want PVP that would last a long time, this game was never meant to have it.

Edited by Dego_Locc
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Um in 1.2 you can just afk in rated warzones if you want to, you then get the comms(wether you win or lose) to buy the war hero gear which is better than BM gear, and needs no certain valor rank to buy or wear.....


How would merc comms for open world pvp be relevant exactly? Maybe for lowbies not yet 50, but who are you kidding, you're not gonna see any of the opposing faction to kill for the comms anyway leveling up. Lower planets are complete ghost towns on this game now that the first wave of ppl made there way up. Not to mention the game itself is designed so you don't see other player on planets anyway, unless you go looking for them. This was done by bioware on purpose to discourage big pvp battles the hero engine clearly can't handle in this game. Thats why Ilum was a lag fest with an Empire ops group and half a repub ops group in the same zone. No matter how beasty our rigs it ran like ***.


They are going to fix Ilum. Read this carefully. If they removed all the frickin laser beams, and changed the region captures from Quest based to something else, preventing EACH COMPUTER FROM GETTING THE POPUP ....All the lag would be fixed. Whining about pvp just makes you look pathetic. My server is busy, each planet with healthy numbers and this bonus Merc comms for Open World pvp is fantastic. We will roll all you imperials into the ground and fully gear out every single republic player to a minimum standard of full BM.

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1.2 = best pvp gear for free, and every reason to play rated. Some people are quitting, but alot of us are happier this way.


Just wanted to inform bioware that many of the people I play with are happy with the news that rated warzones will not become the elitist gear-whore playground. At least one large pvp guild will also be formed as we convinced and will continue to convince our friends to play this game, as long as you don't pander to the whines of the self-styled "hardcores", which in all honesty means diddly squat.

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They are going to fix Ilum. Read this carefully.


Not anytime soon. They said for us to go play the same 3 warzone in the meantime.


If they removed all the frickin laser beams, and changed the region captures from Quest based to something else, preventing EACH COMPUTER FROM GETTING THE POPUP ....All the lag would be fixed.


No it wouldn't. And it would take something more engaging like a siege engine and several ops groups on both sides attacking/defending. And flat out the games engine and the way this game is designed it just couldn't handle that at this point and time. It's a sad fact.


Whining about pvp just makes you look pathetic.


Your abuse of the CAPSLOCK key, and the general hostile attitude towards me for my opinion differing from yours make you look like you're 12, and in a need of some attention.


My server is busy, each planet with healthy numbers and this bonus Merc comms for Open World pvp is fantastic.


Congrats you lucked out on server selection, however there are a ton of us that didn't and our servers are dying. And you do realize that merc comms are useless for endgame PVP come 1.2 right, so what is your point? You think merc comms are gonna make open world pvp happen!? LULZ.


We will roll all you imperials into the ground and fully gear out every single republic player to a minimum standard of full BM.


Sure you will lil buddy.... And BM will be obsolete come 1.2 as well. Please get with the program and get your facts in order if you wish to debate with the big boys....




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1.2 = best pvp gear for free, and every reason to play rated. Some people are quitting, but alot of us are happier this way.


Just wanted to inform bioware that many of the people I play with are happy with the news that rated warzones will not become the elitist gear-whore playground. At least one large pvp guild will also be formed as we convinced and will continue to convince our friends to play this game, as long as you don't pander to the whines of the self-styled "hardcores", which in all honesty means diddly squat.


But "pandering the whines" of lazy casuals is all good right?



Yea I know from a business standpoint it is. But it won't work in the end. Just watch.

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not anytime soon. They said for us to go play the same 3 warzone in the meantime.




No it wouldn't. And it would take something more engaging like a siege engine and several ops groups on both sides attacking/defending. And flat out the games engine and the way this game is designed it just couldn't handle that at this point and time. It's a sad fact.




Your abuse of the capslock key, and the general hostile attitude towards me for my opinion differing from yours make you look like you're 12, and in a need of some attention.




Congrats you lucked out on server selection, however there are a ton of us that didn't and our servers are dying. And you do realize that merc comms are useless for endgame pvp come 1.2 right, so what is your point? You think merc comms are gonna make open world pvp happen!? Lulz.




Sure you will lil buddy.... And bm will be obsolete come 1.2 as well. Please get with the program and get your facts in order if you wish to debate with the big boys....






lmfao-its people like you who give this community a bad name. Trollolol

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Yea I know from a business standpoint it is. But it won't work in the end. Just watch.


I will, and I will continue to have a blast PvPing with my friends, who like me just wants to have a bit of fun after a long day at work, with a fair chance of winning or losing to similarly-geared opponents, not getting grieved by a premade of 8-man in full "hardcore"-rated gear that decided to queue in a non-rated wz "just for lulz".


Until the day BW allows this, we'll just move on to the next game where we can have some fun. No big deal. BW doesn't need my measly $15, I don't need to threaten them with it.

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I will, and I will continue to have a blast PvPing with my friends, who like me just wants to have a bit of fun after a long day at work, with a fair chance of winning or losing to similarly-geared opponents, not getting grieved by a premade of 8-man in full "hardcore"-rated gear that decided to queue in a non-rated wz "just for lulz".


