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Admit it: EGA handled brilliantly.


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Did the EGA let people access the game early? No it did not, the community if divided, not everyone got in day one. Like I said before I ordered late so I'm fine with this, I don't have a guild or friends playing. But for those who do it's a failure for a MMO to segregate them. The only reason I posted what I did is to let Bio-Ware, if they read this, know that this was not a good idea and should not be repeated. You of course are entitled to your opinion.


Last post I will make, have a good day my friends.


No the failure was on the poor planning of the players that pre-ordered late. It has been available for pre-order since July. The staggering invites was announced in the pre-order FAQ in July. It is not Biowares fault at all. You want in early, order early.


I /lol at all of my friends that waited to pre-order the game. I told them back in july, that they would regret it and they all did. They all finally got in and I am 15 - 20 levels ahead of all of them and I rub their noses in it on vent constantly. Of course now I am constantly getting pulled away from my questing to help them through their heroics lol.

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Game has been extremely smooth so far. It does suck being different levels that friends in my guild but everyone has decided to help each other out by rolling alts. We still have a couple people not in and none of us mind because we expected to get in by the 19th if pre ordering after November.


I played beta for WoW and release and after the first week of release said screw it because it was unplayable. No thanks to that experience ever again.


Thanks Bioware, you were definitely damned if you do and damned if you didn't. Haters gonna hate.

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for the young padawans in this thread who weren't around, The worst MMO launch I've ever experienced was WWII Online in 2001. Man that was bad.



From Wikipedia:


The initial launch had a number of technical difficulties. The game required that players download a 70 MB update before they could play online. At the time, the majority of users had 56k modems, requiring around three hours to update the game. As the developers worked feverishly behind the scenes to complete other promised features and fix the software bugs on the gold CD, even more updates became necessary.


Three days prior to release, the colocation network facility had a bad fiber optic cable. This failure reduced the player capacity of the server cluster, from 10,000 players down to only 1200 players. As a temporary workaround, Playnet set up multiple copies of the game-world on different servers, distributing the network load, but at some cost in game play. This solution lasted for several months while the developers resolved the server-side issues, after which all servers were merged into a single game-world.


Some features advertised on the game box were partially implemented, or missing, such as rank and high-command strategic features.


The combination of the above problems resulted in game returns, complaints from customers, and a drop-off in sales as word spread of the game's state. Subscription fees for the first several months were waived, until the major problems with the game were resolved. This helped to retain many of the players, especially the long-term fans of the project, but it was not long before Playnet had financial problems. They filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in late 2001, and cut costs, resulting in a number of lay-offs within the company.


Statements from both the developer (CRS), and publisher (Strategy First), indicated that CRS wanted a longer open beta, but the game was launched anyway, due to financial reasons.[5]

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They should have everyone who pre-ordered in the game by tomorrow at the latest. These are the people who didn't get the pre-order code registered until December. Had Bioware stuck with plans to begin the early access yesterday instead of Tuesday, then most of those playing this weekend would have been looking for something else to do this weekend.


I am not a Bioware fan. I still have my doubts that EA can manage things without screwing it all up, and I have some reservations about the game itself. But having played games "at launch" since the late 1980's, before many of those whining here were born, I can state without reservation that Bioware handled this launch extremely well.


Have servers gone down constantly during the early access? No.


Are there bugs which make the game unplayable? No


Is there a problem with lag due to poor servers? No


Does it appear that the servers are going to be stable at launch? Yes.


I can't think of any other major MMO launch which can answer the same to the above questions. Certainly not WoW. The first few weeks of WoW were a constant mess of crashed servers, unscheduled "maintenance", the infamous stuck in loot kneeling position, hours spent trying to get through the account authorization process before even being able to spend hours stuck in loot position and much more.


The same or similar problems plagueing launch goes for every other MMO launch of any size, including EQ, SWG, DAoC, WHO, AoC, Aion, Rift, Vanguard: SOH, Earth and Beyond, Eve and many more. I can't think of an MMO I played at launch which didn't suffer major problems.


