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New updated sub numbers (Official)


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Don't know why I bother since I know how some people will spin this and call it a conspiracy because obviously there isn't a third party agency that signs off on these to make sure they're accurate /sarcasm


But here you go:




As of March 1st the game is still at 1.7 million subs now with the vast majority beyond the first month.


By the end of June the game is estimated to have 2 million active subs if it continues expanding at this rate.

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Don't know why I bother since I know how some people will spin this and call it a conspiracy because obviously there isn't a third party agency that signs off on these to make sure they're accurate /sarcasm


But here you go:




As of March 1st the game is still at 1.7 million subs now with the vast majority beyond the first month.


By the end of June the game is estimated to have 2 million active subs if it continues expanding at this rate.


So you call a loss of subscriber's "expanding"? Well I have news for you this game is way too casual friendly to have people play for the long run.


This game attracts solo players with its "story". Once they try out the different stories and maybe play a few "operations" whats left with them?


Don't try to tell me this games operations and pvp have any holding power. Getting geared in record time isn't going to keep subscribers. This game is too damn easy and there is no carrot on the stick incentive to keep playing since you can get geared so fast.


Also with rated warzones coming out there will be no gear upgrade for doing well in rated warzones? Really? How is that going to incentivize people to keep pvping over other well known pvp mmos. The game's engine isn't even built for smooth, fluid pvp action.


I like the game for it's pve content but it is way too easy and 1.2 won't change the fact that this game has no holding power.


Expect subscriptions to go down. They may fluctuate up and down but it won't grow at an enourmous pace.

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This predicting the future doesn't say anything. "At current rate we expect..."


My bro and I extended our playtime in januari with a GC, which ends 20 march.


He already quit, i'm quitting the 20th. And so are many more people on my server.


Also can anyone tell me how it's possible the servers were heavy/full all the time during 1st month now all are low/standard even though EA claims there was no drop? :rolleyes:

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So you call a loss of subscriber's "expanding"? Well I have news for you this game is way too casual friendly to have people play for the long run.


This game attracts solo players with its "story". Once they try out the different stories and maybe play a few "operations" whats left with them?


Don't try to tell me this games operations and pvp have any holding power. Getting geared in record time isn't going to keep subscribers. This game is too damn easy and there is no carrot on the stick incentive to keep playing since you can get geared so fast.


Also with rated warzones coming out there will be no gear upgrade for doing well in rated warzones? Really? How is that going to incentivize people to keep pvping over other well known pvp mmos. The game's engine isn't even built for smooth, fluid pvp action.


I like the game for it's pve content but it is way too easy and 1.2 won't change the fact that this game has no holding power.


Expect subscriptions to go down. They may fluctuate up and down but it won't grow at an enourmous pace.


I have news for you: Humans don't have the psychic ability to predict the future, nor do you have the right to tell me what I enjoy.

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I have news for you: Humans don't have the psychic ability to predict the future, nor do you have the right to tell me what I enjoy.


Anyone can predict the future. They may not be right but they can make a guess.


It's fine that you enjoy it, but with the changes I have seen thus far coming in 1.2 and the botched legacy system I expect it will grow stale for a great many of us who have come to expect more from mmos.

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the reason playerbase has not fallen off is the expansion of the asian servers happening right about the time the hardcore gamers are quitting because they are "bored."


So, I think their numbers might start to reverse here shortly if 1.2 patch isn't a hit. I know a lot of people are just waiting on that. If they deliver just 50% of what is promised, I'll be happy to continue however. I really like the setting, and the entire concept of the game. Most of my complaints are technical in nature.

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I have news for you: Humans don't have the psychic ability to predict the future, nor do you have the right to tell me what I enjoy.


You can complain all you want, but the man has spoken the truth.


It's why me and my bro left anyway.

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So you call a loss of subscriber's "expanding"? Well I have news for you this game is way too casual friendly to have people play for the long run.


This game attracts solo players with its "story". Once they try out the different stories and maybe play a few "operations" whats left with them?


Don't try to tell me this games operations and pvp have any holding power. Getting geared in record time isn't going to keep subscribers. This game is too damn easy and there is no carrot on the stick incentive to keep playing since you can get geared so fast.


Also with rated warzones coming out there will be no gear upgrade for doing well in rated warzones? Really? How is that going to incentivize people to keep pvping over other well known pvp mmos. The game's engine isn't even built for smooth, fluid pvp action.


