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The level of skill in WZ is appauling


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I never saw him dot anyone, if you watch his action bars he is using hammer shot for 99% of the game with a few timed explosives and grapple, never saw a single DOT.


Two of the early 'shells' for vanguard have a chance to proc a burning or shocking DoT while doing nothing more than your basic attack. So he was applying DoTs.


By now most people have learned that DoT's don't stop objectives anymore, so they'd need to keep the pressure up. If there was someone standing on the door on each side, you could not use the tactic in the vid to keep both of them from planting anymore.


Good thing is- you are not the only player on your team, just hope that at least 1 other is also watching for planters, and not just off killing with their backs to the door.

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Maybe Bioware should make a basic team deathmatch warzone as it seems to me that the basic level of tactics required for the current warzones is simply too much for the vast majority of players.


It pains me to say it but the level of player skill in this particular MMO is well below that of World of Warcraft. I am not talking about DPS/Kills I am talking about the ability to weigh up situations and act in the best interests of the team. I never had this kind of inept behaviour in Arathi basin, people just knew how to play yet in Aldreaan they have no concept of when or how to defend.


It's even worse in Voidstar but I believe the problem lies with Bioware, you simply don't get rewarded for playing the warzone properly, I watched this video yesterday and it totally rips apart the score system in voidstar. You need to watch it to the end to really understand how terrible the scoring system is in this game.



I hope Bioware have a watch of it and implement the changes to fix this broken system, it also may give more incentive to players to stop pew pew and actually play tactically.


I agree that the average skill in PvP is appalling, both from an objective based perspective (whatamisposedtadohere) and an individual tactical perspective (wowthathappenedfasttheymustbeOP). People using LOS against their healers / peelers and not the enemy, not knowing where to stand and, my personal favorite, being attacked for 12 or so seconds before being able to decide what to do.


I don't agree that the level of ability here is lower than WoW (2xGlad, many times Duelist). I think PvP in WoW is just more practiced. Seven or so years of the same BGs in WoW have made people automata - and, honestly, outside of arenas, there isn't a lot of LOS to do. Just raw damage / healing - Blizzard has dumbed down the PvP just as much as they have the PvE.


Playing a character for multiple years will tend to make one better at it. SWTOR hasn't had that luxury.

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Maybe Bioware should make a basic team deathmatch warzone as it seems to me that the basic level of tactics required for the current warzones is simply too much for the vast majority of players.


It pains me to say it but the level of player skill in this particular MMO is well below that of World of Warcraft. I am not talking about DPS/Kills I am talking about the ability to weigh up situations and act in the best interests of the team. I never had this kind of inept behaviour in Arathi basin, people just knew how to play yet in Aldreaan they have no concept of when or how to defend.


It's even worse in Voidstar but I believe the problem lies with Bioware, you simply don't get rewarded for playing the warzone properly, I watched this video yesterday and it totally rips apart the score system in voidstar. You need to watch it to the end to really understand how terrible the scoring system is in this game.



I hope Bioware have a watch of it and implement the changes to fix this broken system, it also may give more incentive to players to stop pew pew and actually play tactically.


Its really not a bad idea. No rewards or penalties, and free stims that only apply to the training WZ to get people used to using them. There are a lot of things people don't know playing right away. I mean who is going to go to a web site or forum first, then play? No one. In fact, I think its a spectacular idea.

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Maybe Bioware should make a basic team deathmatch warzone as it seems to me that the basic level of tactics required for the current warzones is simply too much for the vast majority of players.


It pains me to say it but the level of player skill in this particular MMO is well below that of World of Warcraft. I am not talking about DPS/Kills I am talking about the ability to weigh up situations and act in the best interests of the team. I never had this kind of inept behaviour in Arathi basin, people just knew how to play yet in Aldreaan they have no concept of when or how to defend.


It's even worse in Voidstar but I believe the problem lies with Bioware, you simply don't get rewarded for playing the warzone properly, I watched this video yesterday and it totally rips apart the score system in voidstar. You need to watch it to the end to really understand how terrible the scoring system is in this game.



I hope Bioware have a watch of it and implement the changes to fix this broken system, it also may give more incentive to players to stop pew pew and actually play tactically.