Frankly, I think people need to get a grip and try to remember that other games wouldn't have had Early Access at all or would have botched it or released unplayable bugged crap. And launch isn't even until next week. The people who spent this last week whining, complaining, carping, crying, moaning, insulting and just generally being childish when given the unprecedented opportunity to play a major release MMO days before launch need to spend the next few days, when they aren't actually playing, posting apologies to the staff at Bioware for putting up with their pre-adolescent crap.

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The misinformation in this thread is staggering. Many of you don't realize you are the source of your own problem, what you did was not be informed.


"Gamestop didn't give me my code" - Did the store have codes? Did you walk out the store without asking where your code was?


"I'm still not in the EGA" - Have you ever played a MMO? do you understand sever overloads? These things wont happen forever, do you know the game isn't out till the 20th?


People are complaining about something they got for Free, and it was explained clearly what it would be like as them started up the servers. I got my e-mail at 11:22pm est. They told me they would send it at 11:20pm, seems like pretty good communication to me.

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You wouldnt have to wait the zones are instanced


What game are you playing? Certainly not TOR.


Yes there are instances but there are also many other people running around in the instance with you. there were problems in beta with people stealing quest clickies while someone else was killing the mobs to get to it.

Edited by Meluna
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They should have everyone who pre-ordered in the game by tomorrow at the latest. These are the people who didn't get the pre-order code registered until December. Had Bioware stuck with plans to begin the early access yesterday instead of Tuesday, then most of those playing this weekend would have been looking for something else to do this weekend.


I am not a Bioware fan. I still have my doubts that EA can manage things without screwing it all up, and I have some reservations about the game itself. But having played games "at launch" since the late 1980's, before many of those whining here were born, I can state without reservation that Bioware handled this launch extremely well.


Have servers gone down constantly during the early access? No.


Are there bugs which make the game unplayable? No


Is there a problem with lag due to poor servers? No


Does it appear that the servers are going to be stable at launch? Yes.


I can't think of any other major MMO launch which can answer the same to the above questions. Certainly not WoW. The first few weeks of WoW were a constant mess of crashed servers, unscheduled "maintenance", the infamous stuck in loot kneeling position, hours spent trying to get through the account authorization process before even being able to spend hours stuck in loot position and much more.


The same or similar problems plagueing launch goes for every other MMO launch of any size, including EQ, SWG, DAoC, WHO, AoC, Aion, Rift, Vanguard: SOH, Earth and Beyond, Eve and many more. I can't think of an MMO I played at launch which didn't suffer major problems.


Frankly, I think people need to get a grip and try to remember that other games wouldn't have had Early Access at all or would have botched it or released unplayable bugged crap. And launch isn't even until next week. The people who spent this last week whining, complaining, carping, crying, moaning, insulting and just generally being childish when given the unprecedented opportunity to play a major release MMO days before launch need to spend the next few days, when they aren't actually playing, posting apologies to the staff at Bioware for putting up with their pre-adolescent crap.


Brilliant post. Shame 90% of the folks will not bother to read it. Well done

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I got my e-mail at 11:22pm est. They told me they would send it at 11:20pm, seems like pretty good communication to me.



OMG! You had to wait TWO EXTRA MINUTES for your email? I take back everything Ive said. BIOWARE THIS IS THE WORST LAUNCH IN HISTORY!!!!



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Best mmo launch ever. Huge success.. Whiners were good entertainment for the rest of us while we waited. 10/10 5 stars and all that jazz. Tears + 5 full days of early access despite only preordering on the 3rd of December. I'm a happy camper. Game rocks too. Needs some improvements but hell way more stable than those other mmos that came before.
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i pre ordered from gamestop online in July but they didn't give me the correct code... i emailed bioware and they ended up talking to gamestop and i got my code on Aug 7 which i promptly entered right away...


got in day 2, wave 2...


this staggered launch is like waiting in a line for black friday... for those that really wanted to get in, they made sure they got all their ducks in a row... if you get in line later, you're not going to get in until later... simple math... happens every day in RL...


i don't have any real sympathy for those that have forum registration dates of Nov and Dec still whining they haven't gotten in yet...


hey newsflash, the ad ALWAYS said "UP TO 5 days of early access", it doesn't say you get 5 exact days of access... their communication has been just fine... it's people's reading comprehension that sucks...


that being said, decemberists should get in today or tomorrow... that's 3 or 4 whole days before the Dec 20 launch which fits just fine with their ads...


i've been in for 2 days only playing for a few hours each day, i'm level 12 and taking my time... there's no rush really...


suck it up because once you get in, you'll be loving it!