I like the game for it's pve content but it is way too easy and 1.2 won't change the fact that this game has no holding power.


Expect subscriptions to go down. They may fluctuate up and down but it won't grow at an enourmous pace.





PROOF that people like you just aren't right that in January "they will go down, believe me" february "they will go down, trust me" march "they will go down, they will!" just stop it ok? It's not gonna go down. It's not going to tank like YOU want it to. Just stop. It won't grow at an enormous pace..it will grow at a steady pace. Just like it has been doing these months.


Stop with the doomsaying

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Yes this game doesn't go down because:


1) Casuals keep playing because they like the easy mode

2) People just want to play with glowsticks and that's all they care about in an MMO


The people who actually came to play a good MMO, have all left or are about to.

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PROOF that people like you just aren't right that in January "they will go down, believe me" february "they will go down, trust me" march "they will go down, they will!" just stop it ok? It's not gonna go down. It's not going to tank like YOU want it to. Just stop. It won't grow at an enormous pace..it will grow at a steady pace. Just like it has been doing these months.


Stop with the doomsaying


Subscribtion's have already gone down. A loss of 300,000 subscriber's isn't going down?


that's like 15% of the subscriptions since they last released their numbers. I never wanted the game to fail but after being lied to by bioware and their failure to deliver what they promised I have grown bitter.

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PROOF that people like you just aren't right that in January "they will go down, believe me" february "they will go down, trust me" march "they will go down, they will!" just stop it ok? It's not gonna go down. It's not going to tank like YOU want it to. Just stop. It won't grow at an enormous pace..it will grow at a steady pace. Just like it has been doing these months.


Stop with the doomsaying


Just ignore the trolls.

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Subscribtion's have already gone down. A loss of 300,000 subscriber's isn't going down?


that's like 15% of the subscriptions since they last released their numbers. I never wanted the game to fail but after being lied to by bioware and their failure to deliver what they promised I have grown bitter.


And yet you're still here.

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Yes this game doesn't go down because:


1) Casuals keep playing because they like the easy mode

2) People just want to play with glowsticks and that's all they care about in an MMO


The people who actually came to play a good MMO, have all left or are about to.


Strange opinion you have about 'who' plays this game.


'The people who actually came to play a good MMO, have all left or are about to' is possibly the silliest line i've read this month (in 3 languages :))

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Subscribtion's have already gone down. A loss of 300,000 subscriber's isn't going down?


that's like 15% of the subscriptions since they last released their numbers. I never wanted the game to fail but after being lied to by bioware and their failure to deliver what they promised I have grown bitter.


300K loss? Last months sub numbers were 1.7, this months sub numbers are 1.7( or ALMOST 1.7 depending on the article). Where is this 300K coming from?

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The numbers ares still that high becouse


1. Theres nothing better to play (atleast theres ME3 for now)


2. GW2, Tera and Secret World isnt out yet


I still have my subscription. Am i active? No..havent logged in for 2 days, cant be arsed doing dailys, but i just.. cant unsubscribe. People still need me for operations :/


If any of the games in point 2 was out tomorrow, i would unsub directly

Edited by SeloDaoC
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This predicting the future doesn't say anything. "At current rate we expect..."


My bro and I extended our playtime in januari with a GC, which ends 20 march.


He already quit, i'm quitting the 20th. And so are many more people on my server.


Also can anyone tell me how it's possible the servers were heavy/full all the time during 1st month now all are low/standard even though EA claims there was no drop? :rolleyes:


"Hey..Rob..more people are coming into the game, what should we do? Our servers say full all the time"


"Well Rob, I think it's about time we raise caps on the servers"


"Mark, wouldn't that change the way the titles are perceived by the players i.e. full, very heavy, heavy and so on?"


"We need to make the population cap increase to accommodate the new players coming in regardless of what the titles of server population show"


"Yes, sir. I will now increase the pop cap on some of the servers that need them and full will now be very heavy or heavy, very heavy will now be heavy or standard and standard will be standard or light depending on the server."


"Very good, if people don't get it, we will just explain it to them why the servers keep looking like they are having big drop offs Rob"


*proceeds to tell the community why server titles are changing and it looks like a huge dropoff of people*


*in come the people, i.e. doomsayers, tin foil hat theorists and pessimists, negative people and the i told you so people*


"sir..they won't understand what I am telling them."


