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Convince me that sentinels are a worthwhile PvP class, please.


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Sentinels don't get their best abilities until 50, as others have said here. You need your top tier abilities in your talent trees and all your defensive cooldowns.



This is the underlying issue with Sentinel in the sub-50 PVP queue, and what others are missing.

It's not an issue of the OP not being able to play his class properly. It's that until you get Force Camo, Dispatch, Merc Slash / Blade Rush / Force Exhaustion, and Guarded by the Force, you're missing a ton of essential PvP tools. And you don't get many of those until around 40+.


Sub 40, you're pretty much just a walking target for snipers, operatives, sorcs, and bounty hunters. And you don't have any tools to counter them which, again, was the OPs main gripe.

Not to mention you don't have your hard hitters yet, so vs. a healer they'll simply heal through your dps. Very frustrating.


To the OP : hang in there. I noticed an immediate difference at 40+.

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I won't lie, leveling sentinel is pretty rough, especially in lowbie pvp. It's a shame that our class does not start to shine until 40+ where we start getting our more essential skills to compete. I felt the same as well when I was leveling up and almost dropped my sentinel for one of my other alts, but something kept bringing me back. Maybe I liked the challenge of sentinels compared to other classes when it came to situational awareness and actually needing to use a large portion of their abilities compared to most of my alts were it was just 1,2,3 over and over.


Anyways, I'm getting off track here, but sentinels are extremely good at 50. I don't really ever record my pvp matches but heres an entertaining pvp vieo from JT1 that shows the potential of sentinels.


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I won't lie, leveling sentinel is pretty rough, especially in lowbie pvp. It's a shame that our class does not start to shine until 40+ where we start getting our more essential skills to compete. I felt the same as well when I was leveling up and almost dropped my sentinel for one of my other alts, but something kept bringing me back. Maybe I liked the challenge of sentinels compared to other classes when it came to situational awareness and actually needing to use a large portion of their abilities compared to most of my alts were it was just 1,2,3 over and over.


Anyways, I'm getting off track here, but sentinels are extremely good at 50. I don't really ever record my pvp matches but heres an entertaining pvp vieo from JT1 that shows the potential of sentinels.




I am a lowbie altaholic.


I have 6 alts, the highest of which is level 32:)

- The rest are all in the 20's.

- EVEN at low levels, the Sent has an addictive quality to it. MUCH more satisfying to play in and win a WZ than with the Sage or the Commando.


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Sentinels are great at PVP, just like the guys said you got tons of abilities to use, you just need to learn how and when to use them.

lets say Huttball:

-at beginning of the match you can use transcendence -90% of time it guarantee that your team will get the ball first

-you're alone with the ball close to last fire and 3 enemies are behind you use Awe and score or when you are close to score Awe is not ready pop guarded by the force and u can survive even if 5 ppl focus fire - not to mention its so funny to watch when you cross the line with ball :p

-(if spec) you can use force camo to run through fire leaving all the imps behind and not lose a single hp

-when you get knockback from higher platform--->force leap and you're back in action/ or force leap to a guy that stands close to goal line and score


-Awe to let your teammates plant the bomb or to defuse it/ also to keep enemy team from planting

-transcendence to get to the next door faster

-force camo and leap to the guy planting the bomb-another extra 4sec before your teammates get there to help u

and so on.......

And the fact that you can solo kill every other class, most of the time without a problem is great.


You just need to learn how to play your Sentinel and see how great it can be.

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haha my Sentinel is level 17 atm and I got a full master strike on this 43 sorc, did about 8k damage to him with a 3k final tick.


He was so mad I killed him that he kept coming back to my turret in civil war to die again and again. :D

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As it is, I'm just not seeing it.


I've got my sentinel to level 34, and PvP is just painful.


I realize that sentinels have the squishy dps dynamic. My main character is a lvl 50 battlemaster assassin that's primarily dps specced (madness).


So what do sentinels have that makes them worthwhile? The dps is good but good dps is available on every class. The survivability is pretty terrible. Force stasis stuns ME as well as my enemy. Awe is super high level and not super useful (breaks on ANY damage). Contrast that with assassins that get 2 instant cast stuns and 1 instant cast immobilize (all at 30 yard range) and an equivalent slow (at 10 yard range).


