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New updated sub numbers (Official)


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I can't speak for other posters but this is more about the accuracy of the information than anything. I play the game. I like the game. And I'm part of the actual active subscribers (I subbed for 6 months). The point being argued is that it's not 1.7 million active subscribers and if you read the transcript through to the Q&A section if becomes clear they aren't saying that there are.


trying to be nice but I have posted the presentation several times were it shows more than 1.7 active subscriptions. When he was talking about what he was in the transcript it was in reference to that slide (page 14)



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He is saying we had 1.7 million subscribers end of January, we have 1.7 million subscribers end of February. The difference is that in January, just over half were paying, now it is the "vast majority" (which I would interpret as at least 75%).


Bigger difference than that. In January there were 1.7M ACTIVE subscriptions, in February there were 1.7M RECURRING subscriptions. Since recurring are a subset of active, that means the active numbers from February are more than 1.7M.

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I'll go by the transcript - he gets a bit fuzzy about numbers there but in the Q&A he explains recurring subscribers, and he certainly doesn't state 1.7 million active anywhere in the transcript.


because it is on the screen behind him as he is talking.


over 1.7 Active subscriptions as of the end of February.


Vast majority are paying recurring subscriptions. that is what he is saying.

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trying to be nice but I have posted the presentation several times were it shows more than 1.7 active subscriptions. When he was talking about what he was in the transcript it was in reference to that slide (page 14)




I've seen the slide but the transcript is where he clarified what was there. As far as I'm concerned that trumps the slide. He's questions about it and clarifies it further as shown in the quotes from another poster.

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I'll go by the transcript - he gets a bit fuzzy about numbers there but in the Q&A he explains recurring subscribers, and he certainly doesn't state 1.7 million active anywhere in the transcript.


"Active"? So now the haters have simply gone to the last resort of playing desperate semantic games in some weird last ditch effort to undermine people understanding that there are, in fact, approximately 1.7M people paying EA/BW a subscription for the privilege to play this game? Whatever dude. Yawn yawn yawny yawn.

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Bigger difference than that. In January there were 1.7M ACTIVE subscriptions, in February there were 1.7M RECURRING subscriptions. Since recurring are a subset of active, that means the active numbers from February are more than 1.7M.


I wouldn't go that far. If it's ridiculous for the haters to resort to semantic games to produce tinfoil hat theories about subs, it's similarly ridiculous for people who like the game (myself included) to do so as well.

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So you left because "Humans don't have the psychic ability to predict the future" ? :confused:


Well, to be accurate, he hasn't left yet. He's still here desperately spewing negativity in hopes he can ruin the game for everyone else.

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I've seen the slide but the transcript is where he clarified what was there. As far as I'm concerned that trumps the slide. He's questions about it and clarifies it further as shown in the quotes from another poster.


so just to make things clear, according to the information


There are around 1.7 million subs (free 30 and paid) as of the end of February? yes or no

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I wouldn't go that far. If it's ridiculous for the haters to resort to semantic games to produce tinfoil hat theories about subs, it's similarly ridiculous for people who like the game (myself included) to do so as well.


Except all those terms have been clearly defined by Riccitiello himself at various times. Unless the definitions change from month to month, everything I said is stated by him as fact.

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Purely anecdotal on my part. I had a thriving adult guild in WoW through BC. It started fading during mid-to late Wrath. With Cata's release it perked up again, but within months it fizzled to nothing. By Aug 2011 I think there were only two people left still playing on some alts.


Despite the exodus many of us kept in touch thru FB. In talking with my former guildies it was my observation they were completely worn out and bored with WoW. In the general FB conversations I mentioned I started playing swtor in late Dec. Only one other couple mentioned they play, too. No one else seemed interested in starting up the grind of dailies, heroics, raiding, etc. A few mentioned they were waiting for GW2, but the majority of the others are just worn out from the whole MMO scene. Interesting the effect years of WoW play can have on adult players.


Then just yesterday a ray of sun-shine, my old, co-GL msg'd me she was interested in trying the trial. I submitted her info and now she' loving it. Like me she is also a veteran of WoW's vanilla days and realizes the reality of new game bugs 'n glitches and our current 'end game' is limited (for the moment) and isn't going to rage-quit over it. I suspect she may influence a few others to tag along.


Things which make you go hmm. ;)

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I'll go by the transcript - he gets a bit fuzzy about numbers there but in the Q&A he explains recurring subscribers, and he certainly doesn't state 1.7 million active anywhere in the transcript.


Why would you ignore the powerpoint slide he used to give that talk that clearly states over 1.7m subscribers??

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ya honeslty i think the only reason subs have'nt dropped way more dramatically is because there really is no other new competition atm. Wow is still around but people are just completly bored with cata .. i know i am anyway until mop drops. But ya there really is'nt many quality mmo's atm and this is still new and shiny to alot of people who took there time and enjoyed the lvl'n experience. its like what everyone else is saying they have alot riding on 1.2. If 1.2 continues to leave end game feeling boring to the point where there is literally no reason to log on once u are geared then those numbers WILL drop. and when more quality mmo's start coming out this game will fall apart. They reeally need to start listening more to the player base and doing less of *** they wanna do.There is countless threads aobut what people want in this game and what they expect from a star wars mmo its up to them to deliver. Becasue i have been reading alot of new posts from blizz about mop and even though at first i was specticial to say the least about the direction they were taking wow i'm honestly impressed with what i'm hearing. challenge modes for every dungeon so there will be a normal, heroic, and basically a harder mode after that filled with challenges, outdoor pvp achievments(basically way more pvp with rewards on the new mop contident), grp quest scenarrios which u can que for if your in the area, new talenent revamp that looks f'ing awesome and its completely new totally different form the same old same old talent trees we have been seeing for yearrs, raid finder for all new raids, pet battle systems, new archaology stuff, a ton of new guild lvl's and guild perks, and the list goes on. I mean i know u guys know all this prob but i just wanted to say it becasue that is what this game is gonna compete with and i cant speak for anyone else but imo that sounds alot more fun then logging on doing dailies and logging off :(. With Gw2 and tera and many other quality mmo's on the way bio really needs to get there priority's straight.
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I've seen the slide but the transcript is where he clarified what was there. As far as I'm concerned that trumps the slide. He's questions about it and clarifies it further as shown in the quotes from another poster.