"That's not your job Rob. That's THEIR decision whether or not they want to believe us, the poeple who made the game, or the conspiracy theories. You did your job well. Now keep raising the pop cap numbers! More people are coming in!!!"

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Subscribtion's have already gone down. A loss of 300,000 subscriber's isn't going down?


that's like 15% of the subscriptions since they last released their numbers. I never wanted the game to fail but after being lied to by bioware and their failure to deliver what they promised I have grown bitter.


if this game in ANY way shape or form failed..it would be dead on its hard butt rock bottom right now! It would be in the shadows not being advertised anywhere, not being on tv shows, not being on some billboards around towns. If this game is SOOO bad like people like you say, IT WOULDN'T EVEN BE WITH MORE THAN 500,000 PEOPLE! Sorry..nearing 2 mill subs isn't failing


There are people on the planet that say Avatar was a big fail..uhh..yeah..sure.. :rolleyes:

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And not to mention that the game got an official release in Asia region which should bring in more numbers.


As odd as it may sound, I'm starting to think the numbers are going up especially with 1.2 around the corner.


I was honestly expecting a drop.

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Subscribtion's have already gone down. A loss of 300,000 subscriber's isn't going down?


that's like 15% of the subscriptions since they last released their numbers. I never wanted the game to fail but after being lied to by bioware and their failure to deliver what they promised I have grown bitter.


Huh? Last statement they made they had 1.7m subs, now it is the same. That is not a drop as 1.7m = 1.7m.


Difference is this 1.7m has a much larger percentage already done their 30 days that came with box.

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The numbers ares still that high becouse


1. Theres nothing better to play (atleast theres ME3 for now)


2. GW2, Tera and Secret World isnt out yet


I still have my subscription. Am i active? No..havent logged in for 2 days, cant be arsed doing dailys, but i just.. cant unsubscribe. People still need me for operations :/


If any of the games in point 2 was out tomorrow, i would unsub directly


You are in for one h e l l of a disappointment on gw2 buddy...sorry. I hope people aren't expecting any voice over or cutscenes or choices in that game, because there are none and the voice content is corny. A backdrop of with cinematic black bars upper and lower and npc on right side, you on the left, and the lips aren't even in sync. They are TRYING to copy TOR in the aspect of story and voice over, but have not gotten it. Even ncsoft is seeing where BioWare took mmos. A whole new level. It's called voice over :)

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This game is dying. Everyone is leaving it for LOL.

This game is dying. Everyone is leaving it for AION.

This game is dying. Everyone is leaving it for RIFT.

This game is dying. Everyone is leaving it for FF14.

This game is dying. Everyone is leaving it for TOR.

This game is dying. Everyone is leaving for GW2.

This game is dying. Everyone is going back to WoW.

This game is dying. Everyone is just casual.


Out of curiosity, how many times has Nostradamus predicted the world will end? How many evangelical doomsayers have said the world will end? In october! God spoke to me! I mean march! Eh... its not an exact science, you know. Wait! Its the Mayan calender! No! A black man was elected president, so this MUST be the second coming (proof of a miracle or curse, depending on which side of the crazy fence you are on).


Really? Seriously?


Let me tell you what I know for fact, regardless of numbers.

I log in.

I go to fleet.

I say, /general Guardian/Tank LFG HM Daily.

I go check my mail for auction sales.

I join a party.

I have fun.





Let me tell you what does not happen.

I log in.

I go to fleet.

I see absolutely no one else logged in.



To quote Monty Python, "Not dead yet."


As a related side note:

Blizzard has confirmed subscriptions are down.

Bioware says theirs are not.

Neither game is dead, but one of them at least has a cold.

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Yes this game doesn't go down because:


1) Casuals keep playing because they like the easy mode

2) People just want to play with glowsticks and that's all they care about in an MMO


The people who actually came to play a good MMO, have all left or are about to.






If I were running a company, I would much rather have 2 million subs (mostly casuals) averaged out from year to year than have 500k subs of die hard MMO players.


Simple math.


For kicks, I typed /played and it told me 4 days, 12 hours of time. So since pre-launch, I have invested fully 4.5 days of the last 70 ish to a video game. To me, that's a lot, but many would say that is "casual".


So... I'm not logging in for a week or so and I'm going to read a book or something and because it's "casual / easy mode", when I come back, I won't feel as though I am behind the curve or anything.


*shrugs again and goes to bed*



Sleepy_Canuck :)

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