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So... a marauder(sentinel) broke 819k damage... why do you guys need buffs again?


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lol what? Your analytical skills are seriously lacking. He got 819k damage AND 66 kills... how is 66 kills translate into "inability to kill your target"?


My forum friend, people on these forums will not soon see reason.


Obviously this guy is more skilled than anyone in here trying to downplay his achievement. Even with 2-3million in heals you aren't going to automatically get near 1million damage.


IMO, people should spend less time posting SS's of 800-900k damage accompanied by 2-3million in heals (though it is an act worthy of some measure of praise).


Instead, people should spread awareness of the real issue -- Shadows/Assassins.


For your viewing pleasure:



Edited by -Sithis-
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sit on a really good healer for a match, not AoEing on VS and break 600k as Watch. It equates to hitting a test dummy, can sit there for 10 min putting out DPS, yet not actually killing the target...that alone will just inflate the numbers to stupid lvls. Either way like it has been pointed out, its all squ'd from an obvious uneven match.



I don't think we need buffs either really. Its just 90% of the population has a problem playing it for one reason or another (which frankly confuses me sometimes) and the consensus is sent needs help. well this is obviously on the other end of the scope. figure out how to play to the max lvl, and look what you can do ;P


If i can sit on a healer for 10 mins and he doesn't die in that amount of time, he's not doing anything for his team at all so this is a good thing still.



Also marauder doesn't run out of steam where as the healers will.

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I am one of those who want to see changes, however this is only to put the class a little more balanced not a huge swing. I make this based on the game play styles on Harbinger for PvP. Maybe there is a mass difference on other servers, but I have to go with what I have to play against.

1) I have seen Sentinels break 500K on my server, however these were off epeening in a corner to rack up medals with a full time healer.

2) I rarely even see another Sent in PvP in the same WZ, but I often see multiple marauders weird but true. I think people playing rep side prefer ranged classes on my server for everything because most of them bring way more to the table then a Sent.

3) I have said it before but I find that players are rarely dumb enough to let you rack up much more then 200k. As soon as I start to rack up some kills, or make the healers lives miserable I find I get marked and then start the chain of return to spawn point.

4) Ranged classes far out strip melee classes for the leader boards in Kills , dmg, and medals

5) Its all about the win . People nail down the objectives and get the wins not worry about damage done and kills gained. This means the fact that a Sent can do lots of damage does not mean you get to do a lot of damage, as you have to be in constant melee range of up to 8 other people and they will not tolerate you for long whacking on them, while they try to nail down their objectives.

6) The classes that do lead the boards by a huge margin are ranged based not melee based on either side. Operatives, bounty hunters, troopers plain just mop up.

PvP solo WZ's are so easily manipulated by premade groups its laughable. Of all 4 of my classes yes the Sent is difficult and fun, but the advantages other classes hold over us is pretty steep.

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I dont think the ACs need buffs at all.


I am however curious as to why you would use that SS. Its clearly a premade against a pug, there are several healers with some impressive numbers, some gaurding is happening, the other team did poorly, as such I'm willing to bet the game was prolonged for farming.

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we don't need buffs, the watchman tree needs some sacrifices for the amount of dmg it can do plus the heals and with the 2 most OP abilities in the game Force Camo and Guarded by The Force...basically 9 seconds of Immunity if your spec'd right


Keeping burns rolling is tedious, but possible. and lots of burns crit. I have 19k hp buffed so I'm getting heals for 380 all the time. Sents are usually the first targets since there the ones who should be beating/interrupting healers. With Zen pop'd you heal the people in your group which i feel should be the entire Ops..not just group members.


And that 819k is Impressive, but you can beat on healers all day long and never interrupt them and blow 1 mil dmg easy.


There are more issues @ hand over Sents, like sitting there with a ranged attack (Tracer Missle/Grav Round) and spam it non stop over and over for 2k..must be nice..Give a shorter CD on merc slash please

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Once I hit 50 with my Sent, pvp sucked hard. It's like I was wearing pajamas. I was also combat spec. Switched to Watchman and sucked a little less. Once I got into Champion gear, I'm now basically unstoppable. Huge difference. The problem for Sentinels is that we're more gear dependent than other classes but then we're really OP after that.
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First off I gotta wonder what you all did since you just barely won with 10 points left on alderaan when the opposition did close to no damage to you at all. Looks really strange.


Anyways Marauders+sentinels does not need an overral boost mostly I'd say the middle tree could use a small buff to get in line with the others. I'd love as an example to make combat for sentinels and the same marauder tree a tree that focuses more on Inspiration since zen is best for the watchman tree(imo it feels that way) and then focus is transcendence. Give that middle tree a reason to be taken for raids and pvp opposed to constant run speed buff or a fair share of extra healing to your party.