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I couldn't have expected any better.


I bought on Dec 7th and go access yesterday, the 15th.


I was going to complain that I didn't get access until Friday, but EA was ahead of schedule. Game ran great, wait times were minimal (5 mins) and everything worked.


Looks to me like the got it right.


So, for the nay sayers, quit trolling and go back to AION!

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I couldn't have expected any better.


I bought on Dec 7th and go access yesterday, the 15th.


I was going to complain that I didn't get access until Friday, but EA was ahead of schedule. Game ran great, wait times were minimal (5 mins) and everything worked.


Looks to me like the got it right.


So, for the nay sayers, quit trolling and go back to AION!


Same here, I pre-ordered in October, there was no way I expected to get in on the 15th ( original start of early access ), I expected Friday or Saturday at best.


I was playing the evening of the 14th on Wednesday


Running like a dream

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Now that all of the trolls and whiners are in game, it's time to admit the truth: The Early Game Access program was a HUGE success.


what did they promise in the beginning? Up to 5 days of early game access depending on when you preorder. Then they made it even better by giving us up to SEVEN days of EGA. And then, when everyone who preordered late were bemoaning how "unfair " it would be if they only got a day (even though it would've been their own fault), it looks like almost EVERYONE will get 4 days of EGA, and the vast majority getting five OR MORE.


All of this was done with precision, with no major screw ups other than the occasionally full server when accessing (to be expected).


If any devs read this, THANK YOU for handling the trolls with grace and aplomb and putting up with their petulance and childish behavior, THANK YOU for letting us in early to play, and most of all THANK YOU for making what I think is the best MMO I've ever played.


^agreed. Thanks for getting us in so early with no crashes (on my server), miniscual lag, no crowded questing, etc. It's been a very smoothe ride for me and I hope it continues to be so even on the 20th. Also thanks for the 2 day grace and allowing stores to ship the games early. Now I don't have to even worry about being locked out for a day or two. Best launch I have ever seen.

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Do I need to say it any louder?



Didnt quite get what you wanted to say.


You can keep this discussion going and going but lets face it.


They handled the situation good , gave good and up-to-date info on forum and twitter.


the only downside is , wich actually is a plus in some way , that they want the servers to be populated evenly to assure EVERYONE on ANY SERVER have the best expirience while playing this game.

THough it did kinda backfire , since we have a lot of ignorant players , i myself am one of them , who dont move to another server.


Yes we have queue's on all servers now , wich sucks.

I can only hope they will raise the cap this weekend.

They will deffo raise the cap when the game is officially is realeased.

Till then we have to coop with the qeue's.

Edited by DarthQube
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They should have everyone who pre-ordered in the game by tomorrow at the latest. These are the people who didn't get the pre-order code registered until December. Had Bioware stuck with plans to begin the early access yesterday instead of Tuesday, then most of those playing this weekend would have been looking for something else to do this weekend.


I am not a Bioware fan. I still have my doubts that EA can manage things without screwing it all up, and I have some reservations about the game itself. But having played games "at launch" since the late 1980's, before many of those whining here were born, I can state without reservation that Bioware handled this launch extremely well.


Have servers gone down constantly during the early access? No.


Are there bugs which make the game unplayable? No


Is there a problem with lag due to poor servers? No


Does it appear that the servers are going to be stable at launch? Yes.


I can't think of any other major MMO launch which can answer the same to the above questions. Certainly not WoW. The first few weeks of WoW were a constant mess of crashed servers, unscheduled "maintenance", the infamous stuck in loot kneeling position, hours spent trying to get through the account authorization process before even being able to spend hours stuck in loot position and much more.


