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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Queue growing and growing and growing...


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Once, everyone is on their respective server, raise the pop cap (if possible) and viola problem solved :)

I would hope that they set the early release cap to at most 75% of server capacity to avoid exactly this problem... I know 40 minutes is not much in comparison to some--as is the case with swift--but still, it's a universal and relative problem.

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jesus if this is the early access and im waiting 40 minutes to play what would happen at launch my god. this is such a fail on thier part. all the people saying oh this is just a peak hour and itll die down. the fact that they didnt learn from every other mmo launch to be able to prevent this is a laugh in its own right. strike 2 from bioware and ea. wonder how many no subs are gonna be out there if this is the track record from day 3 of the game.
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The fact is we all knew this coming, but how does one predict how many servers to set up for millions of people across the entire world? Sure, they can guess, and that's what they're doing. They're not going to hit the nail on the head with that one. How the heck do you do that with so many variables to consider?


Easy: figure out how many simultaneous users a server can handle by having a beta program, then divide 2,000,000 by that number. That's how many servers you launch to handle 2 million users. So, if a server can handle 1000 users, you have 2,000 servers.


Bioware knows how many SWTOR installers they presold, so they have a good idea on the # of users they plan to have. Plus, they should have coded things so you can just slap in capacity and have scalability inherent in their server software design.


Also, I'm thinking they need to have unlimited free toon transfers (perhaps limited to 1 transfer a day) from high-pop to low-pop servers until s**t calms down. And those transfers need to be doable _from the bloody wait queue_!!

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This is ridiculous BIOWARE if this isn't FIXED within 48 hours I WILL UNSUBSCRIBE! I was a DAY ONE ENTRANT Pre-Ordered JULY 21st let me play the game I PAYED FOR! NO Ques PERIOD FIX IT NOW!


obvious casual gamer


be patient this is normal for new MMO's



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Yeah, new game and all, queues, I get it. I don't mind it. The issue is with getting booted from queues because of problems on their end. That's a problem.

And this whole "man you should have seen it with game x,y,z" is an invalid argument. Because someone does something worse doesn't give you an excuse to do something poorly.

Not raging, since I've had no wait until today. I am surprised that there are queues before it's even launched. That speaks of a mistake.

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After waiting for an hour and a half it's nearly time for me to play, so I will be leaving you lot for now. It's been fun chatting and sharing viewpoints with all of you, and I want to say one thing before I head out:


Hang in there!! I've been through a lot of MMO launches before, and this is pretty standard. These responses are pretty standard as well btw. It just a fact that a game of this caliber is going to attract interest, and everyone is really really eager to play. After a couple weeks that eagerness may die down, and so will the queues. People will start to adjust their own time to play TOR.


On another bright note, we're all making MMO launch history. A few yrs later we'll all look back at this moment and be like "ah yes, I remember that". :)

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The problem and great annoyance with the queueing is that: I didnt choose this server, it was chosen through guild deployment.


I would have chosen a low populated server if it wasnt for my firends and guildies.


I just hope BW is working with a group transfer, divide the server or something simmilar to ease the pressure from the servers that are overpopulated.


This is the issue exactly. Not sure what the point of the guild deployment was if the server population was not taken into account.


Im wishing my guild and I had not participated in the program. Then I would be in and playing not sitting in a 40 minute queue for the second time tonight lol.

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jesus if this is the early access and im waiting 40 minutes to play what would happen at launch my god. this is such a fail on thier part. all the people saying oh this is just a peak hour and itll die down. the fact that they didnt learn from every other mmo launch to be able to prevent this is a laugh in its own right. strike 2 from bioware and ea. wonder how many no subs are gonna be out there if this is the track record from day 3 of the game.


Probably as many people as unsubbed from other popular MMO's where queing has occurred.


I mean: WOW became an absolute ghost town after launch, right? And after each of their expansions launched, too....


Truth is: They've got a lot of interest. The license alone brings in lots of folks..and the game is (IMHO) actually good.


SOE had similar issues (except their servers just blew up) with SWG. And the game was "not good" for weeks after launch (til they fixed the issues) and it still managed OK til they fubared it with their tinkering.

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I would hope that they set the early release cap to at most 75% of server capacity to avoid exactly this problem... I know 40 minutes is not much in comparison to some--as is the case with swift--but still, it's a universal and relative problem.


That's what I was thinking, I know these waits blow, but In the end hopefully they will avoid the problem with servers becoming ghost towns. Therefore, avoiding server consolidation, which will be a mess guaranteed.

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And there's going to be queues!?!?!!? :p:D


In all honesty though, there will be queues.


queues I can accept, queues of over 30 mins I think are unacceptable, queues of over 30 mins are highly ridiculous. They should just be raising server cap, they should have anticipated it in the overnight maintenance (it is the weekend, it is 4th day of early access, I'm curious how many are logged in/trying to log in right now, probably 80%-90% would be my guess.