Until the day BW allows this, we'll just move on to the next game where we can have some fun. No big deal. BW doesn't need my measly $15, I don't need to threaten them with it.


But you could play street fighter, or mortal kombat online for free after the price of the box.... Level playing fields, good competition, no gear or progression and unlockable hidden outfits that are purely cosmetic. Right up your alley from the looks of it.


Why would you pay a subscription for the same experience in an MMO?


And me thinks that in a couple of months if you're really still not bored a good portion of your friends who you play and have a blast with, will be.


The End.

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Funny , and i always thought it was people like you who feel entitled to say who is who in a community.


I feel that anyone QQ'ing and trying to ruin something for others qualify them "as those people". Enjoy the game...if you dont, QUIT and leave these forums.

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I feel that anyone QQ'ing and trying to ruin something for others qualify them "as those people". Enjoy the game...if you dont, QUIT and leave these forums.


How dare we have opinions or critic the game in any negative way with game changing decisions we aren't happy with. Or lack of overall PVP content. :rolleyes:


Only happy thoughts are allowed here then? Oh I am sorry, I was exercising my freedom of speech.

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At least he's not bragging about his proud plan to go AFK in rated warzones.


Maybe , and im proud of that plan so leave it alone , i can share after i test with those who also want it ;)


Im doing on my own lol , do i care for other who do or dont do this? No , as long as a community goes , im not blaming or calling out anyone :D


Thus again like i said so many times , in this game is each man for himself.

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Dunno what the QQ is about. My server's pvp has been more active this month then at any other time. Maybe, oh I dunno, try some other aspects of a pretty huge game? Try the new warzone(s) coming out? Have some *********** patience instead of expecting everything to be thrown at you on a silver platter? Actually act like an adult instead of a five year old?


You know, just some thoughts.

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But you could play street fighter, or mortal kombat online for free after the price of the box.... Level playing fields, good competition, no gear or progression and unlockable hidden outfits that are purely cosmetic. Right up your alley from the looks of it.


Why would you pay a subscription for the same experience in an MMO?


I don't know what those games are like. Street Fighter when I was a kid 19 years ago was a cartridge you had to load in the NES, which had a D-pad and 2 buttons. That was 1v1 with no immersion factor.


SWTOR is an MMORPG. I role-play, in a MMOG, with my friends who do the same. We have a blast as long as the match-up is more or less fair.


Same question can be posted to you, if you consider yourself a "hardcore": Why not play WoW, when you can have all the gear progression and pvp epicness roflstomping? Why do all these "hardcores" want every game to be like WoW?

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Dunno what the QQ is about. My server's pvp has been more active this month then at any other time. Maybe, oh I dunno, try some other aspects of a pretty huge game? Try the new warzone(s) coming out? Have some *********** patience instead of expecting everything to be thrown at you on a silver platter? Actually act like an adult instead of a five year old?


You know, just some thoughts.


It's more active que wise because you don't have to go to Ilum to get the dailies. Warzones do it all. And they are only adding one warzone now. Just one. They need like three more at least if this games PVP is going to depend on instanced battles of 8 v 8.

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Same question can be posted to you, if you consider yourself a "hardcore": Why not play WoW, when you can have all the gear progression and pvp epicness roflstomping? Why do all these "hardcores" want every game to be like WoW?

Because WOW and hardcores don't like each other...... Durp.


WoW was ****,, and this game is trying to be it's little brother.


I personally think WOW ruined MMO's by making them accessible to the masses of casual gamers.


You have things so assbackwards I'm not even going to continue debating with you. If you think I'm from WOW, or like WOW, then you have no type of idea what type of gamer I am.

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I personally think WOW ruined MMO's by making them accessible to the masses of casual gamers.



Casuals have it. "ZOMG SO HARDCORES" don't. There's enough of you to populate maybe 2 servers, after you're all done QQ'ing and being so vile to each other, exploiting everything, hacking, cheating, defaming each other, and otherwise being vile that half of you still leave for "greener pastures" in whatever other new shiny "pvp" game is coming out. Cheering that it will be the second coming of christ and then within 2 months flaming the ever loving hell out of it and deficating on it's community and forums while waiting to move on to the next.


Quite like the cancer of the gaming world.


Meanwhile all the "casuals" you so reviled will be here PvE'ing, PvP'ing, RP'ing, enjoying the story and community, patches and expansions thinking to themselves "Thank god all those ******es left".

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Casuals have it. "ZOMG SO HARDCORES" don't. There's enough of you to populate maybe 2 servers, after you're all done QQ'ing and being so vile to each other, exploiting everything, hacking, cheating, defaming each other, and otherwise being vile that half of you still leave for "greener pastures" in whatever other new shiny "pvp" game is coming out. Cheering that it will be the second coming of christ and then within 2 months flaming the ever loving hell out of it and deficating on it's community and forums while waiting to move on to the next.


Quite like the cancer of the gaming world.


Meanwhile all the "casuals" you so reviled will be here PvE'ing, PvP'ing, RP'ing, enjoying the story and community, patches and expansions thinking to themselves "Thank god all those ******es left".

In my experience, especially on these forums casuals are the more rude, nasty group, insulting those with different opinions more that I have ever seen any hardcores do so...... Edited by Dego_Locc
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