The same or similar problems plagueing launch goes for every other MMO launch of any size, including EQ, SWG, DAoC, WHO, AoC, Aion, Rift, Vanguard: SOH, Earth and Beyond, Eve and many more. I can't think of an MMO I played at launch which didn't suffer major problems.


Frankly, I think people need to get a grip and try to remember that other games wouldn't have had Early Access at all or would have botched it or released unplayable bugged crap. And launch isn't even until next week. The people who spent this last week whining, complaining, carping, crying, moaning, insulting and just generally being childish when given the unprecedented opportunity to play a major release MMO days before launch need to spend the next few days, when they aren't actually playing, posting apologies to the staff at Bioware for putting up with their pre-adolescent crap.


true story

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Sorry OP...can't agree with you. I'm still out in the cold waiting to get in. Should i be penalized for making sure this was something that i would enjoy before i spend my hard earned money on it?


Yes you should...pre ordering then cancelling is easy. I am absolutely sure that you would still be whining if the weekend beta never happened and you did not preorder until now

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for the young padawans in this thread who weren't around, The worst MMO launch I've ever experienced was WWII Online in 2001. Man that was bad.



From Wikipedia:


The initial launch had a number of technical difficulties. The game required that players download a 70 MB update before they could play online. At the time, the majority of users had 56k modems, requiring around three hours to update the game. As the developers worked feverishly behind the scenes to complete other promised features and fix the software bugs on the gold CD, even more updates became necessary.


Three days prior to release, the colocation network facility had a bad fiber optic cable. This failure reduced the player capacity of the server cluster, from 10,000 players down to only 1200 players. As a temporary workaround, Playnet set up multiple copies of the game-world on different servers, distributing the network load, but at some cost in game play. This solution lasted for several months while the developers resolved the server-side issues, after which all servers were merged into a single game-world.


Some features advertised on the game box were partially implemented, or missing, such as rank and high-command strategic features.


The combination of the above problems resulted in game returns, complaints from customers, and a drop-off in sales as word spread of the game's state. Subscription fees for the first several months were waived, until the major problems with the game were resolved. This helped to retain many of the players, especially the long-term fans of the project, but it was not long before Playnet had financial problems. They filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in late 2001, and cut costs, resulting in a number of lay-offs within the company.


Statements from both the developer (CRS), and publisher (Strategy First), indicated that CRS wanted a longer open beta, but the game was launched anyway, due to financial reasons.[5]


Dam you, I had WW2 online completely forgotten.... just..... dam.... just...........dam.

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Now that all of the trolls and whiners are in game, it's time to admit the truth: The Early Game Access program was a HUGE success.


what did they promise in the beginning? Up to 5 days of early game access depending on when you preorder. Then they made it even better by giving us up to SEVEN days of EGA. And then, when everyone who preordered late were bemoaning how "unfair " it would be if they only got a day (even though it would've been their own fault), it looks like almost EVERYONE will get 4 days of EGA, and the vast majority getting five OR MORE.


All of this was done with precision, with no major screw ups other than the occasionally full server when accessing (to be expected).


If any devs read this, THANK YOU for handling the trolls with grace and aplomb and putting up with their petulance and childish behavior, THANK YOU for letting us in early to play, and most of all THANK YOU for making what I think is the best MMO I've ever played.


If you had a small bit of common sense and can read simple text then EGA was a success. If you have to have things explained to you on the level of a 2nd grader and are in constant need of instant gratification then it was a miserable failure.


Was the EGA a marketing gimmick? Sure was, welcome to America. If their gimmick "fooled" you then you're going to have a REALLY difficult time when you buy your first car, get your first credit card, or get a mortgage. And if your response is you've done some of those things and you still thought EGA was deceptive/dishonest then congratulations on your overpriced car/high interest rate credit card/future foreclosure.

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EGA worked great, stop crying. If your "buddies" didnt wait for you to get in before they started moving on - then guess what, they probably dont consider you their "buddy". Just be grateful we had been given the opportunity to play in EGA.
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