LOL! The hilarity continues.


"We made a slide that says over 1.7m subs at the end of Feb, now I am going to explain how it is really less than that"


Is this really the position you want to take?

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Purely anecdotal on my part. I had a thriving adult guild in WoW through BC. It started fading during mid-to late Wrath. With Cata's release it perked up again, but within months it fizzled to nothing. By Aug 2011 I think there were only two people left still playing on some alts.


Despite the exodus many of us kept in touch thru FB. In talking with my former guildies it was my observation they were completely worn out and bored with WoW. In the general FB conversations I mentioned I started playing swtor in late Dec. Only one other couple mentioned they play, too. No one else seemed interested in starting up the grind of dailies, heroics, raiding, etc. A few mentioned they were waiting for GW2, but the majority of the others are just worn out from the whole MMO scene. Interesting the effect years of WoW play can have on adult players.


Then just yesterday a ray of sun-shine, my old, co-GL msg'd me she was interested in trying the trial. I submitted her info and now she' loving it. Like me she is also a veteran of WoW's vanilla days and realizes the reality of new game bugs 'n glitches and our current 'end game' is limited (for the moment) and isn't going to rage-quit over it. I suspect she may influence a few others to tag along.


Things which make you go hmm. ;)


You are not a vanilla WoW veteran if you are claiming it had as many bugs and glitches as this game. And WoW didn't have much end game but average players weren't clearing the content they had in one day either.


If you remember, which you probably don't, there was UBRS. People were having a hard time doing that / working as a team. And then when Molten Core came along...let's not even discuss that.


Only REAL issue WoW had was having to many people on the servers and it causing things like loot lag and instance lag.


Stop comparing WoW to "this". This game is nothing like WoW. PERIOD.

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Why don't you tell us what server you are on so we can avoid that one?


I'm on Niman.


It's similar to the rest of the servers.


You know?


The one with less than 400 players on them.


But this game has 1.7 million subscribers...lest I forget!

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Wall of Text crits you for 39327

You die.


Anyone subbing now is gonna do it on the more populated servers making the ghost town problem worse.


We had 2 full guilds at launch. Now there's a lil over 200 in 1 guild left.

Saw 2 8man ops looking for 1 dps in Fleet last night in Gen for 30mins...

Personal experience may vary of course but there are a lot of dead servers regardless of subs.


Which will just get worse as people quit because they refuse to reroll on a more populated one, or the ones that do. Either way.

Something has to give.

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You are not a vanilla WoW veteran if you are claiming it had as many bugs and glitches as this game. And WoW didn't have much end game but average players weren't clearing the content they had in one day either.


If you remember, which you probably don't, there was UBRS. People were having a hard time doing that / working as a team. And then when Molten Core came along...let's not even discuss that.


Only REAL issue WoW had was having to many people on the servers and it causing things like loot lag and instance lag.


Stop comparing WoW to "this". This game is nothing like WoW. PERIOD.


I was most certainly playing WoW from launch and it was a bug-riddled, disconnection festival disaster compared to this game. You're completely full of it if you're trying to make this game sound like it's far worse than WoW's launch. At WORST, from an objective standpoint, this game is equal to the problems WoW had at the same stage. It has, in fact, been much better in terms of server stability and in other areas, while slightly worse in others, so on balance, I'd say about equal overall.

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LOL! The hilarity continues.


"We made a slide that says over 1.7m subs at the end of Feb, now I am going to explain how it is really less than that"


Is this really the position you want to take?


My position is that THIS is what was said...


What I said a month ago was, just over half. I can now confirm for you today that

the vast majority of the 1.7 is now triggered through that point and they're recurring subscribers


And it was said in an effort to clarify what was on the screen and to dispel some of the rumors that they had dropped in subscriptions. I believe him.

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It couldn't be. There is no way 1000 player are on an average light server.


Just looking at warzone pops would cement this, 500 per side is a very healthy PvP pool and 1000 for x-factional ones is an incredible pool.


Or it means that a much smaller % than you think are taking part in PvP, and most are levelling, socialising and doing Flashpoints / Operations. Which is consistent with them planning to open up cross server PvP queuing but not cross server Flashpoints / Operations.

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My position is that THIS is what was said...




And it was said in an effort to clarify what was on the screen and to dispel some of the rumors that they had dropped in subscriptions. I believe him.


Funny, funny stuff.

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I'm on Niman.


It's similar to the rest of the servers.


You know?


The one with less than 400 players on them.


But this game has 1.7 million subscribers...lest I forget!


The servers vary greatly in their populations, so claiming "similar to the rest of them" doesn't really fly.

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