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Wheres the MMO?


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Since this game has instanced planets, why can't the servers support larger populations? I wish that for once, people would focus on the MASSIVE in MMO. Why do we have so many low population servers with dwindling numbers when we can have several large population servers and thus players enjoy the game more? I know that MANY players have been on the edge of quitting, and a dead server is certainly enough to push them over.


Give us the freedom to play on POPULATED realms, or start closing some of the smaller realms so players can actually interact with each other. I would love to play a game with 400-500 people in a city instead of 40-50.

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I dont know what high population servers are like but I can run around an entire planet sometimes and not bump in to anyone else. Thats the biggest let down of the game imo.


Even fleet seems dead most of the time. The social interaction just isnt there, but I can say the same for so many mmo's and I hate to say it, only wow gets the social side right.

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start closing some of the smaller realms so players can actually interact with each other. I would love to play a game with 400-500 people in a city instead of 40-50.


That. I seriously want to go to Hoth and see more than 8 players listed there.


I believe they should start putting endgame dailies across all planets. Sure they may have to create a new area to each planet or at least populate some of the barren areas with level 50 heroic areas.


Even some mini-raid areas would be nice. Basically an open world heroic area that requires a raid group to successfully conquer a quest chain aside from just world bosses. Make it so both factions get the same identical daily. This would lead to some open world pvp. Perhaps add incentive to it by having the pvp kills count towards a new daily counter or something.


Overall they need server merges and higher pops on the servers before doing this.

Edited by monkgryphon
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they went to far with the solo and single player design of the game . it really feels like a single player game with online multi play lobby features. Thus many did not like this design and were very vocal about their concerns back in 2008 only to be attacked by rabid fanbois . unfortunately more of the concerned community are still here posting though it maybe taken negatively. we are hoping they can fix it. as for the rabid fan bois half have left and the other half spend more time on the forums attacking anyone who does not gush ball gargling praise at bioware. Its amazing that the rabid faction spends more time in here then actually playing the game , thats pretty distressing.
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I dont know what high population servers are like but I can run around an entire planet sometimes and not bump in to anyone else. Thats the biggest let down of the game imo.


Even fleet seems dead most of the time. The social interaction just isnt there, but I can say the same for so many mmo's and I hate to say it, only wow gets the social side right.


Mass Effect 3 is a better multiplayer game than SWTOR. Just sayin.


ME3 really is quite good I do have to give BW credit there.

Edited by Gohlar
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If you look around there is hardly enough mobs in these close quarter on rails zones to support more people then you see now.


Picture running around doing quests right now, double the number of people then you find it very frustrating trying to kill the mobs you need for a quest.

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Mass Effect 3 is a better multiplayer game than SWTOR. Just sayin.


ME3 really is quite good I do have to give BW credit there.


LOL, i really like that IP even though ME 2 was a stripped out dumbed down game. the co op play of me 3 looks very fun but i just cannot support BW anymore with the design of TOR they completely missed the vetran mmo demographic its a horrible mmo but a good single player game. hoe in the F@@@ do you pull that off trying to make a MMO?

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