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Hey healing commandoes, teach me how to make you die.


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That up there!


So I'm a funslinger. I figure it's my job to shoot at healers and make them stop healing, either by getting them to find some shade to heal in(so I can shoot their friends) or by making them find a pokeball to look at.


Sorceror/Sage healers are pretty simple to deal with. I shoot them and they die. Maybe I'll have to interrupt? Whatever, I can deal.


Operative healers were like whaaaaaat, but then someone told me they get unlimited heals at like 30% life or something, so now I can play around it.


But merc/trooper healers? no freakin' clue what to do about them. Like, I mostly do white damage since I'm specced sharpshooter, and it just feels like they don't ever give a **** about me.



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Use one of your 15 varieties of cc, as stated above dont try to interrupt while shield is active. I never have issues dying to dungslingers, but ffs you are by far the most annoying. A good dungslinger will keep me out of the fight for at least half of it.
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Its very easy.. We get one shield that makes us interruptable and take 25% less damage for a wooping 12 seconds every 3 min :p


When this comes up, just change target for 10 seconds. When shield comes down:


interrupt - stun - interrupt - dead'


Commandos got nowhere to run (sages) and nowhere to hide (scoundrels) and should arguably be the easiest healer to take out for anyone with half a brain.

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You don't kill commando/merc healers as a gunslinger unless you massively outgear them and they're borderline retarded. The best you hope for is that they spend some time healing themselves so they heal other people less. Your dps is better spent elsewhere. Edited by durvas
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Don't kill us at all, its against the Geneva Conventions and stuff.


On topic:

Assuming they are 31-points into their healing tree, we have 6 heals:


- Medical Probe/Rapid Scan. This is our largest and costlies heal, takes the longest time to channel. No cooldown. Builds our supercharge by 6 if talented per use.


Strategy: This MUST be interrupted if you want to beat us. It puts our ONLY non-cooldown heal on a cooldown, paralyzing us. Why? Not only does it lock us our of our primary heal, but it also delays our next supercharged cycle - the mode we always want to be working towards (without interrupts, we can reach a new supercharged cycle on every fifth Medical Probe, assuming no use of Hammershot healing).


- Advanced Medical Probe/Healing Scan. Almost always precedes our Medical Probe/Rapid Scan because of a proc. It heals less than the aforementioned heal, channels faster, and costs less. Has a cooldown of 9 seconds and more or less marks the end of 1 cycle through our rotation.


Strategy: The only time to interrupt this is if A) another ally has locked out the aforementioned heal or B) if we are supercharged (during that time, Advanced Medical Probe/Healing Scan has no cooldown). NOTE: You could interrupt this as an alternative to the aforementioned heal in the hopes of forcing us out of ammo neutrality and bleeding us dry (if we can only use Medical Probe/Rapid Scan without the proc, it is burning 3 ammo a pop - 25% of our resource per use).


- Kolto Bomb/Kolto Missile. Small heal (smallest in the game if I'm not mistaken, not including base heals such as Hammershot), currently limited to 3 people. If talented, adds a 10% healing received buff. If supercharged, places a shield on affected targets, reducing their damage taken by 10%. Instant, costs 1 ammo.


Strategy: None. You can't stop it, but then again, it won't keep anyone alive for long if it's our only option.


- Bacta Infusion/Not sure of BH mirror. Heal roughly on par with Advanced Medical Probe/Healing Scan. Free, Instant, 21 second cooldown naturally, 18 seconds with 4-set bonus.


Strategy: See above.


- Hammershot/Not sure of BH mirror. Base heal through our mainhand weapon, healing whatever the player's bonus healing stat reads over 1.5 seconds. Note it does build our charge towards supercharge, 3 a pop (if talented). We can either heal an ally with it, or shoot you with it to build this charge.


Strategy: See above.


- Trauma Probe/Not sure of BH mirror. Heals on damage taken. Costs nothing, no cooldown.


Strategy: See above.


- Other: Supercharged Cells/Supercharged Gas. This is our aforementioned healing state. During this state, we have +10% damage and healing done. Advanced Medical Probe has no cooldown, enabling us to chain heal efficiently and effectively for the duration. Kolto Bomb also has a supercharged bonus, and some of our attacks also cost less. It takes 30 charges to supercharge - we can reach this in 10 Hammershots (15 seconds) or 5 Medical Probes (ignoring ammo cost and assuming a channel of ~1.7 seconds, 8.5 seconds). Note that we will probably use a combination of those heals and the time to reach our next supercharge is often protracted due to ammo management (if I were to spam 5 Medical Probes, I would more or less be at almost no ammo and minimal regeneration). Additional note: we do have cooldowns that can allieviate this ammo cost, but they are both on long 2-minute cooldowns.


Strategy: Do NOT let us reach this point. We will most likely have one stored at the start of the round, but with smart interruption you can easily push our next supercharge far enough away that we can't use it.


