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Im to old ?


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Im younger than 38 and older than 36...


Star Wars came to me when I was just a wee one. I went to the cinema to see every one and Empire Strikes Back still today is my fav of all the movies. Hoth brilliant, yoda cool, end fight well done..

That Got me hooked as it did for many of my generation. I believe that is why we have so many mature gamers. reliving the childhood here.

First alt I did was jedi guardian and second before exploring others. The first time I saw the cutscene receiving my first saber was magical... SCREENSHOT JUNKIE........

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I'm 42 and if anyone tries to give you grief about your age, just remind them how you actually saw Episode 4 in the theater....WHEN IT WAS NEW.


I saw Episode 4 when we all thought it was the first episode in the theaters! I'm 41 and everyone in my guild is in their 40's. I love not having to hear kids whine or rage quit in groups.

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I saw Episode 4 when we all thought it was the first episode in the theaters! I'm 41 and everyone in my guild is in their 40's. I love not having to hear kids whine or rage quit in groups.


QFT :)


But that's what the fora are for :)

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I saw Episode 4 when we all thought it was the first episode in the theaters! I'm 41 and everyone in my guild is in their 40's. I love not having to hear kids whine or rage quit in groups.


There you are again lol... incidently (NOT APPLICATION PURPOSE LOL) wanna whisper me your mature guild and server info?

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Im 42.

Alot of our guild, esp the officers/leaders are in 30's/40's and some in 50's.

Alot of members are over 21 but we do have some younger.


Only issue we have is we have to stop for pee breaks on heroics for the older members and runs need to end for 10pm, not start at 10pm and thats mosts bedtime. Hard doing ops 2 nights running also as arthritus in members fingers play up. They dont call us a veteren guild because we have been a guild for 7 years........................ (tongue in cheek post btw, some of us play till 11pm :D )

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31. Don't really seem to become a real grown-up. (Despite degree, full-time job and living on my own)


Im 41 years old and i love to play games,butt i wonder how old the most players are on swtor


Remember, you're only as old as you feel.


Mustrum "What do you mean, that doesn't help" Ridcully

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37. The majority of my guild are between 25 and 35. Our seniors are in their mid fourties. The only teenager we have which is still playng with us instead of hoping from guild to guild is 17.


All our guildies who were in their early twenties (or less) either stopped playing after being burnt out or went in other guilds progressing faster before those disbanded a few monthes later or they got kicked (not showing up several times after they got a slot on raid planner, harassing other players or behaving badly toward other guilds/players on our servers).


Progressing in MMOs imply 2 things : having control of your spare time, being patient. 2 things that rarely comes before a few years past twenty.

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Im 41 years old and i love to play games,butt i wonder how old the most players are on swtor


LOL, won't tell but I am older than you (as is my wife) and we enjoy playing together very much. Beats reruns on a week night after a long day's work.

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I'm 41 years old and i love to play games, but I wonder how old the most players are on SWTOR




But to your question. I think this game skews older judging from what I've seen on the forums. That could be because the youngsters generally stay away from the boards or any number of other things that could alter that observation. But the population for all of its trolls generally seems to be older (i.e. not teenagers).


I myself am 30.

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Finally a game where I'm not considered a fossil. Atm 30, in few weeks hitting 31. :D


Perhaps it's because it's Star Wars loads of the oldskool fans come to embrace their childhood memories. (I might not have seen the movies in theaters but I have the original VHS) I'm willing to bet that most of the old gamers in this game wont be found in mmo's where the majority of the players brag about their gear/killcount (mainly in asian grind mmo's) and call everyone which is not them a baddie. (ofcourse you have those kiddo's here too but they are very rare, like a dancing hutt on hoth....)

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I'm 40 years old, and I game as much now as I did when I was younger - work, kids, and other responsibilities allowing.


Everything from sports to movies to books to world cuisines to academics and so one will have devotees of all ages, so I do not think it odd that gaming, too, should have people young and old who participate.


For each game, people of different generations may notice or appreciate different aspects of various games, but in something so huge as the modern MMO-RPG (SWTOR, WoW, GW/GW2, LotR, etc.) there is something for gamers of every age I should think.


So, eat some Centrum, drink some Metamucil, hang up the cane, and have fun!



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42 here.


my boss is over 50, he plays.


another co-worker is late 40's.


buddy of mine is 35, and another is 31.


its not the original star wars time line, but whatever...i have a lightsaber!!!


ive wanted one since i was 10...also wanted the millenium falcon too...

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32 here and most of my guild is late 20's/early 30's and my best friend who is 43. we are all kids at heart and when we play, we use alot of Get Smart, F-Troop, Red Dawn, and Deer Hunter references, which during one FP we contracted and outside healer and he was not understanding any of the references, we felt old:(


I will never stop gamming as long as the games are good.

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