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Also, this guy may have been focus specced, as his heals are WAY too low for a watchman build.


This screenie may also be shopped, cause the damage vs. heals numbers aren't adding up right for a sentinel.


Correct me if Im wrong but... isnt the third skill on the bottom row Annihilate? meaning annihilate spec.

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if it's easy to put up 800k+ numbers, why don't we see these numbers all the time?


and no, I'm not mad.


Just perplexed why people believe marauders/sentinels are underpowered as a class.


other classes do hit those numbers

Edited by HollowVamp
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I'll save you the trouble- no one capped any point for a long time.


This would be logically sound EXCEPT for the fact that none of the other players in the warzone broke 500k. The rest of the dps did 200-400k damage... none were even remotely close to marauder.


If the sole reason why the marauder was able to rack up the damage is due to warzone length, then all the other dps classes should put up similar numbers... but it's not the case here.

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:cool: ok look! if you really want to know how i racked up 800k in damage i will tell u. but serously, lets be calm about this.. dont hate on me


Would be hard since it wasn't you ...


Mid was only capped at the end, Imperial team vastly out geared the Rep team and were very experienced in working together as premade groups, this was not an even fight in any way.


The marauder with all the damage is excellent at what he does and had a great team.

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This would be logically sound EXCEPT for the fact that none of the other players in the warzone broke 500k. The rest of the dps did 200-400k damage... none were even remotely close to marauder.


If the sole reason why the marauder was able to rack up the damage is due to warzone length, then all the other dps classes should put up similar numbers... but it's not the case here.


Actually, that is exactly the case. Someone on the same team put up 700k, and 2 people on the other team put up 500k healing. Someone on his team put up 500k damage. All that is proof positive of an extended game.

Edited by Enexemander
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I've had over 70 kills in a Voidstar but only about 520k-ish dmg. This looks like a very long fight at mid without anyone capping. 820k dmg with only 66 kills makes it seem like the opposing team healed a lot
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Would be hard since it wasn't you ...


Mid was only capped at the end, Imperial team vastly out geared the Rep team and were very experienced in working together as premade groups, this was not an even fight in any way.


The marauder with all the damage is excellent at what he does and had a great team.

So... let's review.


- They "vastly outgeared the enemy team"

- "They were very experienced in working together as premade groups"

- "The marauder with all the damage is excellent at what he does and had a great team"

- "This was not an even fight in any way" (best part!)

-> They won by 10 points


Something seems to be wrong.


Not saying that 800k isn't quite something as an Anni Marauder but it was obviously a bland zerg game where the Imps were superior in any aspect and still they nearly screwed up. So all I can see is a game that took way, way too long considering its onesidedness - more embarrassing than awesome imo. :)

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If i can sit on a healer for 10 mins and he doesn't die in that amount of time, he's not doing anything for his team at all so this is a good thing still.



Also marauder doesn't run out of steam where as the healers will.


I never said it was a bad thing, i said it inflates numbers. Also never said anything about running out of steam...



Anything else you would like to misquote? ;P

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they don't need a buff but brining that screenshot as prove of it it's moronic.


it's like to say my car is fast if i jump out of a clif i crash at 300mh/h ergo my car don't need a speed boost


exceptional exterior condition create exceptional result that CAN'T BE USED AS PROVE OF NOTHING


if you want to prove something get 2 premade equally skilled play 10 matches and at the end analyze the result.


I can't belive people once again.

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Look - if you roll with a pre-made and face noobs what do you expect to happen? This particular match there was alot of healing, meaning more uptime for DPS on the people being healed meaning huge numbers by the end.


My guild got lucky the other day, and both of our premades got into 1 WZ. We faced noobs and farmed them - the numbers were obviously inflated to a stupid lvl. I managed top overall damage that match with 600 something k and like like 1:20 left (in VS thats no biggie) but with 96 kills and 0 deaths.


The point being it all depends on the situation. If you wreck someone and they don't get a chance to heal, then your overall damage at the end of the game will be lower. You effectively killed your target.


There are countless situations where this can happen, and it by no means calls for us being nerfed. We are a powerful class in PVP no doubt - but numbers like this really only happen when their is excessive healing, and or a clear advantage.


I for one have never hit over 800k, thats pretty impressive IMO - but at the same time we play to win, and wreck our way through WZ's as fast as possible....unless of corse we see guildys in huttball, or sith we have beef with - then its farm time!

Edited by Bishidoblade
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From what I have read, its not a Sent buff anyway. IGN had an article up about new abilities for"WARRIORS/KNIGHTS" not a buff, new abilities. I also read that they have plans to give sent/mara some of their defensive CD's a little earlier.


That's what I got out of the articles I read. They are trying to make sentinels and guardians stronger during the leveling process, something they could use. I don't think it will make knights/warriors any stronger at 50.

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