- Other: Reactive Shield/Not sure on BH mirror. Untalented, the shield reduces damage taken by 25% for 12 seconds. There are two talents for this, which may or may not be picked by the player. The first reduces pushback by 30% and makes us immune to interrupts for the duration. Note that if the player also took the -70% pushback elsewhere in tree, that we are immune to pushback for the duration. The second allows us to increase healing received by 10 or 20% for 1 or 2 skill points, respectively. (I personally put 0 points in this skill, opting instead for the +8% healing received in the Gunnery tree; IMO: +8% healing received all the time > 10% or 20% healing recieved once every two minutes).


Strategy: Personally, I tend to only use this if I am being interrupted, and only then I save it for after the second interrupt (or if I've been interrupted and critical healing an a teammate is needed). Note what an interrupt is: we are ONLY immune to lockout interrupt abilities, meaning when you interrupt us, it puts that ability on a forced 4-second cooldown. I have not confirmed if this includes interrupts from leaps, such as if a Vanguard Storms over to me (it explcitly says it interrupts my current action, but does NOT put it on a lockout cooldown). What is confirmed, however, is we are NOT immune to CC's, knockbacks, or pulls. When we are immune, you can either ignore us for 12 seconds and comeback, or throw us around the room like a ragdoll. Both will work, and the latter tends to be more amusing for you and less so for us healers :p Note that most CC's, knockbacks, and pulls contribute to resolve, so use them wisely.

Edited by SpaniardInfinity
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That up there!


So I'm a funslinger. I figure it's my job to shoot at healers and make them stop healing, either by getting them to find some shade to heal in(so I can shoot their friends) or by making them find a pokeball to look at.


Sorceror/Sage healers are pretty simple to deal with. I shoot them and they die. Maybe I'll have to interrupt? Whatever, I can deal.


Operative healers were like whaaaaaat, but then someone told me they get unlimited heals at like 30% life or something, so now I can play around it.


But merc/trooper healers? no freakin' clue what to do about them. Like, I mostly do white damage since I'm specced sharpshooter, and it just feels like they don't ever give a **** about me.




So. you can't kill a healer without any escape utility? It should look like this -


Medical Pro~Interrupted, Reactive shield, Medical Pro~stunned, CC break, Medical Pro~pushed away with knockbacks/blinded with flash grenade, shield down, Medical Pro~Interrupted, dead.



Seriously, commando healer is the easiest healer to kill, since he don't have NOTHING to escape or defend from enemy, one defencive CD and that's all. I just can't understand all that whine about commando's on this forums, easiest class to kill, it's commando should whine, not their enemies.

Edited by Soulcheg
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So. you can't kill a healer without any escape utility? It should look like this -


Medical Pro~Interrupted, Reactive shield, Medical Pro~stunned, CC break, Medical Pro~pushed away with knockbacks/blinded with flash grenade, shield down, Medical Pro~Interrupted, dead.



Seriously, commando healer is the easiest healer to kill, since he don't have NOTHING to escape or defend from enemy, one defencive CD and that's all. I just can't understand all that whine about commando's on this forums, easiest class to kill, it's commando should whine, not their enemies.


Funslingers don't have a ranged stun, so we can't actually do that sequence. I'm also running sharpshooter, so my damage is mitigated pretty heavily by heavy armor. If I outgear the commandoes I can beat them, but bm commando/bh healers I can't really kill in a reasonable amount of time.


It's cool hearing about how you guys do rotations and the heal details though. That's pretty helpful.


Is reactive cooldown your only defensive cd? Do you guys have some kind of passive proc? It seems like bounty hunters always have this blue bubble up against me.

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Funslingers don't have a ranged stun, so we can't actually do that sequence. I'm also running sharpshooter, so my damage is mitigated pretty heavily by heavy armor. If I outgear the commandoes I can beat them, but bm commando/bh healers I can't really kill in a reasonable amount of time.


It's cool hearing about how you guys do rotations and the heal details though. That's pretty helpful.


Is reactive cooldown your only defensive cd? Do you guys have some kind of passive proc? It seems like bounty hunters always have this blue bubble up against me.


Yes, it's our only defensive CD, nothing more, no utility, no eascape button, nothing. Once in a 2 minutes - Reactive Shield. That' the Commando class. Have nothing beside middle DPS.

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So. you can't kill a healer without any escape utility? It should look like this -


Medical Pro~Interrupted, Reactive shield, Medical Pro~stunned, CC break, Medical Pro~pushed away with knockbacks/blinded with flash grenade, shield down, Medical Pro~Interrupted, dead.



Seriously, commando healer is the easiest healer to kill, since he don't have NOTHING to escape or defend from enemy, one defencive CD and that's all. I just can't understand all that whine about commando's on this forums, easiest class to kill, it's commando should whine, not their enemies.


Yep I have certainly been on the end of some stuff that made our supposedly great shield, well ordinary at best, but when I have brought it up in other threads, saying it needs to add other stuff to the immuity, like stuns, choke, some people act as if the shield is fine.


