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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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They dont get it. This genre has become a "do what I want or I quit" mentality. Dont know where it came from, but it is sad to see people calling this game fail when it is really awsome. The lack of impaitence is childish. My 3 yr old has 10 times the amount of paitence as this player base. I had doubts about this game, but BW did an excellent job and to see people spit on it because they are acting like children is quite shameful.


Its called mainstream culture in the 21st century. Blame iTunes, the internet itself, and all other aspects of our society that encourages and supports instant gratification.


You can't blame people for feeling this way when they buy into a mainstream MMO like SWTOR as well. This isn't some indy project. We're not dumping money into Notch's paypal account so he can make us amazing java games here.


This is popular gaming, and we demand more.

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Queues in excess of thirty minutes are unacceptable in a new game. I'm excited over the overwhelming interest that is being shown in the game; however, queue times of an hour or TWO hours will only drive customers away including those who have pre-ordered or are trying to enjoy early access.


Come release day, if the queues continue, no one will want to play a game they can't even log into.


Additionally, if an individual is D/Ced, they should not be immediately thrown into a two hour queue. There should be a buffer that allows that account to log back in.


Beta is over Bioware. You said it yourself. Therefore, do not continue to test server load by pissing off customers who have already purchased the game.

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there's a really really REALLY big flaw with your scenario though.. and more specifically, with BW's way of trying to forestall this problem.


this tactic of limited server release in order to distribute the population would have possibly worked, IF they didn't also couple it with phased EGA invites based upon purchase date.. and then you add in guild deployment to compound the problem.


let me explain.


the EGA people - those who are first day people (like most of my guild) are the people who were watching the news of this game 5 years ago, when it was a rumor. for us from Ahazi players from SWG, we've been waiting, and as soon as preorder was available, we all jumped on it.


these are the people who are most dedicated to the game, and also, the most tightly knit - that's who makes up the first day EGA players.


you combine that with limited servers, and guild allies / adversaries, means that you have just now put the biggest / most active communities, into a limited number of servers.


sounds like a recipe for disaster.


Naturally, and see my more recent post above for my take on the matter. There will be queues. Every MMO has them. Let's face it. Now, obviously the question for Bioware is when to add more servers and at what time, they have resources to work with to and a certain budget. They can't just issue a bunch of entirely new servers just because people are waiting for 40+ minutes in a queue one night.


Now if they keep waiting, and waiting, and the number doesn't drop then they're going to add more servers, which they said they're doing. I think they're adding a few more here and there because they need to really see what launch is going to be like, and go from there.


We have to put ourselves in their shoes and not just ours all the time. Even though we're the customers we have to give them room to do their work too, and that takes time. Trust me. I'm waiting with all the rest of you, and I don't want to wait either, but as a long time MMO player I'm pretty use to this come launch. :)

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For general game servers I'm not talking that servers go unpopulated, nor did I say so. I was merely saying players continue on with their lives such as work, social life, play, school, etc. I'm going to try and explain it like this:


People have been waiting for this MMO for a really long time. Some more than others. Naturally, everyone is pretty excited to play. So when launch day comes near and Bioware start letting people in then everyone, and I mean everyone, comes running through the front doors. In fact, some people have even taken off work or school, or anything that requires their time, just to play this game.


Now obviously people have lives other than TOR, so after a couple to a few weeks people continue on with them. Sure, they continue to play TOR, but they really can't take off any more time for work to play can they? People aren't as eager to get in because the freshness wears off. This is true for anything. Of course, some people are always overly eager, but that's a very small percentage.


This doesn't mean the server becomes underpopulated as you said, but makes everyone spread their own time to play more evenly. That's my theory anyway, and I'm sticking to it. I'm not a god, prophet, nor jedi knight, so I don't have all the right answers. I hope I tried to explain myself efficiently and effectively. :)


Thanks for your response, and I do agree with you. People devote a larger percentage of their leisure time to new MMO's like this right inside the launch window.... But merges are not all that bad, as long as people are curving back because of this statistic rather than a failing game design... If bioware doesn't like the negative press server merges have, they should have made a better server architecture than one thats been used since 1999. This "pick what server you want to play on and commit" to it thing is really really old, and really really busted, for more reasons than just queues.


But whatever, it is what it is.

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Was just over at my buddies house and he attempted to show me his character he created. We play as a small group (3 of us) on the Jung Ma RP-PVP server. He hit a que which, ok happens, so we go upstairs to watch some episodes of Archer while the que ticks down. 4 Episodes later I pack it up to go home, que is half way done.


How many people are actually on the server? The starting zones aren't really overcrowded so it's hard to gauge. And before someone says reroll, well we picked this server a week ago because my brother likes to RP and we like to PvP, he got into the early release well ahead of us. He's 26.. can't just say 'hey dude lets reroll on the other RP-PVP Eastern server, when it's highly likely to just be "FULL << 60 Minute Que" upon release as well.

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been waiting almost an hour in my "<55min" queue and am only halfway through the numbers (gone from ~800 to 400~)


the RP-PvP servers obviously need the cap-limit raised....all the other server types have servers at low population available


#21 in queue on harbinger.. yay.. i can stop reading forum and play the game I paid for (yes, paid, prepaid, and paid again for the 3 months after the free month).. :)

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Our entire guild was con'd into going to The Harbinger for pre-launch. 80 minue queue's and we can't leave, as we're waiting on people who didn't pre-order, to log in and get back in touch.


Stop letting people roll on max'd out servers


This is the worst launch since discovery.

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Naturally, and see my more recent post above for my take on the matter. There will be queues. Every MMO has them. Let's face it. Now, obviously the question for Bioware is when to add more servers and at what time, they have resources to work with to and a certain budget. They can't just issue a bunch of entirely new servers just because people are waiting for 40+ minutes in a queue one night.


Now if they keep waiting, and waiting, and the number doesn't drop then they're going to add more servers, which they said they're doing. I think they're adding a few more here and there because they need to really see what launch is going to be like, and go from there.


We have to put ourselves in their shoes and not just ours all the time. Even though we're the customers we have to give them room to do their work too, and that takes time. Trust me. I'm waiting with all the rest of you, and I don't want to wait either, but as a long time MMO player I'm pretty use to this come launch. :)


adding more servers dosnt fix my servers 4 hour queue time

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If I have to wait for que on the 20th. When I'm a paying customer just to play on my server I chose on *********** DAY ONE of EA. I will unsubscribe IMMEDIATELY from this game all these late comer's :mad: **** of KRAYT DRAGON! Go to a LOW or STANDARD population server OMG.
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This is great advice I find here to move to another server if you don't like it. In fact, I have been using it. I've now made the same character in 3 servers. It's perfect. By the 20th I will have 5 characters that I'm not playing, and on the 21st I'll **hopefully** make my 6th and final character on the server that won't get over-crowed. This is following the logic of re-roll if I don't like queue times.


I do think friends should be able to join same server as you and same for guild mates. In order to accomplish this more servers will need to be provisioned and ability to move to another server offered. This would ensure the highest level of Customer Satisfaction.


If I know this option will be offered I will quit making characters, and stick through queue until the option is available.


I would appreciate an email or a post in this forum addressing this request.


Thank you.

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