Btw I appreciate all of your posts (that I've seen), I love your attitude (you don't sound like a fanboi or anything, just a positive person trying to help other people not be so frustrated), keep up the good work, BW should pay you if they don't already.


Also understand the frustration of people getting DCed, then having to wait suddenly after they were immersed in the game (I'm on a RP-PvP server as well), what if I were in the middle of this awesome RP session, and BAM, now I'm not, it totally sucks. I specifically logged in early to avoid queue times, memory leak in the game caused computer shutdown, now I have to wait an hour and a half...it's the hour and a half that is the kicker, especially when I'm afraid it's just going to DC me if I don't keep checking on it.

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And this whole "man you should have seen it with game x,y,z" is an invalid argument. Because someone does something worse doesn't give you an excuse to do something poorly.


In fact, it's worse than invalid, it's bulls**t, because what does one do when confronted by someone else's problems? You _learn from them_ and _don't make those mistakes yourself_! Unless you're an eediot, of course.


The longer I wait, the madder I get. I think I'll go get some steamed hams.

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Easy: figure out how many simultaneous users a server can handle by having a beta program, then divide 2,000,000 by that number. That's how many servers you launch to handle 2 million users. So, if a server can handle 1000 users, you have 2,000 servers.


Bioware knows how many SWTOR installers they presold, so they have a good idea on the # of users they plan to have. Plus, they should have coded things so you can just slap in capacity and have scalability inherent in their server software design.


Also, I'm thinking they need to have unlimited free toon transfers (perhaps limited to 1 transfer a day) from high-pop to low-pop servers until s**t calms down. And those transfers need to be doable _from the bloody wait queue_!!




All this is good.

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There is nothing BioWare can do sans invent new servers that can handle all the people trying to login. With a game this popular, people just have to accept that there will be queues. It'll never happen though..people are idiots. These same threads were all over Rift forums when it launched.


You can't just guess the amount of users you have and open that many servers, only a complete fool would do that. You would be closing/merging servers left and right and that would look terrible. Not to mention it would waste money.

Edited by LauZaIM
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This is ridiculous BIOWARE if this isn't FIXED within 48 hours I WILL UNSUBSCRIBE! I was a DAY ONE ENTRANT Pre-Ordered JULY 21st let me play the game I PAYED FOR! NO Ques PERIOD FIX IT NOW!


Oh come on, if you're going to troll at least try for a little subtlety. Humor works too. Troll score: 0.5/10

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I work with servers for a living, an administrator for a company that handles information for various insurance companies. the amount of time its taking them to fix this issue is not acceptable. if it took us this long to fix delays and slow downs on our company they would have trashed the entire network engineer department and gotten people who could do the job.
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These q's are way to long for just early access, can't wait for public launch. The customer service by bioware has been pathetic. Cant wait for guild wars already. Waiting 60 minutes to play a single player online mmo until 50 isn't my idea of fun. I think your going to see a lot of players on the bubble about your game calling it quits soon bioware if they can't even log in on the occasion they feel like giving it a little more time before just calling it done.


Use to be very excited about this game, The more I see and play the less I am. The more I see the terrible customer service the more loyalty wears out.


You should be free transferring ppl like crazy right now to balance out the servers, Offer it to guilds and to single players.


not just blowing smoke, already canceled my CE and my DE, waiting to see how things go between now and the 20th to see if I even bother to actual buy your game. Get on the ball.

Edited by Dualthreat
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This is ridiculous BIOWARE if this isn't FIXED within 48 hours I WILL UNSUBSCRIBE! I was a DAY ONE ENTRANT Pre-Ordered JULY 21st let me play the game I PAYED FOR! NO Ques PERIOD FIX IT NOW!


Please do unsubscribe. Those of us that understand what a game launch entails will be glad to take your spot in queue.

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Here's a thought. So I'm sitting here patiently in queue and I decide to check my email. I have a message from Origin with my validation code which I promptly applied to my account, and mind you I have been levelling since Tues. unvalidated. What I'm wondering is if/when I finally get to play tonight, will the bonus items included with the Digital Deluxe version be added to my current character, or will I have to start all over again? As of Tues. the only item that I had from the get go was the color crystal. Should be interesting! :eek:
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Easy: figure out how many simultaneous users a server can handle by having a beta program, then divide 2,000,000 by that number. That's how many servers you launch to handle 2 million users. So, if a server can handle 1000 users, you have 2,000 servers.


Bioware knows how many SWTOR installers they presold, so they have a good idea on the # of users they plan to have. Plus, they should have coded things so you can just slap in capacity and have scalability inherent in their server software design.


Also, I'm thinking they need to have unlimited free toon transfers (perhaps limited to 1 transfer a day) from high-pop to low-pop servers until s**t calms down. And those transfers need to be doable _from the bloody wait queue_!!


ssshhhh.... they intend to sell transfers most likely just like all the other mmos out there.

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