Wonder if they are actually Commando's or another class that wants it to stay weak, considering you spend three valuable skill points to make it better and can not get a heal of at all at times and is our only real defence, it needs improving.

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Yes, it's our only defensive CD, nothing more, no utility, no eascape button, nothing. Once in a 2 minutes - Reactive Shield. That' the Commando class. Have nothing beside middle DPS.


Well, we also have a PBAOE knockback/snare, but it's pretty meh.

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If your talking about solo killing a combat medic, it's not going to happen unless that combat medic is absolutely trash.


However, if you still want to try the only advice I can offer is to interrupt the medical probe and not advanced medical probe. AMP has a cooldown, and MP does not.

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I never have trouble with just 1 gunslinger (whatever the imp one is called). Anyone that stands out in the open for you to kill should not be Qing up. Heal, heal, heal...when my life hits 50% shields heal, heal, heal...when bubble goes down I walk around a corner and heal up...you switch targets I come back out...heal, heal, heal until you switch back to me. Rinse repeat. Spread damage and losable dps mean the healer wins. Troopers can remove slinger dots and roots as well (well us good commandos will remove them). Probably the worst class for you to be focusing on.


Kill sorcs, operatives, maraders...would be better off just CCing the BH healers unless they are bads standing there for you to kill them. IF your team is focusing them then it is a different story. Focus on them until they shield. Then target switch to another focus. When shield drops get back on them with the other team members to take em down.

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If this helps at all, I'm also a 'slinger. I don't even bother killing healing commandos - I just pop a few big hits on them, and then go kill somebody else. Most medics I target run for cover, so I can make someone else explode instead. Not healing medic is as good as dead medic.
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So. you can't kill a healer without any escape utility? It should look like this -


Medical Pro~Interrupted, Reactive shield, Medical Pro~stunned, CC break, Medical Pro~pushed away with knockbacks/blinded with flash grenade, shield down, Medical Pro~Interrupted, dead.



Seriously, commando healer is the easiest healer to kill, since he don't have NOTHING to escape or defend from enemy, one defencive CD and that's all. I just can't understand all that whine about commando's on this forums, easiest class to kill, it's commando should whine, not their enemies.


You must be one soft, undergeared, or poorly played combat medic/Body guard.

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well im not sure why im teaching people how to kill me. probably some sick enjoyment in receiving pain or something, but here goes....


basically, considering every class has an interrupt that throws the skill into cooldown, save that for medical probe. if you're a merc/comm whos like the only class without one, come on we're in the same boat. otherwise, throw any other form of interrupt on AMP which is vital for ammo management/procs. use knockbacks or ccs or stuns or w/e necessary but stopping AMP makes thing a lot harder for us. nothing much u can do about other stuff since its all instant. when we use our bubble, we are immune to interrupts and pushbacks but not cc or knockbacks. use those wisely to waste as much of our bubble as far as possible. (u cant imagine how much this pisses me off)

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The use of rakata medpac, cryo grenade and our kb. Makes me feel pretty OP. Mostly people can't kill me but they can do some serious damage so i need to heal myself. And if ur fast you can kill one of the sentinels going for ur healer to give you an example :p
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Commandos got nowhere to run (sages) and nowhere to hide (scoundrels) and should arguably be the easiest healer to take out for anyone with half a brain.


Commandos got nowhere to run (sages/shadows) and nowhere to hide (scoundrels/shadows) and should arguably be the easiest class to take out for anyone.


Fixed it for you.

Edited by Warkyd
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Hello Scissors, may I introduce you to Rock?


If you cannot kill the commando pick a target you can kill and force 2 players to work on holding off your attak. If you are beating full throttle on a squishy then the healer is either devoting all their time to keeping them alive or they will have to prioritize another target.


In other words, gank Paper instead.

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Hello Scissors, may I introduce you to Rock?


If you cannot kill the commando pick a target you can kill and force 2 players to work on holding off your attak. If you are beating full throttle on a squishy then the healer is either devoting all their time to keeping them alive or they will have to prioritize another target.


In other words, gank Paper instead.


Just have to say...


Dear developers,


Rock is OP, please nerf.

Paper is fine.




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Hello Scissors, may I introduce you to Rock?


If you cannot kill the commando pick a target you can kill and force 2 players to work on holding off your attak. If you are beating full throttle on a squishy then the healer is either devoting all their time to keeping them alive or they will have to prioritize another target.


In other words, gank Paper instead.




i was hoping for secret tech

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You must be one soft, undergeared, or poorly played combat medic/Body guard.


Transfer to ToFN and we will see.


And hey, i have a scoundrel, shadow and guardian too, and guess what - interrupt 3-4 times a healer commando/merc and they're dead. So, what beside trolling, can you tell me about being interrupted all the time, when reactive shield is done. No, it's really interesting, tell me.

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