I do agree that many people seem more interested in killing rather than focusing on wins. I find it interesting in Hutball when people are having deathmatches at mid, hurting their own team's ballcarrier by sending rezzers to be there before they can cap.


To me the best part of PvPing is having a challenging match but coming out on top with the win. That's much more fun to me than mere deathmatch.


I would personally rather just not have rewards beyond vanity things (e.g., titles, new outfits, etc.). I'd have just as much fun just because I enjoy trying to win - I don't need a reward to motivate me. I mean, it is a video game, I don't need to be rewarded for playing - the game IS the reward. That's how I see it anyways. Cosmetic stuff would be a perfectly reasonable reward to me personally, but to each his own.


Edit: dear god, I just watched the video. That is awful (as in, people just DPSing without even glancing at the doors).


I have to say, I have 1 main on one faction and one alt on another faction, and to me there is a huge difference in communication/general warzone knowledge between the two factions. Of course your mileage may vary, I just have noticed a glaring difference personally on my server.

Edited by Shlamorel
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What gets me isn't just the complete and total disregard for the objectives and tactics, see that everywhere.


The really sickening part is those that ignore that for medals/stats/kills/etc that don't actually kill andone because they are getting heal. I mean aside from the usual big green numbers this game flat out tells you, "An enemy is unbearable." I mean I don't know how many times hear that over and ager in a WZ. Me and my tank hybrid will beat on healers none stop but almost never get a kill from lack of damage and noone ever helps. Then of course you say it is ops and some moron always trolley it.


The personality of the swtor community is about the worst I've ever seen.

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You are right to a point and also wrong. Most fully BM geared ppl could careless about winning now. They do not need the win just want valor from the medals and to top damage/kill/healing chart.


It will be even worse if the "we do not want gear in pvp" crowd wins. If they do there will be no point to pvp in this game but to boost your damage/kill/healing stats.


You are right though in the fact lower geared ppl in this game who do need stuff many are just plain bad. Even with gear they will be bad.


Now to the other thing brought up. Voice... i can not stand 30% of the peeps in pvp that are typing in chat and i know i will hate them in voice when they start to rage and will just shut it off.


You are actually wrong, when "we dont want gear in pvp" wins we will be given ranked wz. And with everyone in the same gear, those self proclaimed pros, who have played more than anyone else, got BM gear and now "dont care about winning, only their damage/killcount" will start loosing games one after another and will never advance their rating (if they wont start to play to win objectives of course) and hopefuly those of us who find playing to win fun will never have to worry about them anymore.


PS. to the poster above: you will find baddies in every game, not paying attention and beating on healed target for 10 minutes without switching to healer, not knowing what interrupt is etc. Funny thing is, they are usually the same ones that claim "this game pvp is only gear not skill" or "this game pvp is sooooo easy and simplified, not like *insert name of random MMO* back in my times";)

Edited by Kaarsa
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There will always be baddies in every game you play. How many times have you seen the following:


-Aldaran, team has middle node. Everyone chases opponents to cliff, leaving node unprotected and it gets capped.


-Aldaran, team is defending left node. Incoming is called on right for 1 -2 guys, entire team leaves left node.


-Voidstar, leaving one side unprotected.


-Hutball, kill kill kill kill kill instead of doing the objective.


Any game you play WoW, LoL, Dota, etc. will have their share of baddies, pros, and ragers. Deal with it.


This is what I see most as well.

- People leaving just a solo to defend in void or ald.

- People getting drawn away from the node/door and someone comes in to ninja.

- Some standing right next to the node/door and not paying attention. Letting someone ninja while they stand right next to it.

- People mindlessly hitting the ball carrier with any and all stuns, no matter if its the right time. Making them immune when they get close to the line with no way to knock back or stun them.

- Not passing the damn ball

- not getting ahead of a friendly carrier so they have an option to pass off to.


I could probably go on and on. Having better objective points for doing the actual objective would be great. Along with BW being more visible on what gives said points. A better way for someone to track who does what for MVP would be great also and, may encourage actual learning of said WZ so that they try to get MVP votes. Right now, most just pick the one with the most heals. That is all fine and good, however others contribute a lot to the team at times as well.

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