I just don't see what Sentinels bring to the party. Help me out here because I'm thinking about just shelving this character now.

if you cannot see it there is no point in trying to convince you as you lack the ability to play the class well enough to be a good sent if you cannot see how good they are.

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if you cannot see it there is no point in trying to convince you as you lack the ability to play the class well enough to be a good sent if you cannot see how good they are.



Come on man, you are valor rank 13. Why are you posting in this thread?

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Come on man, you are valor rank 13. Why are you posting in this thread?


proof there? or just trolling...


Hizoka been posting here for some time and clearly has been 50 for some time, i would assume be far higher than valour 13 by now, hell getting to valour 13 probably only takes about 3x WZ now

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I dont understand why ppl keep saying that sent starts to shine at L40+ or L50.


as soon as you get your sprint ,effect at L15 you are more than capable of topping dps - albeit your are missing tools.


Watchman shines as soon as u get cauterize and much further with overload saber and before that a simple shi-choo form with 6 slash zen buff is simply OP.


Never had problems in pvp and played alot of classes bar operative/sniper in pvp and i can say the class is VERY strong even at the very early levels.


That doesnt mean the class cannot die, ofcourse it does but it delivers alot of blast untill that happens.


With the addition of force camo and transedance you get great escape tools to leave the fight, heal and come back as an avenging angel.


I guess its down if you like melee or not. And also if you understand that no class can live for ever and eventually will succumb and die.


Carma, L35 Sent on Legiong of Lettow. Already many Imperials and Reps know me.

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Sentinels are great at PVP, just like the guys said you got tons of abilities to use, you just need to learn how and when to use them.

lets say Huttball:

-at beginning of the match you can use transcendence -90% of time it guarantee that your team will get the ball first


how is that happening? do we get an ability that fills our centering?

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Heck I got a vanguard main , and its like a swiss army knife when it comes to utility. Buut sometimes your just not in the for trickery and just wanna do some damage. Well that was my thinking anyway.


Well i think its a diffrent kinda satisfaction seeing the big numbers tick up instead of the utiliterian combat.

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proof there? or just trolling...


Hizoka been posting here for some time and clearly has been 50 for some time, i would assume be far higher than valour 13 by now, hell getting to valour 13 probably only takes about 3x WZ now




His character: http://entertainment.webshots.com/photo/2712312400060915764fxGqqI


From this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=317955&page=3

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I've decided to muscle through (thanks in large part to the JT video posted. Thank you for that!).


I think the main problem with the class is that it just doesn't feel complete until lvl 40. Now that i have merciless slash and Guarded by the Force, things are really turning around. I still think sentinels get the shaft in regards to control, but I guess that's just not their role.


Thanks to everyone who responded with positive comments.

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Watchman Sentinels or a tad OP in pvp. We have so much utility + healing + defensive cooldowns. It takes awhile to get use to playing as sentinel and once you get it down..Its easy street from there.


Nothing needs changed. We are hardly the worse class, and if your being kited then your doing something wrong. I choose Inflammation over Leg Slash. Just doesn't seem to synergize well with our class. I wish they would bump up the slow to 50%, but still we are the strongest 1v1 class..plus we are awesome Ball runners if your spec'd right.


In the beginning I thought sentinel was retarded in pvp. Now I would never go back to my 50 sin.


1-49 brackets can be a tad frustrating, but just wait for 50. U will love the Sent in pvp.

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I used to be a squishy sentinel that died extremely well.


Now I kill extremely well and rarely die.


Better gear and learning ALL your abilities gets you there. Once you master it, you will not die even with multiple targets on you. You just need to use your abilities at the right moment and not spam them when they are available. It's more like a chess game knowing when to make your move, when to use your defensive skills or offensive skills.

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Other classes get bigger numbers than Sents. Look at all the "HTF DO I GET 5K DMG MEDALS?!?" threads. Sents are more like an neverending stream of 2-3Ks.


got a 5k medal earlier.. it's not difficult used an expertise stim with the buff that you pick up on the map, and my power relic..

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Well... lol then in that case, apologies for thinking you was trolling :p


He does state in that thread that is not his PvP Marauder. Whether you want to take him at his word or not is another story though.

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