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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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A few words about the problem folks.


First we paid for the game that launches the 20th op december. We have not paid extra to get EGA, it is a bonus.


Second, yes it does really suck that we have these enormous queue's. But don't forget that they are monitoring performance for the load right now and will fix it when the game officially launches.


Third: I believe that we have not used the full capacity of the servers, I think that they have capacity left for the launch on each server.


Fourth: I think the current practice of keeping these queues is to force an as equal as possible distribution of users over all servers. It would be too rediculous to even conceive that a company like Bioware and EA would not account for this number of users. So dont worry, just try and play on non peak hours or just be patient. They will make sure that the launch week will be smoother, I sincerely believe that.


But I do feel that they should have increased the capacity a little bit each day because many of us join a server because of the guilds and communities that have decided to play on a specific server. No I really get the feeling they will wait till the 19th (maintenance) before increasing the capacity substantially.

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OK i will roll again in a different server. Where is the guaranty that tomorrow there not gona be a massive que


play like Hugor and reroll on another server, maybe another class, or maybe different faction.


by the time the servers situation is sorted out, you'll have a toon on every server, and able to play on whatever server isn't f'd up.. -_-

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Selected my server, it said 1H 45M wait time. After one hour, it had dropped to 1H 30M, and pretty much stayed there. How ever, i've now been in queue for 3H and i'm number 100 i queue. Really hope they expand the capacities of servers, and/or add lots more servers, and free transfers off.
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Does anyone know if this queuing will be going on after 11/20, is this just a pre launch thing? Plz tell me this won't be happening after the actual game comes out...


That's what everyone expects, and should demand, upon the 20th. Absolutely.

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It's early play, if there are any babies in the game I recommend that you go get your blanky and tell mummy all about it while you wait.


It's not easy to get this right, spend too much money, time and effort on servers that quickly become unused, empty...


not good for the game. Queues indicate a game is booming, we need queues so it is all over the web that SWTOR is busy.


See the positive side to it. If you truly like the game you'll stop thinking about yourself all the time.


Boo hoooo

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Not a fanboy, far from it aswell.


If people didnt get early access, they would whine they wanted it.

Floodgates opened, people want 1000 more servers.


Then what?


In 1 month, when server population stabilizes, half those servers, if not more, will be dead or empty, and ppl will complain about mergers and free transfers.


I played for a long time on a very empty WOW realm, so i really can endure 2-3 days of queues to get healthy servers. No need for hasty decisions, at least for me.


At least wait until the 20th to see what happens, at the official launch. Then everyone should complain if this mantains.


Exactly it was Boo Hoo I want early access NOW or I'm really kicking up a stink. Clueless or what.


I think the devs said, let em have it. Last waves had to have been much bigger right?


Yes bring it on. Make these people wait just like starving children in Africa need to wait a long long long long long long long long time...


for a drink of fresh water, same stuff some gamers use to keep their rig cool ?!

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Totally agree, we want to play. But the bright side is that we won't have this problem when the game launches because they will increase the capacity. They got the numbers now from sales and preorders. And looking at those we can safely say that most people who bought the game have preordered (LONG LIVE THE SW NERDS) and gained EGA.


The whole EGA was also about two things.


1) a marketing tool to sell more of the game

2) a way to build up the necessary capacity that is needed on the launch day

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I'm not sure of the logistical issues of this but wouldn't initializing a character server transfer effectively fix the queue time issue? I know most people are unwilling to reroll on another server because they do not want to start a new character. Allowing people to switch servers with their toons should even out the populations.
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Would be nice to actually get a proper response from bioware.

If they came out and said on release the ques should be very low if not gone entirely but until then this is how it will be i'm afraid, then I would just wait till release day as have friends joining then anyway.

But this whole not knowing or not being told "we are sorting it etc" or even better an est ETA or a reasoning why etc is not given is frustrating

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people are treating EGA like beta. come on peoples, BW isn't dumb, not in the least. i'm pretty positive they could have gotten a better handle on how this would be. they know how many games they sold, they know how many people were getting EGA (hence the invite waves). honestly, they know most of us our fans waited years for this game, invested the money, and won't quit due to queues. we'll complain to all hell but we're not leaving. they launched before they were fully ready.


better to launch a game late and get complaints, than to launch a game thats not fully ready imo.

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Just curious, when I see my queue at 605, is it a literal 1 to 1 ratio that I have to wait through? 605 people need to log off?


Yes, that means you are the +605th person over the server limit and must wait for 605 people to log off.

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